Auto resolve (not close) inactive incidents

There are a lot of solutions on how to auto close an incident after it is resolved, however i have not been able to find any info on how i can automatically resolve an incident that has had a status of pending user feedback for let's say 5 days. How could
one accomplish this?

the hard part would be how to tell how long it's been in that state. there isn't a time property that record when it was set to pending, like there is when it's set to resolved.
if there was a date, (i.e. you added a property to the class and form, and trained your analysts to record it) then you could write a custom workflow that would find all incidents that are pending, filter those that have that date of more then 5 days ago,
and set their status to resolved. you'd probably want to also set the Resolved By User relationship and the resolved data properties while you were at it. 
as an alternative, considering setting up a nightly notification to the affected user for all tickets that are pending. something along the lines of "We want to help, but we're waiting on your input!".  that way, users would be continually notified
until they either 1) provided the info and moved the process forward or 2) got sick of being email and resolved the ticket on their own, 

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    Welcome to the User Discussion Forums.
    Please review this guide
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    John H

    There is only an oblique reference to your problem here, John.  It would have been better if you had continued in your other thread.
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    The Adobe Camera Raw forum is at:

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    Where did you download these images from?
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    What he was talking about was setting it to ""run as administrator" in the shortcut/executable as you should know that would run the application in a true administrator mode (like Windows XP) vs. the default crippled administrators group in Windows.  I personally have not had to do this since I have not run into the issue but for those that have, people claimed it has helped/resolved the issue.  In regards to following UI interaction rules, it does as it actually closes the form.    Skype doesn't send an additional closure to the resident system tray icon form because it's a memory resident communication program.  Some programs give you that option, others don't.   Geforce Experience is one of the latest programs I use, that doesn't.  Nobody forces anything on you.  If you feel your family is "forcing" something on you, you always have the option of "forcing" something on them or suggesting another method you prefer  in order to stay in contact with you.  In the end that's a family issue, not a Skype one.
    If you want to close Skype down in one click you can do so using the provided shortcuts in the following thread.  You can also assign those shortcuts hotkeys or assign them to a key on your keypboard/mouse using additional key mapping software to completely close Skype with the press of a single button.

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    Your help is required in this since we have tried all the options.
    Paloli Manoj

    What's the size or your archive.pst file? Please first make sure it's not getting close to 50 GB limit.
    If the size far below 50 GB, please try to use the Inbox Repair tool to scan and repair the archive.pst file. If the file is corrupt, the autoarchive will not happen.
    For more troubleshooting steps, please refer to this:
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi Juandavidd,
    Welcome to the community,
    In such a case we can only advise that you contact Sony Mobile within your region, as they will be able to help get this type of issue resolved via there service agents.
    Use my signature below to find contact details.

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    XI R2 InfoView
    Windows 2003 server
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    ="<a href=https://<server>/businessobjects/enterprise115/InfoView/scripts/opendocument.aspx?
    idocid=100798&lsSInput_Pos_Nbr="+[Position Number Tracking]+">"+[Position Number Tracking]
    (double spaced on purpose)

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