Audio Region Blank After Recording

Hi all I'm hoping someone has a suggestion and/or answer for my issue. First a little background. I do a lot of podcast recording on my macbook using garageband and everything works great during the recordings however my issue is that often times when I go back to edit down the recording the audio region does not show the soundwaves*. Instead its just the solid line, which makes it very difficult to edit.
Now the audio is still there and I can hear what was recording I just don't have the visual cue to be able to edit that section. The other weird/annoy part is that I can scrub back to a portion of the audio region where those waves show and then slowly scrub back and forth to make the wave show back up. It's a very long and tedious process though and I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have to do this. So if anyone has any suggestions or help on how to fix this bug that'd be great.
*that's what I call them not sure if there is a proper name for it

I've had this happen too. You've got to make sure the audio region is not selected during all of your recordings. This goes for midi too. Just set your punch in and out points then click outside the region to make sure it's not selected. Logic will the create "takes." Also, make sure no other audio regions are selected either. If they are and you hit undo, it will delete those regions. But you can redo and they'll come right back. And if you notice, every time you hit undo, it selects all the audio regions in that track. If you don't de-select them, it merges the whole file. Same with midi. Oh the humanity! Buggy. I'll be glad when this one is fixed. Good luck.

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    A few things (and there aren't many) regarding capture recording... For me it's been a tried-and-true feature of Logic for a very long time and continues to work flawlessly.
    How Capture Works (and some operational notes)
    Logic continually captures any and all MIDI data from the time you hit PLAY to the time you hit STOP, even if you're not "in record". Notes, program changes, controllers, sysex, anything MIDI will get buffered as you play and are ready to be turned into a region once you hit your Capture k/c. You can play to picture, improvise, whatever, for a very long time and never worry about Logic losing any of what you played.
    The KEY is that after you hit STOP, you must hit your Capture k/c before hitting PLAY again, because once you hit PLAY, the MIDI buffer is, out of necessity, be cleared.
    However, you don't need to STOP Logic to use Capture. You can play along with a track and hit Capture at any time. Logic will create a MIDI region from what you played and continue capturing additional MIDI data from your real-time performance while Logic continues to run. So you can start Logic, play some stuff, capture, play some stuff, capture, all without hitting STOP. In this scenario, just remember that if you hit STOP at any point that you will need to hit Capture that last bit of your performance (if you hadn't done so already) before hitting PLAY again.
    One other operational note that's really important...
    CYCLE MODE: If Logic is set to cycle and the cycle wraps to the L-locator before you've captured your performance, you will lose what's in the MIDI buffer. Jumping back to the L-locator in cycle mode is the equivalent of hitting STOP and then hitting PLAY. This is probably the single most important thing to watch out for. I've lost a few good "noodlings" because I had my L-locator set too close.
    Hope this helps. I'd be curious to learn of your Capture experiences and see what you guys think!
    Message was edited by: iSchwartz

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    peta_reynolds wrote:
    I have just opened my original file has the problem. The wave file looks perfect but on playback there seems to be a double up on audio.
    I know it sounds strange, but that actually makes some sense. What it means is that the .pkf file that Audition created (this is the quick visual display) is intact, but the audio it relates to has got itself misplaced. Now I'm almost certain that you have a HD problem, I'm afraid.

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    Check the Recording Delay in Preferences:Audio:Devices?

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    peta_reynolds wrote:
    I have just opened my original file has the problem. The wave file looks perfect but on playback there seems to be a double up on audio.
    I know it sounds strange, but that actually makes some sense. What it means is that the .pkf file that Audition created (this is the quick visual display) is intact, but the audio it relates to has got itself misplaced. Now I'm almost certain that you have a HD problem, I'm afraid.

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    Hi Wunghnu,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below will show you how to send a song from Garageband to iTunes.  You can enter song information in the Share dialog box.
    GarageBand '11: Send a song to iTunes
    Also from within iTunes, you can edit song information as well.  Here's how:
    Playing and managing content in iTunes
    Editing Info
    Each audio or video file in iTunes has several settings and tags that can be easily modified. These options can be accessed by selecting any file in the iTunes browser windows and selecting "Get Info" from the File menu. You can add song lyrics, artwork and set special playback options. The "Info" tab lets you edit information about the file including artist and album info.
    - Judy

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    Try the waveform zoom slider in the lower right hand of the arrange.
    If that's not it then check your recording delay in preferences>audio, supposedly if it is set too high what you describe happens.

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    How exactly are you doing this?
    When I cut out a part of an audio region, then drag the remaining parts together, so they are touching, the track will skip the cut out section when playing the file.  Also, if I select the remaining parts of the region and use the command "Edit > join regions". This will create a new audio file with the cut out part deleted.
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    You need to create an aggregate device.
    This link should help:

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    You need to create an aggregate device.
    This link should help:

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    You could also try a SMC reset:
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    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   2.0 GHz Processor, 2 GB RAM

    Well after many hours of searching through Logic Forums and flipping through the Logic Reference Manual, all to no avail, I've finally figured out what the problem was. I needed to uncheck the "Follow Te(mpo)" option in the Region Parameter Box for the region I was trying to beat map. The beat mapping process wasn't actually changing the length/speed of my audio region like I said it was in my initial post; it was simply playing over it slower or faster in order to preserve the audio-to-tempo ratio as I made the tempo slower or faster. All I needed to do was uncheck that little box and now beat mapping works exactly as described in the Reference Manual. WHY ON EARTH is the "Follow Te(mpo)" box not mentioned when discussing beat mapping?! More importantly, why is it not mentioned ANYWHERE in the entire Reference Manual?!?!? NOT ONCE!!! unbelievably frustrating.
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   2.0 GHz Processor, 2 GB RAM

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    Does it say Midi Ch 1 in the event list for the Midi region you recorded?
    This is most likely to be User error... but to identify what exactly.... and to rule out any corrupted settings in LPX..
    Try trashing Logic's preferences and CS prefs as per this support note.
    Delete the user preferences
    You can resolve many issues by restoring Logic Pro X back to its original settings. This will not impact your media files. To reset your Logic Pro X user preference settings to their original state, do the following:
    In the Finder, choose Go to Folder from the Go menu.
    Type ~/Library/Preferences in the "Go to the folder" field.
    Press the Go button.
    Remove the file from the Preferences folder. Note that if you have programmed any custom key commands, this will reset them to the defaults. You may wish to export your custom key command as a preset before performing this step. See the Logic Pro X User Manual for details on how to do this. If you are having trouble with a control surface in Logic Pro X, then you may also wish to delete the file from the preferences folder.
    If you have upgraded from an earlier version of Logic Pro, you should also remove~/Library/Preferences/Logic/
    Restart the computer.
    if that doesn't fix things then...
    Which Software instrument (SI) are you trying to play?
    You do have a SI loaded in yes?
    You are using an Instrument Track yes?
    You are not usimg an external Instrument track are you?
    If you drag an Audio loop from the loop browser to an Audio track.. can you hear sound on playback?
    Please post a screenshot of your arrange window showing the channel strip for the track you recorded midi to... That will help us see how you have set things up.


    SO, I recorded a 3 piece band live...great,
    when i was recording guitar overdubs, i dragged the audio regions over to make room for a guitar intro, but i didn't select all the other overdubs...oops.
    after recording the intro at that location, i found that some of the other overdubs weren't lined up!!!
    Is there a way to snap regions back to where they were recorded relative to other regions!
    **NOT move region to original record position. that doesn't help because the original record positions are different for different overdubs. I tried dragging them back manually, but that takes forever, and i'm afraid there will be phase issues if it's not exact where it was tracked. please help.

    Well, I tried the undo list which I haven´t used before. Mainly because I never make mistakes.
    I admit I couldn´t get it do it exactly the way that would be useful for you. It´s not like actions in Soundtrack Pro. The undo list gets slightly confused if you try to undo one action in the middle of many. I actually get warnings about messed up time continuums and other sci-fi like messages...
    The event list thing is really handy. If you open a previous version of your song where the regions are where they´re supposed to be you can select them. Open the event list. There you´ll see where they all start.
    Make a mental note of where the first or topmost region begins (or double click and copy the info). Switch to song 2. Select the relevant regions. Move all these regions to the same start as in song 1.
    (Or you can do it one region at a time, hence the suggestion to have two edit lists open simultanously. Time consuming, but possibly succesful.)
    Hope this helped!

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