Audible missed call or text alert?

When I miss a call or a text is there a way to have an audible sound as a reminder instead of just a flashing LED light?

gastrogirl wrote:
When I miss a call or a text is there a way to have an audible sound as a reminder instead of just a flashing LED light?
You would need to purchase some sort of third-party program for this. I believe there is one called BlackBerry Alerts that can do this. 

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    I am not sure about the Bionic phone specifically but I am pretty sure there should be notification sounds.
    My phone, the Droid 2 global has ringtons, and notification sounds separately.
    Have you tried looking in the sound settings?

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    Moderator's Note: We have changed the title into a subject-related title. This is to keep the forum organized and let other forum users easily see and respond to this post.

    Hi, Beyondme. Welcome to the Nokia Support Discussions. It seems that the app is not available in the Store. We suggest checking with the developer of the app to verify its compatibility with your phone's model, and if they plan to create a version for your Lumia 520. BTW, may we know the name of the publisher? Thanks.

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    Any hints?
    Message Edited by ron_lhr on 18-Dec-2008 10:17 AM

    18-Dec-2008 11:08 PM
    radical24 wrote:
    you should be able to customize your profile to notify you either with signal/chirp or via vibrate that it is coming. this is a s40 phone so i am not very familiar with that, but it is worth a try. let us know if this is what you were looking for
    That defines the alert when the message arrrives.
    What the OP wants is constant audible reminders after the fact so that the phone keeps on nagging you until you've read the messages or made anote of the missed calls.
    No Nokia does this TTBOMK.
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    I know that IMAP is sometimes set to auto-sync only every 15 min or more, according to default or user set amount of time.  When you rebooted, the phone auto-synced with the email server.  As far as missed calls and those not showing in logs, I'm not sure.  I can say this though, I was missing calls and voicemails and came to find out that the Advanced Calling HD Voice VoLTE updates had negatively impacted my phone's service.  I have since disabled and service is better.  Perhaps the Turbo also has HD calling enabled and is experiencing similar issues because of that.

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    I recommend doing a PRL Update.  You can do this by dialing *228 send and choosing option 2.

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    I've finally got an ap called Miss Calls Reminder - this is for missed calls and texts.  It is on the Ovi store.  You have to ID your phone etc., then it asks you to send to phone.  The problem is when you get a text with a link for the ap from Ovi and click on it it says it's not available for your model.  Instead go the webpage which is mentioned Tektronic - you will see the ap, download it to your pc.  It's not free - think it's around £4.00.  Once you've downloaded to your pc, then plug your phone in - can't remember what I did next - something to do with Nokia Application Installer on Nokia PC Suite.  Anyway you will see the logo - so transfer it from pc to phone.  Then you will have option for a trial or buy.  Took me three goes to buy it.  When you have it on your phone under menu, applications you then enable it and change the settings.  What a god send.  I nearly missed a really important job 'cos I didn't here text coming in and didn't check phone and had 5 minutes to accept the job.  So you can change the settings to get a visual reminder and an alert tone for calls and texts, or just texts.  You you can set it to say 15mins and then set the warning tone as long as you want.

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    I know how you feel! Text messaging is my main means of communication so I use it all the time. I definitely don't want you missing any important text messages because you can't hear the alert.
    Keep in mind that the volume level will increase or decrease the same for both calls and text alerts. You may notice that the ring tones options for the text messages are not as loud as the ones for calls. Unfortunately, there is no way to increase the volume for the text alerts without increasing the volume for the call alerts as well.
    One thing you can try is turning in the Vibrate mode so the phone vibrates also when you receive a text messages. Visit for steps.
    Keep me posted if you need further assistance.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • 8330 Missed call alerts

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    I am looking for audible missed call alerts.

    Unless they show up on your online account, probably not. Not on the missed calls anyway. The sms should come through once you turn on your phone or get into coverage area.

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    I have had that issue with no text alert sound and also with calls, no ring for the call but then I got a missed call or voicemail alert. Never had the blurry lines though. Right after I upgraded, the ring changed to a very short version of what I have selected and only rang once, other times not at all. This was a very big problem since I am working from my car most of the day and get a lot of calls and texts.  I did a reset with home button and button on the top as described in a post somewhere here on the forum and the problems stopped. So far so good. Give reset a try!

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    Yes, EE do have this, but I think you do need your voicemail enabled to allow this as the setting to switch this on or off is in the voicemail settings menus.

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    With the option "Light effects" turned on, when I receive an SMS message, but I miss it first time around, the keyboard light slowly turns on and off. So if I leave my phone on my desk at work, when I come back, the lighting effects allow me to see if a message is there. I guess this also works for missed calls, but I haven't had any missed calls yet !
    Actually, I too was frustrated that there is no reminder option. But I find this method of reminding better. My phone doesn't beep now all the time I miss a message, which suits me better, as in the office I work in, that is annoying for everyone else.
    The lighting effects work for me, and I'm happy with the X3.

  • Missed call/SMS alert

    OK, am I the only one who can't believe that there is no missed call alert on the iPhone? Does anyone know of an application that might perform this very basic function?

    My wife and I just got an AT&T account with an iPhone 3g and a Nokia 6085. I'm not happy to read this thread. Our Motorola's with Verizon (we just switched to AT&T) had the continuous missed call alert - every 2 minutes they would beep if we missed a call, text message or voice mail. Until we opened the phone and acknowledged the message.
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    Well, I just hung up after an hour. While very helpful and courteous, basically the final word was "people are looking at the screen more, you don't need that". She said she called Nokia for me and Nokia said that none of their newer phones have that feature. She also called one of their stores for me ('cause they work with these phones every day) and the answer was the same.
    That's ridiculous. Enough to make me think about going back to Verizon. I wonder if they'll tell me the same thing.

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    I looked through the forums and couldnt find anything also tried to mess with settings but haven't come up with anything.
    Thanks if you can help.

    Emails and Texts will always have an audio and vibration (if turned on) cue when something comes in.  Text messages and toasts will turn on the phone to show you the message for a brief period same as the iPhone and any Andriod device.
    In regards to a notification light, no such thing in Windows Phone Nokia devices.
    All you have to do is turn on the phone and on the lock screen you should see your missed calls, emails and texts.  Toast messages will not be displayed on the lock screen.  We'll have to wait for Windows Phone 8.1 next month to get a notification center type interface.

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