Arithmetic Stacks

My program distinguishes between the operators and operands and places them in separate stacks. If the character is an operator, I want compare its precedence to that of the operator on top of the operator stack. If the current operator has higher precedence than the one currently on top of the stack, or the stack is empty, it should be pushed onto the operator stack. If the current operator has the same or lower precedence, the operator on top of the operator stack must be evaluated next. This is done by popping that operator off the operator stack along with a pair of operands from the operand stack and writing a new line in the output table. help
import java.util.Stack;
class Prog3<T> extends MyArrayList<T> {
// method compares operators to establish precedence
     private static int prec(char x) {
     if (x == '+' || x == '-')
          return 1;
     if (x == '*' || x == '/' || x == '%')
          return 2;
     return 0;
     public static void main (String args [])
          Stack operatorStack = new Stack();
          Stack operandStack = new Stack();
          BufferedReader keyboard = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
          String line = null;
          while (true){
                System.out.print("Enter an expression: ");
                      line = keyboard.readLine();
                }catch(IOException e){}
                for(int i=0; i < line.length(); i++){
                  if(line.charAt(i) == ' '){
                  }else if(line.charAt(i) == '/'){
                  }else if(line.charAt(i) == '*'){
                  }else if(line.charAt(i) == '+'){
                  }else if(line.charAt(i) == '-'){
                  }else if(line.charAt(i) >= 97 && line.charAt(i) <= 109){

My program distinguishes between the operators and operands and places them in separate stacks.Why?
If the character is an operator, I want compare its precedence to that of the operator on top of the operator stack.Why?
Why aren't you using recursive descent? or a parser generator?
Why are you implementing this technique? It's been obsolete for 40 years.

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  • How to store numbers in a stack....

    hello guys...i ve got the following assignment:
    Write a Java program that reads and evaluates a fully parenthesised arithmetic expression. The
    purpose of this program is to illustrate a fundamental use of stacks. Implement the stack using
    Linked Lists as explained in your notes.
    For e.g if a user enters the expression: (((6 + 9) / 3) * (6 � 4))
    The result should be 10.
    Your program should be properly documented and well structured. Specifications should be
    clearly written in your logbook for all the methods, constructors, and classes that you implement
    in the following format:
    Class / Method/ Constructor name explaining what it does
    Now, i ve come up with the following code:
    import java.util.EmptyStackException;
    class StackNode {
         private static Object data;
         private StackNode link;
         private static StackNode head;
         private int totalnodes;
    // the constructors
    public StackNode(Object obj, StackNode lk)
         data = obj;
         link = lk;
    public StackNode()
         head = null;
         totalnodes = 0;
         // the push method
         public void push(Object obj)
              head = new StackNode(obj, head);
         // the pop method
         public Object pop()
              Object answer;
              if(head == null)
                   throw new EmptyStackException();
              answer = head.getData();
              head = head.getLink();
              return answer;
         // the isEmpty method
         public boolean isEmpty()
              return (head == null);
         // get data
         public Object getData()
              return data;
         // get link
         public StackNode getLink()
              return link;
         // size or length method
         public int size()
              return totalnodes;
         public static void main (String args [])
              int i;
              StackNode number = new StackNode();
              StackNode operator = new StackNode();
              head = new StackNode(data, head);
              number.push(new Integer(9));
              number.push(new Integer(6));
              operator.push(new Character('+'));
    and i dont know how to store numbers into the stack and how to use the operations such as addition substraction division and multiply...
    any ideas how to do that??

    This doesn't use a stack but the concept is the same:
    import java.util.*;
    public class formula {
    public  int aValue = 1;
    public  int bValue = 2;
    public  int cValue = 3;
    public formula() {
       //StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer("a + b/c", " abc()+-*/", true);
       //while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { System.out.println(st.nextToken()); }
       StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer("a + (c - b) + (b * c)", " abc()+-*/", true);
      int operand1 = 0;
      int operand2 = 0;
      int operator = 0;
      //flag: first operand has a value
      boolean firstOperandFull = false;
      //flag: second operand has a value
      boolean secondOperandFull = false;
      //flag: tokens are between parens
      boolean inParens = false;
      Vector inParensVector = null;
        while (st2.hasMoreTokens()) {
                  String x = st2.nextToken();
                  //if token is a blank skip it.
                  if (x.equals(" ")) { continue MAINLOOP; }
                  //if token is open parens set flag and skip to next token
                  if (x.equals("(")) { inParens = true; inParensVector = new Vector(); continue MAINLOOP; }
                  //if tokn is close parens, retrieve the value from between the parens and reset flag.
                  if (x.equals(")")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = doInParens(inParensVector); firstOperandFull = true; }
                                       else { operand2 = doInParens(inParensVector); secondOperandFull = true;  }
                                       inParensVector = null; inParens = false; }
                  //if token is open parens store all tokens until close else process the token
                  if (inParens) { inParensVector.add(x); }
                  else {
                       //if token is a variable put correct value in operand
                       if (x.equals("a")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = aValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                            else { operand2 = aValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                       if (x.equals("b")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = bValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                            else { operand2 = bValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                       if (x.equals("c")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = cValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                            else { operand2 = cValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                       //if token is a operator store the operation
                       if (x.equals("+")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 1; } }
                       if (x.equals("-")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 2; } }
                       if (x.equals("*")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 3; } }
                       if (x.equals("/")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 4; } }
                       System.out.println("operand1 = " + operand1 + " operand2 = " + operand2 + " operator = " + operator);
                        //if second operand has a value perform the operation.
                       if (secondOperandFull) {
                                               switch (operator) {
                                                        case 1 : operand1 = add(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                        case 2 : operand1 = subtract(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                        case 3 : operand1 = multiply(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                        case 4 : operand1 = divide(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                        }//end switch
                                                 } //end if
                     } //End inParens else
      } //End while
    System.out.println("answer = " + operand1);
    public static void main(String[] args) { //formula f = new formula();
    Vector v = new Vector();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(",Greg,,Paul,,", ",", true);
    String token = null;
    String lastToken = " ";
    boolean firstToken = true;
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
    token = st.nextToken();
    if (firstToken) { if (token.equals(",")) { v.add("X"); }
    firstToken = false; }
    if (! token.equals(",")) { v.add(token); }
    else { if (lastToken.equals(",")) { v.add("X"); } }
    lastToken = token;
    } //End While
    if (token.equals(",")) { v.add("X"); }
    Enumeration tokens = v.elements();
    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
          System.out.println((String)tokens.nextElement()); }
    } //End Main
    public int add(int operand1, int operand2) { return operand1 + operand2; }
    public int subtract(int operand1, int operand2) { return operand1 - operand2; }
    public int divide(int operand1, int operand2) { return operand1 / operand2; }
    public int multiply(int operand1, int operand2) { return operand1 * operand2; }
    public int doInParens(Vector inParensVector) {
          int operand1 = 0;
          int operand2 = 0;
          int operator = 0;
          boolean firstOperandFull = false;
          boolean secondOperandFull = false;
          Enumeration tokens = inParensVector.elements();
               while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                  String x = (String)tokens.nextElement();
                  //if token is a blank skip it.
                  if (x.equals(" ")) { continue INPARENSLOOP; }
                  System.out.println("inparens : " + x);
                  //if token is a variable put correct value in operand
                      if (x.equals("a")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = aValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                          else { operand2 = aValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                  if (x.equals("b")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = bValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                      else { operand2 = bValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                  if (x.equals("c")) { if (! firstOperandFull) { operand1 = cValue; firstOperandFull = true; }
                                           else { operand2 = cValue; secondOperandFull = true;  } }
                 //if token is a operator store the operation
                 if (x.equals("+")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 1; } }
                  if (x.equals("-")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 2; } }
                 if (x.equals("*")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 3; } }
                 if (x.equals("/")) { if (firstOperandFull) { operator = 4; } }
                  System.out.println("Inparens : operand1 = " + operand1 + " operand2 = " + operand2 + " operator = " + operator);
                 if (secondOperandFull) {
                                         switch (operator) {
                                                   case 1 : operand1 = add(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                       case 2 : operand1 = subtract(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                       case 3 : operand1 = multiply(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                       case 4 : operand1 = divide(operand1, operand2); secondOperandFull = false; break;
                                                       }//end switch
                                         } //end if
                  } //End while
               System.out.println("Inparens return = " + operand1);
               return  operand1;
    }//End doInParens
    }//End Class

  • Evaluating a Character as a arithmetic operator

    I have two double values as variables call them val1 and val2. I also have a character value call it char1 that is an arithmetic operator '+' for example.
    How would I go about making this expression get evaluated from those variables? obviously using val1 char1 val2 doesn't work.

    I guess I needed to explain better why I wanted to be able to take two doubles and then go val1 char val2 where the char holds the operator.
    It's more than just 4 lines because what happens is i'm already under the case of +,-,/,* from a comparison and then i'm looking at another operator off of a stack, so that I can peform the argument operation in the right order. So thats another 4 comparisons plus the code I want to execture for each of the operators. So if I do it that way its 4 original comparison for finding which of the operators it is and then X 4 comparisons for the 4 different cases under each one found... plus the actual code beyond the comparisons.
    I assume there is no way to evaluate a char as an operator.. or convert into something where it can be?

  • Make the program understand Inputted Arithmetic Code

    hello guys,
    i want to make a graphing calculator
    i already have to code to determine the coordinates of a certain formula..
    the problem now is, how can i make a certain arithmetic formula like for ex. *sqrt(x^2 PLUS 4x PLUS 4)* and make the program understand it.. (sorry, the forum just removes the PLUS SIGN wen i include it on the formula :3 )
    it will be inputted through Java GUI like a scientific calculator..
    i have tried studying using stacks and arrays for these but it just i can't implement the theory behind it to my program..
    i already know the infix conversion to postfix or prefix but i just don't know how my program can interpret that
    i need some enlightenment or tips on how can i do that with my current program..
    right now, my program can only graph a certain formula when i edit it on the code and let the program run so it can be graphed [LIKE THIS|]
    Edited by: kyzhuchan on Sep 3, 2010 7:14 AM
    Edited by: kyzhuchan on Sep 3, 2010 7:15 AM

    I would use a stack for that.
    First you translate the equation into a postfix form and then you evaluate that.
    Here is an example
    import java.util.*;
    public static double calc(List postFix, double x) {
        Stack<Double> stack=new Stack<Double>();
        for(Object o: postFix) {
            if(o instanceof Double) stack.push((Double)o);
            else if(o instanceof String) {
                String str=(String)o;
                if(str.equals("x")) {
                } else if(str.equals("+")) {
                    stack.push( stack.pop() + stack.pop() );
                } else if(str.equals("-")) {
                    stack.push( -stack.pop() + stack.pop() );
                } else if(str.equals("*")) {
                    stack.push( stack.pop() * stack.pop() );
                } else if(str.equals("/")) {
                    stack.push( 1.0 / stack.pop() * stack.pop() );
        return stack.pop();
    }Lets say the formula is (2.3 + 5.1) * (7 - 4) * xThe postfix form is 2.3 5.1 + 7 4 - * x *Then to calculate the value at x=4.3 you can do
    List<Object> postFix=Arrays.<Object>asList(2.3, 5.1, "+", 7.0, 4.0, "-", "*", "x", "*");
    System.out.println(calc(postFix, 4.3));

  • OracleDataAdapter.Fill and arithmetic overflow exception

    Hi to all!
    In my ASP.NET 2.0 web-application I use ODP.NET to working with Oracle DB. When I execute a pipelined stored procedure an "Arithmetic pverflow exception" occures. Here is exception stack trace:
    в Oracle.DataAccess.Types.DecimalConv.GetDecimal(IntPtr numCtx)
    в Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataReader.GetDecimal(Int32 i)
    в Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataReader.GetValue(Int32 i)
    в Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataReader.GetValues(Object[] values)
    в System.Data.ProviderBase.DataReaderContainer.CommonLanguageSubsetDataReader.GetValues(Object[] values)
    в System.Data.ProviderBase.SchemaMapping.LoadDataRow()
    в System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.FillLoadDataRow(SchemaMapping mapping)
    в System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.FillFromReader(DataSet dataset, DataTable datatable, String srcTable, DataReaderContainer dataReader, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, DataColumn parentChapterColumn, Object parentChapterValue)
    в System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.Fill(DataTable[] dataTables, IDataReader dataReader, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords)
    в System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
    в System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataTable[] dataTables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
    в System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataTable dataTable)
    If I call this stored procedure from SqlNavigator it works properly. Hovewer I see that the data of one column of result cursor looks like 55,58554033940333204184424641611784101. If I round data of this column, the Fill method of OracleDataAdapter works without any exceptions. How can i solve this problem?
    Edited by: yoyoseek on Sep 3, 2008 2:09 AM

    The reason you are seeing this, is because Oracle Number has a greater precision than .NET Decimal.
    There are a couple of ways out:
    * Convert manually to_char instead of number out.
    * Using OracleDataAdapter.SafeMapping, described here
    * Round down to the precision of .NET decimal before returning.
    Edited by: gulhaugen on Sep 3, 2008 1:43 PM

  • Error while comitting a transaction in oSB. The following is the error stack

    Error while comitting a transaction in OSB. The following is the error stack
    <Apr 20, 2015 12:00:15 AM MDT> <Error> <EJB> <BEA-010026> <Exception occurred during commit of transaction Xid=BEA1-1AE41F1CAE45F2B146FD(296700848),Status=Rolled back. [Reason=Unknown],numRepliesOwedMe=0,numRepliesOwedOthers=0,seconds since begin=2,seconds left=120,XAServerResourceInfo[WLStore_SOA_PRDKS_DOMAIN_FileStore_SOA_MS2]=(ServerResourceInfo[WLStore_SOA_PRDKS_DOMAIN_FileStore_SOA_MS2]=(state=new,assigned=none),xar=null,re-Registered = false),XAServerResourceInfo[WLStore_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN_FileStore_auto_1]=(ServerResourceInfo[WLStore_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN_FileStore_auto_1]=(state=rolledback,assigned=OSB_MS1),xar=WLStore_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN_FileStore_auto_11603460297,re-Registered = false),XAServerResourceInfo[weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource]=(ServerResourceInfo[weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource]=(state=ended,assigned=none),xar=CMSDS,re-Registered = false),SCInfo[OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN+OSB_MS1]=(state=rolledback),SCInfo[SOA_PRDKS_DOMAIN+SOA_MS2]=(state=pre-prepared),properties=({}),local properties=({weblogic.jdbc.jta.CMSDS=[ No XAConnection is attached to this TxInfo ]}),OwnerTransactionManager=ServerTM[ServerCoordinatorDescriptor=(, XAResources={eis/wls/Queue, WEDB_EVEREST_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, XREFDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, eis/activemq/Queue, CustomSchemaDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, MobileApps_CIA_DS1_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, eis/tibjmsDirect/Queue, eis/jbossmq/Queue, eis/Apps/Apps, MobileApps_AOS_MDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, MobileApps_AOS_DRDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, WSATGatewayRM_OSB_MS1_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, eis/webspheremq/Queue, eis/AQ/aqSample, SBLPROD_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, wlsbjmsrpDataSource_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, eis/aqjms/Queue, CMSDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, WLStore_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN_WseeFileStore_auto_1, FAP_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, eis/sunmq/Queue, eis/pramati/Queue, FMWAPPDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource, GSDC_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, eis/tibjms/Topic, eis/fioranomq/Topic, WLStore_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN_FileStore_MS1, PresidioOracleAppsDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, GSDCDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, eis/aqjms/Topic, CustOutDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, OFMW/Logging/BAM, MobileAppsDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, FIDDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, WLStore_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN__WLS_OSB_MS1, HRMSDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, WEDB_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, OracleAppsDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, eis/wls/Topic, eis/tibjms/Queue, eis/tibjmsDirect/Topic, IntrastatDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, MobileApps_AOS_COSDS_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, MobileApps_CIA_DS2_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, EVEREST_WEDB_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN, WLStore_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN_FileStore_auto_1, Everest_OSB_PRDKS_DOMAIN},NonXAResources={})], javax.transaction.SystemException: Lost connection to server while commit was in progress, ignoring because initiating server is not coordinating server. Remote Exception received=weblogic.rjvm.PeerGoneException: ; nested exception is:
            java.rmi.UnmarshalException: Incoming message header or abbreviation processing failed ; nested exception is:
   oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = -2542408691177300269, local class serialVersionUID = -4551795881821760665
            at weblogic.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl.commit(
            at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionImpl.internalCommit(
            at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionImpl.commit(
            at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.execute(
            at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.transactionalOnMessage(
            at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.MDListener.onMessage(
            at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.onMessage(
            at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.execute(
            at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.executeMessage(
            at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession.access$000(
            at weblogic.jms.client.JMSSession$

    Have you tried Cancelling the release before adding the version?
    Select the active version of the IDOC Segment and cancel its release first. Only then you will be able to add a version.
    Please let me know if it worked!

  • Instalação de EHp3 + ultimo Stack (15) + últimos SP de HR (44)

    Amigos, bom dia,
    Estou realizando um projeto de instalação de EHp3 + ultimo Stack (15) + últimos SP de HR (44) disponíveis hoje para um ECC 6.0 montado sobre Solaris SPARC 10 e Oracle 10g.
    O problema é o seguinte, montei um servidor de teste e realizei uma copia homogênea do sistema de PRD para poder evaluar o impacto e poder ter o tempo que o sistema estará em manutenção e sem acesso aos usuários. Como é um cliente que trabalha as 24hs, o sistema de PRD não pode estar fora do ar mais de 48hs como máximo (sábado e domingo), igualmente, este tempo para o cliente já é muito. Então estou precisando reduzir ao máximo os tempos de ajustes manuais da SPDD e SPAU.
    Por isso a minha idéia é que no ambiente DEV a equipe funcional, ao momento de realizar os ajustes da SPDD e SPAU, gerem ordens de transportes para que ao momento de realizar a instalação em QAS e PRD, eu possa adicionar essas ordens através da SAINT e fazer uma só u201Cqueueu201D.
    Alguém alguma vez fez algo pelo estilo? Já adicionaram ordens de transporte a SAINT? Estive vendo esta documentação:
    Mas não me esclareceu as duvidas. Como a SAINT vai saber qual é a ordem relacionada aos ajustes da SPDD e aos ajustes da SPAU?
    Alguém que possa me dar uma dica?
    Muito obrigado,
    Alejandro Olindo
    SAP Basis Consultant

  • How can I sync ONLY the top photo in the stack?

    I sync various Aperture photo albums to my IPad and iPhone. The problem is that when I have 'stacked' images (eg. one image showing in the album and two other copies 'hidden' underneath), all of the photos in the stack are copied to the ipad and iPhone. So instead of seeing just one version of an image, I see as many as are in the stack. How can I sync ONLY the top photo in the stack?
    Thanks for your help!

    I solved my own problem.
    The sync problem seemed to only occur on smart albums. There is a new check box option in Aperture 3 when making a smart album: "sync stack pick only." One click and the problem is solved!

  • Why do I need to declare "defaultButton" ? (In a component form part of view stack)

    After doing some research and some help from FlexGuy in another thread, I realize that I need to make sure I have custom components initialized before accessing parts of the component.  Just recently I was thrown for a long time when I tried to first click on a form field that was part of a component in my view stack, I'd get:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
        at mx.managers::FocusManager/focusInHandler()[C:\autobuild\galaga\frameworks\projects\framew ork\src\mx\managers\]
    With the debugger it's occuring in the focusInHandler method of (apparently _defaultButton is null.)
    // restore the default button to be the original one
                    if (defButton && defButton != _defaultButton)
                        defButton.emphasized = false;
                        defButton = _defaultButton;
                       _defaultButton.emphasized = true;
    This prompted me, on a whim, to delcare a defaultButton:
    <mx:Form id="empForm" defaultButton="{submitButton}">
    which refers to my submit button:
    <mx:Button id="submitButton" click="submitEmployee()" label="{submitLabel}"/>
    My question, is why is this necessary? In some examples I don't see this declared at all, but I seem to need it? (I'm calling creationPolicy="all" to make sure my components are initialized but I still seem to have to this defaultButton declared?)

    It's a way of proving that you are able to purchase content from that country's store i.e. that you have a valid billing address in it
    From Why can’t I select None when I edit my Apple ID payment information? - Apple Support :
    If you changed your country or region
    When you change the country or region of an existing Apple ID, you must provide a payment method and update your billing options. If you want to remove your payment method after you change the country or region, you can change your payment information to None.

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    Now have 3 problems:
    1. System recognises mobile phone (Nokia 6260) and appears to pair but Nokia PC suite can't connect to the phone
    2. System 'sees' headset (Nokia HDW3) but I get a (rather unhelpful) 'an error occured' dialog box when it tries to connect.
    3. When shutting the system down, I now get an 'end program TosOBEX' dialog box.
    Further attempts to uninstall / reinstall have no effect on any of the above.
    Anyone got any ideas how to solve these issues? The TosOBEX point in particular leads me to suspect that the installation is somehow corrupted.
    I've also tried to revert to the Microsoft stack but after removing the Toshiba stack and installing the BT monitor & rebooting, the system looks for Toshiba RFBus Driver. What do I need to do at this step to force it to install a Microsoft stack?

    finaly I've found the solution for my problem. I don't know if it helps for the others, but it's very interesting.
    Let's start at the begining.
    * If you create a registry entry named EnableAPILog under HKCU\Software\Toshiba\BluetoothStack\V1.0\Mng\Log you can view the debugOutput with eg. DebugView.
    * In the log I saw a lot of tries for creating COM port. Finaly just figured out how the TosOBEX works. After the process start, it will try to create several serial port for it's own services (as Bluetooth Local COM can display in normal case).
    So the program calls the "CreateACOMport(x)" function, which returns with a failure. So the program jums back to the call again, next try may be OK. And this call-jump back-call-jump back-call ... will never end. The called function will use the kernel resources, so services.exe will eat all the CPU. (No any error message after x tries of "CreateACOMport" function ??? let's see in next release ;) )
    *So checked DeviceManager, but it did not show any local serial port except the normal ones.
    Microsoft published how to view the not connected devices (
    With this in 2 hours I deleted all serial ports from the "Ports" class. (Of course first I removed the Toshiba stack).
    Toshiba stact reinstall & everything works fine.
    that's all.

  • Stack file that is generated does not contain any java components

    We are in process of upgrading our ecc6.0 system with ehp4. The enhancement is stuck up in configuration phase for JAVA. Though we have configured Java in solution manager the stack file that is generated does not contain any java components and so the installation is stuck up. Kindly request you to advice us on this issue .
    Attached is the 'Trouble Ticket Report', PREPARE_JSPM_QUEUE_CSZ_01.LOG, and SMSDXML_EA4_20100623144541.375.txt
    Trouble Ticket Report
    Installation of enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0
    SID................: EA4
    Hostname...........: wipro
    Install directory..: e:/usr/sap/EA4
    Upgrade directory..: F:\EHPI\java
    Database...........: Oracle
    Operating System...: NT
    JDK version........: 1.6.0_07 SAP AG
    SAPJup version.....: 3.4.29
    Source release.....: 700
    Target release.....: 700
    Start release SP...: $(/J2EE/StandardSystem/SPLevel)
    Target release SP..: $(/J2EE/ShadowSystem/SPLevel)
    Current usages.....:
    ABAP stack present.: true
    The execution of PREPARE/INIT/PREPARE_JSPM_QUEUE ended in error.
    The stack E:\usr\sap\trans\EPS\SMSDXML_EA4_20100625054857.968.xml contains no components for this system.
    More information can be found in the log file F:\EHPI\java\log\PREPARE_JSPM_QUEUE_CSZ_02.LOG.
    Use the information provided to trouble-shoot the problem. There might be an OSS note providing a solution to this problem. Search for OSS notes with the following search terms:
    The stack E:\usr\sap\trans\EPS\SMSDXML_EA4_20100625054857.968.xml contains no components for this system.
    NetWeaver Enhancement Package Installation
    Java Enhancement Package Installation
    <!HELP[Manual modification of the header may cause parsing problem!]/>
    <!FORMATTER[ [%s]: %-100l [%t]: %m)]/>
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:23 AM [Info]:             [Thread[main,5,main]]: Phase PREPARE/INIT/PREPARE_JSPM_QUEUE has been started.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:23 AM [Info]:             [Thread[main,5,main]]: Phase type is
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:23 AM [Info]:          [Thread[main,5,main]]:   Parameter inputFile=EHPComponents.xml
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:23 AM [Info]: [Thread[main,5,main]]: Creating JSPM SP Stack  queue preparator.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Info]: [Thread[main,5,main]]: Dialog eliminator spStackDialogEliminator allows to omit dialog SPStackLocationDialog
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Info]:         [Thread[main,5,main]]: Validatable parameter SP/STACK/LOCATION has been validated by validator RequiredFields.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Info]:         [Thread[main,5,main]]: Validatable parameter SP/STACK/LOCATION has been validated by validator SPStackLocationValidator.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Info]: [Thread[main,5,main]]: Using SP Stack E:\usr\sap\trans\EPS\SMSDXML_EA4_20100625054857.968.xml.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Info]:          [Thread[main,5,main]]: STACK-SHORT-NAME tag is missing. The CAPTION of the stack will be used as stack name.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Info]:          [Thread[main,5,main]]: PRODUCT-PPMS-NAME tag is missing. The CAPTION of the product will be used as product PPMS name.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Info]:             [Thread[main,5,main]]: Parsing of stack definition file E:\usr\sap\trans\EPS\SMSDXML_EA4_20100625054857.968.xml has finished.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Error]:              [Thread[main,5,main]]: Exception has occurred during the execution of the phase.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Error]: [Thread[main,5,main]]: The stack E:\usr\sap\trans\EPS\SMSDXML_EA4_20100625054857.968.xml contains no components for this system.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Info]:                [Thread[main,5,main]]: Phase PREPARE/INIT/PREPARE_JSPM_QUEUE has been completed.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Info]:                [Thread[main,5,main]]: Start time: 2010/06/28 09:21:23.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Info]:                [Thread[main,5,main]]: End time: 2010/06/28 09:21:24.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Info]:                [Thread[main,5,main]]: Duration: 0:00:00.781.
    Jun 28, 2010 9:21:24 AM [Info]:                [Thread[main,5,main]]: Phase status is error.
    [stack xml data: version=1.0]
    ST-PI                         2005_1_7000006
    LSOFE                         600       0015
    SAP_AP                        700       0015
    SAP_BASIS                     701       0003
    SAP_ABA                       701       0003
    SAP_BW                        701       0003
    PI_BASIS                      701       0003
    PLMWUI                        700       0002
    SAP_APPL                      604       0002
    EA-APPL                       604       0002
    SAP_BS_FND                    701       0002
    EA-IPPE                       404       0002
    WEBCUIF                       700       0002
    INSURANCE                     604       0002
    FI-CA                         604       0002
    ERECRUIT                      604       0002
    ECC-DIMP                      604       0002
    EA-DFPS                       604       0002
    IS-UT                         604       0002
    IS-H                          604       0003
    EA-RETAIL                     604       0002
    EA-FINSERV                    604       0002
    IS-OIL                        604       0002
    IS-PRA                        604       0002
    IS-M                          604       0002
    SEM-BW                        604       0002
    FINBASIS                      604       0002
    FI-CAX                        604       0002
    EA-GLTRADE                    604       0002
    IS-CWM                        604       0002
    EA-PS                         604       0002
    IS-PS-CA                      604       0002
    EA-HR                         604       0005
    SAP_HR                        604       0005
    ECC-SE                        604       0002
    01200314690900000432SAP ERP ENHANCE PACKAGE       EHP2 FOR SAP ERP 6.0                       EHP2 FOR SAP ERP 6.0                                                    -00000000000000
    01200314690900000463SAP ERP ENHANCE PACKAGE       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0                                                    -00000000000000
    01200615320900001296                                                                                                                                  +00000000000000
    01200615320900001469SAP ERP ENHANCE PACKAGE       EHP3 FOR SAP ERP 6.0                       EHP3 FOR SAP ERP 6.0                                                    -00000000000000
    01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01                                           +00000000000000
    1                   01200615320900001296SAP ERP                       2005                                       SAP ERP 6.0: SAP ECC Server
    19                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Discrete Ind. & Mill Products
    20                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Media
    21                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Utilities/Waste&Recycl./Telco
    23                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Leasing/Contract A/R & A/P
    24                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Retail
    25                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Global Trade
    26                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Financial Supply Chain Mgmt
    30                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Central Applications
    31                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Strategic Enterprise Mgmt
    33                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Human Capital Management
    37                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Oil & Gas
    38                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Catch Weight Management
    42                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Public Sector Accounting
    43                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Insurance
    44                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Hospital
    45                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: SAP ECC Server VPack successor
    46                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: ERecruiting
    47                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Defense & Public Security
    48                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Financial Services
    55                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Oil & Gas with Utilities
    56                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: Defense
    59                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: PLM Core
    69                  01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: EAM config control
    9                   01200615320900003195EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0_NW701    EHP4 FOR ERP 6.0_NW701                       EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01: SAP ESA ECC-SE

    Though we have configured Java in solution manager the stack file that is generated does not contain any java components
    You will probably need to update Solution Manager first with a number of corrections so you can get a correctly generated stack file. Depending on your ST400 version in Solution Manager apply collective corrections from "Note 1461849 - MOpz: Collective corrections 24" or "Note 1452118 - MOpz: Collective Corrections 23". They generally deal with these kind of stack file issues.

  • EHP4 Upgrade ABAP+JAVA stack

    Hi SDN Team,
    We are in the proceess of EHP4 upgrade,now we are at the road map configuration where we got stuck,I is looking for JAVA sca files in XML file but could not found the same and it throw an error,
    Trouble Ticket Log
    Trouble Ticket Report
    Installation of enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0
    SID................: SE1
    Hostname...........: NA00SAPSAND02
    Install directory..: g:/usr/sap/SE1
    Upgrade directory..: G:\EHPI\EHPI\java
    Database...........: Microsoft SQL Server
    Operating System...: NT
    JDK version........: 1.6.0_07 SAP AG
    SAPJup version.....: 3.4.29
    Source release.....: 700
    Target release.....: 700
    Start release SP...: $(/J2EE/StandardSystem/SPLevel)
    Target release SP..: $(/J2EE/ShadowSystem/SPLevel)
    Current usages.....:
    ABAP stack present.: true
    The execution of PREPARE/INIT/PREPARE_JSPM_QUEUE ended in error.
    The stack T:\EHP4_Downloads\SMSDXML_CROSSSYS_20100726091148.945.xml contains no components for this system.
    More information can be found in the log file G:\EHPI\EHPI\java\log\PREPARE_JSPM_QUEUE_CSZ_02.LOG.
    Use the information provided to trouble-shoot the problem. There might be an OSS note providing a solution to this problem. Search for OSS notes with the following search terms:
    The stack T:\EHP4_Downloads\SMSDXML_CROSSSYS_20100726091148.945.xml contains no components for this system.
    NetWeaver Enhancement Package Installation
    Java Enhancement Package Installation
    We have added the system  in SMSY and download the stack properly and I could see SCA files listed in XML file but still iam stuck the above error
    <!HELP[Manual modification of the header may cause parsing problem!]/>
    <!FORMATTER[ [%s]: %-100l [%t]: %m)]/>
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:             [Thread[main,5,main]]: Phase PREPARE/INIT/PREPARE_JSPM_QUEUE has been started.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:             [Thread[main,5,main]]: Phase type is
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:          [Thread[main,5,main]]:   Parameter inputFile=EHPComponents.xml
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]: [Thread[main,5,main]]: Creating JSPM SP Stack  queue preparator.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]: [Thread[main,5,main]]: Dialog eliminator spStackDialogEliminator allows to omit dialog SPStackLocationDialog
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:         [Thread[main,5,main]]: Validatable parameter SP/STACK/LOCATION has been validated by validator RequiredFields.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:         [Thread[main,5,main]]: Validatable parameter SP/STACK/LOCATION has been validated by validator SPStackLocationValidator.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]: [Thread[main,5,main]]: Using SP Stack T:\EHP4_Downloads\SMSDXML_CROSSSYS_20100726091148.945.xml.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:          [Thread[main,5,main]]: STACK-SHORT-NAME tag is missing. The CAPTION of the stack will be used as stack name.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:          [Thread[main,5,main]]: PRODUCT-PPMS-NAME tag is missing. The CAPTION of the product will be used as product PPMS name.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Warning]: [Thread[main,5,main]]: Software feature EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01 : SAP Learning Sol-Frontend CP - 05 (11/2009) found in stack definition file T:\EHP4_Downloads\SMSDXML_CROSSSYS_20100726091148.945.xml is applicable for system  SID: ZSE and HOST: na00sapsand02, but the current system is SID: SE1 and HOST: NA00SAPSAND02. This software feature will be skipped.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Warning]: [Thread[main,5,main]]: Software feature EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01 : SAP NW - Applic. Server Java - 05 (11/2009) found in stack definition file T:\EHP4_Downloads\SMSDXML_CROSSSYS_20100726091148.945.xml is applicable for system  SID: ZSE and HOST: na00sapsand02, but the current system is SID: SE1 and HOST: NA00SAPSAND02. This software feature will be skipped.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:             [Thread[main,5,main]]: Parsing of stack definition file T:\EHP4_Downloads\SMSDXML_CROSSSYS_20100726091148.945.xml has finished.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Error]:              [Thread[main,5,main]]: Exception has occurred during the execution of the phase.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Error]: [Thread[main,5,main]]: The stack T:\EHP4_Downloads\SMSDXML_CROSSSYS_20100726091148.945.xml contains no components for this system.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:                [Thread[main,5,main]]: Phase PREPARE/INIT/PREPARE_JSPM_QUEUE has been completed.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:                [Thread[main,5,main]]: Start time: 2010/07/27 03:48:22.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:                [Thread[main,5,main]]: End time: 2010/07/27 03:48:22.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:                [Thread[main,5,main]]: Duration: 0:00:00.141.
    Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:                [Thread[main,5,main]]: Phase status is error.
    Not sure what to do now.please advise.

    Hi Uday,
    > Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Warning]:    > >[Thread[main,5,main]]: Software feature EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01 : SAP Learning Sol-Frontend CP - 05 (11/2009) >found in stack definition file T:\EHP4_Downloads\SMSDXML_CROSSSYS_20100726091148.945.xml is applicable for >system  SID: ZSE and HOST: na00sapsand02, but the current system is SID: SE1 and HOST: NA00SAPSAND02. This >software feature will be skipped.
    > Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Warning]:    > >[Thread[main,5,main]]: Software feature EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01 : SAP NW - Applic. Server Java - 05 (11/2009) >found in stack definition file T:\EHP4_Downloads\SMSDXML_CROSSSYS_20100726091148.945.xml is applicable for >system  SID: ZSE and HOST: na00sapsand02, but the current system is SID: SE1 and HOST: NA00SAPSAND02. This >software feature will be skipped.
    > Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Info]:                      > [Thread[main,5,main]]: Parsing of >stack definition file T:\EHP4_Downloads\SMSDXML_CROSSSYS_20100726091148.945.xml has finished.
    > Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Error]:                       > [Thread[main,5,main]]: Exception >has occurred during the execution of the phase.
    > Jul 27, 2010 3:48:22 AM [Error]: > >[Thread[main,5,main]]: The stack T:\EHP4_Downloads\SMSDXML_CROSSSYS_20100726091148.945.xml contains no >components for this system.
    I can see in the log that stack xml you are using is not for the system to whom  you are upgrading. That is the reason system is rejecting stack file. Please check above extract of logs.
    I would suggest you to please generate stack xml file for this system from MOPZ after correctly configuring SMSY and use it. Then your problem will be resolved.

  • Content, Tab & Stacked canvases contd...

    I posted a question in the last week about putting a stacked canvas (say S) on a tab canvas(say T) and both of them on a contenct Canvas (say C). I was able to do that with valuable suggestions from gurus here.
    Now my issue is as follows:
    On my stacked canvas there are items from 3 different blocks (say B1,B2 & B3)along with scrollbars. This stacked canvas appears in the 1st tab of the tab canvas T. The form, now appears as if there are 2 sections: The top portion has items(store, city, state) belonging to STORE block. Bottom portion are the tab/stacked canvases.
    I set the block STORE's navigation style property to 'Same Record'. The idea is when the user keys in a store (store field) or selects a store from the drop down list of stores, it should navigate to the next text item 'city'. However, it is not navigating to 'city' eventhough that is the next item in that block. I have a when validate item on the 'store' text item. Can I use "Go_ITEM('')" in that WVI ? If not, then how do I make it navigate to the 'city' text item?
    Edited by: Megastar_Chiru on Dec 28, 2009 4:44 PM

    There are three ways (at least i know of three) to manage navigation from one item to another one:
    - If navigation should take place "inside" a block from one item to another one, put them in the appropiate order in the object-navigator. Also make sure, that the "destination item" has its Keyboard navigable property set to true.
    - If navigation should take place "inside" a block from one item to another one, but you can't use the order in the object-navigator, use the properties "Next Navigation Item" and/or "Previous Navigation Item" at itemlevel to control the navigation.
    - If navigation is conditional or should go to items in other block, use the KEY-NEXTITEM and KEY-PREVIOUSITEM-triggers and do a GO_ITEM('DESTINATION_ITEM'(; in it

  • Improve Auto-Stack and Process Collections with user settings

    I have read through all of the Bridge request discussions, and encountered a few comments on the stacking process but nothing to explain my critique and feature request. My apologies for any redundancy.
    Bridge CS4 includes two features that would (virtually) streamline my entire photo-organization workflow. Brilliant! Except that they offer zero configuration and my default scenario is very different from Adobe's, so these two would-be-wonderful features are pretty much useless to me, and to anybody else who doesn't happen to shoot in the way the presets are configured.
    The first feature is to automatically group images into stacks, based on their similarity, exposure settings, and timestamps. Unfortunately Bridge considers no minimum or maximum amount of photos per stack, and has a fixed timestamp window of 18 seconds. I shoot everything in three-exposure bursts and sometimes multiple shots in less than 18 seconds, so being able to say "process collections in 3-item stacks only" would be absolutely perfect. For other people, being able to limit the timestamp range or other min/max exposure options would work great.
    The second feature, which could save me hours every week but is equally useless, is to automatically process collections in Photoshop. My biggest ire about this function is that it completely ignores stacks that I have manually created AND stacks that were previously created using the auto-stack feature. Every time this function is run, it re-runs the auto-stack process from scratch and then delivers the collections to Photoshop. Not only is this made useless by the previously mentioned inflexibility of the auto-stack process, but even if auto-stack worked perfectly, this would waste time by doing the entire thing again and denying the user the option to review the stacks before committing to the Photoshop processing. The process collections feature would also be much improved if the option were given to process ONLY panoramas or HDR photos, or auto-detect. I have never shot a panorama in my life and I'm sure plenty of people have never shot HDR, but Photoshop isn't capable of knowing our intentions and there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to instruct it.

    Agree. It is an interesting capability that falls short of being really useful. I feel like an ingrate to complain, but ...
    I'd also like to see the capability to specify something than "Auto" for the panorama option. My experience is that most of my panos work best with "Cylindrical + Geometric Correction".
    My experience is that once you get past 5+ images in a pano, it becomes very tedious ... and then 20+ images in rows is painful. Unlike a single image that you can quickly evaluate, with panos I find I need to make the pano to tell if it going to turn out.  I have been generating smaller 1800x1200 or 1200x1800 files to speed up the evaluation process, but it is still very manual and tedious.
    The Auto-Stack generates a AutoCollectionCache.xml, but I haven't found it workable to edit this. I'd like to be able to modify it to "force" my knowledge of what is in a group. It seems to check the time-stamp, and re-do the Auto-Stack, thus ignoring my changes. Sigh.

  • Using Adobe Photoshop CS2 version 9 and have updated it, but when stacking photos, it comes up with PSD, whereas I want Jpeg, and I change the format to Jpeg and the box then comes up with cannot save as there is a program error. Be very grateful for help

    Using Adobe Photoshop CS2 version 9 and have updated it, but when stacking photos, it comes up with PSD, whereas I want Jpeg, and I change the format to Jpeg and the box then comes up with cannot save as there is a program error. Be very grateful for help with this, please.

    jpg does not support Layers.
    Just to make sure, what exactly do you mean by "stacking photos" and what do you want to achieve thereby?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Issues with Backup-GPO Scheduled Task as a non-admin account

    I'm having an issue trying to get a daily backup of domain GPO's from a non-administrative account. I'm using Powershell 2.0, the Backup-GPO cmdlet runs fine as a standard user, but when I run the same cmdlet with the same user, but with a scheduled

  • Help needed: Canon 5D Mark II video to Apple TV conversion

    I'm new to Apple TV and would appreciate any advice. I have been taking Full HD video 1920 x 1080 using my Canon 5D Mark II. Would like to play these files through Apple TV. What do I need to do? Do I need any conversion tool? If so, any recommendati

  • Archive Web Page for Off Line Use

    Hi all, I'm currently enrolled in an online music program where I have to review/study web pages for my course instruction. These pages contain standard HTML text, graphics, mp3s, multiple flash applications and quite often embedded quick time movies

  • Competitor Pricing

    Hi Experts I am trying to set up competitor pricing in SAP Retail but for some reason it is not getting activated and am not sure what I am missing. For your record, I have done the following. 1. Configuration: (SPRO > Logistics (General) > Competito

  • Information on Essbase License

    Hi All - I'll need some help understanding the Essbase licensing for system 9.3 & 11. I'll talk to an oracle rep on this soon, but before that I want to make sure that I understand it correctly. Any input on this would be highly appreciated. fyi, I a