Audio clips linked in final cut

Editing audio in final cut pro 6.0.6.  Clips from two different files have somehow gotten linked so that changing the levels on one changes the levels on the other. I can't figure out how to fix this! help?

You need to ask your question on the Final Cut Studio forum.

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    Why wont my clips import into Final Cut Pro ?

    FCP doesn't work with 3GPP, which is basically a cellphone compression format. FCP only works with media in the QuickTime framework. It only works with video in standard video frame resolutions, which 800x480 isn't, and with video that uses uncompressed audio, while yours is compressed.
    Standard definition video is 720x480 at 29.97fps with uncompressed 48k audio in a production codec, which H.264 isn't; it should be either DV or DV50 or ProRes.

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    Make sure you have the audio tracks targeted by using the patch panel at the left of the Timeline.  Also make sure that the tracks aren't locked.

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    yeah and if the mouse is tired and sleeping or asleep or whatever, you can invoke the command j (command=apple key) keyborad shortcut - dont forget to select (click on) the clip you want to work on first.
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    Hi Lorenzo,
    I haven't encountered this problem, however it sounds to me as though the waveform editor is sensing that the incoming signal is too hot & is automatically pulling down the gain to compensate and overcompensating to the point where the audio is barely intelligible.
    What I would suggest you try is:
    Select All Command (Apple) A then
    Shift Command L. This gives you a window that allows you to boost the level. As the signal is so low, try 100%. If the signal is still too low do the same again. The Adjust Amplitude Filters will appear in the Actions List to the left of the Waveform. This is a nondestructive process & each Adjust Amplitude can be toggled on/off by unchecking it so that you can do a before & after comparison.
    All the best

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    The audio clip beeps if it is not in the standard format for FCE.
    The standard format is PCM Stereo 16bit integer 48kHz.
    If the audio is not standard you must render the clip in FCE (Render Only/Item Level or Render All/Item Level) before editing.
    The best way in any case is to import audio already standard.

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    Power book G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Hi Lorenzo,
    I haven't encountered this problem, however it sounds to me as though the waveform editor is sensing that the incoming signal is too hot & is automatically pulling down the gain to compensate and overcompensating to the point where the audio is barely intelligible.
    What I would suggest you try is:
    Select All Command (Apple) A then
    Shift Command L. This gives you a window that allows you to boost the level. As the signal is so low, try 100%. If the signal is still too low do the same again. The Adjust Amplitude Filters will appear in the Actions List to the left of the Waveform. This is a nondestructive process & each Adjust Amplitude can be toggled on/off by unchecking it so that you can do a before & after comparison.
    All the best

  • FR: Keep Video and Audio clips Linked in Multicam once razored

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    *******Enhancement / FMR*********
    Brief title for your desired feature:
    Keep Video and Audio cuts in a Multicam sequence linked together when using the razor tool.
    How would you like the feature to work?
    Whether inside a multicam created sequence, or a multicam sequence that has been pasted into another layer on a separate sequence, I want the video and audio to remain linked together when a cut is made. Currently, when I make a cut, the audio and video become unlinked and I have to first a. make all the razor cuts, then b. go and relink the video and audio clips back together. Takes an extra 30 minutes every time now.
    Why is this feature important to you?
    To save time and stop the long redundant process of click selecting the video and audio and linking them, over and over and over, in a multicam sequence. Obviously if I can do it manually, it can also be done in-program.

    When you create the multicam sequence manually (still the best way, I think), video and audio remain linked.

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    Some one help.

    I tried the same thing earlier in the year, and when the sound came back into FCP, it was corrupted!
    Since then, I don't know if this is a good option, but it seems to work fine:
    Once I have finished my editing in FCP, I export the soundtrack into an AIFF. I edit the AIFF via STP, and when finished, import it back into FCP.
    I'm not experienced enough to know if this method is bad, but it has worked well for me!

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    The audio is 9 frames shorter than the original audio. (The video is 06:29:12 long)
    I have checked, and double, triple checked, and all audio is 48.0 KHz
    Both timelines are Non-Drop Frame.
    I have also tried the following when importing the XML back in to FCP
    1. Leave Sequence Settings at "auto" with "Override with settings from XML" selected
    2. Change Sequence Settings to "Apple ProRes 422 1920x1080 24fps" with "Override with settings from XML" de-selected.
    I have looked and looked through forums and haven't found any real solutions, please help

    Apparently, fcp can have a problem with imported audio files if the easy setup frame rate does not match your sequence frame rate.
    I've seen this reported as well.
    I actually created a new project, set up the "Easy Set Up" to match and ran into the same problem.
    Initially the Music Tracks I used were a different audio rate (44.1 vs 48) but I converted those as well.
    I'll have to chalk this up to user error, but I've truly been over this project with a fine-tooth comb so many times.
    In general, it doesn't seem like there should be so much issue going from Final Cut to Soundtrack and back.
    When I get some down time, I'm going to completely recreate this project from
    scratch and see what happens.
    Thank you so much for your time Michael.

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    I could just export the video as a Quicktime movie, but I don't want to compress it.
    Anyone had a similar issue?

    That's a ridiculous answer. If there is a program designed to do something it will do it. If it's not operating properly there is a reason for it.

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    When I try to export to mpeg4 or basic quicktime this ends up looking rather odd, and rather terrible. I go from a video that is crisp and sharp in Final Cut, and in that 90meg mpeg4, and end up with something resembling colored blobs with horrifically skipping sound.
    Any idea how to make Final Cut size itself to the clip being worked on and not ruin it on export?

    FCE works in DV only for NTSC or PAL.
    There's no way to change that other than bringing in the correct format in the first place.
    Different formats go in about the same as the square peg in the round hole scenario.

  • Clips Blurry in Final Cut Express 4.0

    Okay i tried putting in some of my screen capture clips that worked perfectly clear in iMovie 08 into Final Cut Express 4.0, and they come out blurry. I then tried to put in a clip recorded from my sony camera a while back and that was also blurry... then i made a livetype title and exported it as a movie, and then put that into Final Cut Express 4.0 and that too was blurry, any ideas?
    Is there a format i must change my screen capturing program to, to be clear in Final Cut, or are there any settings in Final Cut 4.0 to make it compatible with my current clips?

    You're looking for settings to use with your current clips, but you don't actually say what your clips are. Without precise information it's just guessing. What are the screen captures? Format? Size? Codec? What Sony camera? Format?
    FCE is a resolution specific editing application. It only works in DV or HD using the Apple Intermediate Codec.

  • Help serious Audio rendering issues within final cut pro

    I have some serious audio issues I am using Final cut 6.05. Here is my problem I am putting a AUParametricEq filter on my audio due wind noise etc. Anyway when i play it back on the time line it plays fine no problems but as soon final cut renders the file say for mastering to tape. at some point at the audio the audio goes all haywire, popping sounds or the audio just repeats it self at one frame or i can here audio from other parts of the timeline. And it just happened before i never had the issue. Is it the update. Hope anybody can help as I need to master about 6 projects to tape to clean my harddrives and all 6 projects have the same issue.

    Are your audio files AIFF 48K 16 bit?
    In regard to trashing preferences you can download Jon's Prefence manager at this site
    The Old School method follows
    Trashing preferences and repairing permissions.
    Close Final Cut Pro.
    Go to: Users/your user name/Library/Preferences.
    Drag, "" to the trash.
    Scroll down to the Final Cut Pro User Settings folder.
    Drag, "Final Cut Pro 6 Preferences" to the trash.
    Drag, "Final Cut Pro Obj Cache" to the trash
    Drag, "Final Cut Pro POA Cache" to the trash.
    Go to: Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility
    Select your system disk
    Click on the Repair Permissions button
    Wait for the permissions to be repaired
    Restart your computer

  • AVCHD import locks up on iMovie '09, but same clip works on Final Cut Exp.

    I have footage from a Sony HDR-CX7 and HDR-CX12 memory stick AVCHD camcorder. After I fill up a memory stick, I use Disk Utility to make a disk image of the data, so I can mount it and re-import later. Now that iMovie '09 has an Archive All option, I will start using that.
    I have an 8GB stick of footage that locks up during import, requiring me to force quit iMovie. I was able to locate the clip it gets stuck on, and skip it, then I found another. The end result is FIVE clips that cause iMovie to lock up.
    Final Cut Express, however, can import them just fine, which makes me think it's an issue with the import error handling of iMovie (assuming there is an issue with the footage on the stick image).
    Anyone have any ideas? I can make one of the clips available in a disk image if someone wants to test it.

    AppleMan1958 wrote:
    It is great that you have FCE to preserve the five clips.
    Yes, thankfully I thought about this while at work today, and gave FCE a try when I got home. I was about ready to give up.
    I recommend that every time you make a disk image and test that it will mount, you go ahead and use the camera to reformat the memory stick. This way it does not get fragmented, etc.
    Always. I travel with four 4GB memory sticks, and one 8GB. I try to only use the 4s, since they will fit on a DVD-R. The 8GB is just for when I know I'm going to record something too long (long show at Disneyland, etc.)
    Personally, I am sticking with the disk image method because those should work with any program (like FCE). I fear that the archival method might only work with iMovie. If you have both, you might try opening an archive in FCE and see if it works.
    That's a very good point, since the previous iMovie could not import from a directory. However, it looks like you can just copy the raw files to a disk image and mount that for the old iMovie to recognize it (and probably FCE). I will have to give that a try.
    I tested import on a generic/fresh GUEST account with the same results. Can someone there give this a try? Here is the disk image with one short HD video clip (it's from the Oklahoma Renaissance Festival, of "Inga" at the front gate - lovely girl):
    Here is a 13MB disk image that locks up my iMovie:

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