Are my temps normal?

I have a 21.5'' iMac from 2010 and I am a little worried about its temperatures. I think that they may be too high and
may cause damage to the machine over time.
But, as I don't know if it's really high or it's normal, I would like to ask for some help on the matter.
Here are some temps:
(By the way, they were all measured in Celsius and using a widget called iStat Pro)
->Browsing the web and with a couple apps open:
HD: 48
CPU: 46
Ambient: 29
GPU Diode: 62
GPU Heatsink: 59
Mem Controller: 53
Optical Drive: 40
Power supply 2: 59
Optical Drive: 998rpm
Hard Drive: 1100rpm
CPU Fan: 1199rpm
->Playing a game and no apps open (I did two measurements, that's why you will see two numbers):
HD: 49 and 51
CPU: 59 and 62
Ambient: 30 and 30
GPU Diode: 85 and 83
GPU Heatsink: 78 and 77
Mem Controller: 62 and 65
Optical Drive: 42 and 45
Power supply 2: 73 and 75
Optical Drive: 1327rpm and 1413
Hard Drive: 1100rpm and 1099rpm
CPU Fan: 1199rpm and 1284rpm
So, are these temperatures normal?
Thank you very much,

Not seeing anything dangerous there, but cooler is always better, to a point. If you use smcFan, you don't want to rev up the fan motors too high and prematurely burn them out. You need to find the right balance between temps and fan rpms.
I don't know if you'll be able to get them down like this, but just for reference, here are mine from browsing only, with my fans ramped up on the "minimum" setting I use (see that linked thread for the settings.) It is the second highest setting after the defaults. I don't have a readout for GPU on mine, but a good proxy is the Northbridge. I'm running a fan at the back right now, which means I don't have to go that high for the internal fans. And the room temp is relatively cool today. Disregard the Amibient readout; it's completely out of whack.

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    Update bios to 3.00 it fixes
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    Latest Version BIOS fixed all merged issues from previous.
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    Originally posted by turtles
    Originally posted by RLiu818
    Originally posted by bricwolfer
    At there are other clawhammer + cg stepping that have this issue. It is the clawhammer + o stepping that escapes this bios issue.
    do you have the link to that thread by any chance?
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    do u have it the other way around
    dont you mean 35 case temps and 50 cpu temps

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    Yes this is bit warm but according to your ambient temperature it seems to be normal. Where do you live?
    You can use Macs fan control or any software that can control fan speed and you can assign fans for different temp sensors. That will reduce unnecessary fan rpm.
    I am not suggesting to set FAN rpm as per my photo but you may try yourself.

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    Affects: Some users
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    Win 7.
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    I am assuming that you are talking about the File Dialog when you select "Open Sequence File..." from the menu.  The code for the dialog is encapsulated as a command in the Operator Interface.  If you look in the TestStand help, under Command Kinds, you can see all the coded commands that will cause the OI to respond.  The CommandKind_OpenSequenceFile command is what causes the File Dialog to popup.  When the user selects the proper file and chooses to Open the dialog, the OpenSequenceFile command triggers a DisplaySequenceFile event.  This event is handled by the Application Manager with a callback function (or VI if you are using LabVIEW).  The SequenceFile gets updated in the SequenceFileView manager.  Unfortunately, much of this code is handled internally by the Operator Interface manager controls.  The File Dialog is simply a function that gets called, and the Window handle is never really accessed by the OI developer.
    You may have a few options, however.  There may be a Windows kernel function, that accesses child Window handles.  I would search MSDN for any functions that will help access Window handles.
    The other option is to implement the File Open dialog yourself.  I believe, the File Chooser is a standard dialog popup, that you can call from most programming languages that are accessing Windows functionality.  However, you should trigger the DisplaySequenceFile event after the user selects a file.  This will cause the SequenceFileView manager to be udpated with the proper sequence file.
    I have not tried either of these implementations.
    If you have any questions, please let me know.
    Tyler T.

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    Greetings All,
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    K7T Turbo2 v.5
    Duron 800
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    PSU Sparkle 300w; 150w combined (according to sales slip)
    Asus 7100 Geforce 2mx 32 meg
    SB 128 pci sound card
    Western D 80gig special
    Acer 52x CD
    LiteOn 48x12x48
    Win 98se
    Most curent VIA drivers
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    Vcore = 1.55v
    5v = 5.05v
    3.3v = 3.27v
    12v = 11.60v
    2) This may need to be in the BIOS group but what are the optimum seetings for this board and my stuff?
    3) When I boot up I notice that just about all my hardware is using IRQ11. Is this normal?
    4) A while back I saw a lot discussion about ACPI. Is it best to use it or not? If you turn it off do you have to reload your OS?
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    Not that I am very technical and do sometimes get mixed up in my own settings...
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    and 1080p25 for the '25f' footage. When using the de-interlaced filter I hit the
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    settings and field dominance in particular with interlaced footage but do experiment
    quiet abit to my even larger frustration. I do find the '24f' frames quite pleasant to
    look at - maybe it is just because it is easier to work with I dont know, but interlaced
    got a reputation of being difficult.
    Likewise as far as I am aware then the '25f' canon setting is as good as progressive
    some will even say 'same'. check out more here

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    A)  What temperature should the fans come on at?
    B)  Is this normal? Should I be worried

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    Are you aware that whenever you update an app, a "downloading" icon will be visible on the last home page, and will disappear as soon as it's updated the app, which takes roughly 15-30 seconds.

  • Are these temps ok? (Core i7) (MSI Pro-E)

    Hello folks, before I started doing some light OC, I wanted to make sure that my system was stable at stock settings, without any after market cooling devices.
    My h/w specification goes like this:
    CPU - Core i7 920 D0 Stepping 2.67 GHz
    Motherboard - MSI Pro-E
    RAM- Corsair 6 Gb kit 1333 MHz
    Video card- Nvidia 9500 GT 1 Gb
    Hard drives- WD 500 Gb X 2
    Operating system- Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit
    PSU- Corsair VX450W
    I ran Mprime (the linux port of Prime95) for an hour without any issues. The temperatures were as follows:
    Idle: CPU: 25-26 
            IOH: 64
    Load: CPU: 84
              IOH: 77
    I know that IOH temps are high at idle, but am getting an Antec Spot Cool fan to fix that. (thanks to the informative discussions on the forums)
    However what I want to know is that at full load, isn't the CPU temp too high ? My system didn't crash, but since I am new to this subject, please let me know what you think. Also, since it has been mentioned in the forums in threads regarding the high IOH temps that a lot of after market coolers leave little room for cooling of the heatsink...which brand/model/type of an after market CPU cooler according to you folks should I go for ?
    Also, is there a possibility of slightly OCing the system, say up to 3 GHz, with the stock cooler, or should I start saving for a good CPU cooler ?

    Quote from: Aaron on 11-February-10, 12:28:13
    84 at stock?  Something wrong there.  Shouldn't even be going over the 50s.  Make sure you installed the CPU cooler correctly.  If you reinstall it and the temperatures are the same, then the chipset heatsink is making little/obscured contact and needs to be reinstalled.  A fresh blob of TIM on the chipset wouldn't hurt either.  (Doing both the CPU and chipset coolers would not hurt one bit.)
    I still don't know why MSI's IOH temperatures are still so high.  It's been months now and they still have this inconvenience/issue.
    Thanks a lot for the information. I have re-checked and the CPU cooler is installed fine, is fixed tight. I will try your other suggestions as soon as I get the thermal compounds. Sidenote- Arctic Silver Ceramique should be fine, right ?
    Quote from: HU16E
    IOH is ok, but if you feel adventurous, new TIM & adding a nylon washer between the stock washer & spring should help. The Antec Spot Cool is a great temp reducer. All my rigs run a Zalman 9900. One reason I like it on an X58 rig, is because it gives a little passive air onto the IOH similar to the stock cooler. smile
    Added: Once you get that high CPU at load figured out, you should be able to run the stock cooler up to around 3.5-3.6 with no problem.
    Thanks HU16E, your posts on the other thread (on high IOH temps) have also been useful. I will look into buying the Zalman 9900, thanks for the info.
    I hope I haven't done any damage to the CPU by running that stress test for an hour. (n00b query: why didn't my system shutdown at such high temperature ?)

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