Auto-adjusting fill bars - always add up to 100

My goal is to create a set of graphical controls showing that as one value increases the others must decrease, and vice versa. There will be three fill bar controls, and the sum of the three values should always add up to 100 (or less).
I'm sure we've all seen GUI's impliment functions similar to this, but I can't seem to find a *good* way to do it in LabVIEW.
I'm attaching my current unappealing rube goldberg solution, but I'm hoping someone can suggest a more elegant method (and help get rid of the rat's nest of wiring only a mother could love).Efficiency would be a plus as well, though this VI will be running in the lowest priority thread of my application.
Go to Solution.
ratio ‏11 KB

Hi, Alex,
You can simplify your code a little bit if you will work with event structure (you can ger reference to the slider whic was changed, and then correct values for other two).
see attachment
Sorry, just checked - in the attached example the sliders will get negative values in some cases, but this can be easily corrected. The main idea remain the same...
Message Edited by Andrey Dmitriev on 10-22-2008 07:00 PM
Attachments: ‏15 KB

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      margin-left: -490px;
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    PV 2012: Exposure +1.15, Contrast -9, Highlights 0, Shadows 0, Whites +41, Blacks -45
    It results in some highlight clipping.
    PV 2010: Exposure +1.10, Recovery 0, Fill 0, Black +10, Brightness 0, Contrast +35
    Thanks in advance!

    FrankMazz wrote:
    Often I like to get solutions. But, often I'm just happy to know I'm not alone - misery loves company.  Thanks Rob.
    Thanks Frank. And I concur with Robert Shomler: auto-toned settings may not be usable "out of the box", but it can sometimes help to see what auto-toner would do with the various settings, especially whites, but also contrast and highlight/shadows (and blacks).
    Sometimes I get stuck in a rut, and hit auto-tone, and go oh-yeah, I'm banging my head against a wall because I need more whites and less exposure, etc... (at which point I usually undo the auto-tone and continue manual toning, but more enlightened...),

  • Auto-adjust Sequence-settings to Footage?

    Hi People,
    Just a question:
    I teach students how to work with Adobe Premiere Elements. In that way I expierenced a  nice little auto-message. If a user uses a projectsetting that does not correspond to the footage that he/she imports, APE9 give a nice little warning. Followed up with the question to auto-adjust the project settings to the settings of the film. Not only does it work very well, but projects that had a red bar ontop of the timeline now seem to have less rendering issues, thus, the system works a lot faster.
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    What would you guys say, if there was an OPTION (so, not auto-adjust), to have a standard sequence, then put any footage in it, and then click on the option (rightclickmenu -> Auto adjust Sequence to Footage).
    I'd love it, but hey, maybe there already is a better way, in which case: I'd love to hear from you!

    ...maybe there already is a better way, in which case: I'd love to hear from you!
    There is. Drag a clip to the New Item button at the bottom of the Project panel (that's the button that looks like a dog-eared sheet of paper). This will create a sequence matching the clip's parameters, and place the clip into it.
    You can also right-click a clip and select New Sequence From Clip--that's in CS5.5 only, though.

  • Stop Input Auto-adjust

    I am using a Plantronics USB 645 headset and using it in Skype and recording calls. The recordings of my voice are quiet, so I have tried turning up the input levels in the Sound preference pane, but after turning it up it always auto-adjusts back down. Is there a way to stop this behavior?

    You can try locking the settings:
    I work for HP.
    Support Forums are now on your mobile phone:

  • Skype Auto adjusts the mic even with the option un...

    Everytime I start a game and I'm on Skype with my girlfriend, my mic blows her ears out. 
    This isn't even just starting up a game for the first time, if I'm playing a game like Heroes of the Storm, every time we start a new game, the mic will auto adjust itself to the loudest possible setting.
    I have unchecked the mic's auto adjust propery and it still does it.
    I have gone into windows and unchecked the box to allow applications to take control of my mic.
    I have gone into regedit and copy-pasted a solution that was supposed to stop this from happening as well.
    This bug is incredibly annoying and I will stop using Skype if it continues. I don't want a program that takes over my mic because it knows better than me what volume it needs to be at.
    Anyone have any clue what the heck is going on and how to fix it?

    I take it you mean Microphone Enabled is Ticked in the video Menu ?
    And that the Mic in System Preferences > Sound > Input matches the one in iChat Preferences (Video Section) and that the bar moves in both places ?
    In the iChat Preferences > Video section change the Bandwidth Limit to read 500kbps as a starting point.
    iChat 5 "sees" your Internet Speed differently from iChat 4 and earlier and there may be greater speed differences between your Buddies now.
    Open the Connection Doctor during a Chat and compare the Bit Rates an Frame rates.
    Try both ends on 500 kbps.
    Then when the Bit rates look settled adjust one end at a time upwards, allowing the Connection Doctor to settle again. (The slowness of change is the iChat Buffering taking effect).
    8:20 PM Tuesday; December 29, 2009
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • What is the "Auto adjust White Clip" slider for?

    The Aperture manual says:
    Auto adjust White Clip slider: Use the “Auto adjust White Clip” slider and value slider to add tolerance to Auto Levels adjustments when evaluating colors beyond white.
    But I don't know what they mean with "add tolerance". What is it intended to do?

    "Auto Levels" analyses your Image and applies a Levels adjustment based on a preset algorithm (similar to "Auto-enhance" in iPhoto, for example).  The Auto adjust White Clip slider allows you to set what percentage of pixels will be set to full-luminance.  (Hover your cursor over the slider for a ToolTip.)
    This is very easy to see in practice.  Select an Image with no adjustments applied, and duplicate it.  Then with the Auto adjust White Clip slider set to the left, click "Auto" in the Levels Brick.  Select the other Image, change the slider all the way to the right, and "Auto-Levels" that Image.  Compare the two.  Be sure to compare the histograms in the Levels Bricks: this shows you mathematically what the difference is.
    Message was edited by: Kirby Krieger -- clarifications.

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