Audio/iTunes Authorisation

I have made a holiday movie with music through-out. most of the music is AIFF format, but 2 tracks are MP4 - bought through iTunes. All of a sudden I can no longer play the MP4 tracks without needing authorisation from iTunes.... yet even when I've put in my password, and it tells me I am authorised, the files still won't play.
I should say that I have been able to play these files for months, and now when i'm ready to burn, they wont play.
The files are still within the project.... confused - and rapidly losing my patience with iMovie - I've had nothing but technical problems and so far haven't managed to complete my first ever project.
Any Help Appreciated

I have the same problem. A movie originally cut on my iMac. I transferred it to my older G4 and it worked fine (at first). But last few times I have tried to play it says the tracks are not authorised.
This is annoying because:
they are - I have them in my iTunes on the G4 as well as iMac and they play fine in iTunes
(ii) when i go online to 'authorise' the computer - it is already authorised - it says I have authorised, but it still hasn't resolved the problem
Did you get it sorted?

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    When you connect the iPhone to sync with the new computer,  a number of things will happen. If the new computer/iTunes does not contain any music, then yes, you will receive a prompt saying this iPhone is synced to another library, and if you continue, you will lose your music. However, you risk losing a number of other things, such as apps, contacts and calendar data. When you ask about photos, any photos that you have on the iPhone that were synced from the previous computer would also be lost. You need to save the photo folder from the old laptop and transfer that to the new desktop. You also need to sync the contacts and calendar to the same supported application that you were using in the past, such as Outlook, unless you are using an outside web-based sync, such as Google. Also, when you first connect the iPhone, it will make a backup, or at least make sure that it does before you attempt to sync, or you will not have a backup of some of the other things, such as mail settings, SMS, and the contents of the Camera Roll. I would import the photos from the camera roll to the new computer before trying to do anything else in iTunes.

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    The easiest way is probably to de-authorize all computers associated with your Apple ID.  Then reauthorize the three you still want to use.
    If you need more ideas, try iTunes Support or
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.7.3

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    Hi crofty, Welcome to the Forum.
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    Regarding for this matter, you could read this article:
    [About iTunes Store authorization and deauthorization|]
    Hope this could give you an idea.

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    Yes, if you select "Deauthorize all", all your computers and former logic boards will be deauthorized. You can only "deauthorize all" once a year.
    Once deauthorized, authorize each computer again.

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    If you want to use the command in the menu bar
    File -> Devices -> Sync...
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    Yes, you can.
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    okay, just doublechecking something. when you did the QT reinstall, what installer file did you use? there are two available on the QT download page ... one's a QT/itunes installer bundle (the file is called "iTunesSetup.exe"), and the other is a true standalone QT installer (the file is called "QuickTimeInstaller.exe").
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    download and save a copy of the QT 7.1 standalone installer to your hard drive. (we'll run the install from there rather than online.) switch off antivirus and antispyware applications prior to the install.
    Quicktime 7.1 Installers … get the one that doesn’t mention itunes 6

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    Sorry, but there's no way for you to deauthorize systems you no longer have access to until you reach the five-system limit. Once you've reached five authorizations for that account, there will be a button in your iTunes Music Store account information (log into the iTMS in iTunes and you should see it) that can deauthorize all your system, at which point you can then reauthorize the ones you will be using.
    Message was edited by: Dave Sawyer

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    okay, just doublechecking something. when you did the QT reinstall, what installer file did you use? there are two available on the QT download page ... one's a QT/itunes installer bundle (the file is called "iTunesSetup.exe"), and the other is a true standalone QT installer (the file is called "QuickTimeInstaller.exe").
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    download and save a copy of the QT 7.1 standalone installer to your hard drive. (we'll run the install from there rather than online.) switch off antivirus and antispyware applications prior to the install.
    Quicktime 7.1 Installers … get the one that doesn’t mention itunes 6

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    let's try swapping out your QuickTime again. we'll take a few additional explicit precautions this time.
    head into your Add/Remove programs. uninstall QuickTime.
    Next, we’ll manually remove any leftover program files and folders.
    1. On the Start menu, click My Computer (or double-click My Computer on the Desktop).
    2. In My Computer, open Local Disk.
    3. Open Program Files.
    4. Right-click on the QuickTime folder and click Delete from the shortcut menu.
    5. Navigate to C:\Windows\system32\.
    6. Remove the files QuickTime.qts and QuicktimeVR.qtx.
    7. Restart your computer.
    next, we'll get a fresh copy of QuickTime into your PC by doing a repair install of itunes.
    switch off antivirus and antispyware applications prior to the repair install.
    go into Add/Remove and select itunes. click "Change" and then click "Repair".
    if the repair install goes through okay, restart the PC and try launching itunes again. does it launch properly now?

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