Attachement type

I'm using SO_ATTACHMENT_INSERT function to insert attachement to my message.
But I get an exception 'OBJECT_TYPE_NOT_EXIST'.
Is that because of wrong ATTACH_TYPE ?
Or maby something else ? Any ideas ?
Anyone know how to use this FM ???
Thanks for help

Hello Artur,
I think object type should be from Table TSOTD .
Please check the table and all object types should maintain in this table.
Below are example object types :
Reward Points if it is helpful

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    1-The error message above still says 'attachment type policy'.  Can you tell what host rejected it from the message headers?
    2-If you truly think there is a size issue, create a file of a specific size using 'fsutil' and try to send it:
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    Hi Adarsh,
    Can you check what is this '%' symbol in your file name 'Niranjan%20Query'? May be it should be some empty space

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    I done Mail To ABAP proxy ..
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    snarklepants wrote:
    1) Register HRT
    Homescreen > Options > Advanced Options > Host Routing Table >  (it does not matter which line is current) > Register Now
    I get a list of dozens of different CDMA lines with numbers. Only one is bolded. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do here. There is nothing about registering on any of the menus on this screen.
    Yes, there are dozens of lines there...and it does not matter which you have highlighted in the list. Just press the key and select "Register Now". Are you saying that "Register Now" is not an option in the menu that pops up from the key? That would be very odd indeed...
    snarklepants wrote:
    2) Resend Service Books
    KB02830 Send the service books for the BlackBerry Internet Service
    I don't get an option for Help or Delete the email settings. Only to add one.
    Is this on the device or via your carriers BIS website? If on the device, you needed to click through that KB to one it links that contains the on-device instructions:
    KB15402How to send service books to the BlackBerry smartphone for BlackBerry Internet Service
    Let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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    Drag one of the those attachments to your Desktop. Select it with the mouse and press COMMAND-I to open the Get Info window. In the section labeled Open With click on the little down arrow to expand the pane. Select Word from the dropdown menu as the default app, then click on the Change All button. Hopefully, that should do the trick.

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    Title of the attachment                         Attachment Type
    <Title1>                                                  Pdf
    <Title2>                                                 Text or Notepad
    <Title3>                                                 jpg or Image
    How can i get this title and Attachment(document type) information.Can you suggest table or FM or Class/Method etc?
    Thanks In advance.

    Hi Folks,
    I got the answer.
    There is a parameter OBJECT_HD_DISPLAY in the FM 'SO_OBJECT_READ' which i need to capture. This will contain the title and the doc type extension ( notepad - txt ; adobe - pdf etc ).This will solve my problem.

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    Do I have any place in ABAP world where I can get the mime type for different types of attachments.
    I dont want to hard code the mime types, and I have checked the transaction 'SMW0', but not sure if this is the correct place to get the mime type.
    Do you see any other way or tables which stores all these mime types.
    Any help/suggestion would be appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Perhaps this can help:
    If you want to know the table name, turn on tracing (ST05) when accessing the MIME types.
    Rick Bakker
    Hanabi Technology

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    Is it documented anywhere what the attachment file size limitations are for DLP scanning?  In the ESA Configuration documentation I read:
    "To scan attachments, the content scanning engine extracts the attachment for the RSA Email DLP scanning engine to scan." 
    Can you identify what scanning engine is referenced by "content scanning engine" and what is the maximum attachment size it can process?  Also are those settings modifiable and some indcation of performance impact if they are increased to a maximum of 50 MB per attachment?
    I know you can make some modifications in the DLP policy, however it is our desire to DLP scan every document sent up to our allowable maximum email size.
    If large attachments cannot be scanned we may be forced to reduce our maximum message/attachment file size. 
    We are currently using Async O/S 7.5.1-102 and will be moving to 7.6.0 when it comes GA.

    Hello David,
    The content scanning engine in reference is the same AsyncOS scanning engine responsible or Message and Content Filter scanning. The maximum size of attachment to scan for this scanning engine is controlled by your 'scanconfig' setttings, as configured in the IronPort CLI. The default 'maximum size of attachment to scan' is 5MB.>scanconfig
    There are currently 6 attachment type mappings configured to be SKIPPED.
    Choose the operation you want to perform:
    - NEW - Add a new entry.
    - DELETE - Remove an entry.
    - SETUP - Configure scanning behavior.
    - IMPORT - Load mappings from a file.
    - EXPORT - Save mappings to a file.
    - PRINT - Display the list.
    - CLEAR - Remove all entries.
    - SMIME - Configure S/MIME unpacking.
    []> setup
    1. Scan only attachments with MIME types or fingerprints in the list.
    2. Skip attachments with MIME types or fingerprints in the list.
    Choose one:
    Enter the maximum depth of attachment recursion to scan:
    Enter the maximum size of attachment to scan:
    Any message that is larger than this limit will be skipped by the scanning engine. This would mean that pertinent DLP policys and filters would not match that same message. Naturally, allowing larger messages to be scanned will result in performance risks, as more system resources would be required to complete the content scanning.

  • File Name from JSP not shown although attached

    Hi all,
    I have written a JSP to attach files. The file is attached and I can see the file size , but for some reason the file name does not show up. Any reason why?
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    <td><input id="attachment" type="file" <f:fieldName att="fileHolder.fileHolders.file"/> value="" ></td>
    I have a JSP to attach a file and then a BPM presentation to show that file.
    Is that a problem?
    Do we need JSPs only?
    The file size is also not a problem because the max. file size in studio is 5MB and I am running this code in studio and attaching files less than 5MB.
    I have just copy pasted the JSP found at this location
    into my process?
    It works in Dan's process but not in my process?
    Why is that so?
    How can I get the name of the file attached in my process?
    Edited by: user8766631 on Jun 20, 2011 4:49 PM
    Edited by: user8766631 on Jun 20, 2011 5:23 PM

    Finally resolved the error..
    It seems that file_filename is a KEYWORD and cannot be changed..
    so the two attributes in the object should be of exact name to make sure your file is attached with the right file name.
    1) file
    2) file_filename
    If we write fileName instead of file_filename, it will not work.
    Where is the documentation on this?
    Oracle BPM documentation really is bad.. They need to improve their documentation.

Maybe you are looking for

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