Audio Export and Import

I recorded audio of about 30 slides. I found some HUM and
Buzzing in audio so i exported it out via the export and edited the
audio in audition. Can i import all the audio back in one shot?
Also when i export it says SLIDE 1 - RECORDING 150 and then,
RECORDING6. When i look in the folder of exported audio i have 2
files of each .wav and mp3 that say Recording6, etc. Can i get a
print out of what Captivate slide corresponds to the exported
Is there anyway to clean up this process?

Starting with basics. You didn't say which version of FCP. Assuming it's 7 your workflow is: Select sequence in browser, either right (control) click or file > Send to > STP Multitrack Project. Edit in STP then File > export. Be sure to select a audio sample rate that matches your sequence (select sequence in browser > right/control click > settings > audio settings.
Looking at the end of your STP project, is it 12:15? Hope this helps!

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    Ihatelightroom wrote:
    First let me say that any software that comes without a save button should be sold with a warning label.
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    Seriously, you need to spend some time reading introductory material about LR because Lightroom does not work like any other photographic software you might have used in the past. You are handling it as if it was no different than standard photo editing software, and you are going to be frustrated if that is your mindset. See the videos at and read this:

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    What do you not understand?
    You can duplicate the iPhoto library (command - D ) and delete everything except the project and its photos from the copy and move that
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    Hi Pierre,
    Thanks for pointing this out. Unfortunately, it is a bug on our side and you have found the (ugly) "work-around".
    Brian Jeffries
    SQL Developer Team

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    2) exec DBMS_STATS.CREATE_STAT_TABLE ( ownname => 'MRP', stattab => 'MRP_ATP_3');
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    Please post the details of the application release, database version and OS.
    Please see (FAQ: Statistics Gathering Frequently Asked Questions (Doc ID 1501712.1) -- What is the difference between DBMS_STATS and FND_STATS).
    For exporting/importing statistics summary of FND_STATS Subprograms can be found in (Doc ID 122371.1)

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    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Aug 22 10:46:31 2005
    (c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Aug 22 12:30:06 2005
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
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    Then on the new server Release, I did
    c:\>imp system/manager file=abc.dmp fromuser=abc touser=abc
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    I'm stuck with this problem. Anybody having any idea about how to solve this problem please help.
    Thank you all in advance.

    Let me be clear here. Storing Arabic data in a WE8MSWIN1252 database is not supported by Oracle and will lead to problems. You are incorrectly using the NLS_LANG to prevent proper conversion and your data appears to be okay when you use utilties like SQL*PLUS to view your data. When you write applications that don't rely on the NLS_LANG like JDBC thin driver for instance you will realize your data is in fact invalid. To learn more about the NLS_LANG you can take a look at this FAQ:
    To migrate your database to a proper character set you can refer to this paper:
    But please do not ask for help in supporting your current configuration in this forum.

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    Hi Adhappan
    I have tried importing without success. The import is not consistent. The same schema creates different sets of tables & fields each time. Sometimes if you reimport some more tables which were not set up the first time gets selected for import.
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    2. I exported the schema
    3. I tried importing the schema without any modifications to schema
    4. The results were highly inconsistent.
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    In cases like this, where I know the table name is going to be different across HTML DB instances, what I usually do is create a view on top of the table, and then build my HTML DB applications against the view. Then, assuming the definition of the tables are the same, it should work without further modification.
    So in your testing workspace you could have:
    create view foo as select * from Samp
    and in your other workspace you could have:
    create view foo as select * from test

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    The output displays
    max_host_concurrency = 500
    limit_apply = system
    limit_type = host
    max_messages_per_connection = 50 ......
    How can I import this without losing or altering the data within.
    We upgrade one of our SMTP ASYNC to 8.0.1 which creates a additional line within default of the upgraded Ironport exported control destination table that is named... wait for it.... ip_sort_pref. Just add it.

    The applications and drivers have been imported into the Dev SCCM server however I cannot find the actual content so I am not sure this has worked properly. 
    When you exported did you choose to "Export all content for selected task sequence and dependencies".
    80070003 = The system cannot find the path specified.
    See here for exporting and importing task sequences
    Gerry Hampson | Blog: | LinkedIn:
    Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

  • Exporting and importing table using R3trans program between 2 clients

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    I need to copy a table from Client 020 in a system to client 040 of the same system using R3 trans. I need to know the procedure.
    Can any one advice

    This is how you do a export and import of table entries.
    Open Notepad and type the following,
    client = 020
    file = 'clone.export.<sid>.<client no>.data'
    select * from <client_dependent_tablename1>
    select * from <client_dependent_tablename2>
    select * from <client_dependent_tablenamen>
    Save the file as export.ctl
    Run R3trans export.ctl
    and the data of these files will be stored in a file called clone.export.<sid>.data in the directory from which you have called R3trans
    Open Notepad,
    client = 040
    file = clone.export.<sid>.<client no>.data
    buffersync = yes                                               
    Save the file as import.ctl
    Run R3trans import.ctl
    Message was edited by:
            Bidwan Baruah

  • Exporting and importing just table definitions

    I have this production database that has a huge amount of data in it. I was asked to set up a test database based on the exact same schema as the live database. When I tried to do an export (from live) and import (to test), with the parameters rows=N and compress=y, the target (test database) data file will still grow enormously, presumably because of the huge number of extents already allocated to the table in the live database. My test database of course, has a limited hard-disk space.
    Is there a way to export and import the table definitions without having the target database experiencing a huge growth in the size of the tablespace?

    If an export with compress=n is still creating initial extents that a too large, you can still build with the import file but it will take a little work.
    run imp with indexfile=somefile.sql
    when imp is finished, edit somefile.sql by:
    1. remove all the REM statements.
    2. remove all the storage clauses (tables and indexes)
    Make sure your tablespaces have a small (say 1k) default initial extent.
    run imp again with rows=n
    All your tables and indexes will be created with the default tablespace initial extent.

  • How to export and import dependent tables from 2 different schema

    I have a setup where schema1 has table 1 and schema 2 has table2. And table 1 from schema1 depends upon table 2 from schema 2.
    I would like to export and import these tables only and not any other tables from these 2 schemas with all information like grants,constraints.
    Also will there be same method for Oracle 10g R1,R2 and Oracle 11G.
    Looking at this For table mode it says
    Also, as in schema exports, cross-schema references are not exported
    Not sure what this means.
    As I am interested in only 2 tables I think I need to use table mode. But if I try to run export with both tables names, it says table mode support only one schema at a time. Not sure then How would the constraints would get exported in that case.

    worked for my 1st time I tried
    exp file=table2.dmp tables="dbadmin.temp1,scott.emp"
    Export: Release - Production on Mon Mar 1 16:32:07 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Username: / as sysdba
    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    Export done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)
    About to export specified tables via Conventional Path ...
    Current user changed to DBADMIN
    . . exporting table                          TEMP1         10 rows exported
    EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics.
    Current user changed to SCOTT
    . . exporting table                            EMP         14 rows exported
    EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics.
    EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics.
    Export terminated successfully with warnings.

  • Best way to export and import data from an iPhone app?

    How do people here prefer to export and import data from an iPhone app?
    For example, suppose your app creates or modifies a plist. It might be nice to provide that plist to the user for separate backup and later allow them to re-import it.
    How do people do that? Email the plist to an address? If so, how would one later get it back in?
    Is there a common way people do this kind of thing?

    Or maybe the best approach for this is some sort of file synchronization feature? Is there a way of having files from the app's filesystem automatically get stored on the computer's filesystem when synchronizing and vice-versa?

  • Error when exporting and importing TS

    Hi I am running SCCM 2012 SP1 and am trying to export a Task Sequence including with the Windows 7 wim, the boot wim, some applications and drivers.  When I exported the TS I selected to export dependencies and content.
    I have setup dev SCCM environment (same spec as production) and am trying to import the .zip that was created when I completed the export.  When doing the import I am getting the below error on both the Windows 7 wim and the boot wim :
    Error Imported Operating System Image (1):
    Create new Windows 7 Enterprise x64
    Generic failure
    instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus
     Description = "Failed to get the image property from the source WIM file due
    to error 80070003".
     ErrorCode= 2147942403;
     Line = 483;
     Operation = "Putinstance";
     ParameterInfo = "";
     ProviderName = "ExtnProv";
     StatusCode = 2147749889;
    The applications and drivers have been imported into the Dev SCCM server however I cannot find the actual content so I am not sure this has worked properly.  I am wondering if I would be better off using the Migration wizard to take the TS and
    content across.  Would appreciate any advice on either a) how to fix the issues with the importing of the TS or b) whether I should just be using the migration wizard.

    The applications and drivers have been imported into the Dev SCCM server however I cannot find the actual content so I am not sure this has worked properly. 
    When you exported did you choose to "Export all content for selected task sequence and dependencies".
    80070003 = The system cannot find the path specified.
    See here for exporting and importing task sequences
    Gerry Hampson | Blog: | LinkedIn:
    Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

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