Automatic bank reconcilliation

hi experts,
                 please tell me the procedure of automatic bank reconcilliation

Hi Sandeep,
This question can be correctly answered if you please post the same in FI forum.
Thanks & regards

Similar Messages

  • Automatic bank reconciliation with Electronic bank statement

    Deal All,
    As mentioned in the subject of this mail, this is to request for your inputs to advice the configuration steps with process for Configuration of Electronic Bank Statment in R3 to eneble the user for automatic bank reconciliation with clearing customer/vendor open items.Please send confi doc.
    Request you to provide documentation if possible along with your valuble advices.

    I implemented the EBS in my company 4 month ago and here are some advises on the problems i experienced in the setup process. As for the setup process it is straightforward just read the manual at
    We used the MT940 format for importing bank statements from our bank.
    The first thing i would advice you to do is make a list of all the possible transactions that are to be handled by the EBS application.
    Then make estimation of how many payments that are recieved in constant structured way which the EBS can handle. (invoice number in the text)
    The people in our accounting department complained alot about the output format in the EBS not being userfreindly compared to the advises they recieved in e-mail form from the bank so if not the bulk of your payments can be processed automatically it might not be worth the trouble to implement it. (i still think they uses the the email to postprocess the transactions that was not automatically cleraed)
    Make sure you havent got any other applications handling some of the transactions that are contained in the bank statement because this wont work. eg. we had a program automatically placing fx trades on customer and bank account which meant that when we recieved the fx trade on the statement it was already placed and therefore had to be placed on a interims account for later reversal.
    We get alot of bankcharges on our payments and we set up the EBS to place them automatically on a bankcharge account if the difference between the recieved amount on the invoice was less that 30 dollars.(we just assume that a difference is a bank charge) This means that a customer if he wants to always can pay x dollars under the invoice amount because it will be automatically processed and therefore go unnoticed.
    Establish a contact in your bank who knows how their MT940 format has been structured. 
    Then contact your bank and get them to provide some test statements of old bank statements.
    Make sure that you are not the first customer for using the MT940 format or else you will end up being ginny pig for the banks possible mistakes.
    As i learned the way banks interpret the MT940 format guidelines can varry quite alot eg. the ocmt field our bank interpreted as the original payed amount in its original currency. SAP inprets this field as the recieved amount in its original currency and therefore it always try to clear the OCMT amount if availleble which meant it always tried to clear the original amount even though there had been taken som bankcharges underways.
    I also found out that our bank didnt really bother to specify the type of transaction (interest, fx contract, bank charges, check and so on) which meant we only had two external transaction codes availleble s103 for incomming payments and ntrf for outgoing payments. This gave alot of trouble as i had to identify the type of transaction through seach algorithms.
    Our bank also had trouble creating the MT940 file because it has a limited number of characters availleble which meant in the initial file that it only gave the first x characters of each line and then left out the rest. This meant that the text was broken into alot of pieces and you hardly ever had a complete invoice number to clear on. We had the bank altering their format so they now leave out text at the end of the transaction instead.
    In the implementation process we experienced that the EBS application created a payment advice each time the amount of the payment didnt match the invoice in the system. We implemented a note from which disabled this and just assigned the difference to a bankcharge account.
    I dont know if you can use these advices but just felt i would try to warn you about the potential problems that i experienced in the process. .
    If you have concrete questions to the EBS setup feel free to contact me and i will see if i can help you.

  • Bank Reconcilliation Report in Foreign Currency

    We are on SAP B1 8.8 PL4.
    Please advise on how to get/print the bank reconciliation report in foreign currency.
    The current report (Reports-Banking-External Reconcilliation-Bank Reconcilliation report) only allows printing of the report in the local currency.
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Asif,
    In the latest B1 version, you can have External Reconciliation By Summary (FC). Check if you have the same option. If not, you need to create your own or upgrade to the latest version.

  • App automatic bank pick up

    Dear Experts,
    I have issue regarding automatic bank pick up.
    I have activated partner bank type in my MIRO/FB60 and user has to enter this field manually while posting.
    My user wantst to fill this field automatically based on the currency given while posting the invoice.
    Ex: In miro we are giving currency as USD based on this the Partner bank type field to be filled as USD.
    please advise is there any User exists or badi for getting this functionality.

    Please find below a sample substitution for USD in your case.
    Use t-code SM30 and go to view VWTYGB01 and make sure the exclude tick in not there for
    Class-9, Table-BSEG, Field-BVTYP
    Create following 2 sets using t-code GS01 for company codes and vendors range valid for this substitution E.g. Y_COMP_CODE (table BKPF, Field BUKRS), Y_AP_VENDOR (Table BSEG, Field LIFNR)
    Create substitution (t-code OBBH)
    Field Partner Bank type is substituted by a constant value USD

  • Manual bank statement and Automatic bank statement

           i dont how to configure manual bank statement and Automatic bank statement. if anybody can provde information or  material or weblinks  it would be helpful to me to configure.

    Manual Bank Statement:
    Go to SPRO --> Financial Accounting (New) --> Bank Accounting --> Bank Accounts --> Business Transactions --> Payment Transactions --> Manual Bank Statement --> Define Posting Keys and Posting Rules for Manual Bank Statement
    After wards go for Create and Assign Business Transactions (in same path)

  • OBNK - Currency in Bank Reconcilliation

    I can create records in the bank reconcilliation file using the API.  However, there is no way for me to access the transaction currency.  So even if it is a multi currency account it defaults all the transactions to system currency.
    Did I miss something in the API?
    Dim BankFile As SAPbobsCOM.BankPages
    BankFile = SAP.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oBankPages)
    BankFile.DebitAmount = 0
    BankFile.CreditAmount = 0
    BankFile.AccountCode = "_SYS00000000xxx"
    No place to update the transaction currency, debit amount or credit amount currency. . . .

    Hi Gordon,
    The bank GL accounts are supposed to be in one currency only (as bank accounts are). So when you use bank reconciliation the amount should be only in that currency and shouldn't need to put the currency in it.

  • Configuring the automatic bank statement

    How to configuring the automatic bank statement?
    Give me in detail..., each step...

    Configuration for EBS
    Config for EBS and M BS in IT tool box
    Hope this gives you complete data on EBS

  • Automatic bank preference during F110 run

    Hi All,
    We have the following requirement from our client.
    Presently when we make payment to Vendors, we need to use funds from X (or) Y banks so we will need to manually reallocate those invoices that we will pay through the non-default bank.  Example, if the default bank is X; then we have to manually reallocate to Y after all funds are used up for X.  These monitoring are done manually & we are talking about reallocating 20-30 invoices.
    We want to know if we can configure in SAP our preferred bank as well as funds available for payment by each bank & let SAP do the allocation automatically.
    Is there any configuration or enhancement apart from the normal setting (FBZP à Bank determination à Available Amounts)?

    Even though it concerns 20 or 30 invoices but there is one change to do in FBZP : is to change the rank of banks, so for the invoices the system choose the default bank (according to your rank)
    please can you explain me how you reallocate invoices to the bank ?

  • Automatic Bank Account Reconciliation - FF67

    Hi experts,
    I am having the following issue in my ECC 6.0 environment:
    I'm doing manual bank reconciliation through tcode FF67, after entering all the payments and receipts i'll save the statement and then post the statement.
    Afterwards I go to tcode SM35 and run the batch input session in order to real postings take place, reconciling the payments and the receipts.
    However, when selecting the open items the system gets stuck, as it is always using Amount (WRBTR) as the single selection criterion, and I have two documents with the same amount. So, I also want to use Assignment (ZUONR) as a criteria. I tried to use algortihm 015 to solve this, but I wasn't successful.
    Has anyone came across something like this?
    Thanks in advance!
    Best regards,

    Hi Mohammed
    In order to make bank account transfer automatically using bank statement, you need to ensure the following things:
    1. Prepare a physical cash pool and ensure that the bank initiated sweep option is set to yes. Set up the concentration and subaccounts within whihc the transfer need to be made.
    2. Upload/Enter the bank statement for the respective banks. The line type should be sweep in or sweep out as the case may be. Enusre that the corresponding bank account number is mentioned in the Agent bank account field. For example - You transfer $100 from account 100 to account 101. In the bank statement for account 100, the line type should be sweep out and in the Agent bank account field, enter the bank account number 101. Similarly for the bank statement of account 101, the line type should be sweep in and in the Agent bank account field, enter the bank account number 100.
    Once this is done, run the program Sweep Transaction Generation program. This will create the cash flows automatically.
    Hope this helps

  • Automatic bank preference during APP run

    Hi SAP Gurus,
    We have the following requirement from our client.
    Presently when we make payment to Vendors, we need to use funds from X (or) Y banks so we will need to manually reallocate those invoices that we will pay through the non-default bank.  Example, if the default bank is X; then we have to manually reallocate to Y after all funds are used up for X.  These monitoring are done manually & we are talking about reallocating 20-30 invoices.
    We want to know if we can configure in SAP our preferred bank as well as funds available for payment by each bank & let SAP do the allocation automatically.
    Is there any configuration or enhancement apart from the normal setting (FBZP à Bank determination à Available Amounts)?
    Thank you,
    David Raj

    Hi David,
    for that you check it in FBZP bank ranking order. may be through that only it is possible

  • Automatic Bank Reconciliation not Happening

    As per the Cheque Collection Report from the bank, I am uploading the data onto SAP by using a BDC. This BDC is passing the entries in SAP as
    Incoming Cheque Clearing A/C      Dr.
    Customer A/C                              Cr.
    Now for reconciliaition purpose, I am uploading the Multicash Statement by using transaction code FF_5. As per the configuration done, the entries posted in SAP are
    Main Bank A/C                            Dr.
    Incoming Cheque Clearing A/C      Cr.
    I am capturing the Cheque no. in the Reference Field and Deposit Slip No. in the Document Header Text Field while running the BDC in Step 1. The Multicash file also has the right Cheque No. in the appropriate field which I am uploading in the Step 2. I have maintained the Interpretation Algorithm as Standard (001) in my configuration settings at the right place. Despite doing all the necessary configurations, the entries are not knocking off automatically after uploading the Multicash Statement.
    What might be the reason for the entries not getting automatically cleared??
    Diwaker Sharma

    Keep this SAP Notes handy always this solves all the backup related things.
    1585981   SYB: Ensuring Recoverability for Sybase ASE
    1588316   SYB: Configure automatic database and log backups
    1611715   SYB: How to restore a Sybase ASE database server (Windows)
    1618817   SYB: How to restore a Sybase ASE database server (UNIX)
    Kiran K Adharapuram

  • View Previous Bank Reconcilliations

    Hello All,
    I have done bank statement reconcilliations with the bank statement numbers specified. Now, I want to view the previous reconcilliations and search by the bank statement numbers. How can I do it.
    I have looked into the option for "Check and Restore Previous Reconcilliation". Though this shows the required view but the statement number does not appear. Moreover I do not remember on which actual dates I have been doing the BRS. So, it is much easier for me to search by bank statement numbers to view each set of BRS done and executed in the past.
    Please help me in this regards.
    Edited by: debraj bhattacharyya on Feb 4, 2011 10:53 AM

    Hi Debraj.........
    You can refer Manage Privious Reconciliation Report where you get all the reconciled statement datewise with the bank. Else you can refer GL report also where you have to choose the reconcile transaction option......

  • Manual Bank reconcilliation

    Large volume of Bank transactions for  12 periods have not been reconciled. All the data are in sub bank accounts. Documents have been reconciled manually with bank statement but the entry is not passed in the system. How the entry can be posted to main account. Pl suggest if the entries can be uploaded externally in to the main account.

    Dear Tayyab,
    Step 1;-
    Got to transaction FEBA and navigate to your statement. In the column "ID" you will get a 8 digit number, which is statement ID in SAP.
    Step 2:-
    Go to trasaction SE38/ SA38 and execute program RFEBKA96. On iuts selection screen give Application as 0001 and ID as the 8 digit number obtained in step 1.
    Executing it On next screen delete your statement. It will delete the statement from your system and from the sub ledger.
    Step 3:-
    Reverse the postings of G/L done by this statement previously.
    Now you can upload your statement again with corrected figures.

  • MAnual bank reconciliation to Automatic bank reconciliation.

    Hi Sapients,
    we are doing BRS manually for all collections and disbursement accounts.
    The details of the bank accounts are
    1. HDFC                                       - Collection Account
    2. Deutsche Bank                     - Collection Account
    3. Standard Chartered Bank - Disbursement Account
    Currently it takes lot of time to reconcile manually and now its decided to move from manual to System BRS for better control and time saving.
    Is it possible in sap. If So where we have to configure in sap?
    Otherwise please provide me the alternatives to manual bank reconciliation.

    BRS can be automated in SAP system, you need to configure additionally 3 more steps in addition to the manual BRS configuration steps to avail this funcationality (Electronic Bank Statement)
    Path:- Financial Accounting (New) -- Bank Accounting -- Business Transactions -- Payment Transactions -- Electronic Bank Statement -- Make Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement
    1) Create Transaction Type
    2) Assign External transaction type to posting rules (Banks generally have there own codes for various transactions)
    3) Assign Bank Accounts to transaction types
    The Various formats that are available for Bank Statements can be found in T. Code FF_5, in Elect. bank statement format field.

  • Bank Reconcilliation of Incoming payments F-28

    I am working on Electronic Bank Statement. I have set up the posting rule to clear incoming payments from Customers.  Basically since we do not receive Customer Invoice No. in our Bank statement file (MT940 file being used), we post Incoming payment entries in F-28 and maintain payment transaction Number (16 digit No. for RTGS and NEFT) as Reference Number in field XBLNR. And when I upload the file, I am able to clear all those payments which I have made through F-29  ie Down payments whereas I am not able to clear incoming payments posted through F-28.
    Any idea why the system behaves this way though both F-28 and F-29 have same document type. Any help on this would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hai Bishnu,
    Check it once your doc types in OBA7 t.code here u can maintain No. Ranges for 2006 year.
    If your already maintain the No ranges, try to change the no ranges for the doc type instead of 14 you can change like 99
    Madhu I

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