Approving users using a custom dbms_ldap

We need to create an custom approval process for certain users in a specific LDAP container (MY_USERS). We need to create some type of application that can reset passwords for these users. How can we incorporate this using dbms_ldap?

You need to post this question on the database OLAP forum as the enablement for OLAP process is owned by the database team.
I presume you did run the 'enable Analytic Workspace for OLAP API and BI Beans' option from within AWM after you added the two new measures? If not you will need to generate the CWM2 metadata to register the new measures.
Hope this helps
Business Intelligence Beans Product Management Team
Oracle Corporation

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  • Creating users using custom made class/UI in portal

    This is what i have to achieve,
    I need to create an interface in portal which will,
    1. Create users in the OID where the users extend a class which i have created in OID with my custom attributes.
    2. Then create them in portal and then assign them to default groups which will depend on a parameter in the user creation form.
    From reading various documents in Metalink and OTN i have understood that the wwsec_api package allows us to do all this except that it is all for a user which will extend a predefined set of classes.
    So i decided to do this
    1.Make entries into the OID using the DBMS_LDAP package using commands like
    emp_vals(1) := p_first_name;
    retval := DBMS_LDAP.add_s(emp_session,emp_dn,emp_array);
    2.Fire the wwsec_api.add_portal_user to create the portal user and then activate and assign him to the default group after running the provsyns.sql file
    The problem i face is that i get errors when i execute the said procedure from any other schema other than portal.
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    The insert worked fine but i still had to set his default group.I tried updating the rows for the user to set the default_group column but there seems to be a trigger on it which causes the update to fail.
    Also when i check up the wwsec_person$ table there two rows for each user that i created ,one without the GUID/default_group and the other with the GUID/default_group.I guess this is because of the trigger.
    If i try using the wwsec_api.set_defaultgroup api, the proc fails.
    It is quite interesting to note that all the steps mentioned above, grant access to the user to portal.
    But the place it fails is while setting the default group for the same which is of prime importance to me.
    Also because I am inserting directly into the tables i have also to delete them when the user is deleted, this is because i again cannot execute the delete_portal_user in the wwsec_api package from the browser.
    Surprisingly the wwsec_api.create_list function works fine.
    Once i have created the users all the manipulations like changing group memberships etc become easy as i just modify the required details in the OID itself.
    What i need is a proper/safe way to do what i have just mentioned above.
    Please help out ASAP as this is urgent.

    Based on your requirements, you should go about things a little differently...
    You have written your custom DBMS_LDAP code to create and populate the user entry including your custom objectclasses - good.
    You don't need to create the user profile in the Portal schema at all.
    To set the default group, just set the orcldefaultprofilegroup attribute in the user entry in OID. This should be set to the DN of the default group.
    When the user logs on, his profile will automatically be created, and the default group will also sync up with the user entry in OID (patch required - 2830252).
    Also, you should have DIP provisioning running so that updates to the orcldefaultprofilegroup attribute in OID are subsequently conveyed to the portal schema. It will also take care of automatically deleting the user profile from the portal if the user is removed from OID.
    Please see the Portal Configuration Guide on how to enable and activate the Directory Integration Platform (DIP) provisioning integration between OID and Portal

  • Customize Approval Form to add custom fields using SharePoint Designer

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    Thanks in advanced!

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to customize Approval Form to add custom fields using SharePoint Designer.
    In the SharePoint Designer, you can customize the task form.
    Here is a great article for your reference:
    Creating Custom Workflow Task Approval Forms with SharePoint Designer 2010
    However, every task can only have one task form.
    That is to say, the two approvors will have the same task form.
    As a workaround, I recommend to customzie the task form using InfoPath.
    You can create different view for the approvors.
    You need to add form load rules to swich views based on the approvors.
    More information:
    Using Multiple Views in Customized List Forms
    Add, delete, and switch views (pages) in a form - InfoPath
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to detect if a user has changed a record using a custom method?

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    Thanks in advance for your help

    If you just want to know if the value has changed you can put it in a while loop and use shift registers to see if the value has changed.
    Attachments: ‏22 KB

  • Error while Creating user using Custome form

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    My response is based on the following assumptions:
    Your custom form is similar to that of CreateUser form in all manners. The logic at the back-end has been written by you as well. As soon as you get all the values you call the createUser API of OIM to create the user. You have wriiten your custom action classes as well.
    The insert error may be due to the reason that the user which you are using to create the user doesn't have sufficient permissions. In other words, if this is done through Java code then while instaniating the API, the user used must be missing these permissions.
    If the error is due to this permission for users then we can give these additional permissions to individual users, if in case its not and you have some other scenario then just give me more details, probably I can help you for it.

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    Hashtable<Object,Object> env = new Hashtable<Object,Object>();
    env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory");
    env.put(OIMClient.JAVA_NAMING_PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:14000");
    System.setProperty("OIM.AppServerType", "wls");
    System.setProperty("APPSERVER_TYPE", "wls");
    tcUtilityFactory ioUtilityFactory = new tcUtilityFactory(env, "xelsysadm", "Weblogic123$");
    OIMClient client = new OIMClient(env);
    client.login("xelsysadm", "Weblogic123$".toCharArray());
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    tcUserOperationsIntf moUserUtility = (tcUserOperationsIntf)ioUtilityFactory.getUtility("Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf");
    Hashtable mhSearchCriteria = new Hashtable();
    tcResultSet moResultSet = moUserUtility.findAllUsers(mhSearchCriteria);
    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate).
    log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
    Exception in thread "main" Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException: Error occurred while finding users.
    at weblogic.rjvm.ResponseImpl.unmarshalReturn(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf_e9jcxp_tcUserOperationsIntfRemoteImpl_1036_WLStub.findAllUsersx(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.RemoteBusinessIntfProxy.invoke(
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy2.findAllUsersx(Unknown Source)
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntfDelegate.findAllUsers(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at Thor.API.Base.SecurityInvocationHandler$
    at Thor.API.Security.LoginHandler.weblogicLoginSession.runAs(
    at Thor.API.Base.SecurityInvocationHandler.invoke(
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy3.findAllUsers(Unknown Source)
    at oim.standalone.code.OIMAPIConnection.usersearch(
    at oim.standalone.code.OIMAPIConnection.main(
    Caused by: Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException: Error occurred while finding users.
    at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcUserOperationsBean.findAllUsers(
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntfEJB.findAllUsersx(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1614.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.injection.EnvironmentInterceptorCallbackImpl.callback(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy347.findAllUsersx(Unknown Source)
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf_e9jcxp_tcUserOperationsIntfRemoteImpl.__WL_invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.SessionRemoteMethodInvoker.invoke(
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf_e9jcxp_tcUserOperationsIntfRemoteImpl.findAllUsersx(Unknown Source)
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf_e9jcxp_tcUserOperationsIntfRemoteImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableServerRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(
    Thank you

    Hi J,
    Thanks for the reply. But the code is working fine for OOTB attributes and  for 11g API i am getting permission exception
    Exception in thread "main" oracle.iam.platform.authz.exception.AccessDeniedException: You do not have permission to search the following user attributes: USR_UDF_ACTUALSTARTDATE.
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1034.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at oracle.iam.platform.utils.DMSMethodInterceptor.invoke(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
    at com.sun.proxy.$ Source)
    at oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManagerEJB.searchx(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1449.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.injection.EnvironmentInterceptorCallbackImpl.callback(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy365.searchx(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManager_nimav7_UserManagerRemoteImpl.__WL_invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.SessionRemoteMethodInvoker.invoke(
    at oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManager_nimav7_UserManagerRemoteImpl.searchx(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManager_nimav7_UserManagerRemoteImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableServerRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(
    Caused by: oracle.iam.identity.exception.SearchAttributeAccessDeniedException: You do not have permission to search the following user attributes: USR_UDF_ACTUALSTARTDATE.
    ... 44 more

  • Azure AD user name not using configured custom domain name

    I have configured a few users for Lync Online that I setup before I had custom domain name work with Azure AD.  Now I have the custom domain setup and verified and configured as the primary domain.  The users that were configured for Lync
    Online are still displayed with the * username in Azure AD.
    Is there a way I can change these users so their usernames use our custom domain?

    You can easily change the UPN via PowerShell:
    Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName [email protected] -NewUserPrincipalName [email protected]
    If you want to do this in bulk for all users, you can use something like this:
    $all = Get-MsolUser -All
    $users = $all | ? {$_.UserPrincipalName -match ""}
    $users | % {Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName -NewUserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName.Replace("","")}
    Test it first against a single user of course :)

  • Mass Approval + User Decision Notes

    We are configuring UWL in a SAP Nw 7.01 SP10 Portal.
    We have created a custom XML file where we define a decision task with approve and reject actions; user decision notes are enabled in both actions:
         <ItemType name="uwl.task.webflow.decision.TS90100261.SAP_ECC_Financials" connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="POCAllView" defaultAction="viewDetail" executionMode="default">
              <ItemTypeCriteria systemId="SAP_ECC_Financials" externalType="TS90100261" connector="WebFlowConnector"/>          
                   <Action name="ApproveRequest" groupAction="yes" handler="UserDecisionHandler" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" launchInNewWindow="no">
                        <Property name="decisionKey" value="0001"/>
                        <Property name="UserDecisionNote" value="true"/>
                        <Property name="display_order_priority" value="uwlExcludeFromPreviewDetail"/>
                        <Property name="UserDecisionTitle" value="Approve the request"/>
                     <Descriptions default="Approve"/>
                   <Action name="RejectRequest" groupAction="yes" handler="UserDecisionHandler" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" launchInNewWindow="no">
                        <Property name="decisionKey" value="0002"/>
                        <Property name="UserDecisionNote" value="mandatory"/>
                        <Property name="display_order_priority" value="uwlExcludeFromPreviewDetail"/>
                     <Descriptions default="Reject"/>
    Then we define a view that allows mass approval/rejection using checkboxes and a submit decisions button:
    <View name="POCAllView" selectionMode="SINGLESELECT" width="98%" supportedItemTypes="uwl.task.webflow.decision.TS90100261.SAP_ECC_Financials" columnOrder="APPROVE, REJECT, subject, creatorId, createdDate, priority, attachmentCount, dueDate, status, MYATTRIBUTE01, MYATTRIBUTE02, MYATTRIBUTE03" sortby="priority:descend, dueDate:ascend, createdDate:descend" tableDesign="STANDARD" visibleRowCount="10" headerVisible="yes" queryRange="undefined" tableNavigationFooterVisible="yes" tableNavigationType="CUSTOMNAV" refresh="300" dueDateSevere="0" dueDateWarning="0" emphasizedItems="none" displayOnlyDefinedAttributes="yes" dynamicCreationAllowed="yes" actionPosition="bottom" referenceBundle="pocall_tasks">
            <DisplayAttribute name="APPROVE" type="checkbox" width="" actionRef="ApproveRequest" referenceBundle="PoC.Approve" hAlign="CENTER" vAlign="MIDDLE"/>
            <DisplayAttribute name="REJECT" type="checkbox" width="" actionRef="RejectRequest" referenceBundle="PoC.Reject" hAlign="CENTER" vAlign="MIDDLE"/>
         <Action reference="submitUserDecisions"/>
            <Action reference="refresh"/>
            <Action reference="defaultGlobalWizard"/>
            <Action reference="addToNavigation"/>
            <Action reference="removeFromNavigation"/>
    However, we don't know how to include the decision note if the checkboxes + submit decision button are used.
    Does anyone have experience with this configuration and knows the solution? Points will be rewarded.

    create a custom view/subview for the UWL item and configure it according to your needs.
    Have a look at this blog:
    Mass/Batch Processing of Work items in UWL
    and also check the documentation:

  • Customize SP2010 OOTB approval workflow using SP designer

    Even though it has been long time i raised the following question:
    but i never created the workflow using the proposed solution until now. After doing some testing i can verify the proposed solution doesn't work for the following reason:
    1.If i use 'user who created current item' and at the time of submitting the workflow add a different user email address in the 'Approver' field. It doesn't assign task to the user who has been manually added into approver field. It would still assign the
    task to the user who created the current item which is incorrect.
    2.If i use 'user who created current item' and a user who created the page has moved from his/her role, when submitting the workflow manually, the system will assign the task to the user who created the original item not the one who has just modified the
    Ideally we would like to add the 'Approver' when submitting the workflow manually. Is there any other way of doing this? or i have tried the following:
    Copy default approval workflow -> Edit Workflow -> Initiation Form Parameters -> Modify Approvers -> Change 'Collect from parameter during:' to Initiation (starting the workflow) -> Next -> Finish -> OK -> Save -> Publish
    This lets you add the approver and would assign the task to the correct user. Is this a correct approach?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    By collecting the values during initiation, you would be able to make it work correctly.  The only down side to this approach is that there are no default values, but that's a small price to pay for a working process.
    If you tested this and it works correctly, I would say that you have a good solution without having to dive too deep into custom code.
    I trust that answers your question...
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  • How to capture user input for customer exit processing?

    I need to calculate the number of working days elapsed in the current fiscal quarter BASED on the USER INPUT on the reporting front.  i.e., say the fiscal quarter started on 1 July 2005 and if the user enters 10 July 2005, I should get the value 8 (Assume that Monday through Friday are all workdays).  If the user enters 12 July 2005, I should get 10.  I have written customer exits and know how to use factory calendar, but <b>THE CHALLENGE</b> is how do I <b>CAPTURE</b> the user input and use it in my exit?  During the varible definition, if I select the check box "Ready for input" then the customer exit is not being processed and unless I check that box I can't get a user entry!  If I look at the import values in the customer exit, I see i_t_var_range with type rrs0_t_var_range.  My strong feeling is that this parameter gets the user input, but I am unable to use it as the customer exit is not being called if I make the user to input the data.  Based on the empirical evidence, I felt that user input and customer exit can not co-exist!!  Please somebody prove me wrong and let me know how can I use the user input to process my "customer-exit" variable.  I would really appreciate any input from the BW community here.

    Hi Sameer,
    Most likely, I'm missing something, but I think that the answer is very simple.
    IF I_STEP = 2. “ After selecting of input variable
    In this typical user exit coding you have a user entered value in LOC_VAR_RANGE (originally in I_T_VAR_RANGE) and you construct your user exit variable value in E_T_RANGE.
    Best regards,
    Message was edited by: Eugene Khusainov

  • User exit MM06E005 - Customer fields in purchasing document

    I am using user exit MM06E005 - Customer fields in purchasing document to validate the line items in PO and display the value at header level.
    My requirement is when the user enters the line items and press enter the validated value should get populated at header level.I had included a tab (customer tab) in that the value should get displayed.
    likewise for each and every line items the value should keep on changing.
    I the field that i had added at header shows the value during the save but once we come out and enter again,it is not displaying the same.

    Indeed the exit which you have specified MM06E005 comprises the enhancement for customizing fields and screens associated with it. may be you might not have activated the screen associated with the exit. the screen might have been created but missed while activating.

  • How to restrict a user typing a custom value in the dDocAccount field.

    I have dDocAccount field drop down pre-populated with 2 values - Dept1, Dept2. However, user can able to type any other values (say Dept3) in the account text box and checkin a doc from WCC UI. How to restrict user from entering custom values?
    As an alternate solution - for time being i have the above account field is set as hidden using rule. I am trying to derive the account value from another one field's value (say Departments field with values Dept1, Dept2). I tried below code and found working:
    Department is a custom field created as option list with values Dept1, Dept2
    Under the Rules, for the field dDocAccount, is derived field checked and added below code
    <$dprDerivedValue=#active.xDepartment, getValue("#local","dOption")$>

    If Department is a custom metadata then you should access it like xDepartment(as any other custom metadata), not dDepartment.
    I know it is also possible to change the HTML that is generated for the dDocAccount field, to add javascript validation and so on, maybe this approach plus some additional JS and HTML twists and you should get it working(via component development).
    Hope it helps,

  • How to make use of customer reserve pricing types in copying control

    Hi All
    Please inform how to make use of 'customer reserve' pricing types like 'X,Y,Z & 1-9' keys in copying control.
    Right now I'm on maintenance & supporting project for european client.  They used pricing type 'Z' for copying condition records from stadard sales order to returns(RE) order.  I wanted to know that what is 'Z' and how it is functioning to resolve one urgent ticket assigned to me.
    Could you please guide me where should I verify its logic.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Seshu,
    Pricing type changes will done at user exit level. You may want to look at the user exit USEREXIT_PRICING_RULE (module pool SAPLV61A, program RV61AFZA)
    Also, OSS note 24832 will help you to get an understanding.
    Please reward points if helpful

  • Making Purchase Order approval window to pickup custom rtf template.

    We customized our purchase order using rtf method. I changed the print option to text from PDF in Purchasing options so that it will pickup the "print purchase order" which is a program based on rdf.
    My rtf is getting input from this program (POXPRPOP.rdf) Every thing is working fine except that when you say print from purchase order approval window the pdf wont get generated. You had to run another program "XML REPORT PUBLISHER" to get the PDF output.
    This is causing problem in automatic dispatching of Purchase Orders. Can any one help me in how to make the approval window pickup the Custom template while running the "print Purchase Order Program".

    Vish ,
    I am also working on that....
    Tell me one thing How you are viewing the XML Data ...Is it from the XSL-FO template??.... In XSL-FO template all the XML data is not present which is generated by Java Program.....
    Check for The Views.... PO%XML.... In these Views whatever the Column names are present you can use those columns as a tag field in your XSL-FO template.....
    Normally in Java program they are taking the all the columns of these views to generate the XML DATA..... But in XSL-FO Template they had not mentioned all the fields..because Many of the columns are not having any data.....
    This is the part of my new R&D..... I still need to apply this thing.....
    Let me know if you have any update for me.......

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