Archives compression

I am on, and want to know if I can compress the archives which we store locally.
ie., for Log_archive_dest_1
We have Log_archive_dest_2(for standby) for which we have already specified Compression=Enable

The only information I can find on this is :
I can't find any official reference to the syntax in 11g. I would say don't use it.
Syntax I'm referring to :
ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG COMPRESS ENABLE/DISABLEAlso I would not compress an an archive since if you need it for recovery, you have to decompress.
Please consider closing some of your old questions.
Best Regards

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    Locate a file named and get rid of it. iMovie will create a new one the next time it runs. Empty the trash and run a permissions repair from the Disk Utility folder.
    The files are located here:
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    Well, if it is possible, here's how...
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    Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail Downloads
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    Hi , and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Depending what you want to archive...
    First Quit Mail, then I'd backup these two Mail folders, by right clicking on them in the Finder, then choose Archive/Compress.
    Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail Downloads
    (Could be a different folder here if you chose such in Mail Prefs)
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    As per your query you can provide the user lifetime publishing but you can not Zip the file as per our two friends said and this will happen in KM and you are also aware of KM functionality.
    So document should be kept in your directory but it will not visible to enduser (those are having a read access) section.
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    This will helpful to you.

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    Yes, what ever the IMAP folder shows will be immediately reflected on the Server, any file outside the IMAP folder will be invisible to the IMAP Server.
    Couple of suggestions...
    Do not move a whole IMAP Folder, that removes it from the Server too, the way is to Select All within & move the files to another Folder.
    For safety & a backup, First Quit Mail, then I'd backup these two Mail folders, by right clicking on them in the Finder, then choose Archive/Compress.
    Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail Downloads
    (Could be a different folder here if you chose such in Mail Prefs)
    Right click on that Mail folder, choose archive, you'll get everything in the folder, and the folder itself in a file called, move it to a safe place, same for the Mail Downloads folder... only the plist is separate.

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    Hello, If you have 2 Macs with Firewire, bot the 10.3 one into FireWire target disk mode...
    Then use Mail on the other one to Import.
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    On Mail...
    First Quit Mail, then I'd backup these two Mail folders, by right clicking on them in the Finder, then choose Archive/Compress.
    Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail Downloads
    (Could be a different folder here if you chose such in Mail Prefs)
    Right click on that Mail folder, choose archive, you'll get everything in the folder, and the folder itself in a file called, move it to a safe place, same for the Mail Downloads folder... only the plist is separate.
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    Hi , and a warm welcome to the forum!
    First I'd backup your whole Mail folder, by right clicking on it in the Finder, then choose Archive/Compress.
    Right click on that Mail folder, choose archive, you'll get everything in the folder, and the folder itself in a file called, move it to a safe place... only the plist is separate.
    Try dragging this file to the desktop in case we need to put it back later, then logout/in...
    (May or may not require you to setup your account(s) again.)
    Quit Mail, then In your home folder, try moving this +folder & file+ to the Desktop then reboot...
    Move to the Desktop...
    /Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail/Envelope Index
    You can always move them back if it doesn't help.

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