Audio goes silent

My sequence played fine until I powered down the computer. Now 80% of my audio clips  in the sequence are silent. If I double clip a clip it plays fine in the player window. I have 8 tracks and they all have the same issue.

Hmmm.  OK, let's go with this next;
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    This sounds frighteningly like a problem I had--except I described it as sounding like an old 78 record rather than tape.
    What interface and driver are you using?
    In my case, the problem was intermittent but gradually became more frequent.  It also occurred in Premiere Pro and, in that programme it eventually became almost every time.
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    Did the glitches just start recently? Firefox 33 introduced a new feature called "Off Main Thread Compositing" (OMTC). There is a preference to disable this feature if you want to try that. You might need to exit and start Firefox up again after making the change.
    (1) In a new tab, type or paste '''about:config''' in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.
    (2) In the search box above the list, type or paste '''layer''' and pause while the list is filtered
    (3) Double-click the '''layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled''' preference to switch it from true to false.
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    Have noticed this problem as well and the work around seems to be to enable Accessibility Mode/ Assistive Touch.  With this on you do get the transparent little button floating around the screen, but you will then find your phone rings when it should.  To turn the volume on of off use this and then chose Device. The icon is a bit counter-intuitive as it will show Mute with the diagonal arrow (meaning press to mute the phone).  If the icon shows Unmute, then your phone is actually muted and will not ring.
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    Then get your iPhone checked out by an Apple Genius.. Or you can go online and Apple will check out your iPhone with an App sent via email.............

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    It is a common problem for G4 800 machines and I've been told Apple is investigating the issue.
    Try putting your Mac to "sleep" for a minute and then try the file again.

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    try doing a soft reset. push and hold the home button and power button at the same time until the phone powers off completely. only release the buttons when you see the white apple pop back up on the screen if this doesn't work you will likely have to do a complete factory reset which can be found in general settings of the phone. hope this helps!

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    Im not sure what garage band is, but i can tell you the way apple recommends making ringtones. Highlight a song in iTunes, right click and select get info. Goto the options tab and youll see the time lengths (write down the ending time) for the start time type in where you want the ringtone to start, ringtones can only be 30 sec long so make the ending time 30 sec later. Exit it out of the info and while song highlighted goto the "advanced" tab at the top of iTunes where you will see an option that says "create aac version". after creating the aac version you will have a duplicate song in your iTunes, change the original back to the correct time length. Take the 30 sec aac version and drag it to your desktop, right click the icon and click "preferences" You will then be able to change the name of the file which will be somethign to the effect of "songnamehere.m4a" you just change the m4a to m4r. you now have a ringtone, drag the new file to iTunes where it will pop up in a new tab labled ringtones. If you cannot change the name of the file when it is on your desktop let me know and i will give you instuctions how to be able to change it. Once you get it figured out you can use any song you have on iTunes to make a ringtone.

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    Video info according to Premiere (in Spanish but you may get the meaning).
    Ruta del archivo: [...].m4v
    Tipo: Película MPEG
    Tamaño de archivo: 667,7 MB
    Tamaño de la imagen: 720 x 480
    Profundidad en píxeles: 32
    Velocidad de fotograma: 29,97
    Formato de audio de origen: 48000 Hz - comprimido - Estéreo
    Formato de audio del proyecto: 48000 Hz - Punto flotante de 32 bits - Estéreo
    Duración total: 00:30:35:15
    Velocidad media de datos: 372 KB / segundos
    Proporción de píxeles: 0,8889

    "HandBrake, these days, is almost entirely about H.264 video, aka MPEG-4 Part 10.  HandBrake is migrating to quality-based encoding."
    Hmmm.  I use HC Encoder to make my DVDs because it's the only free encoder I've found with the much more professional Constant Q encoding option.  But HC Encoder doesn't do HD sources for Blu-ray, so I've been wondering if I'd be stuck with the lame-*** consumer CBR and VBR options most encoders provide (including Adobe - hint, hint) when I eventually start working in HD.  This is a very interesting program, Handbrake.  I will have to check it out.

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