AUto-binding via DHCP LDAP info

In OSX 10.5 (client) there was an option in Directory Utility called "Add DHCP-supplied LDAP servers to automatic search policies". 10.6 (client) doesn't appear to have this option.
Can anyone tell me if I can set 10.6 clients to auto-bind to an OD domain based on DHCP info or do I need to manually join from each client (and then re-join if the server name changes)?

Looks like this feature has been discontinued.
I've very disappointed as I've come to rely on this feature at many of the school districts that I manage.
There are ways to script binding to a server, but I loved the DHCP feature as I could change out an LDAP server during a school year and just update DHCP in one place to switch all of my clients to the new server.

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  • Rc.local script to bind and add ldap server

    Greetings All,
    For the past few years, I've used the script below to bind and add authentication servers to my client machines. The process is simple enough, copy the rc.local script (ref'd below) to /etc/ as root and reboot the client. The problem now, is I don't know if this will work in 10.6. As I read this script, I realized there have been enough changes in location of files and file names between 10.5 and 10.6 that this script isn't going to work.
    My question to you guys is this: Is anyone else taking care of their binding/auth services in a similar manner? If so, would you mind sharing the script you're using?
    Here's mine:
    #Site and/or District-specific Variables
    #Local Admin in Image
    LOCADMIN="tech" # Local admin user in your image
    LOCPASSWD="techpwd" # Local admin password in your image
    #Open Directory
    ODSITESERVER="" # FQDN of the Open Directory Server
    ODADMIN="diradmin" # Directory Admin for Open Directory
    ODPASSWD="diradminpwd" #Password for OD Directory Admin
    OSMAJORVER=`sw_vers | grep ProductVersion | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 1-4`
    ENETADDRESS=`ifconfig en0 | grep ether | awk '{print $2}'`
    #Give the network time to come online
    logger "Sleeping 30 seconds"
    sleep 30
    #Set Date and Time
    case $OSMAJORVER in
    10.3) date > /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ temsetup-panther -setusingnetworktime off >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ temsetup-panther -setusingnetworktime on >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    date >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1 ;;
    10.4) date > /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ temsetup-tiger -setusingnetworktime off >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ temsetup-tiger -setusingnetworktime on >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    date >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1 ;;
    10.5) date > /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    /usr/sbin/systemsetup -setusingnetworktime off >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    /usr/sbin/systemsetup -setusingnetworktime on >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    date >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1 ;;
    #Set Bonjour and Computer Names
    # logger "Setting Bonjour and Computer Names"
    # SERIALNUMBER=`ioreg -l |grep IOPlatformSerialNumber | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d \" -f 2`
    # SECONDOCTET=`ifconfig -a | grep inet | grep -v inet6 | awk '{print $2}' | grep ^10\. | head -n 1 | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."}; { printf "%03d", $2 }'`
    # logger "Computer name is $COMPUTERID"
    # scutil --set LocalHostName "$COMPUTERID"
    # scutil --set ComputerName "$COMPUTERID"
    # sleep 3
    #Set the Open Directory Server we are binding to based on the second octet of the IP address received from the DHCP lease
    # case $SECONDOCTET in
    # 002|005|047|110|112|115|119|121|123|128|133|153|241|247|250|251|253) ODSITESERVER="" ; RING="A1N";;
    # 009|045|046|052|053|107|109|117|131|132|138|144|151|154|155|179) ODSITESERVER="" ; RING="B1N";;
    # 004|006|010|048|055|056|102|106|118|129|141|149|152|157|159|161|163|164|165|178 |189|244|249) ODSITESERVER="" ; RING="C1N";;
    # 003|012|015|044|051|105|108|111|116|122|124|125|126|127|139|142|145|150|245) ODSITESERVER="" ; RING="D1N";;
    # 007|043|049|058|103|104|114|140|146|160|162|168|171|174|175|176|185|190|246|101 ) ODSITESERVER="" ; RING="B1S";;
    # 101) ODSITESERVER="" ; RING="B2S";;
    # 008|013|017|054|059|061|120|130|136|147|156|166|172|173|182|184) ODSITESERVER="" ; RING="C1S";;
    # 057|060|113|143|148|158|170|180|181|183|248) ODSITESERVER="" ; RING="C2S";;
    # *) ODSITESERVER="" ; RING="A0N";;
    # esac
    #Remove Existing Directory Services Config
    logger "Removing existing DS Config"
    rm -R /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/ActiveDirectory*
    rm -R /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DSLDAPv3PlugInConfig*
    rm -R /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNode*
    rm -R /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/ContactsNode*
    rm -R /Library/Preferences/*
    rm -R /etc/krb5.keytab
    #Enable and disable appropriate plugins
    case $OSMAJORVER in
    10.3) defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "Active Directory" "Inactive" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "LDAPv3" "Active" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "AppleTalk" "Inactive" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "SLP" "Inactive" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "BSD" "Inactive" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "SMB" "Inactive" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService.plist >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1 ;;
    10.4) defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "Active Directory" "Inactive" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "LDAPv3" "Active" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "AppleTalk" "Inactive" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "SLP" "Inactive" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "BSD" "Inactive" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "SMB" "Inactive" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService.plist >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1 ;;
    10.5) defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "Active Directory" "Inactive" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/DirectoryService "LDAPv3" "Active" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1 ;;
    #Copy in updated ldap.conf file for Leopard machines, which disables the verification of SSL certs used for LDAP Authentication
    case $OSMAJORVER in
    10.5) cp /etc/ldap.conf-leopard /etc/openldap/ldap.conf ;;
    #Kill Directory Services and respawn to return to DS Defaults
    logger "Respawning DS"
    killall -9 DirectoryService
    #Running "id" triggers a DS Respawn
    id "$LOCADMIN" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    sleep 3
    #Fix SearchNode plist
    case $OSMAJORVER in
    10.3) logger "Disabling LDAP via DHCP"
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig "DHCP LDAP" -dict "/Sets/0" -bool FALSE >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig.plist >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    killall -9 DirectoryService >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    sleep 3 ;;
    10.4) logger "Disabling LDAP via DHCP"
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig "DHCP LDAP" -dict "/Sets/0" -bool FALSE >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig.plist >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    killall -9 DirectoryService >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    sleep 3 ;;
    #Configure LDAPv3 Plugin -- fix with site-specific data
    logger "Configuring LDAPv3 Plugin"
    case $OSMAJORVER in
    10.4) dsconfigldap -v -l "$LOCADMIN" -q "$LOCPASSWD" -a "$ODSITESERVER" -n "Open Directory" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1 ;;
    10.5) dsconfigldap -v -l "$LOCADMIN" -q "$LOCPASSWD" -a "$ODSITESERVER" -n "Open Directory" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1 ;;
    sleep 3
    #Make sure we init DS and confirm connectivity to each LDAP directory
    logger "Checking OD Node Connectivity"
    date >> /Library/Logs/binder.log
    echo "Checking OD Node Connectivity" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log
    dscl localhost -list /LDAPv3/$ODSITESERVER/Groups >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    #Configure Search Path
    logger "Configuring Search Nodes"
    date >> /Library/Logs/binder.log
    echo "Configuring Search Nodes" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log
    dscl localhost -read /Search >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    case $OSMAJORVER in
    10.3) defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig "Search Policy" -int 3
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/SearchNodeConfig "Search Node Custom Path Array" -array "/LDAPv3/$ODSITESERVER"
    killall -9 DirectoryService ;;
    10.4) dscl /Search -append / CSPSearchPath "/LDAPv3/$ODSITESERVER" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    dscl /Search -create / SearchPolicy CSPSearchPath >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1 ;;
    10.5) dscl /Search -append / CSPSearchPath "/LDAPv3/$ODSITESERVER" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    dscl /Search -create / SearchPolicy CSPSearchPath >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1 ;;
    date >> /Library/Logs/binder.log
    echo "Confirming Search Nodes" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log
    dscl localhost -read /Search >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    #Remove any stale computer records from Open Directory
    logger "Removing stale computer records from OD"
    dscl /LDAPv3/"$ODSITESERVER" -search Computers ENetAddress "$ENETADDRESS" | awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t\t"}; { print $1 }' | while read COMPNAME
    dscl -u "$ODADMIN" -P "$ODPASSWD" /LDAPv3/"$ODSITESERVER" -delete Computers/"$COMPNAME" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    #Add computer record to Open Directory
    logger "Adding new Computer Record to OD"
    dscl -u "$ODADMIN" -P "$ODPASSWD" /LDAPv3/"$ODSITESERVER" -create Computers/`scutil --get LocalHostName` ENetAddress "$ENETADDRESS" >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    #Add to designated computer list - this is ONLY for 10.4 server. This will need to be replaced for 10.5 server.
    COMPUTERGROUP="Unprovisioned" # Computer List
    logger "Adding to Computer List: $COMPUTERLIST"
    dscl -u "$ODADMIN" -P "$ODPASSWD" /LDAPv3/"$ODSITESERVER" -create Computers/"$COMPUTERID" ENetAddress "$ENETADDRESS"
    dscl -u "$ODADMIN" -P "$ODPASSWD" /LDAPv3/"$ODSITESERVER" -append ComputerLists/"$COMPUTERGROUP" Computers "$COMPUTERID"
    #Refresh the MCX Cache
    logger "Refeshing the MCX Cache"
    case $OSMAJORVER in
    10.3) /System/Library/LoginPlugins/MCX.loginPlugin/Contents/MacOS/MCXCacher -f >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    /System/Library/LoginPlugins/MCX.loginPlugin/Contents/MacOS/MCXCacher >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1 ;;
    10.4) /System/Library/CoreServices/ -f >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1
    /System/Library/CoreServices/ >> /Library/Logs/binder.log 2>&1 ;;
    #Disable automatic login on the client
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences -bool TRUE
    #Enable login hooks on the client
    case $OSMAJORVER in
    10.4|10.5) defaults write /var/root/Library/Preferences/ EnableMCXLoginScripts -bool true
    defaults write /var/root/Library/Preferences/ MCXScriptTrust Anonymous ;;
    #Enable Directory Services Status by default on loginwindow
    # case $OSMAJORVER in
    # 10.4|10.5) defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AdminHostInfo DSStatus ;;
    #Modify the binder log so that only admin viewers may access the file
    chmod u=rw,go= /Library/Logs/binder.log
    sleep 5
    #killall loginwindow
    sleep 5
    #Comment the lines below, until shutdown if you do not want the script to replace itself with a 30 second delay on startup to ensure the client receives a DHCP lease before loginwindow appears
    case $OSMAJORVER in
    10.3|10.4) echo sleep 30 > /etc/rc.local ;;
    *) srm /etc/rc.local ;;
    shutdown -r now
    exit 0

    The first thing I would verify is if you can connect and traverse your Active Directory/Domain Controller using Softerra's free ldap browser.
    1. Softerra ldap browser link
    Put in the IP/hostname of the domain controller, use the same BASE DN, and user credentials that you used on the IronPort appliance.
    I would highly recommend that you create a separate account for the IronPort. (i.e. ironportldap). Do this so that you don't have to worry about accidentially resetting the password and then forgetting to update the IronPort appliance.
    2. Once you've verified that you can connect and see your tree, use the same settings from Softerra ldap browser and put them in the IronPort ldap interface.
    Try this for your Accept query string
    3. If it still fails, enable the ldap debug log if you haven't already and paste in the error.
    We are trying to add an LDAP Server Profile but everytime we try to test the Accept Query we get an
    "Error - Error: configuration error" message.
    We are using AD, top of the tree for base DN. dc=domain, dc=local.
    We tried communicating with 2 different servers via telnet on ports 389, 3268, both are open.
    Tried port 389 and 3268, no SSL, Anynomous and User Password authentication methods.
    The error left us clueless since we followed the instructions on the user manual.
    For the accept query we tried this query string: (proxyAddresses=smtp:{a})
    Any ideas or pointers to what could be causing this are very appriciated.

  • WRT54G: Static mode set on WAN side, but still sometimes pulls address via DHCP!

    We've had (6) WRT54G (v5) installed in a building, for about (2) years now, with no previous problems. Now, ALL of them are doing something weird.  They are all set for Static mode on the WAN side (we have static ip addresses for these), yet every now and then they will spontaneously pull an address via DHCP on their own.  When they do this, the setting itself doesn't change.  It will still show "STATIC" in the pull down list.  But, the address will no longer be the address we assigned to the unit, and will instead appear to be an address that it pulled via DHCP.
    Thanks, in advance, for any help and insight into this strange problem.

    Ah.  In that case, we're not going to put our client through the frustration of chasing a ghost in the machine.  We'll just replace them with new ones.  But, I'll try this on them in my spare time and let you know how it goes.
    Thanks for your assistance,
    Message Edited by ld-systems on 09-19-2007 08:01 AM

  • Error: Sender agreement not found, lookup of binding via CPA-CACHE failed.

    I am doing an RFC to File Scenario in which RFC has to be triggered from CRM system. The TCP/IP connection and communication Channel are working fine. But when i trigger my RFC using the RFC destination following errors occur:
    1. The SYSTEM_FALIURE exception comes on CRM side.
    2. In adapter monitoring the following error comes on XI side:
           Error: Sender agreement not found, lookup of binding via CPA-CACHE failed for Adapter type RFC.
    I have also tried the scenario with RFC request as source message and also after J2EE cache refresh but the problem still persists. And one more thing my file adapter (In receiver communication channel) is not working means it is not started. And no message is coming in SXMB_MONI.
    Could anyone please help me to resolve this issue.
    Vinay Yadav

    Hi Aaron,
    I had the same error and your feedback solved my problem!
    Thank you sooo much!!!!

  • Clients can not obtain an ip-address via DHCP.

    HI all, I would like to share one problem with WLC 5508 .
    we added a new virtual interface on the WLC. One new SSID is associated with this interface.
    We created a ACL for this interface to restrict the access via WIFI to certian services.
    The following services are allowed on this ACL:
    TCP-Traffic for HTTPS
    UDP-Traffic for DNS
    UDP-Traffic for DHCP
    TCP-Traffic for HTTP
    TCP-Traffic for CITRIX
    The Problem is, as soon as we add a new service to this ACL, we need to reboot the Controller because the Clients which are working over WIFI do not get a IP-Address assigned via DHCP.
    It´s not correct that everything works fine because the change were not applied.
    The changes of the ACL are applied on the fly, but for reason we don´t know, the clients don´t get a DHCP IP-Address (after changing the ACL) until the Controller is rebooted.
    I am attaching configruation from affected wlc
    thank you

    If shop is coming from a server on the LAN you need to add DHCP as a port they can reach.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

  • ER: restricting auto binded objects types 11g.

    When we want to create an autobind between a backing bean and a JSF web page, bindings code is created for all object on the page. Even panel box, faced etc.
    There is many lines of code on backing bean. We d'ont even use one time for many object type.
    In general we use input text, list item etc. Others are unnecessery.
    In my opinion if there is a configuration which supplies to chose binded item types it will be very good.
    lines of code will be decreased in backing bean and complexy is decreased too.
    For example just input test item can be autobind.

    When I first started out with this, I thought the autobind function was pretty neat as I thought it would save me time and effort from having to bind objects myself. Boy, was I wrong. Adding/removing anything from the Jspx page while debugging requires a restart. That was enough to stop me from using it further.
    When you create a new JSF Page, click on *"Page Implementation"* and make sure you have the *"Do Not Automatically Expose UI Components in a Managed Bean"* selected. That way, you won't get into the trouble you are in. I agree with Frank that you should only bind components when and if you need to only. If you have already created the page and would like it to stop automatically binding each UI component, follow the steps below:
    1) Open your JSPX page in source code view, remove the commented line below.
    <!--oracle-jdev-comment:auto-binding-backing-bean-name:backingBeanYours-->Optionally, you can replace it with the following code to point to your managed bean that handles the user actions.
    <!--oracle-jdev-comment:preferred-managed-bean-name:managedBeanYours-->2) Open faces-config.xml in source code view, and look for your backingBean that is auto Binding each UI component. Within its <managed-bean>...</managed-bean> tags, you will see another oracle-jdev comment like the one below. Remove that as well.
    <!--oracle-jdev-comment:managed-bean-jsp-link:1YourPage.jspx-->JDev should stop autobinding / removing UI components from the backing bean now.
    Chan Kelwin

  • "senderAgreement not found: lookup of binding via CPA-cache failed for..."

         I have configured asynchronous sender RFC to JDBC scenario and when I execute RFC I get short dump "senderAgreement not found: lookup of binding via CPA-cache failed for..."
         My scenario configurations, RFC destination, are all okey..
    A Hint:
         Our XI Server is "LARA"
         Our R/3 4.6C Server is "ZULIA"
    This are the RFC Sender Communication Channel on LARA:
         RFC Server Parameter
         Application Server (Gateway):           ZULIA
         Application Server Service (Gateway):      sapgw00
         Program ID:                     DEV210
         SNC:                          NOT CHECKED
         UNICODE:                     NOT CHECKED
         Inital Connections:               10
         Maximum Connections:               10
         Advanced Mode:                    NOT CHECKED
         RFC Metada Repository Parameter
         Load Balancing:                NOT CHECKED
         Application Server:               ZULIA
         System Number:                    00
         Authentication Mode:               Use Logon Data for SAP System
         Logon User:                    ldiego
         Logon Password:                    **********
         Logon Language:                    ES
         Logon Client:                    210
         Adapter-Specific Message Attributes
         Set Adapter-Specific Message Attributes: NOT CHECKED
    This are the configuration of RFC Destination on ZULIA:
         RFC Destination Name:                XI_RFC
         Connection Type:               T
         ID Program:                    DEV210
         Host Gateway:                    ZULIA
         TCP Service                    sapgw00
    Must I create the RFC Destination on the JCo RFC Provider in Visual Administrator?

    <i>Is the RFC destination created in the R/3 is pointing correctly to the XI system and vice -versa. Test the connection.</i>
    I tested my RFC Destination from R/3 system and the response was successful. What do you mean about vice-versa? How do I test it in the other way?.
    I recreate my Sender Agreement. And my Business System is correct.
    This are the parameters of my Sender Agreement:
    Service:     DES210_DEV
    Interface:     Z_DATOS_SAP
    Namespace:     urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions
    Sender Communnication Channel: cc_s_rfc_dataCom
    When I execute the FM in R/3 the dump now is:
    Wrong Sender Agreement:The Sender agreement does not have channel

  • Can I select which components will have auto binding turned on?

    To be honest, the only reason I don't use JDeveloper full time is due to this reason only.
    Can I select which components will have auto binding turned on?
    I don't see the need or reason to bind every single component in the page to your backing bean.
    This can clutter up your backing bean and all the searching for the bindings that I do care about is a real time waster.
    I've looked at the preferences and settings without much luck, thus I'd appreciate any thoughts on this topic.

    To make sure I understand your response, your refering to Managed Beans as your Backing Beans - I thought the two were the same thing.
    Moving on, that is a good idea and I'll try it right now in a test project.

  • How add auto binding backing bean to a jspx page

    A few times during development, I didn't check "automatically expose UI components to in a manage bean" when the jspx page was first created.
    Can someone tell if there is a way to add auto binding backing bean to the page later?

    Hi Deborah,
    when your JSPX page is active, select menu Design -> Page Properties...
    Click Tab Component Binding
    Select Auto Bind and select (or create with New) your Managed Bean

  • Wireless on 1811W not getting IP via DHCP

    What am I doing wrong? The wireless client authenticates to the router, but doesn't get an IP via DHCP? Help??

    Hi Jeff,
    Just now got the chnace to apply your suggestions and test. Still no go.
    Here's the updated config.
    Just want the wireless to be an extension of the wired network - no "guest" access required - so no additional DHCP pool/rules to apply.

  • No IP Address via DHCP connecting to Cisco WiFi via WPA - after update

    Good Evening,
    We use Cisco Aeronet WiFi devices at work and use WPA security. I was able to successfully connect via my MacBook Pro until an OS update a few weeks ago. Now I can connect and it appears that I authenticate - however I cannot get a valid IP address (just a 169.x.x.x address).
    I can successfully connect to open and WEP networks - but WPA is an issue.
    Is this a known issue?
    I have applied the latest Airport update I believe.

    This is an old issue, I have yet to see a fix. I have the same problem; my MBP assigns its own IP address, and no matter what I do, it will connect to the network but not the internet. Interestingly, when I boot my iBook, which I first did to check settings (the iBook always connected easily) the MBP connected. It does this every time. As soon as the iBook boots, or wakes, the MBP does its thing, gets a valid IP address via DHCP, and connects. Even entering a manual address, will not connect the MBP to the internet. Deleting ports, and locations doesn't help.The MBP has connected on its own about three times out of (say) a hundred. Apple engineers here in Australia, said they'd never heard of the problem. Maybe they are asleep. Bah.

  • Help! - Bind Request to LDAP Failed

    Hi All,
    I'm Running XP and 9.2 and getting the Bind request to LDAP failed error when logging onto ODM. Ldapbind on the command line returns a message that it can not find the server. I've seen numerous postings on this problem and tried all the suggestions without luck. Does anyone have an explanation of what is going on and how to correct it.
    Tom Burns

    Active Directory (AD) uses port 389 as default, I fixed my problem by changing my OID configuration set to use another port.
    Hope this could help you.

  • Radius, and DHCP DNS info

    I have recently turned on the Radius server, and it seems to work fine, and has taken control of my Airport base station which is great. I only have one problem which is that the DHCP info provided by the server to the clients only seems to give one of the 2 DNS addresses that I have listed in the DHCP server info section. This is rather frustrating as it worked fine with WPA!
    Any thoughts?

    I just upgraded from a 2008 domain to 2012. I followed all the best practices, set up new 2012 DC and transferred all roles to it then removed the 2008 server. I just have the one DC at the moment and it's running both DNS and DHCP. Ever since we've had some odd DNS issues which usually require a reboot of the server to fix. Now at this point I'm digging through DNS and DHCP and seeing that a lot of client IP addresses are not matching up. DNS does not have the correct IP's for several clients. How can I fix dns?
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

  • DHCP : ldap config

    Hello everyone,
    I manage MAC OS X Server since 10.3 and always found my way...
    But this time I can't make the automatic configuration of clients in Directory Manager working.
    It stays blank :
    10.6.2 (server & client)
    changeip -checkhostname (ok)
    dhcp address (ok)
    DHCP (ldap tab) :
    server name :
    port to default
    SSL not activated
    the client is configured to automatically set the LDAP server in contact & authentication
    Please HELP !
    thanks in advance
    I can't get Keberos to work, it prompts for the login/pass of the administrator, maybe that's part of the solution...
    Message was edited by: edejour

    Kerberos was working actually, but the window failed to update.
    I still have problem with Directory Access, and now fighting with NetBoot !
    What is it with this system !!!! "easier and most powerful server on earth" ... whatever !

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    You can use autobind from scripting also, so construct your dimension definition and then using something like;

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