Audio tracks separate in timeline

Finishing a 13 min project, last few clips has audio separating into different time lines. Sort of like this:
Everything up to the last few clips was ok, and now the sound is still ok. But I would like to know why/how the audio clips decided to separate?

You'll need to unlink the clips to make them independent.  Highlight them and press "Command + L"
If it still selects both when you click on one of them press "Option + L"  this will make them not a stereo pair. 
Now select the on you want to move.  If you hold down shift when you move it, it will keep it lined up in the same position on the new track.  Now highlight both audio clips and the video track and press "Command + L" again to link everything back together.  If they were a stereo pair leave them highlighted and press "Option + L" again.
These shortcuts also have menu items in the "Modify" drop down menu as well.

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    Hi all.
    This is actually kind of embarrasing, but here it goes:
    I've made a rough cut of some source material with 4 audio channels, channels 1-2 with environment audio and track 3-4 with interview audio.
    Me being stupid, I did not enable the second audio track on the timeline onto which the clips where going, hence I've got a timeline with only the environment audio, but no voice.
    Is there an automated way to replace the tracks? Edit done in cs6.
    Best regards, Norway.

    I found the solution my self.
    Mark all the clips with wrong audio channels. Hit "Clip" on the upper menu bar, Modify>Audio Channels and do the replacement in the dialog that pops up.

  • Audio track missing on timeline when I insert clip from source monitor

    I have the following problem with PP CS6: my media contains two alternate mono tracks (one with the signal boosted as an insurance) and I have PP set up to treat them as two mono tracks, rather than one stereo track. Everything works fine when I drag media directly to the timeline from the project panel. But when I use the source monitor to select in and out points, and then insert the chosen clip into the timeline, only one of the two audio tracks appears on the timeline. Can anyone please explain how to make sure I get both tracks on the timeline via this route?

    Hi Jim,
    Thanks for replying. Unfortunately this doesn't apply to my case. I've set PP's default behaviour to import as dual mono in Edit\Preferences\Audio. This allows me to drag media from the project panel to the timeline and get two sediscrete mono channels. My problem is that when I go the source monitor route, any clip that I insert does not display two audio tracks on the timeline, just one. I have discovered I can switch the source channel from left to right, which to all intents and purposes fixes my problem, but I would like to maintain the option of getting both channels displayed separately on the timeline if possible.
    Sent from my iPhone

  • Independant video and audio tracks separate

    I am using Premiere Elements 12 on a PC. I am working on a multimedia project combining video, stills and audio. Independant video and audio tracks separate when I insert a still image on another track. The tracks are not grouped or linked together. I do not know how to prevent this happening. The manual suggests pressing the Alt button when inserting but this does not work.

    Holding down the Alt key of the computer main keyboard does work and works well under most ordinary conditions. Please practice and refine your Alt technique with care patience. But....
    Have you tried keeping certain parts of your established track content together by using the Group command after selecting a
    bunch of clips all at one time?
    Please review the following free online video tutorial which I post for informational and non promotional purposes
    I am having a lot of trouble with Internet connection today due to local storms. The above link was snowy when I viewed
    it but it should be OK if your Internet connection is OK. I will monitor this situation. The information given in that video tutorial relates to your question.
    We will be watching for your results.
    Thank you.

  • How to make audio track respond to timeline

    I'm starting a project and need the ability to control the speed of an audio file playback using the timeline.
    There are specific events that happen at certain times in the song, and i need the ability to scrub forward and backward on the timeline, including the audio. is this possible?
    I have a mechanism to scrub through the timeline of a symbol, but i can't get it to recognize the audio track.
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    var symDur = sym.getSymbol("timelinePlay").getDuration(); // Get the timeline length of timelinePlay. We'll reference this later in the code. var mySymbol = sym.getSymbol("timelinePlay"); // Get the symbol timelinePlay. We'll reference this later in the code. var scrubber = sym.$("scrubber"); // Touch this to scrub the timeline of timelinePlay var bar = sym.$("bar"); // Bar the scrubber follows sym.$("mobileHit").hide(); // Added an extra invisible div to increase the hit region for mobile (hard to grab otherwise) var dragme = false; // Set the initial dragme function to false // Detect if mobile device, and if so swap out mouse events for touch events. This is pretty much duplicated code with touch events swapped. if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {     sym.$("mobileHit").show(); // Show the extra invisible div to increase the hit region for mobile (hard to grab otherwise)     $(function () {         scrubber.bind("touchstart", function (e) { // Enable the scrubber on touchstart             e.preventDefault(); // Cancels the default action of the mobile device - used to ensure our touch events are fired             dragme = true;         });         scrubber.bind("touchend", function () { // Disable the scrubber on touchend             e.preventDefault();             dragme = false;         });         scrubber.bind("touchmove", function (e) { // Make the magic happen on touchmove             if (dragme) {                 var touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0];                 var possibleX = touch.pageX;                 var leftX = bar.offset().left;                 var rightX = (leftX + bar.width()) - scrubber.width();                 var scrubWidth = rightX - leftX;   // Confine the scrubber to the width of the bar                 if (possibleX < leftX) {                     possibleX = leftX;                 }                 if (possibleX > rightX) {                     possibleX = rightX;                 }                 scrubber.offset({                     left: possibleX                 });                 var relativeX = possibleX - leftX;                 var stopTimeline = Math.ceil((relativeX / scrubWidth) * symDur); // Make the scrubber scrub the timeline length of timelinePlay                 mySymbol.stop(stopTimeline); // Stop the timeline of timelinePlay when the scrubber is released             }         });     }) } else $(function () {     scrubber.mousedown(function () { // Enable the scrubber on mousedown         dragme = true     })     $(document).mouseup(function () { // Disable the scrubber on mouseup         dragme = false     })     $(document).mousemove(function (e) { // Make the magic happen on mousemove         if (dragme) {             var possibleX = e.pageX;             var leftX = bar.offset().left;             var rightX = (leftX + bar.width()) - scrubber.width();             var scrubWidth = rightX - leftX;             // Confine the scrubber to the width of the bar             if (possibleX < leftX) {                 possibleX = leftX;             }             if (possibleX > rightX) {                 possibleX = rightX;             }             scrubber.offset({                 left: possibleX             });             var relativeX = possibleX - leftX;             var stopTimeline = Math.ceil((relativeX / scrubWidth) * symDur); // Make the scrubber scrub the timeline length of timelinePlay             mySymbol.stop(stopTimeline); // Stop the timeline of timelinePlay when the scrubber is released         }     }) }) 
    and have an group called 'scrubber' that contains a div called 'dot' and a box called 'mobileHit.' There's a horizontal bar that's not included in the 'scrubber' div (representation of a timeline) called 'bar' on top of which the 'scrubber' sits.
    the whole contraption controls a symbol called "timelinePlay"
    If there's any way to get the audio included in the timeline and give me the ability to scrub through the timeline /and/ audio, (imagine manually fast forwarding and rewinding a VHS tape) that would be wonderful!!!


  • Drag select audio tracks to the timeline

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    Disconnect the connectors for the other tracks on the timeline...on the left side.  You will need to load the clip into the Viewer first.

  • Editing video and audio tracks together in timeline

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    You probably need to turn Linking on (Command L). There is a little button on the upper right corner of the timeline that looks like a chain, click it.
    If that doesn't work, you could use the Blade All tool, press B twice.
    Message was edited by: Michael Trauffer

  • Laying audio tracks neatly on timeline?

    Hi there,
    I've been finding it difficult to position my audio exactly where I want it..normally I have voices in track one and then underlying effects or music on tracks two and three and so on.
    Whenever I drop audio into timeline, say a music track on A3 and A4 I can't hear it..and have to phsyically drag it down to A7 and A8. I now have a situation where I need to have music under that track and when I drag audio to A9 and A10 I can't hear it at all.
    I hope this is something simple and I'm almost certain that it will be.
    Hope you can help me.
    Carol Ann

    I am officially a nugget.
    I just deleted the other empty tracks to bring it up and it works fine.
    Gosh hope no-one is replying to this.
    Carol Ann

  • Deleting or Editing Separate Audio Tracks

    Al answered my previous questions about capturing video.
    Perhaps others can help me with this.
    When I import a video clip I also get two tracks of audio. Fine, but I can't figure out how to delete one of them or to adjust the volume on just one track.
    Whatever I do affects both tracks. I've changed all the audio controls to left of the audio timeline, but nothing seems to help.

    Select the audio tracks in the timeline and then Modify/Stereo Pair (opt-L): this will separate the two tracks.

  • Audio Tracks in Timeline

    While working in Final Cut Pro 4, some of my audio tracks in the timeline have a thin colored bar running along the entire top of the clip. Some clips have a lavender/light purple bar, some have a green bar, some have no bar at all. Some clips have a lavendar bar, which then changes to green.
    What do these bars mean?! Nowhere in any of the Final Cut Pro manuals or in a third party book I own can I find even a mention of these color bars. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Thanks again for your time and trying to help. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough in certainly was unintentional and I had no intention of wasting anyone's time.
    Anyway, I also posted my dilmma on the LA Final Cut Pro User Group (, and a guy came back with a response that pretty much explains the situation.
    The bottom line is that if an audio clip has a different sample rate than the sequence, it will show up with a colored bar at the top of the audio clip. (The one thing that is not clear, however, is why the colored bar is sometimes purple, sometimes green, even in the same clip.)
    Sure enough, some of my DV audio that originated from a older Canon XL1 had a bizarre sample rate of 48009.3 Hz. (Video caputred from the same camera also drifts out of synch if captured in blocks larger than 30 minutes. I'm guessing the problems are related.)
    Here's a link to the guy's website with information on the issue and how to fix it:
    Anyway, hope this information is useful.
    Thanks again for trying to help me, and again, apologies for any unintentional obfuscation on my part.

  • Multiclip - mutliple audio tracks

    This question has been asked before, but I'll reiterate it. If the support doesn't exist, hopefully apple dev will take it into consideration.
    I shoot a lot of weddings and events. FCP's 5.0.x multiclip feature has been a lifesaver. I know the short answer to the following question is "get a mixer and do it in the field right the first time," which I'm working on. BUT, in the meanwhile...
    Setup: 3-camera live shoots. We run three different mics: one cam has a wireless lapel mic on the groom; another has a wireless with a directional mic placed at readers' podium/spot; last is an on-camera mic.
    Throughout the event the different mics are better for different sound: lapel mic for vows, directional mic for speakers, on-camera mic for organ and songs.
    My FCP workflow so far has been this (and it could be the problem): export audio to .aiff, tweak it in STP, bring back into FCP, and link it with clip.
    Here's the issue (finally!): Whenever I make these clips a "multiclip," the audio tracks (six in this case) are all automatically mixed together into two tracks in the multi-clip. All my hard work tweaking sound in STP is lost. (Again, might be a workflow issue.)
    Does anyone know how to import the audio tracks, while still linked to the video, into a multiclip (and avoid manual synching in FCP timeline)?
    I know one solution is to bring the separate audio files in and synch them manually in the timeline. But here's hoping someone can suggest something a bit less time-consuming...
    Thanks for any help!
    G5 dual 2.7   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    Thanks for the reply.
    Yes, the audio is set up with six total audio tracks (two per video feed). I'm viewing the clips with "Video & Audio" selected as you described.
    I'm synching clips I've cleaned up in STP manually ... but that's not the issue.
    Here's the issue:
    Pre multiclip files:
    V1 - A1, A2
    V2 - A3, A4
    V3 - A5, A6
    --->convert to multiclip<---
    Post multiclip files:
    Viewer Window: V1, V2, V3 in multiclip config
    Timeline Video: whichever angle I select
    *Timeline Audio* - A1*, A2*
    Going to item properties for the audio tracks shows that A1* is comprised of A1, A3, A5 and A2* is comprised of A2, A4, A6. All the original audio tracks are there in the new multclip audio, just mixed together.
    I want to know if there's a way to separate those audio tracks in the timeline on the mutliclip. I'd like to work with the separate tracks for the best sound rather than the "mixed" audio that multiclip seems to do automatically.
    G4, Quicksilver   Mac OS X (10.3.6)  
    G5 dual 2.7   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

  • Delete audio tracks

    I have 30 short clips each with audio in a bin to be used as cutaways. How is the audio removed so not to overwrite audio tracks on the Timeline?

    Either Lock your audio tracks to prevent audio from being placed on the timeline by clicking on the locks:
    or un-patch the audio flowing from the viewer to the timeline by clicking on the track number so that they separate and there is a gap between them:

  • Multiclips and multiple audio tracks playing at the same time

    I've only just taken delivery of my first ever mac (only ever used PC) with FCP, and I'm loving it already! Done lots of reading and viewing of video etc etc, and it's not as daunting as I thought it might be. I have one question the books don't seem to answer, and I can only find one reference to this on this site, with no definitive response. FCP5 probably doesn't work this way, but just in case someone knows different......
    I film and edit motorsport (karting) programmes for television in the UK, using multiple cameras. I usually lay all the video and audio tracks on the timeline, (synched) lock the audio for each (as it is engine noise, and I want it playing without abrupt changes at cuts as each kart passes each camera, whether in shot or not) then cut the video tracks and delete those video segments not required.
    The most exciting aspect of FCP5 for me is the multiclip editing facility, which I have found very easy to learn and is going to save me hours of work! However, I want to know if there is a way of having each audio track from each camera used in the multiclip laid down on the timeline when you import the multiclip to the timeline from the viewer, in order that I can play each audio track from each of the cameras at the same time.
    I know how to cut from angle to angle, leaving the audio from the selected angle as the one audio track playing, but I want all of the tracks to appear in the timeline and play at the same time. I know there's a bit of a workaround by locking the video and importing each audio track from each clip independently, but if you do have to re-synch one of the multiclips, this means the audio is not then synched with the original clip, which will have had an in point set before being imported in as part of a multiclip.
    I can understand why you might want to keep audio from one camera only playing over the whole multiclip, or to switch between audio from each, but in my case I prefer all audio to play at the same time. The workaround is still do-able for me as I'm only talking about engine notes, which if they are a few frames out is not very noticeable at all, but I would like to know if I'm right in thinking I cannot do it the way I would like to?
    Wish I'd used FCP from the start, but glad I've got it now.....especially with the 30 inch screen! It's 4.40am, been going over 19 hours straight and I'm still making comments like...."WOW, that's brilliant"...every half hour!
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   Quad, 8gb ram, 2 x G-Media GRaid 500gb Raids, 30 + 20 inch Cinema screens


  • Audio track restarts in the middle of a clip

    I'm having an interesting issue with the audio tracks in my Timeline.
    When I start playing a clip the audio is in sync with the video. Then about 5 seconds into playing the clip the audio starts over. The playhead does not go back to the beginning, but the same audio is looped over again--and of course is now out of sync with the video track. The clips are not out of sync in the Timeline.
    For example, one clip is an interview: "This duck is un-banded so I'm going to get to put a band on this duck. It's a male mallard. I can tell because it's starting to get it's green head. Although at this time of the year..." (audio cuts off and restarts): "This duck is unbanded so I'm going to get to put a band on this duck. It's a male mallard. I can tell because it's starting to get it's green head. Although at this time of the year they are molting so they don't have the brilliant green head that we're all used to seeing."
    The waveform of the audio restarting is represented when I open the clip from the Timeline into the Viewer! However if I go back to the Browser to the original clip and play that, the audio track is fine.
    What's going on here? What can I do to fix this besides grabbing the original clips from the Browser and replacing them in the timeline? Or forcing the audio tracks out of sync to match? (eek!)
    I must have done something weird...
    Message was edited by: Coyotegyrl

    One example of an affected clip:
    Source is from a Panasonic HD camera--so transferred to FC from a P2 card
    Item properties:
    817.5 MB
    DVCPRO HD 720p60, Interger (little Endian), Timecode
    Hey--could this be caused by the frame rate of the sequence? I just noticed that the sequence these affected clips are in is 60fps, and my video clips are 23.98fps. So--I copied and pasted my clips into a new 23.98 sequence and the issue has gone away. Huh. Oops... Not enough coffee this morning.
    Thanks for trying to help out--sorry to have answered my own question (duh).
    Message was edited by: Coyotegyrl

  • Separating audio Tracks 1 and 2 in Final Cut Pro 6

    Hello, So this may seem like a easy question but for some reason I'm having trouble.
    I am editing a project with two audio tracks. Track 1 is a lav microphone and track 2 is (back up) boom mic. 
    All of track 1 is great with the wireless mic so I want to get rid of track 2 and duplicate track 1 and make that new track 2.
    I've done this before and never had any problems but now I can't disconnect the two tracks.  If one is locked then the other will not
    delete.  They are stuck together and will not do anything independently. 
    I'm curious what I'm missing.
    If anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated.

    Click on the audio tracks in the timeline to select them, then go to the menu Modify > Stereo Pair to toggle if you want them to behave as a stereo pair or not (you do not).

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