Apt @Override annotation

I am having the following problem with apt: if I run it against an input file which uses the @Override annotation, I get the following warning:
warning: Annotation types without processors: [java.lang.Override]More specifically: I have the following input file:
public class test {
    public String toString() {
        return super.toString();
}and I run apt on it:
bash-3.2$ apt -XListAnnotationTypes -XPrintFactoryInfo -XPrintAptRounds ~/work/test.java
apt Round : 1
filenames: [/user/fabratu/home/work/test.java]
options: com.sun.tools.javac.util.Options@e5b723
Set of annotations found:[java.lang.Override]
Factory com.sun.istack.internal.ws.AnnotationProcessorFactoryImpl matches nothing.
warning: Annotation types without processors: [java.lang.Override]
1 warningMy question is: how to get rid of the warning? This gets especially annoying when I develop my own annotations and annotation processors, and when I run apt against inputs that are valid from my processors' point of view, I still get a warning.
One solution would be just to add @Override to the supportedAnnotations list of my factories (or directly add "*") but I don't want to do that.
Initially I thought that there would be some AnnotationProcessorFactory that processes @Override somewhere inside the JDK jars. That's why I've tried:
bash-3.2$ apt -XListAnnotationTypes -XPrintFactoryInfo -XPrintAptRounds -cp $CLASSPATH:$JAVA_HOME/lib/* ~/work/test.java
apt Round : 1
filenames: [/user/fabratu/home/work/test.java]
options: com.sun.tools.javac.util.Options@15a8767
Set of annotations found:[java.lang.Override]
Factory com.sun.istack.internal.ws.AnnotationProcessorFactoryImpl matches nothing.
warning: Annotation types without processors: [java.lang.Override]
1 warningAs you can see, no luck here.
Any clues?
I use JDK 1.6.0_02

then you could write a dummy processor that claims all the standard annotations and does nothing. This would be better (IMHO) than bundling that functionality in with your actual processor. (Keep the worker part separate >from the bit that works around the annoying warnings.Ok, that could work. Thanks for the idea.
So, this is a known issue for apt and JDK 1.5?Yes, apt has always behaved that way.
In retrospect, at least the annotations that come with the platform, like @Override and @Deprecated, should have been excluded from that warning. The warning itself by default is overkill; javac only emits the analogous warning if an annotation processing lint option is used.

Similar Messages

  • Generate "override" annotations for legacy code?

    Has anyone run across any utilities that will add override annotations to existing class files? I have a very large existing codebase that I would like to convert to use that annotation, but doing it by hand would be an exceptionally tedious task.

    Has anyone run across any utilities that will add
    override annotations to existing class files? I have
    a very large existing codebase that I would like to
    convert to use that annotation, but doing it by hand
    would be an exceptionally tedious task.This sounds like it should be possible using Jackpot (http://jackpot.netbeans.org/), but this particular transformation isn't one of their samples.

  • [svn] 4086: Remove random override annotation

    Revision: 4086
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-11-12 11:25:11 -0800 (Wed, 12 Nov 2008)
    Log Message:
    Remove random override annotation
    Modified Paths:

    The error states that the importData method must override a superclass method declaration. Strictly speaking, you are not overriding the importData method but implementing it, because "com.day.cq.polling.importer.Importer" is an interface, not a class. With Java 5, you were only allowed to use the @Override annotation on methods that override methods declared in a supertype. This changed with Java 6 where you could also use the @Override annotation for methods that implement methods of interfaces. Unfortunately, this specification change was not properly documented in Java 6 (see https://blogs.oracle.com/ahe/entry/override_snafu), but it is now with Java 7 (see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Override.html).
    I suspect that the compiler compliance level on your project is set to 1.5 (probably the default for the version of Eclipse you use). Changing it explicitly to 1.6 should resolve the compiler errors. To do that, open your project's properties in Eclipse, go to the "Java Compiler" section and set "Compiler compliance level" to 1.6.
    Hope this solves the problem,

  • The @Override annotation behaviour

    Why does the @Override annotation work with abstract methods and doesn's work with interface methods?
    For example:
    public abstract class Base {
      abstract public void foo();
    public class Child extends Base {
      @Override public void foo() { } // OK
    public interface Interface {
      void foo();
    public class Implementation implements Interface {
      @Override public void foo() { } // ERROR: method does not override a method from its superclass
    }Thanks you!

    I am not sure what you mean by doesn't work, but ...
    In the J2SE 1.5.0 documentation
    Indicates that a method declaration is intended to override a method declaration in a
    superclass. If a method is annotated with this annotation type but does not override a
    superclass method, compilers are required to generate an error message.This specifically states that this is used to require the compiler to generate an error message when the annotated method does not override a superclass method.
    Interfaces are not superclasses. In your example, the superclass of class Implementation is Object, not Interface.
    � {�                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Add@ Override annotation

    hi , can anyone please tell what does the warning "add @Override annotation " mean?? i am getting this warning in the run() method of a thread extended class...
    Edited by: streetfi8er on Jul 10, 2009 3:48 AM

    The warning means that you should put the annotation @Override atop the method declaration, like this:
    public void run() {
        // Remainder omitted
    }For further information on annotations and the @Override tag, see

  • Annotations-@Override

    Hello All,
    What is the purpose of using the @Override annotation ? . Wont' it be better, if we can have this in the super class, so that the users / developers who are going to extend the superclass will be forced to overide the method, failing which the compiler will throw an error. This can be a sure way to avoid / catch inadvertant programming errors during the compile time, rather than the way it is used now.
    Class Animal {
    public Sting makeSound(){
    The compiler will now throw an error , if any class that is extending the class animal does not overide the makeSound() method.
    Please let me know if i am making any sense :)
    Thank you

    No, you aren't making sense. The keyword abstract does what you want :)
    That's not strictly true, it works well if the abstract keyword is used in an abstract class, this forces extending classes to override the method. However methods declared abstract in an interface do not need to be overridden.
    This is interesting to me because I want to be able to stipulate in some interfaces I am writing that both the equals and the hashValue methods must be overridden in any subclasses. I don't want to have to check all of my implementing classes by hand. Is their a way to specifiy this. I would really appreciate it if someone has a good idea for this. Thanks

  • Too Late to process the annotation in the build script.

    My build script is taking 17 to 18 mins for processing the annotation.
    <property name="aggregated.factory.class" value="com.bea.workshop.controls.runtime.generator.AggregatedAnnotationProcessorFactory" />
    <apt sourcepath="${java.sourcepath}" srcdir="${.java.src.dir}" listfiles="true" includes="${.java.src.include}" excludes="${.java.src.exclude}" destdir="${.java.src.output}" preprocessdir="${apt.src.output.dir}" classpathref="java.classpath" factory="${aggregated.factory.class}" factorypathref="apt.factory.path" options="${apt.options}" compile="false" memoryinitialsize="512m" memoryMaximumSize="1024m" fork="true" />
    This particular line is executed for 17 to 18 mins. The Command prompt will be ideal for those 18 mins with the below message:
    [apt] warning: Annotation types without processors: [java.lang.SuppressWarnings, java.lang.Override, org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.JdbcContr
    ol.ConnectionDataSource, org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.JdbcControl.SQL, com.bea.control.annotations.TransactionAttribute, com.bea.p13n.controls.se
    curityProvider.GroupProviderControl.GroupProviderParams, com.bea.p13n.controls.securityProvider.UserProviderControl.UserProviderParams]
    Do any one faced similar issue. Please help me to reduce my build time.

    As Kal mentioned
    I have set verbose="true" in the build script and tried executing the build. I could observe that the time is consumed for the
    [apt] [loading com/bea/control/interceptors/TransactionInterceptor.class(com/bea/control/interceptors:TransactionInterceptor.class)]
    [apt] [loading java/util/SortedSet.class(java/util:SortedSet.class)]
    [apt] [loading org/apache/commons/validator/ValidatorResults.class(l/commons/validator:ValidatorResults.class)]
    which takes 3 mins each. Am not sure why this loads the dependent jars at the compile time. I think some where I have set the .jar files in the path.
    In the log I could see there are aroud three pages of jar file path in the continuation to the resources.jar below.
    [apt] [search path for class files: /apps/bea/platform/10.3.0/jdk160_05/jre/lib/resources.jar, ....
    is there any issue setting the path.
    Can you help me.

  • Error in @Override while chaning from JDK1.6 to JDk1.5

    I am getting following error while migrating from JDK1.6 to JDK1.5.
    Multiple markers at this line
         - implements org.quartz.Job.execute
         - The method execute(JobExecutionContext) of type TransferFiles must override a superclass
    I have a class which implements Job interface having one method execute(JobExecutionContext context) . I am overriding this method inside one of my class by using @Override annotataion.
    It is working absolutely fine in JDK1.6 but while migrating to JDK1.5 it is showing the above error.
    Kindly help me in this regard.

    Thank you very much for your kind help. I would like to tell you that by changing my enviroment to JDK1.5 from JDK1.6 it is asking for change the project facet. After changing the Project Facet from 6.0 to 5.0 I am getting error at @Override annotation line.
    I am sharing my code here.
         public void execute(JobExecutionContext arg0) throws JobExecutionException {
              System.out.println("Quartz Scheduler: " + new Date());
              ArrayList<String> inputFileList = new ArrayList<String>();
              try {
                   inputFileList = getInputFileList(yesterdayDate());
                   int x = 0;
                   Iterator<String> inputIterator = inputFileList.iterator();
                   while (inputIterator.hasNext()) {
                        String inputFile = inputIterator.next();
                        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(inputFile, "&");
                        String output = null;
                        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                             String view = (String) st.nextElement();
                             if (view.startsWith("view")) {
                                  StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(view, "=");
                                  while (st1.hasMoreTokens()) {
                                       output = (String) st1.nextElement();
                        String outputFile = OUTPUT_FILES + output + XML;
                        getAuthentication(Authenticate.getUserId(), Authenticate
                        status = copyfile(inputFile, outputFile, x);
                   LOG.info("Error Files Are : " + getErrorFileList());
                   LOG.info("No of Error Files : " + errFileList.size());
                   if ((null != status) && (errFileList.size() > 0)) {
                                  .dispatchEmail(toMailList(), Email.ERROR_FILES,
                   // readLogfile(
                   // "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 5.5/webapps/XmlFileTransformation/FileTransform.log"
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   System.out.println("Exception" + e);
                   LOG.error("Exception" + e);
    Here I have two suggestions coming by eclipse.
    1.create execute method in super type ToolConstants
    2.Remove @Override annotation.
    but I have the same method inside an interface named as Job. So after removing the @Override annotation
    I am getting the following runtime exception.
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception
    root cause
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/DataSource
    Please help me.

  • Annotation and logging

    Since Java 1.4, we can use java.util.logging to help debugging code. It's very easy (and very usefull) to add some line like:
    log.fine("The value is "+value);
    The only drawback is performance: even if logging is disable, the expression ["The value is "+value] will
    be evaluated by the JVM, which is a problem. So the best things to do is:
    if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("The value is "+value);
    So that when logging is disable, there is almost no impact on performance.
    Now the problem is a practical one: adding the "if ..." is painfull, and make the code less readable for a human being.
    Now that Java 1.5 is out, I'm wondering if we cannot use annotations to turn arround this problem:
    Let's say we have a annotation type called "@Conditionnal()", which takes one argument (the condition):
    * Annotation type to indicate that a method shoud be called only if a condition is true
    public @interface Conditionnal {
    String condition();
    In java.util.logging, the Logguer class will have his severe(), info(), fine(), finer() and finest() methods
    defined like that:
    @Conditionnal("if (isLoggable(Level.FINE))")
    public void fine(String msg)
    Now, the end user (the developper) can put in its programs:
    log.fine("The value is "+value);
    And when a method is "@Conditionnal", javac will add the condition before calling the method, so it will compile exactly like :
    if (isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(...);
    Of course, we need to change javac to take into account this new annotation @Conditionnal (like javac 1.5 takes into accound @Override annotation).
    I know that the @Conditionnal sounds like a macro, but I think it is an elegant way of dealing the logging problem.
    What do you think about it? Should I open a JCP?

    Well, the problem with your examples is that there are no String in them, and String are the main problem.
    So I agree with you that in your example, there will be no difference in execution time.
    It's my turn to give you an example:
    import java.util.logging.*;
    public class Test1
         static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Test1.class.getName());
              long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
              for (int i=0; i<1000*1000*10; i++)
              long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
              log.severe("Duration = "+(t2-t1));
         long square(long n)
              log.finest("The value of n is "+n);
              return n*n;
         public static void main(String arg[])
              new Test1();
    }When I run this little test, I have (on my machine) Duration=5899
    Why? Because the GC is doing a lot of work with the strings ["The value of n is "+n].
    If you add -Xverbosegc, you will see a lot of:
    [GC 612K->100K(1984K), 0.0001039 secs]
    [GC 612K->100K(1984K), 0.0001140 secs]
    Because all thoses strings are evaluated, even if they are not displayed.
    If I just change my example in:
    import java.util.logging.*;
    public class Test1
         static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Test1.class.getName());
              long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
              for (int i=0; i<1000*1000*10; i++)
              long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
              log.severe("Duration = "+(t2-t1));
         long square(long n)
              if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest("The value of n is "+n);
              return n*n;
         public static void main(String arg[])
              new Test1();
    }I have have on my machine: Duration = 260.
    It's now 20 time faster...
    Of course, if I configure logging to have ALL message (even the finest), the performance
    will be very bad, but the point is that when I disable logging, I do have good performance
    only if I add "if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))" tests everywhere in my code.
    I've made on comparaison with assertion, because before Java 1.4, people had to use
    their own system of assertion, which used to have an impact on performance
    (like the method "myAssert" in the following example)
    import java.util.logging.*;
    public class Test2
         static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Test2.class.getName());
              long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
              for (int i=0; i<1000*1000*10; i++)
              long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
              log.severe("Duration = "+(t2-t1));
         void myAssert(boolean test, String message)
              if (test==false)
                   throw new RuntimeException(message);
         long square(long n)
              assert(n*n>=0) : "The value of n*n should be positive. n="+n+" n*n="+(n*n);
              myAssert(n*n>=0, "The value of n*n should be positive. n="+n+" n*n="+(n*n));
              return n*n;
         public static void main(String arg[])
              new Test2();
    }With the key work "assert", the string ["The value of n should be positive. n="+n+" n*n="+(n*n)] is only
    evaluated if the condition n*n>=0 is true (which means never).
    With the call to the method "myAssert", the same string is always evaluated, which has a deep impact
    on performance (the same as in the logging example).
    I wish that logging system in Java would be clever like assertion system, and that's why I suggest a
    @Condionnal annotation.

  • Anonymous (unnamed) Classes by default always folllows Overriding concept

    hi all,
    my question is related to anonymous (unnamed) classes.
    Anonymous classes are always sub-class of the some "new ClassName()". so my question is that if it is always sub-class of some class and if it is define the method that is already defined in super class then it is overriding the method. or we can say that it is by default follow the overriding principle.
    I need your thoughts on this Topic.
    Example Attached from SCJP Kathy Siera Book.
    class Popcorn {
    public void pop() {
    class Food {
    Popcorn p = new Popcorn() {
    public void pop() {
    System.out.println("anonymous popcorn");
    The Popcorn reference variable refers not to an instance of Popcorn, but to an
    instance of an anonymous (unnamed) subclass of Popcorn.
    Let's look at just the anonymous class code:
    2. Popcorn p = new Popcorn() {
    3. public void pop() {
    4. System.out.println("anonymous popcorn");
    5. }
    6. };
    Mahendra Athneria
    Mumbai- India

    MahendraAthneria wrote:
    you want to say that use of Anonymous classes is more on to implement interface rather than extending classes?In my experience, yes. Anonymous class instances are often used as "delegates", particularly listeners plugged into some other object to allow the class to respond to events from that object. Listeners are usually defined as interfaces (although, if there are multiple event methods, there's often an "adapter" class for those who don't wish to implement all the methods).
    one more question related to this -
    yesterday i tried one program which implementing an interface. in implementer class i used @override annotation. when i compiled the program then it gives error
    When you define a method declared in an interface, or as an abstract method, you are implementing the method, not overriding it.
    There's no inherited method body to override.

  • Annotation for interface implementation

    I like the @Override annotation that you use when you're overriding a method from the parent's class.
    It lets you know when you look at your code that it is overridden and that it is not just some local method.
    Is there something similar for methods that implement different interfaces?
    Like say you implement the Comparable interface.
    Wouldn't it be nice to be able to look at your code and know why some method is there?
        public int compareTo(Object o) {
            return new Random().nextInt();
        }Note: I'm not sure about syntax or if this is possible. I only use the annotations that Eclipse generates for me.
    Please, just comment or let me know if anybody has other tricks to keep their stuff more organized.

    nothing in the language, but you can create your own for this purpose (and enforce it at compile-time)

  • Apt ant task suceeded but did not generate wrapper java/classes

    This is the first time I use apt task. Could someone help me out here.
    Ant build suceeded but did not generate wrapper java/classes. Warning message I got is
    [apt] warning: Bad annotation processor factory: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.istack.ws.AnnotationProcessorFactoryImpl cannot be cast to com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorFactory
    [apt] warning: Bad annotation processor factory: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.istack.internal.ws.AnnotationProcessorFactoryImpl cannot be cast to com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorFactory
    [apt] warning: Annotation types without processors: [javax.jws.WebService]
    [apt] [total 725ms]
    [apt] 3 warnings
    I turned on verbose="true" and cut the command line apt -d .. -s ..
    from the ant build output.
    I executed that command line. Command suceeded, java/classes generated correctly. No warning
    <target name="run_apt" depends = "build_config_classes">
         <classpath refid="apt.classpath"/>
         <source dir="${config.src}">
         <include name="${config.pkg}/Configuration.java"/>

    try adding fork=true to apt task

  • EJB3 without annotations

    Is it possible to create EJB 3 beans without using annotations? I'm using a J2EE profiler that doesn't show any EJB data, most likely because annotations are being used. If I can find a way to specify the EJB3 beans without using Java Annotations, then I might starting seeing EJB data.
    Thank you.

    this situation bothered me extremely as well. you can solve it one of two ways.
    as the previous poster mentioned, you can separate your entities from your DTO's. this is nice in a lot of ways because the ideal objects for over-the-wire usage may be very different from the ideal objects for your database model. the downside of this approach is that you may end up duplicating a lot of work.
    the alternative, is using xml files to describe your entities. this is still supported in ejb3, although it is not obvious from a lot of the documentation. annotations were meant to remove the need for xml config files, but almost everything you can do with annotations is still possible via xml configuration (in fact, you can combine the two, doing some configuration with annotations and some with xml, where xml based configuration will override annotation based configuration). check out documentation on "orm.xml" for details. the upside of this solution is it removes annotations from your entities. the downside is that it can be a little more work to manage than annotation based configuration.

  • Should @Override apply to implementation of interface/abstract methods?

    To me this is a minor but irritating incompatibility between Java 5 and 6. In 5 the @Override annotation only applied when an actual concrete method was overridden. In 6 it also applies when an interface or abstract method is implemented.
    To my mind only the first case is actually overriding. Further the purpose of the @Override, AFAIKS, is to catch errors where you accidentally override a method, or write a method which you expect to override another, but get the signature wrong.
    This kind of error isn't going to happen on implementing a method because you will get a real syntax error.
    If we were going to use annotations to guarantee implementation it should be @Implements

    sabre150 wrote:
    masijade. wrote:
    Having spend some time recently changing from extending abstract classes to implementing interfaces I would hate to have two different annotations!It would be annoying, yes, in that case, but it would still be more "technically" correct to have a different tag. And, if we are going to insist that "newbies" here at least attempt to adhere to standards/procedures/whatever, we should be willing to do the same. ;-)It would be more "technically" correct to have an 'override' key word in the same way as in C# . The annotation approach is used to make up for a deficiency in the language specification. If one applies the KISS principle or the 'principle of least surprise' then just having one annotation makes sense.Okay then, we agree to disagree. But getting even farther away in the "use" of the term as opposed to the "definition" of the term isn't helping to make up for the deficiency in the language.
    Of course, in the practical sense it is better to have one as it is, then, least likely to "break" in a backwards compatability sense (even when it only applies to compilation and not execution).

  • Error while generating ear using ant script in weblogic workshop 10

    In my application I have to create a ear file which should have the war file inside.
    I have created the build.xml for both ear application and web application, workshop.xml using weblogic workshop option
    I have been using the following command to execute the build.xml in EARApp(ear application)
    set the environment variables by running
    D:\Source_Code\EARApp>ant clean build archive -Dworkspace="D:\Source_Code"
    I am getting the following error,
    Buildfile: build.xml
    [delete] Deleting 53 files from D:\Source_Code\WebApp\.apt_src
    [delete] Deleted 14 directories from D:\Source_Code\WebApp\.apt_src
    [delete] Deleting 218 files from D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\classes
    [delete] Deleted 42 directories from D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\classes
    [delete] Deleting directory D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\assembly\.src
    [delete] Deleting directory D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\weboutput
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\weboutput
    [apt] [web.content.root]|[D:\Source_Code\WebApp/\WebContent]
    [apt] [web.source.roots]|[D:\Source_Code\WebApp/src]
    [apt] Compiling 113 source files to D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\classes
    [apt] warning: Annotation types without processors: [java.lang.SuppressWarnings, org.apache.be
    ehive.controls.system.jdbc.JdbcControl.ConnectionDataSource, org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc
    .JdbcControl.SQL, com.bea.control.annotations.TransactionAttribute]
    [apt] 1 warning
    [apt] warning: Annotation types without processors: [java.lang.SuppressWarnings]
    [apt] 1 warning
    [apt] [web.content.root]|[D:\Source_Code\WebApp/\WebContent]
    [apt] [web.source.roots]|[D:\Source_Code\WebApp/src]
    [apt] Compiling 53 source files to D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\classes
    [apt] warning: Annotation types without processors: [java.lang.SuppressWarnings]
    [apt] 1 warning
    [javac] Compiling 113 source files to D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\classes
    [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    [javac] Compiling 53 source files to D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\classes
    [delete] Deleting directory D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\weboutput
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\weboutput
    [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\weboutput\WEB-INF
    [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\weboutput\WEB-INF
    [delete] Deleting directory D:\Source_Code\EARApp\.staging
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Source_Code\EARApp\.staging
    [copy] Copying 7 files to D:\Source_Code\EARApp\.staging
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build\assembly\.src
    [assemble] Assembly failed - Control Assembly process failed
    [assemble] Caused by: info
    D:\Source_Code\EARApp\build.xml:189: The following error occurred while executing t
    his line:
    ib.xml:92: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    D:\Source_Code\EARApp\build.xml:201: The following error occurred while executing t
    his line:
    D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build.xml:351: The following error occurred while executing thi
    s line:
    D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build.xml:177: The following error occurred while executing thi
    s line:
    D:\Source_Code\WebApp\build.xml:424: Assembly failed.
    Some one help me solve this problem.
    Thanks in advance.

    --> some error on posting please refer to the next post...
    From the error logs we can trace it out to the web project's Build.xml file ....I was getting a similar error and by commenting out the following lines in the web project's Build.xml I am able to run the build script correctly and get a EAR file. The lines are
    <assemblyContext factory="org.apache.beehive.controls.runtime.assembly.WebAppAssemblyContext$Factory" />
    <assemblyContext factory="org.apache.beehive.controls.runtime.assembly.AppAssemblyContext$Factory" />
    <classpath refid="assembly.classpath" />
    <fileset dir="${project.dir}">
    <include name="**/*.controls.properties" />
    Please check it now, also if any one can let us know the function or role played by the above lines it would be great. Also if there would be any future or unseen problems by commenting out these lines please do let us know...
    Edited by prodigymonish83 at 10/22/2007 5:56 AM

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