Auto assignment to management

Ability to auto assign adjustment requests to levels of management / associates based on the  write off request by payor
That is depending upon the level of write off request the request should be automatically escalated to required manager.

There is no event in ALV for a single mouse click, or entering into a field some value.
There are events for double clicking on a field, or pressing ENTER button.
Here's an example of the ALV event handling:
At the double click or ENTER's event, you have to LOOP on your ALV's internal table and put the 'X' into the SET field, where ABC is filled.

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    I haven't tested it, but may suggest some considerations.
    All inventory and WIP transactions need to be costed and interfaced to Projects by cost collector before you change the setup of the project control in the organization.
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    You can just read the following section
    Can I specify a sequence number generator as the default value for a form column?
    Yes. Enter the following in the "default value" field for the column:
    #<schema name>.<sequence name>.nextval
    where <schema name> is the name of the schema containing the sequence, and <sequence name> is the name of the sequence. The entry is preceded by a "#".
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    same way you can do for master - detail form.
    for more information on forms please refer the following URL.
    hope it helps.

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    Standard roles are not assigned to users directly.Make sure that copy the role from standard roles then change naming convention like your company specification.
    Ex: standard role : SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION_RO
    Step:1: go to t-code: PFCG and give the role name in role tab SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION_RO
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    Step:3: Assign to the user.
    I hope it will help you.
    kiran kumar.v

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    Are you open to using ASNs. If an ASN is created for a the PO, then you can have the material packed in the way you need it to be. The LPNs structure will be retained on receipt.

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    If you create a portal Specific for device registration, you can define to which ID groups will belong the registered endpoints.
    I didn't tried this, but it might be possible to have a different portal for registration based on AD group, if you chain it after CWA or Dot1x. That would make an additional redirection though.

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    The weirdest thing is that wired ethernet is not working, not getting an IP address. This may be some kind f incompatibility with the hardware but I doubt it.
    Did you check in Airport and Ethernet settings that 802.1X is not enabled and that Ethernet negociation is "Automatiquement".
    Also, you can completely wipe network profiles by removing those files from /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ :
    Then reboot

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    You can only do it on a computer's iTunes (which doesn't need to be on your computer) or on an iOS device :

  • HT204088 How to cancel my auto-renewal or manage my subscriptions

    Hi There,
    How to cancel my auto-renewal or manage my subscriptions?

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    The following article(s) may help you.
    Auto renewing subscriptions 

  • Auto Assignment of Cost Center & GL in PR

    Hi Experts,
    Reqt is -
    Auto assignment of Cost center & GL codes in Purchase Requisition based on Material type
    i search SDN & then i configured OME9, OMGO & OBYC.
    But still its not picking Cost center in PR.
    Could you please suggest..what m i missing??

    Check the setting and assignment in following
    3. OBYC
    For more check the link:

  • Auto Assigned distribution rule to exchange gain/loss acct in Banking

    Hi All,
    I have a customer that have this requirement. They wanted the exchange gain/loss account generated by Incoming payment or Outgoing payment to be auto assign with profit center if it is defined at the payment screen.
    The result now is, even though you have assign the distribution rule on each reconciled invoice during payment, double entries generated will not have any distribution rule assigned even though it involve exchange gain/loss that is P&L account.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Kamlesh,
    Thanks for the reply. However, we can't assigned the distribution rule at Chart of account as the incoming or outgoing payment may involve different division each time thus the exchange gain/loss account should be assign to respective division. Thanks.

  • Auto assigning destinations

    Hello all,
         This is my dilemma; I have a PDF file that is fairly large (over 150 pages) and I need them to have a destination on each page where the name of those destinations are the page number itself. Now I could go through each page and set the destination myself but I have 7 PDF files to do this for that are varying lengths. Is there a plug-in or built-in function that would auto assign a destination per page that was the number of that page? I haven't been able to find anything anywhere as of yet.  Just trying to see if I could save myself some trouble and time by not hand doing this. Thanks in advance for any help/assistance anyone can give.

    Bernd's "file.pdf#page=3" is alluding to PDF Open Parameters.
    These have been around for a while.
    See Adobe Developer Knowledgebase document 52852 to view the versions listing.
    Acrobat 9 - Parameters for Opening PDF Files
    Acrobat 8.1 - Parameters for Opening PDF Files
    Acrobat 7.05 - PDF Open Parameters
    Acrobat 7.0 - PDF Open Parameters
    ~ Related Info - UNC/URL/on local machine Info- Good to Know ~
    Permanent Link:
    Permanent Link:
    Using the HTML embed Tag to Display a PDF on Your Web Page
    Be well...

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    Hi Guys,
                  How to Assign Finance manager position to a cost center in Org. Unit.
    I am using this assignment in a workflow, selecting finance manager from table HRP1001.

    We dont assign the Cost Centre to positon directly
    We assign the Cost Centre to the Org Unit
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    try thru tcode PP01  give ur Object id of ur org unit and select Cost Centre Assigment infotype  gibve the dates
    ther give the Relationship A 011  and select ur Cost Centre  (K) 
    or u can also do thru Expert Mode P010 also
    Check this one and let me know if there is anything else
    Edited by: Sikindar on Apr 8, 2009 8:34 AM
    Edited by: Sikindar on Apr 8, 2009 8:34 AM

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