Audiobooks & bookmarking

Added audiobook to music folder, can you use bookmarks to keep track of where you are?

you can change the 'media kind' to either an audiobook or a podcast. right click the track in itunes, go to get info, then options.
you also need to set the 'remember playback position' option here.
as far as i'm aware there is no way to bookmark them. but the remember playback position will mean the next time you go back to it it will be at the same point.
you can delete podcasts directly on the touch by swiping your finger over the title. a delete button will appear.

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    Had you backed up the phone via iTunes or iCloud? If so, the backup includes audio book bookmark in the iCloud and you will be able to restore that backup to a replacement iPhone.
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    (A) Try reset iPad
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    Note: Data will not be affected.
    (B) Try reset all settings
    Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings
    Note: Data will not be affected but settings for Wi-Fi, FaceTime, Message, Home Sharing will be reset

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    I'm wondering how many people have this problem, and if there are any fixes (including third party).
    Thanks for reading this exceptionally long post,

    The steps to enter recovery mode can be found on top of the board.
    Here's the link:
    Message Edited by KokChoy-CL on 0-6-2008 0:23 PM

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    I sync with the cloud, NOT iTunes on the computer.. bad idea?
    Anyone have any ideas?

    Here's the answer:

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    Thanks in advance

    Easy.....go to Doug's Scripts:
    You want "Make Bookmarkable". It is the #1 script on the web site. While there, load up on the other twenty or more scripts to make your iTunes life a tad easier. This link shows what is available, click on the topic of interest:
    I have maybe 60 scripts for iTunes, I use at least 10 of them a day. Every now and then I do donate to the site, something to consider if you are a happy camper post-Doug.
    Cheers, SZ.
    Message was edited by: ShakuZen


    Does anyone know how to bookmark an book in iTunes 12 in windows 7?

    Hi marapem,
    You can set a bookmark in any audio or video content, including audiobooks in iTunes by following the steps in this article -
    Bookmarking audio and video files in iTunes 5 and later
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L 

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