Auto-numbering of Cheque

Is it possible to set the numbering series of checks in SAP B1 8.81 PL. 4?

Yes, It won't appear automatically, since you still have to set it by yourself, although when you print that check it will prompt you the next check number you assigned and after that the Check number confirmation window will appear and set the print status of the check as well as the Check Number.

Similar Messages

  • Auto numbering is happening even when F11 is pressed

    Hi ,
    We are developing a customer form wherein we have 2 data blocks . These two data blocks share the master-detail relationship. The detail block is a multi record block.
    We are auto numbering an item <line_number> in the detail block following the steps mentioned in the metalink [ID 33342.1]
    The steps mentioned in the link are generating numbers automatically when a new record is created and resequences the line numbers when a record is deleted. It works fine in these two scenarios.
    But we have two issues here :
    1) The line numbers are getting generated even when we press F11 in th detail block. This should not happen in our form. (We need to suppress the auto numbering in F11 mode)
    2) If we move the cursor to a new record in the detail block, the line number gets generated there but if we move back to the previous record without entering anything in the new record, that new record does not disappear. It stays there .
    Please let us know how can the above two issues be resolved

    From what I saw on metalink note this is expected behavior. So the first problem is simply to solve, Just call :SYSTEM.MODE function and if it's result is ENTER-QUERY then do nothing (do not call resequence routine). As for the second problem there is a simple solution if your business logic can accept it. You could make one item in child block required. This way a user could not walk away from that record without deleting it first. If this solution is not applicable to you then you will have to manually program logic for this situation.
    Best regards.
    Edited by: gregor13 on Mar 20, 2013 2:38 PM

  • Auto numbering tables

    I am currently using FrameMaker 8.0 and have had a problem with the auto numbering of tables.
    Can anyone tell me if it is possible to auto number tables using different chapter numbers within the one document?
    I know that it is possible to do this when the chapters are seperate documents within one book.
    First page - Chapter 1
    Table 1.1
    Table 1.2
    Next page - Chapter 2
    Table 2.1
    Table 2.2 etc.
    For some reason when I try to do this any tables under Chapter 2 are still named Table 1.1 and Table 1.2 etc.
    I have tried using a series but that still does not seem to work.
    Any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you both, this helped a great deal.<br /><br />However, I am still having trouble with one file in the book. It seems to be repeating the same chapter number not adding one when the style appears again.<br /><br />E.g. Page 1 has Chapter 1 (C:Chapter <n+>)<br />     Page 3 has Chapter 1 (which is meant to be Chapter 2)<br /><br />Also is there a way to continue the chapter numbers from a previous file in the book?<br /><br />E.g. File A has Chapters 1-4 in it<br />     File B has Chapters 5-8 in it<br /><br />At the moment they are restarting in each file.<br /><br />Any ideas?<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Skye

  • I'm writing a report and need a title page, so I want the auto-numbering to start with the second page. So the title page is zero and the next page will read "1"

    I'm writing a report and need a title page, so I want the auto-numbering to start with the second page. So the title page is zero and the next page will read "1" How do I do this?

    Hi H4S,
    Click at the end of the Tile page.
    Menu > Insert > Section Break.
    Click in the second Section. Insert a page number in the Header or Footer.
    Inspector > Layout > Section:

  • Problem when create auto numbering in BP master using Formatted Search

    Hi all,
    I have a problem in creating auto numbering in BP for Customer type using Formatted search
    My query is like this
    declare @tempNo as char(20)
    set @tempNo=(select  Isnull(max(REPLACE(OCRD.CardCode , LEFT(OCRD.CardCode,10),'')),0)  + 1
    from OCRD where (CardType ='C') and LEFT(OCRD.CardCode,3) = 'CU.' )
    set @tempNo='CU.'left(convert(varchar,GETDATE(),112),6)'.'+@tempNo
    select cast(@tempNo as char(20))
    It should be creating the new number for example
    The format will be like this CU.YYYYMM.autonumbering
    So if the current year is still the same it will always increase the number and it will reset the number become 1 if the current year is change.
    But when i execute the number , the number doesn't increase, still generate the last number CU.201103.4
    I have use this query in generate item number, it runs well but different format.
    Is there some thing wrong with my query?
    Thanks in advance
    Jia shun

    Hi Jia shun,
    You have posted an identical threads. There is no such need. Please close this one and response to the one with answer already.

  • How to use auto numbering with ENG_ECO_PUB.PROCESS_ECO (EBS version 12.1.1)

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to create a new ECO using the PL/SQL API "ENG_ECO_PUB.PROCESS_ECO". I want the ECO name to be automatically assigned by the system but when leaving the ECO_NAME empty (in paramter P_ECO_REC) I get the error message:
    "You must enter an ECO name and organization because they are the primary identifiers of a business object. Please ensure that these values exist in all your records and re-run the import process."
    I have set the profile option "ENG: Change Order Autonumbering - System Administrator access" to yes.
    I have set following fields in P_ECO_REC:
    p_eco_rec.organization_code := 'V1';
    p_eco_rec.change_type_code := 'ECO';
    p_eco_rec.description := 'Test';
    p_eco_rec.transaction_type := 'CREATE';
    p_eco_rec.plm_or_erp_change := 'ERP'; -- also tried with 'PLM'
    p_eco_rec.approval_status_name := 'Approved';
    Do I need to set anything else?

    Hi Helios,
    thanks for reply.
    I checked note 1242524.1, but there's no advice what to configure for using auto numbering.
    I tried it again with adapted sample code and leaving the ECO_NAME empty:
    -- API Input variables
    l_eco_name VARCHAR2(9) := '';
    l_org_code VARCHAR2(3) := 'V1';
    l_rev_item_number VARCHAR2(20):= 'CS_Test_Assem_10';
    l_eff_date DATE := '8-SEP-2011';
    l_new_revised_item_revision VARCHAR2(2) := 'A';
    l_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
    l_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
    l_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
    l_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
    l_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
    l_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
    l_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
    l_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
    l_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
    -- API output variables
    x_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
    x_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
    x_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
    x_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
    x_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
    x_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
    x_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
    x_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
    x_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
    -- Other API variables for return status / error handling / debugging
    l_error_table Error_Handler.Error_Tbl_Type;
    l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
    l_msg_count NUMBER := 0;
    l_output_dir VARCHAR2(500) := 'C:\temp';
    l_debug_filename VARCHAR2(60) := 'su_debug_10_15.dbg';
    -- WHO columns
    l_user_id          NUMBER := -1;
    l_resp_id          NUMBER := -1;
    l_application_id     NUMBER := -1;
    l_row_cnt          NUMBER := 1;
    l_user_name          VARCHAR2(30) := 'MFG';
    l_resp_name          VARCHAR2(30) := 'MFG_AND_DIST_SUPER_USER_APS';
    -- Get the user_id
    SELECT user_id
    INTO l_user_id
    FROM fnd_user
    WHERE user_name = l_user_name;
    -- Get the application_id and responsibility_id
    SELECT application_id, responsibility_id
    INTO l_application_id, l_resp_id
    FROM fnd_responsibility
    WHERE responsibility_key = l_resp_name;
    FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_application_id); -- Mfg / Mfg & Dist Mgr / INV
    dbms_output.put_line('Initialized applications context: '|| l_user_id || ' '|| l_resp_id ||' '|| l_application_id );
    l_return_status := NULL;
    l_eco_rec.eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_eco_rec.organization_code := l_org_code;
    l_eco_rec.change_type_code := 'ECO';
    l_eco_rec.eco_department_name := NULL;
    l_eco_rec.priority_code := NULL; --'Medium';
    l_eco_rec.approval_list_name := NULL; --'SU_ONLY';
    l_eco_rec.reason_code := NULL;
    l_eco_rec.Approval_Status_Name:= 'Approved'; -- will default to Not submitted for Approval
    l_eco_rec.Status_Name := 'Open';
    l_eco_rec.description := 'ECO - '||l_eco_rec.eco_name||' API Test';
    l_eco_rec.transaction_type := 'CREATE';
    l_eco_rec.plm_or_erp_change := 'ERP'; -- or 'PLM'
    l_eco_rec.return_status := NULL;
    dbms_output.put_line('Initialized ECO Header');
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code := l_org_code;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := l_new_revised_item_revision;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := NULL;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).status_type := 1; -- 'Open'
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).change_description := 'Test';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
    dbms_output.put_line('Initialized ECO revised items');
    -- Add RS_BOM_C3, acd_type = 1
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code:= l_org_code;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := l_new_revised_item_revision;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).operation_sequence_number := 1;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).component_item_name := 'CS_Sub_Item_10_D'; -- Add RS_BOM_C3
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := NULL;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).acd_type := 1;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).item_sequence_number := 40; -- new item sequence number
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).quantity_per_assembly := 5;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
    -- Change RS_BOM_C1, acd_type = 2
    l_row_cnt := l_row_cnt + 1;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code:= l_org_code;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := l_new_revised_item_revision;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date; -- effective date
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).operation_sequence_number := 1;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).component_item_name := 'CS_Sub_Item_10_B'; -- Change qty for RS_BOM_C1
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := NULL;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).acd_type := 2;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).old_effectivity_date := to_date('29-APR-2011 10:09:38', 'dd-MON-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'); -- old effectivity date from bill
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).old_operation_sequence_number := 1; -- old operation sequence number from bill
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).item_sequence_number := 20;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).quantity_per_assembly := 5; -- existing comp qty on Bill = 2
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
    -- Disable RS_BOM_C2, acd_type = 3
    l_row_cnt := l_row_cnt + 1;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code:= l_org_code;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := l_new_revised_item_revision;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).disable_date := l_eff_date + 2; -- disable date is 2 day from effective_date
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).operation_sequence_number := 1;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).component_item_name := 'CS_Sub_Item_10_C'; -- disable RS_BOM_C2
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := NULL;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).acd_type := 3;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).old_effectivity_date := to_date('29-APR-2011 10:09:38', 'dd-MON-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'); -- old effectivity date from bill
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).old_operation_sequence_number := 1; -- old operation sequence number from bill
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
    dbms_output.put_line('Initialized ECO revised components');
    -- call API to create eco
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Calling Eng_Eco_PUB.Process_Eco API');
    Eng_Eco_PUB.Process_Eco( p_api_version_number => 1.0
    , p_init_msg_list => TRUE
    , x_return_status => l_return_status
    , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
    , p_bo_identifier => 'ECO'
    , p_eco_rec => l_eco_rec
    , p_eco_revision_tbl => l_eco_revision_tbl
    , p_revised_item_tbl => l_revised_item_tbl
    , p_rev_component_tbl => l_rev_component_tbl
    , p_ref_designator_tbl => l_ref_designator_tbl
    , p_sub_component_tbl => l_sub_component_tbl
    , p_rev_operation_tbl => l_rev_operation_tbl
    , p_rev_op_resource_tbl => l_rev_op_resource_tbl
    , p_rev_sub_resource_tbl => l_rev_sub_resource_tbl
    , x_eco_rec => x_eco_rec
    , x_eco_revision_tbl => x_eco_revision_tbl
    , x_revised_item_tbl => x_revised_item_tbl
    , x_rev_component_tbl => x_rev_component_tbl
    , x_ref_designator_tbl => x_ref_designator_tbl
    , x_sub_component_tbl => x_sub_component_tbl
    , x_rev_operation_tbl => x_rev_operation_tbl
    , x_rev_op_resource_tbl => x_rev_op_resource_tbl
    , x_rev_sub_resource_tbl => x_rev_sub_resource_tbl
    , p_debug => 'Y'
    , p_output_dir => l_output_dir
    , p_debug_filename => l_debug_filename
    dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.eco_name:'|| x_eco_rec.eco_name );
    dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.org_code:'|| x_eco_rec.organization_code);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Return Status: '||l_return_status);
    IF (l_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('x_msg_count:' || l_msg_count);
    Error_Handler.GET_MESSAGE_LIST(x_message_list => l_error_table);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error Message Count :'||l_error_table.COUNT);
    FOR i IN 1..l_error_table.COUNT LOOP
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exception Occured :');
    But with this example I again get same error message...
    Any idea?

  • Change auto numbering in list options

    Is their a way to add a new auto numbering format to the list?  I need to add a decimal point and a zero to my numbered lists but can't figure out how to do it

    create a separate NEW_LIST with only one column [CURRENT_ID]
    Next to your discussion board, add a workflow using SharePoint Designer, and attach to the post ( in a DB are existing 2 diff content types: post and messages ( replies ) ),and set it to start when a new post is addes
    Next in the workflow, extract value from NEW_LIST [CURRENT_ID] , add +1, replace/update the new value in NEW_LIST [CURRENT_ID] , and next also update your DB's NEW_ID column with NEW_LIST [CURRENT_ID]
    Let me know if you need more details
    Romeo Donca, Orange Romania (MCSE, MCITP, CCNA) Please Mark As Answer if my post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if the post has been helpful for you.

  • Auto Numbering at Campaign

    I want to know how to set the Number at Campaign as Campaign ID.
    The number will have a running number.
    I used CRM 4.0
    Please kindly anyone help me

    HI Robin,
    sorry my answer was not clear enough.
    CRM 4.0 is supporting the autonumbering. This auto-numbering is done via BAdi.
    Consulting note 632622 will explain how to implement the Badi:   [632622|]
    Consulting note 896045 will explain how to implement a number range you can reuse in the Badi: [896045|]
    consulting note 965869 is the the equivalent of 632622 but for CRM 5.0. [965869|]
    In you scenario you only need to use notes 632622 and 896045.
    I hope this explanation is better.

  • Auto Numbering Query

    I have to create the insides for a diary and I was wondering if there is a way to count the days automatically. I have used this feature for the actual date numbers (e.g. 23 March) in the month but I am having difficulty in finding a way to get the auto numbering to count down aswell as up. For example the format will 001-364 and count up/down progressively through the diary 002-363, 003-362.  I assume that if this is posible it would just be a different symbol in the formula of the number field in the numbering and bullets dialog.
    Hope this is clear enough

    Thanks for your help, I've just tried running the javascript file that you posted, I was wondering what the best way of using this script would be. When I ran this script it gave the information as I needed but is there a way of running this through. Would it be best to create the text frames through the pages of the diary one line high and then use text threads so it would flow through?
    Sorry but I've never used javascript before so this is new to me. Would I need to have a series of different scripts to get the relevant information for each field? I only ask because the diary I am working on is laid out differently so its seperate fields of information. Hope this clear,
    Thanks & Kind Regards

  • Auto numbering in TOC tags

    I am creating books that use auto numbering in the headings.
    For example:
    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 First chapter
    2.1 First topic
    2.2 Second topic
    2.2.1 Sub topic 1
    When I generate the TOC, the numbers do not appear. I do not see any information in the User's Guide.
    I am using Framemaker 7.2.
    Any suggestions?

    Go to the Reference Page(s) in the TOC file and scroll down until you find the collection of variables that generate the TOC contents. It'll look something like:
    openObjectId <$relfilename>:<$ObjectType> <$ObjectId>
    <$paratext> <$pagenum>
    <$paratext> <$pagenum>
    <$paratext> <$pagenum>
    Each one of the lines is the format for a tag that should be included.
    Scroll up and down to identify the tags that you want have display numbering.
    Type in the para numbering variable, like this:
    <$paranum> <$paratext> <$pagenum>
    Save the file and update the book....

  • Auto Numbering Slides

    Does anyone know how to add auto numbering to slides. For
    example Slide 1 of 30?

    That sort of thing generally must be inserted as a Flash
    If you don't have Flash, you can download some pre-built
    slide counters from Paul Dewhurst's website:
    Click the Captivate 1, 2 and 3 links on the left side to see
    what's available. I think you're looking for the ones that say
    "Frame Counter", as I seem to recall there being some slide
    counters mixed in there.
    The Captivate 3 section also contains a custom playbar for
    the skin that has a slide counter built right into it.
    If you do find anything you can use, I'm sure Paul would
    appreciate a donation for his efforts. There's a link on the left
    side for that, too.

  • Auto numbering ipad

    Auto numbering i Need to make a sheet with numbers starting with 001 on my ipad but numbers automaticaly deletes the 00 when auto numbering. Does anyone know how to do this on an ipad?

    That is because technically speaking "001" is not a number and Numbers for iOS doesn't handle special translatiosn of numbers - text very well, nor does the numbering format allow for leading charactes.

  • Adding Auto-Numbering ID

    Hi everybody
    I'm using oracle 9i , and I want to add auto-numbering identity column to existing tables, how can I do this? is it possible to add it for already existing rows?
    and is it necessary to link the related tables through this new added ID???
    thanks in advance

    An "auto-numbering identity column" is a bit of a SQL Server-ism. In Oracle, you can create a sequence object and use that in your insert statement or create a BEFORE INSERT trigger that populates the value, i.e.
    CREATE SEQUENCE my_sequence
      START WITH 1000
      CACHE 100;
    INSERT INTO my_table( new_id_column, <<column list>> )
      VALUES( my_sequence.nextval, <<more data> );Justin

  • Calling N numbers in cheque field in smartform n zprogram

    hi all,
    i wnt to give n numbers in cheque field.
    it declared in zprogram like this  (PARAMETERS: S_CHQ_NO(10) TYPE c.)
    if i change the 10 to 30 it will take only 30 numbers..but i want to give n form interface of samrtforms it declared like (s_chq_no type char(10))..on selection screen it shows 10 numbers field.
    please guide me

    Hi  pooja mane
    As per my understanding,
    if you are giving input like 100,200 means , declare  S_CHQ_NO TYPE string.
    or range wise if you are giving input means go with select options .

  • Fill in Blank Auto Numbering

    I'm creating fill in the blank questions for an online math
    course and I want to remove the auto numbering (1, 2, etc.) because
    it is confusing. Is this possible or is it possible to edit the
    auto numbering so the number has a period after it and looks more
    like a question number??

    Hi keganbcps and welcome to our community
    Unfortunately there is no way I'm aware of to influence this.
    If you like, you may suggest it to the development team for a
    future version. You may do this by
    here and completing the form.
    In the mean time, you can "fudge" a period by simply
    inserting a transparent text caption that consists of only a period
    as the text. You then position it so the period appears to follow
    the number.
    Cheers... Rick

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    Hi everybody, I really need your help! Since I've got the new iOS 6 my WLAN isnt working anymore. I can't even connect it with my internet at home because it is switched off and i cant slide the button to turn it on.. Can somebody please help me? I'v

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