Asio and X-

I just purchased the SB X-fi? Xtreme Audio card (sb0790). Does it only have an Entertainment mode? and not a Record and Music mode? if so how do I get it going it does not seem to have installed a Volume Panel of any type for some reason. I am trying to get an Electric guitar ran into it and use the Asio driver which I am guessing are only working in Record mode., Any help would be much appreciated. thanks in advance?

Hello, I am also new here and have a rather intermediate understanding of my computer.
My problem is possibly with my new sound card - I'm not quite sure though.
Creative xtreme gamer FX 7. model #SB073A
Installed in back slot of my 2006 Dell Dimension c52 slim tower pc running windows XP 2002 SP3.
AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ 2.00 GHz, 3.8 GB RAM
I run Ccleaner regularly, keep very little on this dri've and have trend Micro fro Anti Virus and spyware protections. I have a new router and a cable internet connection. I usually run the internet, photoshop, MS word and Acrobat as my main programs of use but never more than one or two things at a time.
My problem has to do with Yahoo Chat and I have been in regular contact with them but no results yet. Dell sold me 3 gigs of RAM (I had gb and wen up to 3.5 recently) but would not give any support whatsoever because my warrantee is out,. Even with the Ram itself.
I have a headset with mic that does work and I have run sound tests in control panel and with the creative software I have installed. I know the mic works fine, as does my headset and speakers if I use those.
The problem I am having is that when I am in yahoo chat--and this started just before I put in the sound card less than 2 weeks ago--when I try to make a conference with another chatter and talk to them over the mic, I can hear them but when I speak I am not heard. All I get is a red ZERO with beeps when I try to talk and they say they hear nothing. I run the latest Yahoo IM 9.0 and have reinstalled everything a few times even running in safe mode. I am wondering if --of the many inputs for things on my machine now, there's something I should do or know. This sound card has four inputs... i would be using the mic one and the one for the headset or speakers to hear. But the original inputs exist on the machine and so do others in front.
i am lost with what to do next.

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    Did you check "Bass Redirection" in speaker/headphones tab? Because, I had the same thing, and it worked for me... Also try to enable "Surround" in the first tab of creative control panel... Asio from AIMP gives stereo output, as well as youtube, so you must enable "surround", and what version of driver are you using? Just try the latest one from PAX, I posted here about it -

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    Are you using nati've ASIO drivers? Try by setting the driver latency to less than 0 ms (2-7ms should be low enough). AFAIK, ASIO is supported fully only in AudioCreation mode.
    Maybe re-installation of Creative software helps for freezing issues ("have you intalled" or "do you need to install" all Creative bundled software to get all features/settings in audiocreation mode fully accessible?).
    jutapaMessage Edited by jutapa on 04-24-2007:55 AM

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    Hmm... just answered this on AudioMasters.
    Sound devices have their own ASIO drivers - Audition has nothing to do with this.
    ...and as a result of a follow-up query, I have now indicated that Audition is inherently ASIO, and obviously has ASIO components visible in the install files, but that these have nothing to do with individual device ASIO drivers, which have to come directly from their manufacturers.

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    I think that you should add an option
    for direct support of ASIO
    and the similar ones in the operating
    system or to do something like
    asio to avoid the use of
    direct sound and not function for
    all functions in the operating system
    without the need to install additional
    programs for direct communication with sound
    cards or USB to SPDIF card as
    (xmos, cm6631 and other) to make it more professional to
    use a computer as audio
    processing and sound for listening to
    music especially for audiophiles

    DIREC SOUND is bad for using .
    he did not gives the original sound.
    sound is very muddy and compressed
    why not introduce direct
    communication with the cards as an option
    for the user.
    and it can function properly
    without internal upsampling or
    down sampling.
    example if listening 44.1KHz
    file 16 bits, it can
    not internally raises 16 or
    24bit 48KHz, so internally
    it down to 44.1KHz.
    be brought direct communication with
    the prefect bit, ie the original
    bits and Sampling. so
    if I want to squeeze down
    or upsampling samling
    We demand, we audiophiles
    because any internal change,
    as 44.1KHz 16 bits, to 16
    or 24 bit 48KHZ or other, or
    then return back to the original
    16bit 44.1KHz too entirely spoils the sound
    it may not not feel the
    normalen system, but when you have
    a system of 5000K and up to feel
    bigger difference. I have AUDIO NOTE DAC
    5, worth £ 50000 USD and works
    without oversampling because the guys
    saw that it spoils the the sound.
    DAC he is named one of the best
    if not the best in the world

  • Problem with Adobe Audition 2.0 and recording from a 1212m.

    I bought a brand new machine and have be configuring it all week. Everything has been going well, except getting Adobe Audition 2.0 (the new version) to “hear” sound from the 1212m.
    The intel 975 motherboard has an integrated HD sound system already on board and I have been able to get adobe audition to recognize it and record from it. This is what I have Windows XP Pro set to as my default sound card.
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    What I can’t seem to get to work is getting Adobe Audition to “hear” the sound coming from the 1212m.
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    Hopefully the problem is just some small stupid thing that I’m doing or failing to do (like normal).
    Any ideas would be helpful.

    I'm just saving it into a file in "My documents" on the internal hard drive. It's a computer in the office which has been used my other people before me and I have my own file which I was always able to save Adobe sound files into before, so I don't think it's anything to do with me not being allowed or read-only.
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    Hope that makes sense!

  • Problems with ASIO on multiple Audigy 2 ZS cards

    I've been using an Audigy 2ZS PCI for a couple of years now with great success. I convert old audio recordings to various digital formats using a couple of applications (mainly Adobe Audition 1.5 & 2.0).
    Recently, my workload has increased to the point where I needed one card to just record at high res, and another card to handle just playback and general Windows bells & whistles without impacting the performance of the recording.
    I installed a second 2ZS, it was detected by Windows, etc, and I set it up so Windows uses one card (identified as A800) for all its stuff, and the second card (B000) is used only for ASIO recording.
    That's where the nightmare started. I've uploaded and installed the May 2006 Creative driver update, but I still suffer from a number of problems, some related to Audition, some not.
    The least annoying problem is that all the Creative drivers seem to identify only a truncated version of the ID string. So for example, in various applications, I see "SB Audigy 2ZS [B0 -1" or "SB Audigy 2ZS [A8 -5". This is annoying but not showstopping.
    The biggest problem is getting applications to correctly interact with the Creative Labs ASIO driver and enumerator. Most applications (Nero, Audition, Premiere Pro) can "see" the ASIO driver, but when it's selected, it may not work at all, or may work from one or the other sound card, without any clear indication of which card is selected.
    I'm sorry if this sounds generic, but I've spent a week with the Adobe folks, who simply ended up telling me "it's a problem with the CL drivers", and most forums I frequent say the same thing, and the specifics vary from application to application, but at the core, CL drivers are just not working properly with the system when two cards are installed.
    By way of example, using ASIO4ALL has fixed many of the card selection problems, but even there, sometimes the inputs of one card are disabled, sometimes the other card, and in the middle of a recording session (line in jack, 44.1k/16 bit), the input waveform slowly biases down to -2V and then all I get are inverted samples - quiet appears as max. value samples, while valid audio appears as -2V samples! If I put the audio line into the other card, it plays just fine (I know what I'm doing WRT grounding and line levels, etc).
    This system has run essentially non-stop since September 2005, and I guess it collected a lot of software crud, so I bit the bullet and performed a clean reinstall of Windows XP and updated every driver I could. Some problems have since changed for the better (i.e. clicking on the configure button of the CL ASIO driver no longer bluescreens or displays an empty window), but the problems described above still happen all the time.
    I was wondering if other users have seen the same or similar problems, and if so, what has worked for you?
    The system is a Gigabyte 81PE1000Pro2, PCI bus, 3.2GHz P4 with HT enabled, 2G physical RAM, and a 1.5Tb RAID disk system.
    Recording when a single sound card (either of the cards works beautifully on its own) is perfect; just when both cards are installed, everything gets confused! Even the WDM drivers don't correctly identify or manage the routing of inputs and outputs reliably.
    Sorry to go on about this. If anyone can offer constructive suggestions (I define "constructive" as not telling me to "buy another type of card" or (as one poor soul suggested) telling me that multiple PCI sound cards are not supported under Windows), I would be most grateful.
    Thanks and regards,

    G'day Jutapa, thanks for looking at this!
    Yeah, I got all the possible ASIO drivers listed, one CL ASIO driver is listed for each card, and I have spent much time trying different configurations of card order, I/O port order, direct sound enabling/disabling, timesync enable/disable, etc.
    The problem for me with the CL ASIO drivers is that it limits me to 48/96k sampling only. That is not acceptable, because I need to sample at 44.1k for "straight" conversions to CD, or 192k/24-bit for archival purposes (used for extremely old or fragile recordings), so I end up with large files that nearly always need to be resampled to 44.1k, or saved permanently at 192k/24-bit. Typical filesize is 650Mb, largest so far is 5.66Gb - so that's an awful lot of time spent downsampling or pointless upsampling. I'm starting to think that the problems I'm experiencing may be due to sampling at "non-native" ASIO or WDM rates. I haven't tried sampling at 48/96k to see if that "fixes" the problem...
    Using the WDM wrapper drivers (I don't know if these are provided - or supported! - by Creative or Adobe) results in randomly disabling one or the other Audigy. At that point, the only way to recover functionality for the disabled card is to reboot. Sometimes only the inputs are disabled, sometimes only the outputs, sometimes both. There is no pattern that I can see or duplicate.
    Both cards appear to work fine under Windows. I can define either card as the default recording or playback device, and I can define one card as the default recording and the other as the default playback, any combination works fine. However, any application that uses WDM drivers to access the cards also get confused when a card's inputs suddenly become disabled! This does not appear to happen when Windows is the only application using the cards.
    Specifying "use preferred devices" in Windows does disable the non-selected card (or card input or output if I specify different cards for input and output) in other applications.
    The problems are much worse when I try to use any ASIO drivers to access the cards. This problem with ASIO appears regardless of the application I use.
    I have installed ASIO4ALL, and it finds and configures the cards without any problems in ALL applications - but if I'm recording (with no other applications or drivers or tray applications loaded or active), when I stop recording and restart, the input I was just recording from appears disabled! If I open the ASIO4ALL configuration window, one or both Audigy cards will have their inputs disabled, or both inputs AND outputs disabled. This doesn't happen all the time, and my workaround is not to stop recording once I've started. Not a good workaround! I do realise that ASIO4ALL does fiddle around with the sample rates in the background, but at least when it works, I get a single clean sample without having to do all the resource-intensive resampling later. Maybe it's 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other...
    I understand and appreciate that perhaps CL never intended to provide software functionality for more than one Audigy on any given PCI bus/bridge. I just don't get why the drivers appear to work natively under Windows (I'm assuming that Windows just uses WDM access) but not with any other applications.
    I will try and do some testing with "native" ASIO sample rates (i.e. 48/96k) and see if that fixes some or all of the problems. My concern here is really that my expectation is that the drivers, once identified and enabled, should not suddenly disable themselves in all applications (by whatever mechanism), regardless of what sample rates are specified. But maybe that's too much to expect.
    BTW, this happens with any combination of 2 of my 3 Audigy 2ZS cards, each of which works perfectly on its own with ASIO and WDM drivers. So it's definitely a multiple card issue.
    The workaround that has been suggested is to purchase a different vendor's card : but there are so few cards that I can use to sample at the resolutions I require, and they are all so bloody expensive, that's why I've committed so much to CL Audigy 2ZS.
    I'll get back to you once I've tried a few days working at the "standard" ASIO sample rates. Thanks again for taking the time with this stupid and unusual problem!
    Kind regards,

  • Creative ASIO vs. SB Audigy 2 A

    I have an Audigy 2 value (and no other installed Creative cards), and it presents three ASIO devices: SB Audigy 2 ASIO, SB Audigy 2 ASIO 24/96, and Creative ASIO.
    Does anyone know the difference between "SB Audigy 2 ASIO" and "Creative ASIO"?

    Im pretty sure they are all the same... ?

  • Latency with Audigy 2 ZS PCMCIA and USB2 Midi po

    I have a creative labs Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZX PCMCIA card which is plugged into my LG 3ghz Laptop.
    I connect my Yamaha WX5 Midi Wind Controller to the laptop via an "M-Audio" generic USB-2 Midi port. (Because the PCMCIA card doesn't have MIDI ports).
    When I play the WX5 through the laptop in this configuration, I get a 25ms latency which makes it useless for performance. In fact the latency is just as bad as when I used the on-board FM-Synth that comes with Windows.
    While doing this test I used the Soundfont Bank Manager to process the midi signals. In the "Midi Devices" the Soundfont Synth is showing as the soundfont device, so I am quite sure it's not using the on-board FM synth by mistake.
    I also tried using Jazz++ to process the midi signals instead, and have the same latency issue.
    I installed the ASIO-4-All driver to try and fix this problem, and have upgraded all the creative software to the latest version.
    None of this lowers the latency.
    Incidentally, When I run the Creative Audio Console, although the Wave Device shows as being the SB Audigy 2, the MIDI device shows as "Not Available".
    Is what I am trying to do unachievable?

    MagicTyger wrote:
    Now onto our technical issues:
    I used the Soundfont Bank Manager to save the entire selection of sound fonts to a file, then loaded this into sfz. Perhaps my delays are related to the fact that the file is large? I assume you can just copy one or two sounds into a file, rather than every single sound in the Audigy - if so, this might give me a smaller file and therefore lower latency.
    I tried using the Asio4All driver again. It gives much higher latency than the nati've SB driver, so I'd like to stick with the SB driver for now.
    How do I switch to 6 bit / 48 khz using the nati've SB driver? It's not clear where I'm supposed to set this.
    I don't know how to read the sysinfo data. I've attached it to the end of this message - perhaps you can let me know if it appears to have a problem?
    Sorry for the dumb question, but how do I tell if DMA transfer is in use? I've attached the DMA part of the sysinfo report.
    Thanks for your help.
    System Information / System Summary / Hardware Resources / Conflicts/Sharing:
    IRQ 6 Mobile Intel(R) 95GM/PM Express PCI Express Root Port - 259
    IRQ 6 Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio
    IRQ 6 Marvell Yukon 88E8036 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller
    IRQ 6 Intel(R) 8280FB/FBM USB Uni'versal Host Controller - 265B
    IRQ 6 Texas Instruments PCIxx20 Cardbus Controller
    IRQ 6 Creative SB Audigy 2 (WDM)
    IRQ 6 Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 394 Host Controller
    IRQ 6 Texas Instruments PCIxx20 Integrated FlashMedia Controller
    IRQ 8 Intel(R) 8280FB/FBM PCI Express Root Port - 2664
    IRQ 8 Intel(R) 8280FB/FBM USB Uni'versal Host Controller - 265A
    IRQ 8 Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 295ABG Network Connection
    Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF PCI bus
    Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF Mobile Intel(R) 95GM/PM Express PCI Express Root Port - 259
    Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF ATI MOBILITY RADEON X600
    I/O Port 0x000003B0-0x000003BB Mobile Intel(R) 95GM/PM Express PCI Express Root Port - 259
    I/O Port 0x000003B0-0x000003BB ATI MOBILITY RADEON X600
    System Information / System Summary / Hardware Resources / DMA:
    Channel ECP Printer Port (LPT) OK
    Channel 3 SMC IrCC - Fast Infrared Port OK
    Channel 4 Direct memory access controller OK
    Sounds like a very interesting controller (and seems you can have even wireless connection now (w/ guite high price though)). Going to look it closer, if I just can find some shop, in this area, having it available.
    You seem to have quite many devices/controllers sharing IRQ 6 and IRQ 8. It's not always a bad thing, but you may start getting those audible issues when using low latency settings because of it.
    You can try to ease the situation by disabling some un-needed devices/controllers. This can be done from BIOS (more permanent way) and (temporary) from Device Manager (right mouse click the item and choose disable (/enable if needed later)).
    I have bolded the ones you propably can disable, if not needing them.
    IRQ 6 Mobile Intel(R) 95GM/PM Express PCI Express Root Port - 259
    IRQ 6 Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio
    IRQ 6 Marvell Yukon 88E8036 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller
    IRQ 6 Intel(R) 8280FB/FBM USB Uni'versal Host Controller - 265B
    IRQ 6 Texas Instruments PCIxx20 Cardbus Controller
    IRQ 6 Creative SB Audigy 2 (WDM)
    IRQ 6 Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 394 Host Controller
    IRQ 6 Texas Instruments PCIxx20 Integrated FlashMedia Controller
    IRQ 8 Intel(R) 8280FB/FBM PCI Express Root Port - 2664
    IRQ 8 Intel(R) 8280FB/FBM USB Uni'versal Host Controller - 265A
    IRQ 8 Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 295ABG Network Connection
    Wireless NIC controller is one of those said to be causing disturbance in audio --> use the other NIC controller (Marvel Yukon), if it's possible.
    Also, I read somewhere on these forums that you don't need the UAA driver when onboard audio is turned off. If you haven't disabled the onboard audio, do it -> SB cards are not (normally) working 00% correctly if onboard is enabled.
    If you have more USB controllers listed using other IRQ's then disabling those using IRQ 6 is possible (you just need to check out which ones are disabled so you get your USB device(s) connected).
    Could it be possible to see the whole IRQ list?
    DMA settings can be cheked/set on Device Manager --> select the controller (like Primary IDE under IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers) -> properties -> advanced settings -tab. I'm not sure if DMA (Direct Memory Access) can be set for PCMCIA (CardBus) controller.
    ASIO driver options named Creative ASIO and SB Audigy 2 Zs ASIO [xxxx] are 6-bit/48 kHz mode drivers and SB Audigy 2 Zs ASIO 24/96 [xxxx] is as it says on its name. You select the driver on software (for example, menu option ASIO -> Driver "lists available"/"lets you choose" drivers on TobyBear MiniHost).
    jutapaMessage Edited by jutapa on 05-25-2006 08:40 AM

  • EMU 0404PCI-e and Windows 7 64 bit - No audio

    Hi all
    I found you guys through Google after I have been tearing my hair out, trying to sort out my problem with audio and Windows 7. Have just installed W7 Ultimate 64, fresh install about 5 days ago and I can't solve this problem.
    First of all, Windows 7 would not play anything in Media Player, gave me the Media Player c00d11b1 error every time. Rebooted and it worked for about 1 minute and then the same error appeared. Tried everything, downloaded codec packs, tried various regserver.dll commands and other. Then I realised my onboard sound was disabled in the bios. So enabled that and hey presto, the sound started, for 1 min again. But this time the mixer (windows 7) was showing signal and WM player was playing, just can't hear anything! But if I play something back through FL Studio, it comes out fine through ASIO and the patchmix. Jut can't hear any wav, mp3 or youtube stuff which I think all plays back through wave. So how do you link the wave output from W7 to the input on the patchmix please?
    Cause I think that would solve it, hopefully.
    My spec is as follows
    Intel QX6600 CPU
    4GB RAM (DDR2)
    EMU 0404 PCI-e Sound Card
    Geforce 7300LE Graphics
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64
    FL Studio 9.5 Beta

    paulc_dj wrote:
    No I didn't its still doing it. WM player is giving me the error message"windows media player encountered a problem when playing this file" and a little red cross appeared next to the file in the playlist. Also, I don't know if its any help but there was a message just before it stopped saying "media changing".
    Please can you guys help me solve this?
    Many thanks
    I'm not sure if this is related directly to your issue but, this type error can happen when samplerate changes from, lets say, 44.1kHz to 48kHz or 96kHz or 32kHz, etc. if the soundcard driver isn't capable for automatic samplerate changing ... which is quite common (issue) with pro cards (if you have used Soundblaster/X-Fi cards or have been using onboard sound, you never needed to worry 'bout samplerate changes (maybe you didn't even know if there were audio files having various samplerate) as far as samplerate didnt go beyond hardware capabilities since, the driver handled this change automatically.
    As many software uses DS or MME for output, it's possible that 0404 PCI has same limitation as what 0404USB has ... only ASIO mode switches samplerate automatically "on the fly." To get ASIO mode with WMP, you may try ASIO plugin (you'll find it by googling).

  • X-Fi Extreme Music - How do you set ASIO to 16/44?

    The X-Fi Extreme Music specifications state that it will do ASIO drivers at 16/44. I selected ASIO as the driver in my recording software (n-Track) and tried recording. I got a 24/44 resulting wave file. In n-Track, there is a setting to "Force 16-bit" so I tried that and it crashed n-Track. Someone at the n-Track user forum said I have to select the Creative 16-bit ASIO driver, but I only see one ASIO driver choice in devices. How do I get the X-Fi to do 16-bit ASIO at 44.1k?
    Message Edited by vivona on 01-18-2006 09:26 PM

    vivona wrote:
    I was told in the nTrack forum to use the "ASIO 16-bit driver" from X-Fi. That was incorrect if I understand correctly that X-Fi only has a single ASIO driver and that driver runs at the sampling rate you select in "settings" under Audio Creation mode. The bit depth is not set within the X-Fi software, but rather, is set by the recording software. Am I correct in all this?
    I checked n-Track and ASIO4ALL drivers on a different PC (Win2KPro) and I can record ASIO and get 16/44. That being the case, it appears that n-Track can do 16/44 with ASIO, but has a conflict with the X-Fi ASIO drivers when attempting 16-bit. Is that the likely case here?
    Asio4All is not a true (native) ASIO driver, but operates through WDM/KS functions --> you get the same "resolutions" / "have same limitations" you would get with WDM/KS drivers.
    Bit-depth and SR can normally been set inside the recording software. I do ot know the enviroment and logic of n-Track, so that's why I pointed you to try some other (more pro) software, so you can 'better' find the way for these settings.

  • What is best ASIO card for CC for radio station, windows 7 64 bit?

    We are broadcast radio station switching to Windows 7 64 bit computers, running trial version of Audition CC as replacement to our current Audition 3.  Our used sound card is skittish, looking to buy new in two machines.  Currently, recording is unreliable, skips at times, clips at times.  Current card is Digigram vx222 v 2.  Can't get that driver to show as option for cc.  ASIO4ALL works sometimes, but not sure that all features are enabled. 
    This is one of two machines for automation software.  We use Simian Pro 2.2--which is working fine with the card, although we aren't using the voice tracker to see if Audition will work. 
    Question is, if we were to buy new ASIO cards for these machines, is there any brand or model that works best with CC?   Would be a bonus if it is a good fit for Simian as well, but that doesn't seem to be as fickle as Audition is.
    Thanks so much for any way you can help me.  Once we know we can operate CC reliably, we plan to subscribe.  Until then though I am reluctant to pull the trigger.
    Diane, the flustered radio station manager

    It's been my experience that cards made specifically for radio tend to be a lot more finicky than Audition has ever been. They are generally designed to work well with specific software (like Simian), and the drivers are tailored specifically to deal with that. Audition, on the other hand, is designed (certainly on PCs) to work specifically with ASIO - and there are loads of good ASIO sound devices about. Your real issue will be to find one that will work with Simian, I think. If you just want a seriously good card that will work with Audition, then have a look at what RME have - their stuff is excellent. I have an RME Fireface UFX, which is an absolutely stunning device.
    BUT.... I had a look at Simian's current position. As ever, they are way behind the field but it looks as though they are only going to claim compatibility with AudioScience devices. AudioScience claim that their ASIO drivers are okay, but it's rather telling that they had to produce a sheet specifically dealing with Audition, and that's about Audition 2 - which is truly ancient history! Digigram I hold out no hope for.
    Radio soft and hardware (with the exception of Audition) mostly come from the dinosaur age, and unfortunately I think you may have to accept this, and divorce editing and programme production from transmission, just using a compatible file server between them. Just go for a decent ASIO sound device for Audition, and wait for everything else to catch up.

  • Cakewalk Guitar Tracks Pro 3 doesn't list my Audigy 2's ASIO driv

    Hey, guys!? Not sure what happened with my ASIO drivers listed from my soundcard, but they are no longer listed in Cakewalk Guitar Tracks Pro 3. I'd like to use them. I can use the WDM drivers instead, but when I want to use my other recording program (Sonoma Wireworks RiffWorks), it REQUIRES Asio drivers so I'm stuck. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    ASIOCaps just lists I/O vhannels/format, current buffer size in samples, driver status and supported samplerates for your selected ASIO driver. If you see those Creative ASIO and SB Audigy ASIO [xxxx] drivers listed there then you have all needed drivers installed properly ... also, it's possible to adjust driver latency from there by pressing the Control Panel... button.
    If you don't see those two drivers listed there then you need to reinstall Creative drivers or use Asio4All.
    Which O/S you have there (w2k, xp, vista)?
    Try to search those files mentioned in my previous reply and if you can't find both then reinstall drivers.
    BTW, also, are you sure the Audigy card is enabled on software (if you have a headset plugged or onboard sound enabled, you maybe get it'sdrivers listed instead of Audigys). Many software uses system default audio device ... when you plug say headset it maybe gets the system default audio device status .... and if you have onboard audio enabled then just switch the Audiy back as default audio device (mmsys.cpl)

  • ASIO in Vista Ultimate RTM 32-bit, does it work we

    As the title says, have anybody tried using the recording capabilities in programs like Ableton Li've and other sequencers?

    I have a backup computer with an soundblaster audigy 2 and vista 32bits, running cakewalk sonar 6 Producer via Asio and it works great. ?cheers

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