AU Peak Limiter Question???

If I'm recording a spoken word podcast using an AU Peak Limiter while recording, do I need to leave it on while editing in post?  Does it make any difference?

yobofofas wrote:
do I need to leave it on while editing in post?  Does it make any difference?
yes, it makes a 100% diffference, becuase it does nothing to the recording. ALL effects are rendered real time during playback

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    Are you are using an audio interface?
    Are you recording external instruments... you will need to explain what kind of audio, virtual instruments, loops, recorded audio through an interface?
    If you're recording through an audio interface (or the computer's audio input) Logic's plugins cannot stop peaks as Software is -after- the the hardware input. If you're getting peaks recording through hardware you will need to bring down input levels.

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    Here is the procedure I use in my production, test and development systems.
    Later, Dive / Fly / Ride / Sail Safe
    PROCEDURE p_FreeSpace(pTablespace_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS
    CURSOR tbs_cur IS
    SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes
    FROM dba_data_files
    WHERE (pTablespace_name IS NULL) OR ( pTablespace_name IS NOT NULL AND tablespace_name = upper(pTablespace_name))
    GROUP BY tablespace_name;
    --v_tot_space NUMBER := NULL;
    v_used NUMBER := NULL;
    v_free NUMBER := NULL;
    v_tot_free NUMBER := NULL;
    v_tot_used NUMBER := NULL;
    v_max_free NUMBER := NULL;
    pct_free NUMBER := NULL;
    chunks NUMBER := NULL;
    dbms_output.put_line('TABLESPACE ' || || ' Total Space Space Used Free_space Pct Free Max free_extent #free extents');
    FOR tbs_rec IN tbs_cur
    -- SELECT sum(bytes)
    -- INTO v_used
    -- FROM dba_segments
    -- WHERE tablespace_name = tbs_rec.tablespace_name;
    select sum(f.bytes)-sum(s.bytes)
    into v_used
    from dba_data_files f,
    dba_free_space s
    where s.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name
    and s.tablespace_name = tbs_rec.tablespace_name;
    -- v_tot_used := v_tot_used + v_used;
    SELECT sum(bytes), max(bytes), count(*)
    INTO v_free, v_max_free, chunks
    FROM dba_free_space
    WHERE tablespace_name = tbs_rec.tablespace_name;
    -- v_tot_free := v_tot_free + v_free;
    pct_free := v_free / tbs_rec.bytes * 100;
    dbms_output.put_line(rpad(tbs_rec.tablespace_name,15,' ') || ||
    --to_char(v_tot_space,'9,999,999,999') || chr(9) ||
    to_char(tbs_rec.bytes,'99,999,999,999') || ||
    to_char(nvl(v_used,0),'99,999,999,999') || ||
    to_char(v_free,'99,999,999,999') || ||
    to_char(pct_free,'999.999') || ||
    to_char(v_max_free,'999,999,999,999') ||
    IF pTablespace_name IS NOT NULL THEN
    END IF;
    END p_FreeSpace;
    inms_test> exec util.p_freespace
    TABLESPACE Total Space Space Used Free_space Pct Free Max free_extent #free extents
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CWMLITE 20,971,520 15,663,104 5,242,880 25.000 5,242,880 1
    DATA 943,718,400 538,836,992 404,815,872 42.896 336,527,360 3
    DRSYS 20,971,520 8,060,928 12,845,056 61.250 12,845,056 1
    HIST_DATA 1,677,721,600 1,265,631,232 412,024,832 24.559 412,024,832 1
    INDX 445,644,800 377,094,144 68,485,120 15.368 68,091,904 2
    LOB_DATA 19,461,570,560 19,277,021,184 184,483,840 .948 184,483,840 1
    SYSTEM 372,244,480 363,552,768 8,683,520 2.333 8,527,872 3
    TOOLS 10,485,760 0 10,420,224 99.375 10,420,224 1
    UNDOTBS 351,272,960 11,714,560 339,410,944 96.623 210,698,240 9
    USERS 209,715,200 209,256,448 393,216 .188 393,216 1
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:02.92

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    <161>Nov 28 2011 17:50:44: %ASA-1-105005: (Primary) Lost Failover communications with mate on interface OUTSIDE
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    The negative numbers reading is caused by a bug. Please see "CSCtl23397 - ASA may log negative values for Per-client conn limit exceeded messg".
    The 210007 message is indicating stateful failover is out of resources. See this explanation.
    Overall it appears your boxes may be pushing the limit of their capabilities connection-wise. Some further investigation would be required to determine whether that was a one-time event or indicative of a need to upgrade (memory or device).

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    Hi Shine Orange,
    I'm sorry I don't understand your question.
    This might help:

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    This topic has been moved to Overclockers & Modding Corner.

    Why do you keep quoting your post?

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    Why do you keep quoting your post?

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    Users pages/Public pages
    image uploads
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    My question is, do you know or can you think of any limitations that I should consider before putting any more time into my ADDT application?
    I know(through reading quite a bit on security) that I’ll need to simplify my url’s with http rewrites, to keep mean people from hacking my url ID querie but what else should I consider for this simple application?.
    You should know that since I built it with ADDT, its not modular, most of the code is per page(as Dreamweaver normally does) and I control all user limitations (like # of image uploads) with on the page “IF” statements.
    I realize this is not great efficiency or ideal code writing, but it is the limitation for my skills until I learn OOP better. Then I can master PhpFox or Elgg.
    I appreciate any and all comments before I waste any more time on my own social network application.
    Thanks everyone

    Hi zzipper7,
    ...until I learn OOP better. Then I can master PhpFox or Elgg.
    IMHO this *is* the answer to your "can you think of any limitations" question
    My question is, do you know or can you think of any limitations that I should consider before putting any more time into my ADDT application?
    the main limitation to worry about is, that ADDT currently isn´t compatible with PHP 5.3. Other than this it´s clear that applications built with ADDT only provide comparatively basic "web 2.0" (aka AJAX) features except for a handful of components such as the form controls -- AJAX features which are supposed to provide additional functionality will have to be added manually, and it´s up to you (and your application´s "audience") to decide if you can live with this limitation or if your application should provide all those AJAX bells & whistles which would be hard to integrate into ADDT applications.
    I know(through reading quite a bit on security) that I’ll need to simplify my url’s with http rewrites, to keep mean people from hacking my url ID querie...
    Well, if I wanted, I could also change a "pretty URL" to something completely absurd and see if you - the developer - did provide a "oops, this page is not available" custom HTTP 404 error page
    However, in case your ADDT driven application does what you want it do do, and in case a 3rd party application such as PhpFox is too hard to learn, you might still consider sticking with what you´ve built so far. In my opinion the real value of any web application is the degree of control which you, the developer, is able to exercise -- and in case you do know your ADDT driven application inside out while struggling with getting 3rd party scripts to work for you, I personally think the case is clear.

  • Is there a good basic mastering program out there? Is it PEAK?

    I'm just doing demos...but I want them to sound decent... just the basic volume levels... setting up the tracks and the spaces between the tracks... What are my choices?

    Essentially the basic mastering chain is this:
    EQ - Compression - Peak Limiting
    Make your multitrack mixes nice and dynamic with tons of safe headroom and NO EQ or peak limiting on the master fader bus. Then set up a new session, even in Logic, and load up just your stereo mix of the song you finished. Set up a channel strip with these three plug-ins, EQ, compression (maybe multiband), and then a peak limiter to set your final loudness. If you don't have good metering, then use some of your favorite CD's as a general EQ and loudness reference. Turn some knobs, be very subtle with the compression, don't push it too loud, make sure the beats still have punch, and then bounce that file. Then you can export that mastered file and dither it to 16 bits so it's CD ready. You just mastered. If it sounds like crap, then send it to me or your favorite mastering engineer. We'll gladly provide the service.
    In the pro mastering world, your audio is very likely to get processed thru analog gear. But for quick and dirty home brewed mastering, this is the very basic concept. The pro's will have extremely accurate metering that will show RMS average loudness. The ratio between the average loudness and the peak loudness is a critical aspect of true mastering. Read articles or books by Bob Katz. He really knows how to teach the science of calibrated monitors and meters for mastering. It really does get very deep for high quality work, but many people just don't have the budget, and simply want something in the ballpark. Key knowledge and lots of experience really pay off in mastering.

  • Advice on Limiting

    Hi Everyone,
    Recently I did a film mix for an indy film which I scored (fortunately the director wanted the music up!). I'm not an engineer per se, though I'm good with EQ and setting levels. The mix came out good and the director and editor are happy. But... I'm of the mind that the mix needs to be compressed or limited or something, because there are some sections which are a little too loud overall, and others where the volume should probably come up.
    I rarely use compressors or limiters because I have a very hard time deliberately squashing dynamics. But I think I have a case here where I need to treat the overall mix with one of those FX.
    So I'm looking for some advice on how to approach this task, using only Logic plugs:
    1. I'd like to make the overall level compatible with commercial DVD movie soundtracks (fx/dialog/music), and I'd like to know what's the peak level that I shouldn't exceed?
    2. Maximize the volume (admittedly I don't understand how this works, but in the past I've seen engineers use a plug called Loudness Maximizer on tracks and it adds a certain amount of oomph)
    3. Suggested approaches for setting up Logic's compressor or maybe AdLimiter (never used it before) across my 2-mix.
    Many thanks!

    good eeevvvvvening..........,(barrrump - da de-da-da dah-ta dah.)
    first off, goto the sonalksis site and d/l there essentials collection.
    30days, no hassles.
    their compressor is very nice.
    anyway, try this:
    set logic's comp up as a leveller:
    slow attack ~50ms,
    slow-med release ~150ms- 500ms
    ratio : 1.50:1 or less
    deep threshold(-20 to -30) for -3 to 6 db GR.
    knee: 0.5(~half way, more towards soft)
    auto: off
    clip: off, or soft. (soft will boost the level in the upper mids).
    the GR meter should hardly move if set correctly.(not like with peak limiting.)
    the attack and release settings have to be adjusted by ear for the program at hand.
    you can get a nice bounce into things if the release times' not too long.
    btw, check your mix's thru level by bypassing the comp.
    i attempt to get my mix peaks at ~ -9db to -6db., and even lower -12, for soft pieces. (before the comp.)
    i would test these settings by mixing out a bit of the program.
    inspect this waveform and compare to an untreated example of same.
    if working properly the sustained parts should have increased in level, but there should still be a very defined attack at the start of the waveform(like the original).
    ok, next set up logic's AdLim after the comp.
    feed it 0db(unity) from the comp if possible(don't feed it too much, it gets "fat" very quickly).
    leave the AL input scale at 0db.
    move the gain up (underneath it) until the out meters are reaching full scale on the louder peaks of the program.(if they don't hit the top, feed it more input.)
    back off the "out ceiling" a little.
    the goal is to have the program peaks in the 0 to -3db regions in the out meter, and definitely bouncing around. if they are static at the top you'll get a sonic brick.
    also, the gain control will start to color the output if pushed.
    and, the input meters should show a lower reading at anytime than the out meters.
    the trick is to get the AL to do it's job without distorting in any way.
    i mostly use the "opt fit" in the extra parameters drop down(with a 200ms delay.)
    the compressor setting is critical for this to work, and it will take some fiddling between the two units to suit the program.
    the sonalksis comp IS cleaner when pushed than logic's.
    personally, i'd mix out an untreated version of your program and experiment on it, so you can easily compare the waveforms.

  • Normalise in waveform editor question

    I may be really dumb here, but when I normalise to 0db in the waveform editor, and then check the levels in the meters tab, it tells me that I'm peaking by sometimes over 6db!
    It's a stereo track, so what am I doing wrong?
    Is 0db in the editor different to 0db on the meters?
    I'm new to STP having previously used Sound Forge so I'm learning the differences.

    Yes, you notice that digital audio is quite a bit more sensative than analog!
    To get a real result @ 0db you'll want to start under 0 with normalize, try intervals -2.
    Normalize however is a very harsh method and you may want to try something like Reduce Amplitude, or Peak Limiter. [easier reductions on your audio]
    Good Luck

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