Atonomous Transcation

Can some one expalin what autonomous transcations is and where exactly it is used and can we have an exception in a trigger?

Here is the simple example,
create or replace procedure p1
pragma autonomous_transaction;
insert into log values('08-may-1981','sample entry1');
create or replace procedure p2
delete from log where operation='sample';
create or replace procedure p3
update log set operation='sample1';
There are 3 procedure p1,p2 and p3...P1 is having autonoums transaction and it's commited. p2 is not having autonomous.. Now, from p3 you are invoking p2 and updating log to some sample1..
Then p1 is being called..After p1 you are rolling back.. What will happen know,
Only update statement which is done in p3 and delete which is done in p2 will be rolled back.. The new record will be inserted into log in p1 and it'll be commited as it's autonoumous transaction..
Hope u can understand now..

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    Hi Ashwini,
    "Ashwini" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:400291af$[email protected]..
    I have some entity beans with CMR. I am managing these entity beans with a Stateful session bean whose transactiontype is Container Managed for all its methods.
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    Basis can do a export and import transport, still if don't have connection between boxes.
    check this

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    This info has been posted before but here you go (this is an alternative way to Bernhards):
    ST03N, make sure you are in Expert Mode (not Service Engineer)
    Expand Workload
    Expand Total
    Double Click on the day you want to analyse
    You can see transaction details under Transaction Profile -> Standard
    You can see what tx a user has started under User & Settlement Statistics -> User Profile
    If you are not seeing any data then speak to your Basis administrator about what they are doing with the log files.

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    Hi Sriram,
    Please run the test of your 12th Request, view full result and check if Status Code is 200.
    Meanwhile, you can run the URL manually to check the result.
    Niki Han
    TechNet Community Support

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    hi bharathi j
    go through these links
    Check these step-by-step links

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    cmd.Parameters["@field2"].Value = p.Field2;
    cmd.Parameters["@field3"].Value = p.Field3;
    cmd.Parameters["@field4"].Value = p.Field4;
    p = pCollection.Pop();
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    ASP.NET Forum
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    The below worked for me:
    using (OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString))
    OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand();
    cmd.Connection = con;
    System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction trans = con.BeginTransaction();
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    int i = 2;
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@field1", OleDbType.VarChar);
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@field2", OleDbType.Integer);
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    cmd.Parameters["@field1"].Value = i.ToString();
    cmd.Parameters["@field2"].Value = i;
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        Error in the ABAP Application Program
        The current ABAP program "SAPLCRM_MKTTG_PF_SEL_INFOSET" had to b
         because it has come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be      
    Error analysis......
        An error occurred when executing a Remote Function Call.
        "CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPOCMINIT'#Unable to determine host address: 
          NiHostToAddr failed "
        Status of connection.... "CODE=CM_PRODUCT_SPECIFIC_ERROR -1 -1  
         CONV= " Internal error code.... "RFC_IO5"
        There is an error in the communication system. To clarify
        and resolve the error, contact your system administrator.
        Last error logged in SAP kernel
        Component............ "NI (network interface)"
        Place................ "SAP-Gateway on host IGINXMIEP / sapgw00"
        Version.............. 38
        Error code........... "-2"
        Error text........... "hostname '' unknown"
        Description.......... "NiHsLGetNodeAddr: hostname cached as unknown"
        System call.......... " "
        Module............... "nixxhsl.cpp"
        Line................. 223
        The error reported by the operating system is:
        Error number..... " "
        Error text....... " "
        Please provide me the solution...........its very urgent
    Thanks and Regards
    I dont Mind to reward full points............

    Hi julius,
    Thanks for the reply,
    The settings in the SAP Note, which you have given....they are in already in place.

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    How can i find out the number of transcations that are done on a database in 1 day or number or reads and writes on the datafiles in a day.
    Thanks for any help.

    You can calculate the number of transactions that have ran since the last start of the database using v$sysstat statistic values but Oracle does not store the transaction count except as part of statspack and AWR snapshots. Depending on if and how often you take snapshots (and if you have a performace pack license) you could potentially use data from these.
    set echo off
    -- SQL*Plus script to calculate Transactions Per Second for version 8+
    -- 20020513  Mark D Powell   New, cre as resp 2 metalink req fr ver 7 Query
    --  Version 7 Query:
    --  SELECT SUM(s.value/
    --  (86400*(SYSDATE - TO_DATE(i.VALUE,'J')))) "tps"
    --  WHERE s.NAME in ('user commits','transaction rollbacks')
      round(sum(s.value / (86400 * (SYSDATE - startup_time))),3) "TPS"
      v$sysstat  s
    ,v$instance i
    where s.NAME in ('user commits','transaction rollbacks')
    /For file IO information look at v$filestat.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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    Kinldy let me know how to track changes made in my financial planning through CJR2 . because f these changes , my project planned datas are changed and gross margin reduced.
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    Appericiated your help as usual,

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    Hi Experts,
    We have 6 trip schemas for trip provison variant:10.Current only three trip schemas are appearing in "Choose a trip schema" pop up in  PR05 transcation.I want  to bring all remaining trip schemas also in Pr05.
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    Please guide me  how to add  trip schemas in Pr05 Transcation?.

    Hi Jobish
    Can you confirm me how many custom trip schema's you have created?? As you have mentioned earlier as 6, does this Include with the Std Schema's (Domestic Trip,Travel calendar, Travel Planning, Weekly report, Trip Advances)???
    Kindly let me know your schema's & come with screen shots of V_T706S or FITVFELD T-code

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    When iam trying to run the transcation PT60 (time evaluation) iam getting the error " NO ENTRY IN THE TABLE T001P FOR KEY,PERSON REJECTED"  i debugged the corresponding  report also,buit still unable to find out the same,as this is most important to me any one pls have look at this one and give me a valuable solution, thanks in advance.

    Can you check the Link may you will get some idea
    Kanagaraja L

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              And in my deployment descriptor I have set transcational attribute
              as Required, as well as transcation type as bean.
              I have another bean which calls the methods of other two
              session bean.And in my deployment descriptor I have set transcational attribute
              as RequiresNew, as well as transcation type as bean.
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              gets fails.But when I do it next time (without restarting weblogic server) it's not working.I mean even one gets fails
              other gets committed.
              What should I do inorder to work well.
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              transcation concepts.I mean even one gets fails
              other gets committed.
              Thanks in advance
              With Regards,

    Hi Sitaram,
    - which ref table and ref field is suggestable: : For clarity include currency and unit fields in the same Z-table
    - which techincal settings is suggestable: This heavenly depends on the number of expected records and the type of use.
    You can use SE03 -> Change Object Directory entries for assigning a local object to a package.

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       exp:call T-CODE:"CRMD_BUS2000111". when I execute the program, display the opportunity value screen, not the init select&result screen.

    Please reward and close your other post regarding a similar problem.
    If you don't want the initial screen, you have fill the BDC data for the initial screen and then call the transaction with mode 'E'. I gave the same solution to your previous question.

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