Automatic generation of AWR reports

How to schedule the automatic JOB to generate the AWR reports hourly basis. ( automatic comparing between 2 snapshots and then generate the text file).
Thanks in advance.

If you want the report to be send to your mail through the ORACLE ENTERPRISE MANAGER than you have to write one perl script like below: Adjust statements and addresses as per your requirement.
The main views are:
dba_hist_snapshot & dba_hist_thread which are helping us in doing this.
Hope I answered your question :
# My perl script for automatically generating awr report
# By default, report is sent to DBA_EMAIL_LIST_RPT, unless
# it's overridden by ORA_SP_EMAIL_LIST_RPT
# 05/26/2006 - Changed snap level from 5 to 6
# exec statspack.snap(i_snap_level => 6, i_modify_parameter => 'true');
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.4 2003/09/02 21:33:14 oracle
# bugfix (instance_number)
# Revision 1.3 2003/08/26 19:13:22 oracle
# add ORA_SP_HACK1
# Revision 1.2 2003/08/26 18:54:09 oracle
# mod
# Revision 1.1 2003/08/26 17:19:58 oracle
# ic
# ----------------------- main processing -------------------------------------
# in case $0 is a full pathname, strip of the directory name
$progname = $0;
$progname =~ s/^.*\/// ;
$progdir=~ s/\/[^\/]*$// ; if ($progdir eq $0) { $progdir='.'; }
# set prog to equal progname minus file extension and the "."
$prog =~ s/(.*)\..*$/\1/;
$usage="Usage: $progname <dbname> [<report_begin_datetime in a format of '08/27/07 06:30'> <duration in minutes, at least 60>]\n" ;
if ( $#ARGV < 0 )
print $usage;
exit 1;
my @arglist=@ARGV;
if ( $#ARGV > -1) {
# $report_begin_datetime="$ARGV[0] $ARGV[1]";
$report_begin_datetime="$report_begin_date $report_begin_time";
print "Boris: dbg> number of ARGV=$#ARGV, report_begin_datetime=$report_begin_datetime, report_duration=$report_duration\n";
# print "Boris: dbg> UserSpecifiedTime=$report_user_specified_time\n";
# ----------- PORTIBILITY: set envdir to the appropriate value
# ----------- End of PORTIBILITY
# initialize execution environ.
$tm_start=`date`; chop $tm_start;
$tm_stamp=`date "+%Y%m%d"`; chop $tm_stamp;
$tm_stamp2=`date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`; chop $tm_stamp2;
my $status=&ld_env;
# set up log file. If for some reason it's no good, set log file to /dev/null
if (open(LOGFILE, ">>$LOGFILE") == 0)
print "Cannot open log $LOGFILE; discard log info \n";
open(LOGFILE, ">/dev/null");
if ( $status != 0 )
&abort($status, \*LOGFILE, "Failed to load environ: $LD_ENV_ERRMSG\n");
my $work_dir=$ENV{'DBA_WORK_DIR'};
if ($work_dir eq '') {
abort_auto(2, "Env var DBA_WORK_DIR not defined\n");
} else {
$status=`mkdir -p $work_dir`;
if ($status != 0) {
abort_auto($status, "mkdir -p $work_dir failed\n");
# ---- main processing
#### no need for a special/"perfstat" connection: $ENV{'ORA_CNCT_STR'}=get_env2('ORA_SP_CNCT_STR', 'perfstat/perfstat');
#### print "dbg> Connecting to the database as: $ENV{'ORA_CNCT_STR'}";
my $days_minus = get_env2('ORA_SP_DAYS_MINUS', 1);
### To avoid "ORA-20200: The instance was shutdown between snapshots x1 and x2", ensure that dba_hist_snapshot.startup_time is the same for min(snap_id) and max(snap_id)
### To avoid "ORA-20200: End Snapshot Id y1 must be greater than Begin Snapshot Id y1", take reporting time interval between 5am and 5pm
if ( $report_user_specified_time eq "yes") {
print "Boris: dbg> awr_begin_date=$awr_begin_date, awr_end_date=$awr_end_date, awr_begin_time=$awr_begin_time, awr_end_time=calculated...\n";
$fudge=5; # that's 5min
select t.dbid, t.instance_number, min(s.snap_id), max(s.snap_id)
from dba_hist_snapshot s, dba_hist_thread t
where --
trunc(s.end_interval_time) = trunc(to_date('$awr_begin_date', 'MM/DD/YY'))
and to_char(s.end_interval_time+5/1440, 'HH24:MI') >= '$awr_begin_time'
and to_char(s.end_interval_time, 'SSSSS') <= (to_number(substr('$awr_begin_time', 1, 2))*60 + to_number(substr('$awr_begin_time', 4,2)) + $report_duration +$fudge)*60
and t.instance_number = sys_context('userenv', 'instance')
and t.instance_number = s.instance_number
and t.thread# = sys_context('userenv', 'instance')
and t.snap_id = s.snap_id
and t.dbid = s.dbid
group by t.dbid, t.instance_number, s.startup_time
order by t.dbid, t.instance_number, s.startup_time desc
else {
print "Boris: dbg> awr_days_minus=$awr_days_minus, awr_begin_time=$awr_begin_time, awr_end_time=$awr_end_time\n";
select t.dbid, t.instance_number, min(s.snap_id), max(s.snap_id)
from dba_hist_snapshot s, dba_hist_thread t
where trunc(s.begin_interval_time)= trunc(sysdate - $awr_days_minus )
and to_char(s.begin_interval_time, 'HH24') >= $awr_begin_time
and to_char(s.begin_interval_time, 'HH24') <= $awr_end_time
and t.instance_number = sys_context('userenv', 'instance')
and t.instance_number = s.instance_number
and t.thread# = sys_context('userenv', 'instance')
and t.snap_id = s.snap_id
and t.dbid = s.dbid
group by t.dbid, t.instance_number, s.startup_time
order by t.dbid, t.instance_number, s.startup_time desc
my @output ;
$status = run_query($sql, \@output);
if ( $status == 0 )
my $line = $output[0] ;
my ($id_dbid, $id_inst_num, $id_min, $id_max) = split(' ', $line);
print "Boris: dbg> Query output line=$line";
if ( $id_min eq '' || $id_max eq '' )
# not stats
&tee_auto("Error: can't determine min=$id_min and/or max=$id_max snap_id, days_minus=$days_minus, dbid=$id_dbid, inst#=$id_inst_num)\n");
&tee_auto("# generate sprpt for delta between snp_id '$id_min' and '$id_max' (days_minus='$days_minus')\n# f=$RPTFILE1\n");
if ( $report_user_specified_time eq "yes") {
$id_ash_begin_datetime="$report_begin_date $report_begin_time";
else {
$id_ash_begin_datetime=`date --date yesterday "+%D 05:00"`; chop $id_ash_begin_datetime;
$id_ash_duration=720; #mins: 12 hours (from 5am to 5pm)
# print "Boris: dbg> id_ash_begin_datetime=$id_ash_begin_datetime, id_ash_duraton=$id_ash_duraton\n";
$sql = "
spool $RPTFILE1
select systimestamp from dual;
spool off
$sql = "
define dbid=$id_dbid
define inst_num=$id_inst_num
define begin_snap=$id_min
define end_snap=$id_max
define report_type='text'
define report_name=$RPTFILE1
$sql = "
define dbid=$id_dbid
define inst_num=$id_inst_num
define report_type='text'
define report_name=$RPTFILE2
define begin_time='$id_ash_begin_datetime'
-- define default_report_duration='$id_ash_duration'
define duration=$id_ash_duration
-- define duration=720
-- define end_time='$id_ash_date_begin_5pm'
define slot_width=''
define target_session_id=''
define target_sql_id=''
define target_wait_class=''
define target_service_hash=''
define target_module_name=''
define target_action_name=''
define target_client_id=''
define target_plsql_entry=''
## Concantenate: cat $RPTFILE2 >> $RPTFILE1;
open ( awr_report, ">>", $RPTFILE1 ) or die "Could not open for writing file $RPTFILE1: $!";
open ( ash_report, "<", $RPTFILE2 ) or die "Could not open for reading file $RPTFILE2: $!";
while ( my $line = <ash_report> ) { print awr_report $line; }
# send report
my $if_notify = 1;
if ( $if_notify && -r $RPTFILE1 )
if ($ENV{'ORA_SP_HACK1'} eq '1') {
&tee_auto( "# detected ORA_SP_HACK1 -- hack the report a bit...\n");
# prefix each line of report with '# ' to hack around
# the problem with Exchange mail server interpreting
# certain patterns as email attachements...
my $ed = get_env2('ED', 'ed');
$cmd="$ed $RPTFILE1 <<eof
Best regards,

Similar Messages

  • Generate AWR Report automatically every day

    Hi Friends,
    I would like to generate AWR Report automatically every day. How do i do it.
    The Start Time will be 00:00 of Previous day and the end Time will be : 00:00 of current day. The File format is html.
    Currently i am using awrrpt.sql to generate report manually and i would like to achieve it automatically,I am not sure how to pass the values of start and end time (From which table i can get the values)?

    Hi, DB.
    You may use the below sql script , the sql script generates the AWR report for the duration of 2 days in HTML.
    So you  change
    1) the where condition as per your requirement,
    2) report name in sql script,
    3) and convert it as shell or bat script based on your environment, and schedule it in your OS job scheduler / crontab.
    connect / as sysdba
    REM set termout off
    variable snap1 number
    variable snap2 number
    COLUMN starthr new_value bhr
    COLUMN endhr new_value ehr
    COLUMN crdate new_value cdt
      distinct  min(s.snap_id)
    into :snap1
      from dba_hist_snapshot s
    where to_char(trunc(end_interval_time,'HH24'),'HH24') = to_char(trunc(sysdate,'HH24'),'HH24')-2 and trunc(end_interval_time)=trunc(sysdate);
      distinct max(s.snap_id)
    into :snap2
      from dba_hist_snapshot s
    where to_char(trunc(end_interval_time,'HH24'),'HH24') =to_char(trunc(sysdate,'HH24'),'HH24') and trunc(end_interval_time)=trunc(sysdate);
    COLUMN starthr new_value bhr
    COLUMN endhr new_value ehr
    COLUMN crdate new_value cdt
    select to_char(trunc(sysdate, 'HH24'),'HH24')-2 starthr,
            to_char(trunc(sysdate, 'HH24'),'HH24') endhr,
           to_char(trunc(sysdate),'DD-MON-YYYY') crdate
    from dual;
    define begin_snap=:snap1
    define end_snap=:snap2
    define report_name=/orashare1/reports/awrreport/AWRRPT_PROD_1_${1^^}_${EXDATE}_mor.html
    define  report_type  = 'html';

  • How to use batch file in window to send out Oracle AWR report automatically

    Dear All
    Please help me to write batch script as scheduler in windows to send out Oracle AWR report every 2 hours automatically
    I have database , its on windows platform .
    Thanks in advance

    846671 wrote:
    Dear All
    Please help me to write batch script as scheduler in windows to send out Oracle AWR report every 2 hours automatically
    I have database , its on windows platform .
    Thanks in advancewhat utility do you use to "send out" Oracle AWR report ?

  • Shell script for Automatic Awr Report

    Hi Good Morning,
    I have a requirement to generate the AWR report daily between (10AM - 06PM , 10AM - 01PM , 01PM - 10PM) . I have the below script for this . But the issue is this script is working only when i run it two times and before running i have to delete snap_list.lst file. Please let me know what is the problem in this script and how to resolve it.
    Script :
    dt=`date +%d%m%Y`
    cd /orabkp/awr_report
    chmod 777 *
    rm -rf snap_list.lst
    touch snap_list.lst
    #rm -rf snap_list.lst
    #rm -rf snap_list.lst
    sqlplus -s " /as sysdba " <<EOF > snap_list.lst
    host sleep 10
    `cat snap_list.lst | grep "10:0" | awk '{print $1}'`
    `cat snap_list.lst | grep "13:0" | awk '{print $1}'`
    prompt 2
    `cat snap_list.lst | grep "13:0" | awk '{print $1}'`
    `cat snap_list.lst | grep "18:0" | awk '{print $1}'`
    `cat snap_list.lst | grep "10:0" | awk '{print $1}'`
    `cat snap_list.lst | grep "18:0" | awk '{print $1}'`
    `cat snap_list.lst | grep "06:0" | awk '{print $1}'`
    `cat snap_list.lst | grep "12:0" | awk '{print $1}'`
    cat /oracle/scripts/cron_scripts/rpt1.sql
    host echo 1
    host sleep 10
    `cat snap_list.lst | grep "10:0" | awk '{print $1}'`
    `cat snap_list.lst | grep "13:0" | awk '{print $1}'`

    Modify & Try this script used for rac awr ..
    set -x
    export ORACLE_HOME
    export TERM
    export DT=`date '+%d_%b_%Y_%HH_%MM'`
    echo $DT
    MAIL="[email protected]"
    CMAIL="[email protected]"
    sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba"<<EOFSQL
    set head off
    set feed off
    spool /tmp/bsnap.lst
    select max(SNAP_ID)- 3 from dba_hist_snapshot;
    spool off
    spool /tmp/esnap.lst
    select max(SNAP_ID) from dba_hist_snapshot;
    spool off
    spool /tmp/iname.lst
    select instance_name from v\$instance;
    spool off
    spool /tmp/dname.lst
    select database_name from v\$database;
    spool off
    spool /tmp/inum.lst
    select instance_number from v\$instance;
    spool off
    spool /tmp/dbid.lst
    select dbid from v\$database;
    spool off
    BSNAP=`cat /tmp/bsnap.lst | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1}'`;export BSNAP
    ESNAP=`cat /tmp/esnap.lst | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1}'`;export ESNAP
    INAME=`cat /tmp/iname.lst | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1}'`;export INAME
    DNAME=`cat /tmp/dname.lst | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1}'`;export DNAME
    INUM=`cat /tmp/inum.lst | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1}'`;export INUM
    DID=`cat /tmp/dbid.lst| tail -1 | awk '{ print $1}'`;export DID
    echo "Begin Snap  : $BSNAP"
    echo "End Snap    : $ESNAP"
    #echo "InstanceName: $INAME"
    echo "DB Name     : $DNAME"
    #echo "InstanceId  : $INUM"
    echo "DB ID       : $DID"
    sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba"<<EOFSQL
          define  inst_num     = $INUM;
          define  num_days     = 12;
          define  inst_name    = 'ALL';
          define  db_name      = '$DNAME';
          define  dbid         = $DID;
          define  begin_snap   = $BSNAP;
          define  end_snap     = $ESNAP;
          define  report_type  = 'html';
          define  report_name  = $AWRR/Awr_report_$DT.html
    cat /u01/DBA_Scripts/mail_body.txt | mailx -a $AWRR/Awr_report_$DT.html -c $CMAIL -s "DB Report - DB "  $MAILThanks,
    Ajay More

  • How to do Detailed AWR Report  Analysis

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    The best way to isolate the bottlenecks in Oracle is to analyze the top five wait events for the database and look for any external waits that might be associated with disk, CPU and network.
    Oracle provide two scripts to produce workload repository reports (awrrpt.sql and awrrpti.sql). They are similar in format to the statspack reports and give the option of HTML or plain text formats. The two reports give essential the same output but the awrrpti.sql allows you to select a single instance. The reports can be generated as follows.
    The scripts prompt you to enter the report format (html or text), the start snapshot id, the end snapshot id and the report filename. The resulting report can be opend in a browser or text editor accordingly.

  • Negative Values of Library Cache Hit Ratio in AWR Report

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    We are getting Negative values of Library cache hit ratio in AWR Report of 11g( with Solaris[tm] OE (64-bit).
    Please suggest us why it shows negative value.
    Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
    Buffer Nowait %: 99.87 Redo NoWait %: 99.99
    Buffer Hit %: 92.17 In-memory Sort %: 100.00
    Library Hit %: -3,321.23 Soft Parse %: 81.95
    Execute to Parse %: 92.88 Latch Hit %: 95.11
    Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 87.25 % Non-Parse CPU: 81.39
    Edited by: user12078989 on Jul 25, 2012 7:40 AM

    Hi Aman,
    DB not restarted during this time.. we don't have production access. we will get awr report automatically from customer daily. also i am getting issue in our local environment v$rowcache view gets values is negative for dc_users and dc_tablespaces parameter may be it's related production issue...

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    My question is :
    Is there any way to make the generation of ASH report quick ?
    Why the generation need to access to the controlfile ?
    Thank you a lot.

    Hi, Keith.
    I tried the pagination scheme "Row Ranges X to Y (with next and previous links)".
    This caused the same problem - my page aborts with the error message:
    "Internet Explorer cannot open the Intenet site
    Operation aborted"
    I even removed pagination altogether and still got the same error.
    Futhermore, it is sporadic. At times I invoke the report with 500 rows and it
    displays without problem. And then, 5 seconds later, I run the re-run the report (again asking to display 500 rows), and it aborts.
    This report worked without error (it was "slow", but worked) two weeks ago. But now, it is failing. My gut feeling is that my problem lies with out Oracle
    Application Server. I have the feeling that our DBA's have changed some
    sort of configuration (a buffer, perhaps) that is causing my problem. Not sure
    about this. I guess I'm reaching for straws at this point.
    Thanks for your help. It is appreciated.

  • Explain plan in AWR report?

    Is there any way to generate the explain plan in AWR report?Is it possible to generate the explain plan in AWR?

    AWR: Automatic Workload Repository
    oracle take every 60 minutes a snapshot of statistic in memory and after analysed by ADDM ( automatic database diagnostic monitor) default option, but you can change every 10 minutes or ...

  • How to monitor on disk i/o on healthcheck and awr report on biweekly health

    can you explain how to monitor from disk i/o and awr report from old snap shot to new snap shot
    how to check and analyze .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,can any one tell few points which we can **regularly maintain for health check**
    thanks in advance
    SQL> SELECT group_number ,disk_number ,mount_status ,total_mb/1024 ,free_mb/1024
    2 ,reads, (bytes_read / (1024*1024*1024)) mb_read ,read_errs ,read_time,writes
    3 ,write_errs ,write_time FROM v$asm_disk;
    2 0 OPENED 199.989258 0 13697147
    402.589765 0 44542.38 4358669 0 8883.86
    2 1 OPENED 199.989258 0 13653653
    405.503195 0 46014.33 4805783 0 11138.13
    2 2 OPENED 199.989258 0 15272350
    415.620874 0 45524.7 4571038 0 9806.01
    2 3 OPENED 199.989258 0 22713630
    533.380945 0 48105.68 4692729 0 9994.31
    2 4 OPENED 199.99707 0 23986390
    547.804756 0 57601.79 5788565 0 11073.44
    1 0 OPENED 199.989258 0 310810
    47.4352741 0 9652.12 1877994 0 3490.5
    1 1 OPENED 199.99707 0 137665
    44.7837362 0 9155.21 751099 0 3092.96
    1 2 OPENED 199.99707 0 139561
    44.7904587 0 9424.26 753116 0 2858.23
    1 3 OPENED 199.99707 0 141139
    44.7718539 0 9506.27 802414 0 2768.22
    9 rows selected.
    can you please tell me how to monitor on disk i/os which is as shown above and
    please tell me AWR report to analyze some basic points for health check
    please give some details for health check of database.
    thanks in advance

    What is DB version?
    Please check below doc:
    Also see:
    What is AWR( Automatic workload repository ) and How to generate the AWR report? [ID 748642.1]
    How To Understand AWR Report / Statspack Report [ID 842884.1]

  • Automation of AWR report.

    Hi All,
    I want to automate for awr report generating for every 30 min. For this I am creating a script which is not working properly. Script given below.
    1. Declaring an variable
    2. Giving value to the variable by running sql query
    3. Executing dbms_workload_repository procedure.
    Please help me proper steps.
    DBID_NUM := select DBID into DBID_NUM from dba_hist_snapshot WHERE ROWNUM=1;
    INS_NUMBER := select INSTANCE_NUMBER into INST_NUMBER from dba_hist_snapshot WHERE ROWNUM=1;
    MAX_SNAP_ID := select MAX(SNAP_ID) into MAX_SNAP_ID from dba_hist_snapshot;
    MIN_SNAP_ID =: select MAX(SNAP_ID)-1 into MIN_SNAP_ID from dba_hist_snapshot;
    SELECT output FROM TABLE (dbms_workload_repository.awr_report_html(DBID_NUM,INST_NUMBER,MAX_SNAP_ID,MIN_SNAP_ID));

    I am trying to help, however it's hard because you haven't clarified your end goal. What time period do you need to generate the AWR report for? Generating an AWR report from the entire range of available snap_id's is utterly useless. It's like measuring your average body temperature from the moment of birth up to now.
    How are you planning to generate it -- into a database table, into a file, to terminal output? You didn't mention that and it's impossible to deduce it from your script.
    Most importantly, why do you need to produce all these AWR reports for each 30 mins? Every 30 days, I would understand, but every 30 mins?! Do you realize that if you want to look at some trends, it much easier to do that using AWR views directly, rather than trying to extract data from html codes? And if you want your performance history just in case -- why don't you increase your SYSAUX tablespace and AWR retention, so that you can go back and generate a retrospective AWR report when needed?
    I wrote an anonymous to autogenerate an AWR report for the last snapshot and dump it to the screen, hope this helps:
      l_dbid number;
      l_inst_id number;
      l_last_snap_id number;
      l_output clob;
      select dbid into l_dbid from v$database;
      select instance_number into l_inst_id from v$instance;
      select max(snap_id) into l_last_snap_id from dba_hist_snapshot;
      for rec in (select * from table(dbms_workload_repository.awr_report_text(l_dbid,l_inst_id, l_last_snap_id - 1, l_last_snap_id))) loop
       end loop;
    /Best regards,
    P.S. You have 17 out of 21 questions unresolved. Has the forum been really this unhelpful for you?


    Can anybody guide me how to generate an AWR (automatic workload repository) report at schema level? Actually I have created one user name xyz and imported some 1000 objects (tables, views etc) .
    I have little doubt here , when we create one user ,is schema for that user will it create automatically …..if its true then I need to generate one AWR report for that user or schema

    I don't think this is possible: AWR only works at database/instance level and not at schema level.

  • Get AWR report

    Hi all
    I have oracle version installed on solaris machine
    I have to get the AWR report of the database
    How can i get the OEM on solaris machine to take the AWR Report

    Select [Administration] tab at database instance homepage.
    Select      Automatic Workload Repository under Statisctics Management.
    Select the number next to Snapshots.
    Select the beginning snapshot ID.
    Select 'View Report' as Action and press [go].
    Select the ending snapshot ID.
    Press [OK]
    Next the report will be created.

  • AWR report automation

    I use the Oracle EM GC 11 for monitoring of databases .
    I need to form the AWR report for some of databases and send it once a day by e-mail automatically.
    How to realize it?

    I am trying to help, however it's hard because you haven't clarified your end goal. What time period do you need to generate the AWR report for? Generating an AWR report from the entire range of available snap_id's is utterly useless. It's like measuring your average body temperature from the moment of birth up to now.
    How are you planning to generate it -- into a database table, into a file, to terminal output? You didn't mention that and it's impossible to deduce it from your script.
    Most importantly, why do you need to produce all these AWR reports for each 30 mins? Every 30 days, I would understand, but every 30 mins?! Do you realize that if you want to look at some trends, it much easier to do that using AWR views directly, rather than trying to extract data from html codes? And if you want your performance history just in case -- why don't you increase your SYSAUX tablespace and AWR retention, so that you can go back and generate a retrospective AWR report when needed?
    I wrote an anonymous to autogenerate an AWR report for the last snapshot and dump it to the screen, hope this helps:
      l_dbid number;
      l_inst_id number;
      l_last_snap_id number;
      l_output clob;
      select dbid into l_dbid from v$database;
      select instance_number into l_inst_id from v$instance;
      select max(snap_id) into l_last_snap_id from dba_hist_snapshot;
      for rec in (select * from table(dbms_workload_repository.awr_report_text(l_dbid,l_inst_id, l_last_snap_id - 1, l_last_snap_id))) loop
       end loop;
    /Best regards,
    P.S. You have 17 out of 21 questions unresolved. Has the forum been really this unhelpful for you?

  • Analyzing AWR reports, how can i decide i need to increase my SGA

    I am analyzing my Production server AWR reports, how can i decide on which basis i can increase SGA.

    You need to make sure that the corresponding memory areas are not having any waits associated with them. Changing the memory parameters is generally not an option to pick in 10g as the instance management is automatic( shouldbe) and this makes the allocations done in an optimal manner depending upon the workloads. Still the change in the parameters can be there when we see some specific wait event related to that memory area. For example, if you see lots of Shared Pool latch contention and you are assure that you have no duplicate sqls coming up in your system than may be you have an undersized shared pool so it can be increased.
    You are using AWR.What about the recommendations from ADDM?Is there any advice coming up to change the memory components ? Did you elliminate all teh other areas which may be a problematic reason rather than a low memory value for parameters?

  • Generating AWR reports

    I need to generate many AWR reports everyday with the same time period each time.
    09h00 to 09h15
    11h00 to 11h15
    14h00 to 14h15
    16h00 to 16h15
    Is there a way to generate those reports automatically with parameters?

    783643 wrote:
    I need to generate many AWR reports everyday with the same time period each time.
    09h00 to 09h15
    11h00 to 11h15
    14h00 to 14h15
    16h00 to 16h15
    Is there a way to generate those reports automatically with parameters?
    Rem      If you want to use this script in an non-interactive fashion,
    Rem      see the 'customer-customizable report settings' section in
    Rem      awrrpti.sql

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