Auto shape colour being made solid when PDF'd

I am hoping someone will be able to help with an issues I am having.  I am trying to PDF a Word document, on the document is an image and then on top of the image is an auto shape with a very light shade of colour so you can still see the image through the auto shape.  When PDF'ing the document the colour becomes solid and you can't see the image through the auto shape.
Does anyone know why this is happening?  Is there any fix?
Thanks in advance.

More than likely it is in the PDF creation end of things. If that's the case, you'll want to go to the forum for the software you are using to create the PDF.
Before that, one thing you CAN check in Reader is Preferences>Page Display>REndering and be sure that smoothing preferences are checked.

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    Two work-arounds:
    • Layer – Type – Convert to Shape should create a Solid Color-Layer with a Vector Mask and that should output as vector data in the pdf.
    • Insert a much larger letter in the text (that can also be a space, so invisible)
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    Added support for Lotus Notes 9.
    Added support for WebCapture in IE 11.
    Added support for conversions from AutoCAD 2013.
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    Regards, Tim

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    So, for my master indesign files what is the best colour set up?
    The PDF/X presets are designed for your scenario.
    I doesn't make much sense to use any CMYK color because you never know what the destination will be and CMYK colors will almost always get reconverted. The only problem RGB presents is gamut, so when you edit, a soft proof setup with a CMYK space would be advisable. The ideal would be to establish one RGB editing space (Adobe RGB?) and assign it to all your RGB objects and ID files.
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    The alternative is PDF/X-4 where there are no color conversions but every object gets a color profile. In that case the color conversions would happen at output, i.e. the PDF going to a newspaper gets converted to the newspaper's profile (SNAP?) at output. All the vendors would have to be on board for that to happen, which might not be the case.

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    Same problem here.

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    Hi Mike,
    There's no trace functionality in the form. You can track your progress through the form by looking at the fragment ID in the address bar. The fragment ID is the "#n" portion of the URL, where n is the current page number. Here's an example form URL where the user is being shown the third page in the form.
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    A problem has recently popped up with the "AUTO" button on my curves adjustments.
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    For an example of what I mean, I created a brand new image, a white square 250x250. When I added a curves layer, then pushed AUTO, the colour was shifted as can be seen in this screenshot:
    Any ideas on how I can fix this?

    Maybe the default values for the auto options have somehow changed.
    Make a curves adjustment layer and from the curves panel flyout
    menu, select Auto Options and check the values. (click on the
    color icons to the right of each)
    The default RGB values:
    shadows 0,0,0
    midtones 128,128,128
    highlights 255,255,255
    Then check save as defaults.

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    Might anyone know how to contact iTunes support directly, preferably by phone?  Thanks!

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