Audio recording tool

Does anyone out there have a recommendation on how to best
make audio recordings for import to Captivate 3? We're just
starting out and other than a full-on studio, have no recording
Thanks for your help.

HI tomthyme and welcome to our community
Lots of folks swear by Audacity. And you can't beat free for
the price. You may download and review it by
clicking here.
Cheers... Rick

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    wich one the best for Audio Recording using cubase and pro tools? MBP md102 or MBP md103? i often using a lot of VST too

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  • Is Logic Pro the Best Audio Recording Software for Mac?

    Couple questions. I do a lot of audio production and work currently. I use a gateway with Cubase, and its not bad, but I feel like I need something mroe high end.
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    Couple questions. I do a lot of audio production and
    work currently. I use a gateway with Cubase, and its
    not bad, but I feel like I need something mroe high
    Yes, you do indeed need sth more high end.
    I'm looking at the 17 inch Imac. Does anyone record
    using this computer? How's it sound? Is there any way
    to put in a new soundcard or something if i don't
    like the current one?
    It's not an iMac, but a faithful PowerBook G4 that I am using. Apples Core Audio is awesome. Your sound, however, will depend on your interface.
    Secondly, is logic pro the most advanced and best
    audio recording software for the mac? Are there
    others as well?
    That's why we are here, and that's why you ended up in this forum as well
    To me personally, Logic sounds warmer and bigger than any ProTools system I've ever heard. From what yopu described as the work you need to do, there is no comparable application. Logic also offers you many more features above and beyond what you currently need to do.
    I know about Pro Tools, but it seems like there isn't
    anything high end enough that is TOO high end.
    Everybody is using PT, and you should maybe get a Light Edition version of it. However, as stated above, Logic offers by far more possibilities.
    Does the Pro version have superior mixing
    capabilties. I am primarily going to be micing a
    guitar amp and having a mixer run into a firewire
    port, and also using a preamp for my guitar direct
    into the computers USB.
    For your purpose, Logic does have superior mixing capabilities. In my humble opinion, only the popularity of PT made it become the choice of studios and engineers, but things are turning...
    Lastly, how are the mixing features on Logic Pro vs.
    Logic Express? I do a lot of post production mixing
    as well, and use VST plugins. Speaking of that, will
    it accomodate using a drum program like BFD through
    VST or Midi like Cubase will?
    If you do post production mixing, forget about Logic Express altogether and go for Logic Pro. LP will accomodate tons of plug-ins, and it comes with a bunch of great one's as well!
    The format for the plug-ins is called A(udio) U(nit) and works flawlessly. Many VST plug-ins are also available in AU format and the development of those is moving fast forward.
    In other words, yes, you will be able to use BFD in Logic by means of the AU format.
    Thanks for your time guys.
    You're welcome.

  • Other ways of adding audio recording to presentations Adobe Presenter 8?

    Hi there,
    I just realised that I asked a question in the wrong language! I have a quick question re. audio recording in AP8. Is there anyway to add audio to a presnetation other than with a traditional recording device? i.e. can audio be recorded via PC or telepohne and then be added to the presentation? if so, how?
    Many thanks!

    You can use the Import Audio tool to import any MP3 or WAV audio file. Presenter doesn't care where the audio file comes from, so as long as you can record the audio as one of those two file types, or convert it to one of those file types, you should be able to bring it into Presenter.
    To simplify the process, you may want to break up the audio files so there is one for each slide, but this can be done in the audio editor if needed.

  • Most practical way for audio recording

    I am using Logic as a main MIDI+recording tool in my production company (although I use Pro Tools for Beat Detective etc.) since I've grown into it over about a dozen years. When recording e.g. backing vocals I like to keep the session as fast as possible and later get things sorted out (by me or somebody else), which means that if the beginning of the take was good I could just put the song position pointer to the end of the good part and press play (having 1-2 bars of count-in). Occasionally this would mean overlapping audio regions, which I could easily sort out afterwards. I really got used to working like this and was very comfortable with it. Now since Logic 8 this hasn't been possible, whenever the regions overlap a take folder is created. I've tried all kinds of settings in audio settings etc. but haven't found a way to restore the behaviour like it used to be. I don't think using the take folders would be a good solution to me, at least I haven't found a great logic for my purpose in it. Now I just hate it when I try to compile one guitar track (that I could fix later) some takes form a recording folder and I cannot for one track that would play when we record the next track. Surely there must be something easy I'm missing? Any other hints on the recording part would be welcome as well. Thank you so much!

    Me again Today I had a string recording session so I was able to try the replace mode in practise. Even though it seems to do the same as what I was looking for there is one big difference which makes this method useless. If the take is not good I'm used to pressing the record again so it deletes the previous take and starts a new one immediately. If there are regions in the same track Logic asks (in replace mode) if you want to keep or delete the files. This is really annoying since I just want to rerecord the part and not delete other takes. Is there still something I'm missing? Oh I wish you could just record two takes partially over each other, I think it's not good policy to force people change their working methods and not give an alternative... I'm sure I'm not the only one that can't get the same things done using the take folder.

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    Been reading a lot about the introduction of MacBook Pro/MacBook and I'm now really confused about which I should choose. I'm seeking for a notebook for live audio recording and the price gap between the MacBook and the MacBook Pro mystifies the hole thing.
    MacBook is really tempting me since it's not that far by terms of caracteristics from the Pro. I don't really need a unique GPU since I don't really like playing games on computers. But I do use Photoshop and some graphic intensive applications and I would need room for eventual Photo/Video editing. Then, I was thinking of getting a MacBook 2 gHz (white) with 2 GB of RAM to allow some to the integrated chipset. Question 1 answered.
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    Thanks for the attention!

    As long as graphic performance is not an issue (which shouldn't be for audio recording), you will be absolutely fine with the MacBook. There is no difference in spec between the 2GHz MB and the 2GHz MB Pro except for the graphics card (and hard drive speed). I use Logic Pro and Pro Tools LE extensively and have a MacBook on order. The only thing you may need is an external hard drive if you plan on running lots of tracks. You should be very happy with the MacBook unless you absolutely need the extra screen real estate or prefer the matte finish. I should be getting mine today and will report back on how I like the screen. Hope that helps!

  • Audio Recording - ports

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    don't forget though, that if you connect a FW400 audio interface to your machine, your entire FW bus will slow down to FW400 speed.. regardless of whether your drive is connected to the 800 port, and regardless of what order you chain your devices together. it can still work OK, but just be aware of it.
    if you can't get enough speed this way, your alternatives are to either buy a PCexpress card that adds a separate FW800 bus to the machine, which you can dedicate to the drive, or you can get an eSATA card and connect a drive to it, leaving the built in firewire alone for your interface.

  • Audio recording advice?

    Hi All,
    I am making the switch from Microsoft to Apple. I've narrowed down my selection to an eMac because it seems like the most bang for the buck for the price; an iMac is just too high after all the add-ons.
    I'm into recording guitar, bass, vocals, and a drum machine. I have a USB 2.0, external audio capture device with 3/4" cable and MIDI inputs. And I will start with Garageband.
    Any advice from other eMac audio recording folks? problems? suggestions?

    hey mark...
    i'd just say consider your options a bit more...
    the eMac is a noisy beast. the fan noise is just too much for me to bear whilst editing with Pro Tools/Logic, and impossible to record with!
    the machine itself will easily be powerful enough for PT LE or Logic, and the screen size is ok, too.
    that is my only gripe with the emac...and unfortunately it is a BIG gripe given what i use it for!
    personally, i'd go for the iMac or even an iBook...

  • Audio recording capability

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    john at

    From the manual, hope it helps:
    Recording Voice Memos
    You can record voice memos using an optional iPod-compatible microphone (available for purchase at You can store voice memos on your iPod and load them on your computer. You can set iPod to record at “Mono” quality (22 kHz, mono) to save space, or “Stereo” quality (44.1 kHz, stereo) for a better sound.
    To record a voice memo:
    1 Connect a microphone to the Dock connector port on your iPod.
    2 Set Quality to Mono or Stereo.
    3 To begin recording, choose Record.
    4 Hold the microphone a few inches from your mouth and speak. To pause recording, select Pause.
    5 When you finish, select Stop and Save. Your saved recording is listed by date and time.

  • Can't Share an Audio Recording in Quicktime X

    Hi folks. My colleagues asked me to record a meeting for them, so I used Quicktime X to make an audio recording. Once I saved the file, I went to "share" it - I am indifferent how...iTunes, MobileMe, whatever. However, every option is greyed out. Does anyone know why this would be the case and how I can change it in order to share the recording with my colleagues? Thanks!

    bevandjohnshaw wrote:
    Maybe I am using the wrong terminology,
    OK. To avoid confusion, let's refer to them as Blu Ray disks. DVD is standard def only (480 resolution). The confusion arises when we hear folks refer to HD DVDs, because there was once such a product.  Now the format is obsolete.
    So  have you tried to Share>Blu Ray to see whether it can be burned from within FCP? If it doesn't work, that would suggest a problem with your FCP project. If you can, than somewhere between FCP and toast there is an issue.
    As a test, take the range tool and make a short selection of your time line.  Using Share>Blu Ray, select Hard Drive for out put device so you don't waste the media. If that works, you could either have FCPX do the disk for the whole project or make a disk imagine for Toast. (I don't use Toast but I'm reasonably confident it will accept img files.)

  • Audio recorder file help

    hello, i recently recorded a load of interviews using the sm10 microphone, and audio recorder app. everyhting great til i tried to transfer the aac files onto my pc. i can drag the files onto PC but none of my programs will play them and nero won't even encode them into another format. 
    how can i get these to play on my pc (trying to get the audio into Pro Tools)
    any help would be greatly appreciated. 

    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

  • Difference?: Offset Audio Sync Tool and Audio Frame Offset Value

    Here's my Set-Up:
    Editing a project shot film, audio recorded to CD. Xfer'd to DVCProHD with audio synced up. Downconverted capture to DV for editing in powerbook.
    Computer: 1.67 ghz PowerBook G4 with 1.5 GB RAM
    Final Cut Pro Version: 5.0.4
    QuickTime: 7.0.4
    OSX: 10.4.4
    Editing timebase: 29.97 non-drop
    My problem:
    I have clips that when played in the viewer are fine and in sync. When cut into the timeline some drift out of sync. If I apply the offset Audio Sync Tool at it's default 2 frames to the master clip and cut it back in it goes back to sync - for a while. Matchframe back to master clip and it's OK. Why is the timeline not holding the setting? Corrupt timeline?
    When and how is the Audio Frame Offset (default is 4) found in Systme Settings/Playback Control used? Is there a relationship between it and the Offset Audio Sync Tool?
    FWIW: tapes were batched captured - I have master clips that are all about 22 minutes long. I subclipped each take and scene for editing. When I use the offset audio sync tool I apply it to the long Master clips. The problematic Subclips don't seem to be affected if I try to apply just to them.

    Being exported from tower mac, not laptop... we have tried exporting directly from final cut and from quicktime pro... sync is off when played on PCs but seems fine on the mac...we have tried adjusting the frame offset as well... do think it could have anything to do with clicking the box "prepare for internet streaming"

  • How can I copy an audio recording in Skype?

    I have an audio recording of one of my contacts on Skype. 
    Can you tell me if there is a way to copy this recording to my hard drive and if so how? 
    Can I do it with MP3 Skype Recorder 4.11 and if so how?  Where would it be recorded to if I can do it this way?
    Any help with this will be really appreciated

    I already have a Skype recorder for any incoming or outgoing Skype or telephone calls.  I use MP3 Skype Recorder for that.   What I'm trying to achieve is different.
    I have an existing voicemail message in Skype itself from one of my Skype contacts.  It is this voicemail message that I want to save to my hard drive somewhere so there is no chance of me losing it in Skype itself.
    I right clicked on the recording and there is an option in the context menu to 'Copy Message.' I clicked on this but I don't know where to save it to on my hard drive so I can play it whenever I want from there as a file.
    I would also like to know if there is any way to change this voicemail message to another file format to play on my hard drive.
    Can anybody help me with this scenario please?

  • How do I fix bad Quality audio recording in Captivate 4

    I am having trouble recording decent quality audio in Captivate 4.
    What is happening is after I do the screen and audio recording when I play it back the audio is choppy.
    It also kind of sounds like the audio is quickly echoed and then clipped.
    Finally this clipping and choppiness seems random when it happens.
    I tested this by recording 5 minutes of the demonstration (which recorded with only 1 glitch in the beginning).
    When  I just recorded the second half when I played it back in Captivate it  was very choppy again throughout the audio making the complete session  unusable.
    I am doing full motion recording of an application at 1024x768. I have tried all audio recording bitrates and have even gone up to 128kbps 16bit mp3.
    I am using a high quality Audio-Technica AT2020 USB microphone.
    I am running Windows Vista Service pack 2 fully updated with 4GB of memory on an Intel xeon W3503 2.4Ghz in 64 bit mode.
    I have installed the latest patch update hoping that it waould solve the audio bugs to no avail.
    Please let me know what else I may need to do to get Captivate 4 working like it should.
    Are there any other settings or tests I should perform to get audio recording working.
    Why would I even want to pay for Captivate 5 if Captivate 4 has worked so randomly for me.
    Using 3rd party software like Audacity and even Adobe Soundbooth seems absurd when Captivate has audio recording built in.
    For the time being I have gone back to Camtasia on another system because it actually seems to work but need to get Captivate working on my own system.

    Try "Rapid Recorder" from works well.

  • Why doesn't Apple supply a simple audio recording app with the iPad? (Garage Band is not simple app)

    I am going to be teaching an integrated media production course in the spring semester (creating an online college newspaper) and I want the students to use mini iPads to create images, videos and sound clips.   Images and video, no problem.   Easy to move to our iMacs in the lab for editing and inclusion in a college newspaper web site.   On the other hand, audio is a mess.   Sure, I can have them shoot video, import the video into Final Cut on the iMacs and then use Final Cut like an audio editor, but that is pretty lame.   They could download Garage Band but that would require all the students to have iTunes accounts, which is a real pain.   And moving audio recording made with Garage Band to the iMac is a real drag and way too much work.   Why the **** can't Apple include a simple audio memo program in the basic iPad app setup?   This is really old school stuff that was on computers way back when.   Using Garage Band for that simple function is like swatting flies with a sledge hammer. 
    Mike Nielsen
    Media Arts
    Wesley College

    Make finding a simple audio recorder the students first assignment. Have them give presentation.  Have file a news story to the 'paper'.
    Google is your friend.
    ipad audio recording app  free apps-compared/
    ipad audio recording app 2013

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