Audio popping -- still no resolution?

It seems bizarre that after almost 9 years of having this problem, there is still no way to fix this?
Just do a simple search on google of "mac audio popping" and you'll get numerous results from many users who have been experiencing this. Yes, there was an update in 2007, but clearly it is still happening.
What exactly am I referring to? Well, you may often notice a popping/clicking noise occuring when media (audio/video) starts up or when you close it...about 20 seconds after. In just under a day I've already narrowed down the problem to find that it occurs often in Intel-based Macs and is due to the sound system automatically turning on/off every 20 - 30 seconds when not in use to conserve battery. Firstly, I think this is a silly feature to even implement and some say it barely saves battery and secondly, there should be a way to disable this if the user so desires.You see, I am recording music and this noise occurs at random intervals and greatly effects my ability to clearly hear the sounds. It is very annoying to say the least.
I found this occuring in my newly purchased 13'' MBP 2.5ghz i5 processor. So I went to the Genius Bar, received a replacement and it is still present. This was my first Mac purchase and I was really looking forward to jumping into the world of Apple but this is leaving quite a bitter taste in my mouth.
So to summarize, is there anyway to disable this without resorting to unofficial third party apps (Antipop)?

Any "disabling" will void your warranty.  Strongly suggest that you call Apple Customer Relations - 1-800-767-2775.  Explain to them exactly what you stated in your post.
Personally, I have never heard of this issue. 

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  • 10.4.10 Audio Popping Issues: Information Check with Internal Speakers

    For people with internal speakers, or those without subwoofers: Please read all the way to the bottom to find a test that will determine whether you are also having audio problems, even if you can't hear pops.
    We've had a lot of discussion about audio popping due to 10.4.10, and the evidence indicates that the audio circuitry is going to sleep to conserve power, even on AC-only computers like the iMac, Mac Mini, and (at least one) Mac Pro. Some people claim to not have this problem, but I'm wondering if they just aren't noticing it.
    Having external speakers with a subwoofer, set to high amplification, are key to obvious detection of the problem. Let the sound subsystem go idle for 30+ seconds (wait a minute with no audio, just to be safe), turn up your external speakers really loud, and cause the computer to make a sound. You should hear a burst before the sound plays. If you repeat the sound, you won't hear the burst. This is the sound of the audio circuitry powering on, and the speakers are amplifying it.
    About 30 seconds after the sound finishes playing, if you leave the volume of your speakers turned way up, you should hear a "pop" as the circuitry is powered off. Then, playing another sound will recreate the burst.
    I haven't been able to hear these sounds with internal speakers, either on the Mini or iMac. But the problem still exists, and it is detectable... if you know what you are looking for.
    The burst of the audio circuitry turning on also causes a delay in the audio. The delay is a noticeable fraction of a second, an it can easily be detected if you have a repeatable source of sound. I like, because I use that application all day, every day. Here is how you can check to see if you are also subject to the audio problems:
    1. Start (in the /Applications/Utilities directory).
    2. Wait one minute for the audio circuitry to shut down.
    3. Without typing anything else, very quickly strike and release the Backspace key.
    4. If you pressed the key all the way, the program should have caused a beep. However, if the audio circuitry goes to sleep, the beep should occur after you have moved your hand off the key. This is because the circuitry takes time to power itself on before playing the sound.
    5. Now, quickly strike the Backspace key again. You should notice that the sound is produced immediately as you hit the key, without the delay you just witnessed.
    6. Strike the Backspace key repeatedly, to confirm that there is no audio delay. Do this about once every second or two. If you press the key too rapidly, not all of the presses will produce sounds... this behavior is not related to the issue we are testing.
    7. Wait another minute for the audio circuitry to shut down, and strike the Backspace key once more. You should again observe a delay between your strike and the sound production.
    If you witness delays like this, your audio circuitry is also going to sleep, and you are having the same audio problems as the rest of us. However, either because you are using internal speakers, or because your external speakers don't have the appropriate response, you aren't hearing the same bursts and pops as the rest of us.
    Please try this test, and report here. I want to build a list of people who previously couldn't hear the sounds, but still have the delay. This might give us a better picture of the scope of the problem.

    Re: 10.4.10 Audio Popping Issues: Information Check with Internal Speakers
    Your analysis of what is happening is right on.
    The problem on my Intel Mac mini with external Klipsch speakers (two mid-range/high and a subwoofer) is REAL obvious as the system emits a hum like a Spinal Tap amplifier turned up to #11 when 10.4.10 powers down the audio circuitry
    Then, if I play a song in iTunes, it first pops and the hum disappears right before playing.
    Quite annoying.
    Here's what I sent to Apple tech support:
    Guys/Gals (OS X Engineers):
    Concerning the Snap, Crackle Pop Audio problem in the 10.4.10 update:
    Please. Just do the right thing and fix the audio.
    There is no need to power cycle the audio subsystem to save .0005 amps on your laptops.
    And then to make your Mac mini/iMac/other desktop users have to put up with it when using AC power is ridiculous.
    Put the audio subsystem back like it was in 10.4.9 and let the laptop battery freaks looking for mini-amp savings get a "work-a-round".
    Mac Mini 1.83 Ghz Intel Core Duo 1GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   20 Years of Microsoft-Induced Grey Hair

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    Hi Brad, thanks for the reply!
    That sounds like a good workaround. What I have been doing in the meantime is create a new compound clip after I finish all of my cuts, and then apply the audio edits to the new contiguous audio clip in the compound clip.
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    Phillip Roh wrote:
    What is a mic bus level output?
    Most better mixers have direct bus ins and outs. Just like plugging in a mic.
    Laptop doesn't have a line in port
    Get a different computer if you're expecting to enjoy doing audio capture.
    If i used the RCA or XLR output jacks, would the popping still occur?
    Irrelevant, it's all about signal type, resistance, milliamperes, millivolts and milliwatts. Not connectors. You can put an XLR on your power supply and it wouldn't change the voltage.
    I think my workplace may have a few USB audio things lying around. Like it has 2 XLR input ports, then connects to computer through USB. Do you know if they tend to need certain software, or if they're plug and play?< </div>
    Unknown from here. this is not a FCP question.

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    So it's nothing new in iMovie 5.
    (But why Apple hasn't fixed a problem that has been around such a long time is beyond me.)
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    Hi Ed,
    The audio popping was an issue with FMS, precisely when content was fragmented using JIT which is fixed in FMS 4.5.2. I am not sure you should be seeing this when fragmenting through the f4fpackager.
    Can you please send me the URL that you are using to access the Adobe sample video - sample2_1000kbps.f4v ?
    Also, please update your FMS to the latest 4.5.2 from here:
    And let me know if you are still facing the issue.

  • OS 10.4.10 Update Causing Audio Popping (AND HUM) Issues:

    OS 10.4.10 Update Causing Audio Popping (AND HUM) Issues:
    The problem on my Intel Mac mini with external Klipsch speakers (two mid-range/high and a subwoofer) is REAL obvious as the system emits a hum like a Spinal Tap amplifier turned up to #11 when 10.4.10 powers down the audio circuitry
    Then, if I play a song in iTunes, it first pops and the hum disappears right before playing.
    Quite annoying. I restored the mini from a recent backup to 10.4.9. Problem gone.
    I'm glad I test updates on the mini before applying them to my Intel iMac 24. I guess I'll just hide & watch what happens before doing any more updates.
    Here's what I sent to Apple tech support:
    Guys/Gals (OS X Engineers):
    Concerning the Snap, Crackle Pop Audio problem in the 10.4.10 update:
    Please. Just do the right thing and fix the audio.
    There is no need to power cycle the audio subsystem to save .0005 amps on the laptop line.
    And then to make your Mac mini/iMac/other desktop users have to put up with it when using AC power is ridiculous.
    Put the audio subsystem back like it was in 10.4.9 and let the laptop battery freaks looking for mini-amp savings get a "work-a-round".
    iMac 2.16 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 2GB RAM Mac OS X (10.4.9) 20 Years of Microsoft-Induced Grey Hair
    Mac Mini 1.83 Ghz Intel Core Duo 1GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   20 Years of Microsoft-Induced Grey Hair

    Backup is unable to make a restorable by Disk Utility backup. You can restore pieces of the software as outlined in my FAQ about backing up user data:
    But to be able to restore a backup with Disk Utility, you need a cloning utility to have made the backup.
    I suggest starting a new thread here, where someone else could help you out better:
    First off, you'll get a wider audience who may be able to solve your problem. Secondly, responses to you won't confuse the original poster with solutions that don't apply to them. And thirdly, you'll know for certain whether or not a response applies to you.

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  • Is an audio interface still necessary?

    I am using
    Logic Pro X, Samson L2400 24 channel mixer connected via USB, is an audio interface still necessary to record all 24 tracks separately?
    Noob hardly expresses my incompetence here so thank you for your patience.

    MacDyver wrote:
    I am very appreciative for the assistance however it confuses me slightly more in that I do have a Roland Octa-Capture however it also connects via USB. I guess it is also useless
    Articles I read state USB can theoretically carry 255 channels but everything else points to L/R Stereo.
    It appears a fire sale is in order and purchase of a firewire mixer or interface may be my only option
    Thanks everyone hope I can find a solution
    I don't quite get your conclusion: the fact that an interface connects via USB, does not make it useless. And according to a quick look at specs the octacapture aka UA1010 has 10 inputs; you could aggregate that with the Samson and another interface with at least 12 inputs, and there you have your 24 inputs: 10 from the UA1010, 2 from the Samson itself, and 12 from whatever extra interface you'd use.
    Getting one interface with 24 or more inputs may be a more secure and simpler route to take though.
    I also don't get why you almost blame our appreciated assistance - by "howevering" it - for confusing you about your 10-input audio interface, when you never even mentioned you had it in the first place?

  • Distracting audio popping in T61, and no idea why!

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    Is there any easy fix for this?
    Message Edited by Babylonian on 06-22-2009 01:02 AM

    Yea at first I thought maybe after it was on for a While you could see something but it Sounds Like your Display is Shot)  I was going to Ask how old it was but i found at the bottom of your post this phone is a Replacement phone  Yikes somebody else's trouble that was sent in to Verizon then Sent on to you. 
    That's why I'm not in Favor of the there Replacement Phones Program)  You may get a Phone that will go to the End of your Contract and then again you may get a piece of  I can't say with out get Moderated..
    Well what i would DW is I would take it to your Local Verizon and see if they can Replace it for ya )  I know it'll be for the same possible Model but they may Step you up a Model.. You Just have to Check with the Store an see Hopefully they'll Warrant it for the Display   Good Luck.. b33

  • Audio pops/drop-outs with AU bandpass

    Even after I render and do a audio mixdown, I occassionally get audio pops or drop-outs (one channel or completely) of audio files to which I've applied the AU bandpass filter. Is there a way to solve this?

    Make shure you sample rates and buffer sizes match. Check AMS or Sound in pref.> after application launch, sometimes it will flip automatically. Master then Slave i think > you might need more usb power

  • Audio Pops in Windows XP

    I was wondering if anyone knows why my macbook would be having audio pops in windows xp. It seems like its only when something is loading in windows. If anyone knows a solution please let me know, thank you.

    Did you check the audio level at the control panel > sound and audio device?
    How you run the XP, parallel or Boot Camp?
    Also post this thread on boot camp forum for they might have better answer for you:
    Good Luck.

  • When you sent your Macbook for service, did Apple fix the audio pop issue?

    I'm experiencing the intermittent audio "pop" problem in my Santa Rose Macbook running 10.5.1. (There are numerous posts on this topic in this forum and elsewhere.)
    I'm wondering if this can remedied by a a trip to the Apple repair shop.
    For those who have experienced this problem, and who have sent their Macbooks back for repair -- was Apple able to solve the issue? Or is it unlikely to be remedied hardware, and instead be patched with a firmware fix via software update?

    bump. anyone?
    audio pop thump external speakers hiss crackle leopard

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