Archive and install... then?

I did an archive and install while on the phone with AppleCare folks about three months ago.
Now, I find myself starved for harddrive space and possessing a folder labelled "previous system" that weighs in at about 4 gigs.
Is it OK to delete this folder? If not now, when? What are the pros and cons of freeing up these 4 gigs for everything else that seems to accumulate at an exponential rate?
(12" G4 PB; OS10.3.9)

re: "Is it OK to delete this folder?"
If you are sure you have copied all that you need from the folder and your new archive and install is working properly it is perfectly safe to delete this folder.
hope that helps,
littleshoulders [:-)
PS. The best "Freeing space on your Mac OS X startup disk" primer that I know of can be found in Dr. Smoke's excellent FAQ that can be found here.
Message was edited by: littleshoulders

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    It will be located in the Previous System folder in that folder with the highest number. Everything in that folder which you don't want can safely be deleted.

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    it is always best to keep important info like serials safe
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    Thanks for the help,

    How to Perform an Archive and Install
    An Archive and Install will NOT erase your hard drive, but you must have sufficient free space for a second OS X installation which could be from 3-9 GBs depending upon the version of OS X and selected installation options. The free space requirement is over and above normal free space requirements which should be at least 6-10 GBs. Read all the linked references carefully before proceeding.
    1. Be sure to use Disk Utility first to repair the disk before performing the Archive and Install.
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported, then quit DU and return to the installer.
    2. Do not proceed with an Archive and Install if DU reports errors it cannot fix. In that case use Disk Warrior and/or TechTool Pro to repair the hard drive. If neither can repair the drive, then you will have to erase the drive and reinstall from scratch.
    3. Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When you reach the screen to select a destination drive click once on the destination drive then click on the Option button. Select the Archive and Install option. You have an option to preserve users and network preferences. Only select this option if you are sure you have no corrupted files in your user accounts. Otherwise leave this option unchecked. Click on the OK button and continue with the OS X Installation.
    4. Upon completion of the Archive and Install you will have a Previous System Folder in the root directory. You should retain the PSF until you are sure you do not need to manually transfer any items from the PSF to your newly installed system.
    5. After moving any items you want to keep from the PSF you should delete it. You can back it up if you prefer, but you must delete it from the hard drive.
    6. You can now download a Combo Updater directly from Apple's download site to update your new system to the desired version as well as install any security or other updates. You can also do this using Software Update.

  • Archive and Install/Disc Utility issues -

    I'm currently spending a summer abroad in South America, and have had issues with my Macbook Pro (early 2011 version) no longer starting up after some virus experiences last week.  The computer hangs itself during loading on the white screen w/ grey apple and the spinning dial.  In contacts with Apple Care as well as some Mac-saavy friends, the following situations have been tried:
    Opening in safe mode - The loading bar (added at the bottom of the grey apple screen) loads about 1/4 of the way, disappears, and the computer hangs itself.
    Opening in single user mode - I run the recommended sbin/fsck -fy command to clean up the hard drive.  It comes back after having checked 6-7 parts, saying that the MacHD is in good shape, with a message following saying that something had been "modified" (forgive me for not remembering the correct verbage at present).  I then run the same command again, resulting in a message that the HD is clean and without error.  I then "reboot" and remain hung on the white screen w/ grey apple.
    Opening in verbose mode - I reach the following lines of text, and then there is no further progress:
    enable end
    MacAuthEvent en0   Auth result for: 00:23:cd:1e:f2:c4 No Ack
    same line as above saying "Auth timed out" at the end
    Command+option+r+p - shock two or three times, (three startup chimes) and computer continues to hang itself in the normal spot.
    - So, at this point I took the advice of Apple Care and a few other friends, and tracked down a "retail copy" of Mac OSX (10.6.3) in order to try to do an Archive and Install or any sort of Disc Utility via the startup disc. 
    Inserting the disc and holding "c" at startup results in the cd drive whirring the disc for a few moments, and then remaining hung at the same white loading screen.
    Holding "option" during the startup gives me the option of loading from the HD, or the disc.  Selecting the disc proceeds to whirr the cd drive, take me to the white loading screen with the grey apple, and... you guessed it... leaves the CPU hung.
    My question is then, is my Macbook Pro unable to read this disc and execute Archive and Install/Disc Utility for hardware reasons as per the virus attack, or is the disc not compatible with my version of OSX (which I have since confirmed through my wife to be 10.6.6)?
    Different sources have told me different things.  The local AASP in Uruguay sold me what they professed to be the "latest" version of OSX - the 10.6.3, what's more for $55 dollars instead of the lower cost as available in the states (between $15-$30), so I am reluctant to go back to them for advice when they seem more inclined to cash in on my inexperience (Mac owner of less than a month) than actually fixing my issue.  Apple Care told me that a standard "retail disc" should work, but I am assuming now that they believe I can snag the same version as initially came with my Macbook Pro.  Should I be looking to have my wife mail my original OSX install DVDs down here to resolve this problem?  Should 10.6.3-retail be working and is not for reasons I haven't identified?  I have since done some online research and found mentions that doing any sort of HD partitioning or OSX reinstalls can only be accomplished by utilizing a disc of an equal or more recent version of the OSX (examples that 10.4 can't work on a notebook preinstalled with 10.5, etc).  Does this translate to 10.6.3 not being able to function for my 10.6.6 MBP?
    Any insight or thoughts would be much appreciated, as essentially all of my schoolwork and assignments are now trapped on an inaccessible HD.  Thank you for your time.
    - Joseph

    I tried adding in a bunch of information about what your troubleshooting steps meant, but the server went into maintenance while I did. So, here it is again:
    "Opening in safe mode - The loading bar (added at the bottom of the grey apple screen) loads about 1/4 of the way, disappears, and the computer hangs itself."
         This is FSCK running, and gives you an indication of it's progress.
    "MacAuthEvent en0   Auth result for: 00:23:cd:1e:f2:c4 No Ack"
         This is either a failed DHCP request or ARP request.
         Command+Option+P+R - Resets PRAM. That's why p+r.
    "Inserting the disc and holding "c" at startup results in the cd drive whirring the disc for a few moments, and then remaining hung at the same white loading screen."
         This problem indicates that the disc is too old to boot your system. The reason for why this disc cannot boot is because it doesn't contain the necessary drivers for your model MacBook Pro. My mom and brother have similar models, and my brother had similar issues while in Japan. He went and got an install disc as well, which failed, I ended up stepping him through so that it would boot in Safe Mode, and then got it working in Normal Mode remotely.
    FYI: Sophos has a free Mac Antivirus program, that is very processing friendly, and will scan in the background. You may wish to consider it as an alternative to Avast! if it continues giving you problems. Though I suspect it may be coincidence that your computer had problems shortly after Avast! cleaned up files. Let me know how it goes. You may wish to open up Disk Utility and check your S.M.A.R.T. Status. You want to make sure it says "Verified" If it doesn't say "Verified" then you have a problem.

  • "The application Safari has unexpectedly quit." / "Archive and Install"

    ...The system and other applications have not been affected.
    Would you like to submit a bug report to Apple?
    I was working on my eMac last night when all of a sudden Safari shut down. I tried to open it again and I kept getting the above error message.
    At first, I thought this was no big deal, as I just downloaded Mozilla Firefox. However, it seems that whatever error caused this corruption in Safari has also affected my MSN Messenger, and a few other internet related Apps.
    I don't know if any of you have come across this problem before, but it would be greatly appreciated if you could email me your suggestions to fixing this problem.
    I called Apple support, and the lady suggest looking for a way to "archive and install preserving" so that I don't lose any of my important files. I'm sure that this might fix my problem as well.
    Please let me know if you have a solution for me!!

    Eric Jackson Wood,
    Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    Doing an Archive and Install because Safari unexpectedly quit is roughly akin to using several sticks of dynamite to take out a housefly in the kitchen. How much RAM does your Mac have, and how long had Safari been running continuously before the quit? Safari does have a known memory leak problem (the Safari 3 beta may have fixed that; too soon to tell for sure); if you have a minimal amount of RAM (256 MB or less), run multiple applications simultaneously, and leave Safari running for several hours, you can expect Safari to bog down. If you then try to load some types of web page constructs, the unexpectedly quit message isn't quite so unexpected. (Quitting and relaunching Safari every few hours is a viable workaround; in sever cases you may need to restart the computer as well.)
    How were other Internet apps affected? Slowdowns, unable to connect, unable to find sites, or what? What version of MSN Messenger are you using? (MSN Messenger isn't known for being overly robust in the first place.) If a number of online utilities all begin to act strange at the same time, my first suspect would be the local network and the ISP. Is the problem still persistent after restarting the computer and after several hours (to allow the ISP to fix any glitches on their end)?
    If Safari continues to misbehave, launch Safari and before going to any website, try going to the Safari menu and select the commands to reset Safari and clear cache, then restart Safari and see it that helps. If you have Safari set to open going to a homepage rather than opening a blank page, first move /Users/ [your_username]/ Library/ Preferences/ to the Desktop before launching Safari to reset it and clear its caches. If Safari then works, you can quit it and try moving you previous preferences back; if Safari begins acting up again, trash the old preferences and re-enter your desired settings in a newly-created preferences file.

  • Want to run an archive and install, but can't empty trash to free space

    I don't know where to begin... at some point recently something caused problems with several applications, so after trying to repair permissions and repair disk with no luck, I decided to archive & install. Now I want the old problems back: Word/Excel/Photoshop will not open because of some library error (Carbonlib?), and my network settings keep going screwy such that if my computer goes to sleep, I couldn't pick up my wireless signal anymore without restarting (and then ta-da, there it was like there was never any problem).
    So in trying to archive and install I keep stalling at the very beginning... I'll leave it for hours hoping it would proceed but it wouldn't. I've repaired disk several times, with the same errors ultimately coming up. So without being able to archive and install I figured I'd better back everything up and do an erase & install. Started backing things up in prep for moving them onto a server, but when I plugged the server in, my computer said it couldn't get on. Same exact server wire had just come out of my work computer which connects just fine. So now I've got duplicates of all my files on the desktop, so I try to trash them and when I select 'empty trash' or 'secure empty trash', I get the box that says "preparing to empty trash" and then everything except my wallpaper goes away, and eventually comes back as if I've restarted. Now I definitely can't archive and install because with duplicate copies of all my files I have only 1.7gb available and need 1.9 to install just the required files.
    I'm at a total loss! Incidentally, my ipod won't mount if I try to plug it in.
    Are there other options in disk utility that I can try? I don't know enough to feel comfortable just trying something, and I don't know what the "Restore" option does.
    Oh goodness, I hope somebody knows something that can help me out of this.
    Odd, the link works for me.
    [email protected]

  • After "Archive and Install", my printer no longer works

    Powerbook 1.67 GHz PowerPC G4
    Mac OS X Version 10.4.11
    I recently had some issue with my password, so the Apple Genius people ran an archive and install, reset the user password, and got me back to my original state. However, I've had to run all these updates now, and can't figure out how to get the printer to work again. It worked perfectly fine before the archive and install, it was recognized right away.
    I have tried the following:
    I uninstalled and then reinstalled the printer software (Epson Stylus CX6000) from the installer CD. Didn't work. Unplugged and turned off power, then re-plugged and restarted everything. Didn't work. I have no idea what to do here. I downloaded any new updates to the software from the Epson website. Didn't work. Help?

    If the correct printer driver is missing, and the Print selection
    box says Any Printer, it may be unable to use that one.
    See if the printer can be used in a different user account.
    Sometimes if the system is messed up (even pros do it)
    there may be a way to see if the issue is system wide or
    if it is based in a problem in the admin user account.
    Some optional printer drivers may be available at the printer
    manufacturer's web site for downloads. Sometimes there is
    a newer one for the entire class of printer models, and so
    it may be for yours. Or there is GimpPrint/GutenPrint for
    other drivers; their web page shows supported printers.
    {Since you state that you've tried other driver options, then
    you may have to consider doing a new 'archive & install'
    and be sure everything is done right, and then update it.
    Or an all new installation on a wiped empty hard drive.}
    There should be a printer error log accessible through Console
    and perhaps it may shed some light on the basic problem...
    PS: Is this printer an Ethernet and USB printer? If so, have
    you tried whatever other connection/cable to see if it works
    when running on the other available protocol? The Ethernet
    printer would use an IP address or hardware MAC address
    and the appropriate cable, if the printer supports both.
    Good luck & happy computing!
    { edited 2x }

  • Recovery of lost printers after Archive and Install

    I just finished an Archive and Install of Leopard, and I discovered that one of the side-effects of doing this is that my printers are all gone. I sort of expected this, and I have a full system backup of the system I rebuilt, so if all else fails, I can boot off the backup, and print or take notes on the printer settings, and then go back to my active installation of Leopard and re-enter them all. But I'm wondering if there's an easier way. Would anyone know if all of the printer info might be contained in a few discrete sections of the "Previous System" folder that I could just drag into the current system folder to get all of my printers back? I do consulting work at a number of companies, so I have about ten printers that I routinely print to, so it's a bit of a bother to rebuild the list by hand.

    Usually, when no additional printer software had been installed into the Mac
    (assuming the printers are among the many supported printers already in it)
    all you'd have to do in order to use one of those attached or available printers
    would be to have them turned on and attached to the computer or the network
    they'd normally be accessed through. Unless they require newer driver software.
    At times, the choices of available printers would appear in the print setup in an
    open application; at others, you may have to go into the setup utility to see if
    the printers could be added to the list - pulling drivers from the installed OS X
    and putting them into a position to be used, if compatible with the printers there.
    The system's installer and updated files available to it include many drivers,
    and these are not all turned on by default.
    So, if there is no chance of the printers being recognized by the OS X version
    you have (assuming archive & install and update) even after being given any
    new drivers available through Software Update, you may have to seek out the
    latest drivers from the printer manufacturers web site downloads pages.
    There may be some other way to make the printers work through the OS; if
    they otherwise should appear and be available. Some of the printer setups
    & CUPS printing options or settings should be explored if they haven't been.
    Although I don't have OS X 10.5.x running in my computers now, I have tried
    it and decided to stay awhile longer in 10.4.11; some of the same kinds of
    issues can occur, between these slightly different systems. You may be able
    to re-use the printer drivers from the Previous System, unless their installer
    had an instruction set to put various parts for the printer software in different
    locations, in which case, the drag-n-drop may not be suitable to reinstall them.
    Hopefully someone with more restore experience (short of manually reinstalling
    drivers, if these are not already a part of the OSX and its 10.5 install/updates)
    will contribute a bit more and direct you as per the specific demands of Leopard.
    When you get your system back in order, you may wish to consider making a
    full computer drive clone on an externally enclosed FireWire drive unit capable
    of booting Mac OS X and running your PPC-based Mac (and also Intel-based)
    so that unit may be something in the way of a FW400/800 + USB2.0 drive with
    its own AC power adapter. OWC sells a mercury drive enclosure with HDD in it.
    That may be a way to avoid doing Archive & Installs + updates; just restore from
    a full drive clone and be on your way. And do other backups if needed, too.
    Good luck & happy computing!
    { edited 2x }

  • Finder not responding after Archive and install

    I recently encountered my first problem ever with my mac(new in '05) This is the first mac I have owned; I have worked on G3's and G4's in the past. After reading through many message boards and support pages I don't believe my problem to be similar but different to previous posts.
    My problem started off with an OS problem that I was able to diagnose in the "help" book I purchased when Leopard came out. It said I should Archive and Install to remedy the problem and keep my files. I ran the archive the install (it gave me no options to preserve user or network settings). After Archive and install my computer started up alright, but I got the permanent beachball and the finder does not work. it is constantly non responsive. I can relaunch finder, but after it restarts it goes non responsive immediately once again. So I can't actually access my "previous system" folder to move anything over. I checked my dock items and finder, they opened, but my itunes asked for an update. I list of update items came up; I did the non-restart items first. they updated fine, (my itunes old itunes playlists are viewable but not playable now) then I did the items that required a restart. That is when I found out that I could not shut down or restart my computer with std. procedures.
    Currently I can only access my spotlight or apple pull down menu if I am in a functioning dock program (safari or itunes, quicktime. etc.) after reading some more support pages it looked like the common thing to do was check permissions and verify disk. I did, I repaired two permissions and the disk was OK. I did look at the HD files, they were as I remembered, but unaccessible (greyed out) and the "previous system" folder was present. +It didn't look like I would expect. The HD looked same as it used to just with a previous system folder.+ After checking the permissions and verified the disk I tried a hard restart. It came back the same as before, unresponsive finder and only the few dock items worked along with spotlight. I checked permissions and disk verify again and everything was OK.
    Sorry to be long winded I am trying to be thorough...In short, My finder does not work after doing an Archive and Install to fix my original problem (which has been fixed)...the remedy for an unresponsive finder is to do an archive and install. Is another archive and install really going to fix my problem? Can I archive and install OSX 10.4 and work my way back up to 10.5.6?
    Secondly is there a way to restart my computer without doing another hard restart?

    It won't let me add a new account. I am locked out and when I try to unlock it gives me the beachball and becomes non responsive after it tries to authenticate.
    I looked at the log file, I am not sure what exactly to look for. I am no programer. I see an awful lot of negative wording. I see some errors like "error (-4956) locating menu extra but they are mostly under system preferences...I see some stuff in the loginwindow that says is not a full path... Otherwise, the only reference I see to the finder is when I have force quit the finder.
    2/8/09 8:59:55 PM[114] ([0x0-0x4d04d][304]) Exited: Terminated
    2/8/09 11:10:17 PM[114] ([0x0-0x57057][321]) Exited: Terminated

  • Archive and install problems

    After filling out the Apple troubleshooting form, I followed the advice and took my machine to an authorized reseller/service center.  They recommended an archive and install, plus a new and larger HD(WD Caviar 750: he said it would not take a larger one), promised that nothing would change or be lost (the machine is used for 2 purposes only: 60,000 photos and email).  With so many images, I have an extensive keyword list which enables me to find them instantly using Adobe Bridge (CS 2).  Without the keywords, the images might as well be lost. Now, I have the new drive and the old 250G drive. 
    The technician called to say he was installing Leopard at no charge, rebuilding my library, defragmenting the hd, resetting my mail from pop to imap and that everything would work as before. 
    What doesn't work: mail notifies me constantly that the server has no certificate, that the server can't send the mail and sent mail often just sits.  Mail(I am mobile me subscriber) no longer auto completes even though that preference is checked.  Address book is empty.
    Bridge lost the keyword master structure which is kept in an xml file.  That file was empty.  I dragged the original xml file with all the keywords from an external back up hd into bridge on the new drive but nothing happened.  The words are there but bridge doesn't use the file.  Bridge shows only the default keyword list.  The images, however, retained their exif data and keywords. 
    When I open a folder of images, bridge now has to spend minutes rendering the thumbs.
    I realize this is an apple not an adobe forum but perhaps these symptoms reveal the solution. In addition, I don't have any leopard install disc so see that I now have no way to use hardware test or safe boot if necessary.  Even though I have my Tiger discs, the tech. insisted on installing Leopard from whatever disc he has, I guess.  I thought all the discs are registered to this machine and to me so not sure how that is ok. 
    Thanks for any suggestion.  I've searched the adobe forums but can find nothing for my version of the software, only for newer versions. 
    sorry this is so long.  I will be very grateful to anyone willing to take the time to wade through it.

    Great reply from Limnos, btw.
    I'd be tempted to try a Tiger Install, but you'd have to erase one of the drives.
    One way to test is to Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, Test for problem in Safe Mode...
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive
    Reboot, test again.
    If it only does it in Regular Boot, then it could be some hardware problem like Video card, (Quartz is turned off in Safe Mode), or Airport in 10.4 & below, or 3rd party add-on, Check System Preferences>Accounts>Login Items window to see if it or something relevant is listed.
    Check the System Preferences>Other Row, for 3rd party Pref Panes.
    Also look in these if they exist, some are invisible...

  • Video podcasts won't play after archive and install

    I'm one of the folks having capture issues with FCP 4.5 and OS X 10.4.9. So I decided to archive and install to 10.4.8. Now it seems I'm having all kinds of video problems, including downloading and playing video podcasts in iTunes (7.2). When I download a podcast, say "Tiki Bar TV", the file downloads, but in the podcast screen, I get an error message which reads,
    "There is a problem adding the video to iTunes. The file might be corrupted, or a file type that iTunes cannot play." For the record, I have never run into anything like this before. And it's the same way with every video podcast.
    I had some similar wonkiness going on with QuickTime, too. But after I installed a divx plug-in, and flip for mac, everything seems to be okay with the QT. iTunes is still a mystery. Any ideas on what my next step should be would be appreciated.
    Thank you.
    PowerMac G5 Dual 2.5Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   3GB RAM, 500GB hard drive, ATI9800XT

    There are files that are not brought along with Archive and Install.
    Some are invisible and not accessible without enabling "root" access and even then you have to know exactly which files have to be moved from the 'previous System' folder.
    Archive and Install never works with Apple's Pro apps.
    If Niel's suggestion doesn't work you'll have to erase your hard drive and reinstall everything making sure you first backup important data to another hard drive.
    (don't forget to save your mail and addresses)

  • Performed an Archive and Install and now my Admin password doesn't work

    I talked to CS this afternoon per an issue with iTunes and was instructed to perform an Archive and Install.
    I just got done running both discs and the computer seems ready to go. When I click on my user name (I'm the admin) my password no longer works. We have two other users on the computer (neither have been set up with a password to access the accounts) but now the computer is asking for one.
    I'm typing my password correctly.
    Does the computer reset to a generic password?
    Any help would be appreciated!!
    Thank you!

    Hi Kathleen,
    Does the computer reset to a generic password?
    No, it most likely means that there was a disk problem, you can generally prevent... well, let me give you my whole spiel since we're here...
    Could be many things, we should start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
    5. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    6. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it finishes.
    The usual reason why updates fail or mess things up, or things don't load/run, is if Permissions are not fixed before & after every update, with a reboot... you may get a partial update when the installer finds it doesn't have Permissions to change one obscure little part of the OS, leaving you with a mix of OS versions.
    Some people get away without Repairing Permissions for years, some for only days.
    If Permissions are wrong before applying an update, you could get mixed OS versions, if Directory is the slightest messed up, who knows!
    If many Permission are repaired, or any Directory errors are found, you may need to re-apply some the latest/biggest updates again, or even do an A&I if you have enough free disk space.
    At this point it's not unlikely to undo the PW problem, but will prevent fiture problems.
    If it still doesn't work, go back to Step 2 above & lok for Change Password in the Menu bar.
    We have more if that still doesn't do it.

  • Lost MPEG-2 after archive and install

    I bought and used the MPEG-2 playback component but MPEG Streamclip no longer believes it is installed after a recent archive and install of Leopard.
    I still have my confirmation email of purchase, but there's no indication as to how to reinstall or repair MPEG-2.
    What do I need to do to restore Quicktime and especially MPEG-2?

    I'd recommend saving your (paid-for) QuickTimeMPEG2.dmg file on your local disk. This would go for any software you pay for and then download online, especially if it can be accidentally wiped out by an OS upgrade.

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