Audio Books do not play

I have seen similar complaints.  My audio books won't play audio in Itunes.  They used to but not now.

Rass, did you ever get an answer?  I've had this problem for months now and can't seem to find a way to resolve it short of taking my desktop into the store.

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    "My audio books are not showing up in purchase history,"
    That is correct.  You cannot redownload audiobooks.
    " is anyone having the same problem?"
    Everyone and it is not a problem.  Audiobooks simply are not available for redownload.

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    When iTunes/iPod sync process failed due to timeout, the iPod, has only the initilaised  filesytem structure at the start of the Sync.
    The timeout failure could be due to
    Bad hardisk - do the iPod disk diagnostic, refer to this excellent post by tt2
    Slow USB port or resource - Dont use any USB hub, disconnect all other USB devices while syncing
    Timeout due to Antivirus or other plugins - disconnect from Internet and stop the Antivirus or monitoribng software if you are syncing.
    Preferably stop doing other things while syncing this ancient device, which the latest iTunes designer, think will soon be extinct.
    Have a nice day!

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    I'm using FCP 7 for a project that was originally edited in Final Cut 6 (I had to switch to 7 because BOTH my computers at home have crashed today which use FCP6, now I'm up at my office and have to use 7 - bad day, I know).
    I'm trying to do some sound edits and only one audio track is playing (tracks 3 and 4) which are the source audio from the XDCAM Footage (note, these tracks have not been soloed - if that's a word). All my other tracks are not working. When played they produce no sound, but the audio meters to the right are moving. When played in quicktime, iTunes, or Finder they do indeed still work.
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    Sometimes I can get tracks one and two to play after re-rendering.
    RT is set to Unlimited, but it also doesn't work with Safe RT.
    Any insight into this issue would be much appreciated!

    Go to Sequence Settings...then the AUDIO TAB. How many tracks of audio do you have? More than 2 and STEREO?
    If you right-click on the track patch area on the timeline, you can assign these tracks to audio ouputs...are they set to anything other than 1 or 2?

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    Thank you very much, that worked.  I learned something as I never tryied to right click on my phone in Itunes before.
    Thanks again.

  • Midi notes or audio region do not play at the start of a bar?

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    So for example, if I set the cursor to start at bar 9, the starting point of the loop, the first midi note is not played. But if a set the cursor at bar 8 and let it play into bar 9 and the loop, all of the notes in the loop play correctly.
    I found the following description of the same problem on another forum, but it seemed to suggest that there is no fix for this, which if true, seems kinda bad for a pro application. I was wondering if anyone knew of a workaround or fix to this, because its really annoying missing the notes, or having to expand the cycle region just to get all of the notes to play. Here is the text from the other forum:
    _Logic doesn't play the very start of my audio regions when I start playback_
    Question: If a region starts at e.g. 1 1 1 1, and it starts playing from the same position, it seems that Logic misses the first few samples - which is especially noticeable with fast-attack transients.
    Answer: Apparently Logic doesn't use some kind of pre-play buffering. The workaround is to have your entire song start e.g. one bar later, at 2 1 1 1, and let Logic play from 1 1 1 1. This workaround obviously doesn't work if you've set up a cycle - in which case Logic will miss the first samples when it starts playing as well. Next time it loops through the cycle it does play properly. There's no workaround for this - it's a serious shortcoming of the way Logic handles audio playback. With cycles, you could resort to using the Pause instead of the Play button/command: this will let you start playback from somewhere before the start of the cycle instead of starting at cycle-start (which is what Play does).

    I'm having the same problem.
    one workaround is to change the delay to +1/192=20 in the delay box in inspector on the given midi track...but this is a terrible thing to have to do over and over again.
    PLEASE help if you know what's going on.....I ran logic on my macbook and this NEVER happened. I just bought a macbook pro 2.5 and it's apparently now an issue?
    I have searched the net for fixes, and none work....logic does have a pre-play buffer, but it's range isnt large enough to buffer the instrument I'm using...which means the range is less than 1/192...come on....that's messed.
    If anyone figures this out, please message me back at [email protected]

  • What to do if an Audio Book did not download correctly?

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    A couple of days later I discovered that the sound stops about 3/4 through. The seconds keep ticking down but there is no sound whatsoever. The cutoff point is the same every time I try to listen.
    I strongly suspect the download did not work correctly, however I didn't get a message saying this.
    If I reattempt the download I am told that I can only do so if I buy the Audio Book again.
    How do I fix this problem?
    Message was edited by: Chris Mountford

    Report the problem, Apple should resolve within a day:

  • Audio on Menus not playing

    Hi all,
    I wonder if anyone can help me.
    Using Encore on CS4, I created a project with three motion menus. The text was adapted from an Adobe template and the 'motion'' elements (video and audio) were created in Premiere, saved as an MPEG, imported into Encore as an asset and then alt-dragged to the menus. All of this works well. I then preview and build the motion menus with the preview buttion and everything plays well, the video and the audio (though it would be nice to have some voume control - but that's another story) are great and the menu structure (1st play menu and two subs) play fine. I then build the DVD. Firstly burned directly to DVD, the on subsequent tries as an image and as a folder. On all of them there is no audio on the menus. The timelines that the menus que are fine, the audio works but not on the menus.
    In frustration I created a flash file of the same project, and the audio was great. All there. I then went and analysed the DVD folder I created earlier and DVD Shrink found the menus and even found found associated audio as LPCM2-ch but alas, even using this program to compile an .ISO nothing improved.
    Any ideas?

    ......... I also do not want them rushing for the remote, to mute loud Menu Audio, only to have to then turn up the Volume, when the DVD plays. I like to "ease" the user into things. I find too many commercial DVD's, where the Menu Audio Volume is about +6dB above the other Audio and hate that. It does get my attention, but in a very bad way. It also scares my Bulldogs!  
    Good luck,
    Oh, dear me yes.
    The way I have found for menu audio - if you really must have it - is to halve the level from what you think is comfortable, and then set it to loop 20 or 30 times over - you would be surprised at hiw quickly this becomes very annoying.......and now place yourself in your customers shoes.
    @ the OP.
    As Jeff says, please retry with Dolby DIgital or LPCM, LPCM definitely if you are looping on a tight loop.
    MPEG audio is not your friend.

  • Audio for flv not playing...please help

    In Captivate 3 - I have imported an flv of an avatar - the avatar motions and lips are moving yet the associated audio is not playing. When I play the flv out of captivate it works fine. Anyone experience this before, or something similar? Any thoughts, tips, or suggestions. Any direction is greatly appreciated.

    Hi there
    When does this occur?
    When previewing
    After publishing
    Cheers... Rick
    Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training
    Click here for the SorcerStone Blog
    Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

  • Last ~10% of audio clips do not play

    My imported music tracks will not play the last approximately 10% of the clip.  At first I thought it was a result of trying to use 6-10 minute music clips, as 1-3 minute tracks never seem to fail,  but found that even trimming off all but the last minute of a long clip (making a 10 minute clip into a 2 minute clip) and trying to use that resulted in it's last 10% not playing!
    The waveform for each audio clip shows up in its Source Tab and is just fine.  But scrubbing or playing the clip works only up to about the 90% point and then sound goes silent.  This is true for the Source player or when the audio is inserted into the Timeline.
    I have converted the original .m4a audio files to both mp3 and wma but always with the same result.  All converted clips play fine in both QuickTime and WM Player players, so it is something within CS4 Premier Pro itself that is failing.
    I have tried everything I can think of without results, and have run out of ideas.
    Any suggestions, anyone?

    I agree re: MP3.  I seldom use it, but I fell into the trap of thinking that since I was having problems with the captured CD and WMA, that certainly Premier would handle MP3, the most ubiquitous format around, without problems.
    So I was really buffaloed when even the MP3 formats failed!
    I usually don't do anything in WAV because the files are so large, but that said I have a 1.5 Tb drive so don't know what in the heck I am worried about!
    Thanks again.

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