Automatic JPEG creation on import

I currently have a setup where I sync all my photos between a laptop and a desktop computer.
Unfortunately recently I've noticed that my 160GB disk is my laptop isn't quite enough to hold all my photos as I always shoot in RAW.
Therefore I would like a setup where Lightroom 2.0 automatically generates JPEG versions of my RAW files upon import. This way I can configure my synchronization application to ignore all the RAW files and only sync the JPEGs as I really don't need the RAW versions on the laptop.
Is there any way of doing this - or anything similar?
Best regards,
Thomas René Sidor

Depends what you want the jpegs for. If it's only to be able to view them on the laptop you don't need them at all. Just let LR create 1:1 previews and set it to never delete them. Then synchronize the previews.
That said it sounds like you might be happier with external hard discs.

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    Is there any setup to allow automatic PO creation from Imported Approved Requisition.
    1. Run Requisition Import to import approved Requisition with no workflow fired.
    2. Can we kick off automatic PO creation workflow without kicking off Requisition approval workflow?
    Any suggestion will be helpful.

    Hi, the MOS doc.
    How to Create and Approve a Standard PO Automatically From an Approved Requisition Sourced to Standard Quotations [ID 308470.1]

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    Depends what you want the jpegs for. If it's only to be able to view them on the laptop you don't need them at all. Just let LR create 1:1 previews and set it to never delete them. Then synchronize the previews.
    That said it sounds like you might be happier with external hard discs.

  • Automatic Batch Creation at  the time of GR for Customer Returns

    Hi All,
    We are using batch management with functionality of automatic batch creation for variuos movement type 101/103/105/561 etc. with updation of classification in foreground. 
    We are even using automatic batch creation for Inbound delivery. By configuring IMG object "Batch creation Control for Inbound"
    Now we have a new requirement of automatic Batch creation for GR of Customer Return against Customer Return SO (Movement type 651). And updation of classification in foreground.
    I have tried a lot but couldn't find how to configure the same.
    Can I create GR custmor returns 651 thru transaction MIGO?
    Any suggestion how to achieve this.

    What Sairam said is correct, the idea of automatic batch creation is so that when you manaufacture or create an item you can allocate the characteristics to that batch and give it a number.
    You then sell that batch to a customer.
    When the customer returns the item the system should NOT automatically allocate a new batch number to it because this is breaking a VERY important audit trail.
    In batch management (in some inductries more than  others) it is VITAL to have a full audit trail of a bathc so that any problems concerning that batch can be traced back to their origin. What you are trying to do is to break that audit trail (although I can fully understand what you are trying to do).
    I would leave the batch allocation for returns as manual and then when you transafer the item from returns to unrestricted (or quality etc.) tyou can then input the new characteristics.
    Steve B

  • BAPI for automatic Pr creation witth multiple files from excel sheet

    I have written a programm  for automatic PR creation  with the help of bapi , where its picks data from excel sheet and makes PR .It is picking excel files from one folder(Files) for PR creation and moving to another folder(Files sucess).
    now the problem is if Folder (Files) contains one excel sheet ,PR is created fine , but if the Folder(Files) have multiple excel sheet ,its is creating 1st PR right, but next PR's contains all the line item of 1st PR , 2nd PR and so on .can anyone suggest me where is the problem in codes.
    types : begin of x_file ,
            plant(4) ,
    types : end of x_file .
      data : str5 type char10.
      data : mm type char2.
      data : yyyy type char4.
      data : dd type char2.
      data : str9 type char10.
      data : str6 type char10.
      data : month type char2.
      data : year type char4.
      year = sy-datum+0(4).
      month = sy-datum+4(2).
      dd = sy-datum+6(2).
      yyyy = sy-datum+0(4).
      mm = sy-datum+4(2).
      dd = sy-datum+6(2).
      clear str6 .
      clear str5.
      concatenate  dd'.' month '.' year into str5 .
      concatenate  yyyy mm dd into str6 .
    DATA : file type rlgrap-filename .
    data : it_file type table of x_file .
    data : wa_file type x_file .
    data : it_header type table of x_file .
    data : wa_header type x_file .
    *&  Internal Table For Define Row and Coloum Postion
    data: col_start type i value 1 ,
          row_start type i value 2,
          col_end type i value 256 ,
          row_end type i value 65000 .
    *&  Internal Table For Retrieve  Data From Excel
    *data: excel_bdcdata like kcde_cells occurs 0 with header line.
    *data: excel_bdcdata1 like kcde_cells occurs 0 with header line.
    data: excel_bdcdata like ALSMEX_TABLINE occurs 0 with header line.
    data: excel_bdcdata1 like ALSMEX_TABLINE occurs 0 with header line.
    data: it_index type i.
    *&  Define Field Symbol
    field-symbols: <fs> .
    data :   bdcdata like bdcdata    occurs 0 with header line.
    data :   messtab like bdcmsgcoll occurs 0 with header line.
    data : req_items type table of bapiebanc .
    data : wa_req_items type bapiebanc .
    data : req_acc_asg type table of bapiebkn.
    data : wa_req_acc_asg type bapiebkn.
    *data : return type table of     bapireturn.
    *data : wa_return type bapireturn .
    data : number type ebeln .
    *****************************MOVE FILES******************************
    data : xsource type string .
    data : xdestin type string .
    data : destin1 type string .
    data : destin2 type string .
    data : sou_dir_name like SALFILE-LONGNAME.
    data : tar_dir_name like SALFILE-LONGNAME.
    data : tar_dir_name1 like SALFILE-LONGNAME.
    data : sou_filename like EDI_PATH-PTHNAM .
    data : tar_filename like EDI_PATH-PTHNAM .
    data : filename1  type string .
    data : tar_filename1 like EDI_PATH-PTHNAM .
    data : file_itab like SALFLDIR occurs 0 with header line.
    data : wa_file_itab like SALFLDIR.
    data : file_count type i .
    data : dir_count type i.
    data : dir_table like sdokpath occurs 0 with header line.
    data : file_table like SDOKPATH occurs 0 with header line.
    data : wa_file_table like sdokpath.
    data : strr type string ,
           str1 type string ,
           str2 type string ,
           str3 type string .
    sou_dir_name = 'D:\barcodes\files\'.
    tar_dir_name = 'D:\barcodes\files-success\'.
        "success folder.
        DIRECTORY  = sou_dir_name
        FILTER     = '.'
        FILE_COUNT = file_count
        DIR_COUNT  = dir_count
        FILE_TABLE = file_table
        DIR_TABLE  = dir_table
        CNTL_ERROR = 1
        OTHERS     = 2.
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    loop at file_table into wa_file_table.
    clear  :  strr , str1 , str2 , str3 .
      strr = wa_file_table-PATHNAME .
      concatenate sou_dir_name strr into str1 .
      concatenate tar_dir_name strr into str2 . " success
      concatenate tar_dir_name1 strr into str3 .         " failed
    FILE = STR1 .
    *&  Function For Retrieve Data From Excel
        filename                      = FILE
        i_begin_col                   = col_start
        i_begin_row                   = row_start
        i_end_col                     = col_end
        i_end_row                     = row_end
        intern                        = excel_bdcdata
       UPLOAD_OLE                    = 2
       OTHERS                        = 3.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    WRITE : / 'File Error'.
      loop at excel_bdcdata.
        translate excel_bdcdata to upper case .
        move excel_bdcdata-col to it_index.
        assign component it_index of  structure  wa_file to <fs> .
        move excel_bdcdata-value to <fs>.
        at end of row.
          append wa_file to it_file .
            clear wa_file.
    sort it_file by key1. "pur_grp maktx plant  .
    it_header[] = it_file[].
    delete adjacent duplicates from it_header comparing key1 pur_grp maktx
    plant .
    data : h_item(5) type n .
    data : h_pack(10) type n .
    data : line_no(5) type n .
    data : ln_no(5) type n .
    loop at it_header into wa_header .
    ln_no = 1.
    h_item = h_item + 10.
    h_pack = h_pack + 1.
    wa_req_items-preq_item = h_item .
    wa_req_items-doc_type = 'BOM'.
    wa_req_items-pur_group = wa_header-pur_grp .
    wa_req_items-MATERIAL = wa_header-maktx .
    wa_req_items-plant = wa_header-plant .
    wa_req_items-pckg_no =  h_pack .
    wa_req_items-deliv_date = str6 .
    wa_req_items-item_cat = '0'.
    wa_req_items-acctasscat = 'P'.
    *wa_req_items-distrib = '2' .
    **wa_req_items-gr_ind = 'X'.
    wa_req_items-ir_ind = '2'.
    wa_req_items-purch_org = 'TISL' .
    wa_req_items-QUANTITY =  wa_header-s_qty.
    wa_req_items-PREQ_NAME =  wa_header-req.
    wa_req_items-SUPPL_PLNT = wa_header-supl.
    wa_req_items-trackingno = wa_header-trackno.
    append wa_req_items to req_items .
    clear wa_req_items.
    wa_req_acc_asg-preq_item = h_item .
    wa_req_acc_asg-g_l_acct = wa_file-gl .
    WA_req_acc_asg-wbs_elem  = wa_header-wbs .
    append wa_req_acc_asg to req_acc_asg .
    clear wa_req_acc_asg.
    h_pack = h_pack + 1  .
    clear ln_no .
    call function 'BAPI_REQUISITION_CREATE'
       number                               = number
        requisition_items                   = req_items
       requisition_account_assignment       = req_acc_asg
       return                               = return .

    Can someone please give me sol........

  • Why does aperture convert my raw files to jpegs when I import them from iPhoto?

    Why does aperture convert my raw files to jpegs when I import them from iPhoto?

    It doesn't.
    When you import  Raw to iPhoto the app makes a jpeg preview of the Raw automatically. When you import from iPhoto then Aperture brings over both versions.

  • Automatic PO creation of free text PR

    We have all our PRs in free text since we are not yet using material master. One of our purchase organization will only order from one vendor and they will enter that vendor and price in the PR. Is it possible to create a PO automatically from that PR without a material or source list?

    Thank you very much. Is it possible to restrict the automatic creation to a certain purchase organization?
    If I understand you right:
    1) Create PR with item category D Service
    2) Activate automatic PO creation in ML91
    That will create POs for all PRs created as a service?

  • Problem during automatic PO creation

                I have run MRP for a certain material using MD03 .Message shows MRP run successfully.Then I checked the status of this by using transactions MD04 and it shows the PR no for that material.But when I want to create automatic PO through ME59n using that PR no , message shows no suitable PR exist.I have also set the Automatic PO indicator in Material master Purchasing view.
                 What is the reason behimd it.

    For automatic PO creation follow the below points.
    1) Material Master purchasing view tick automatic PO check box
    2) Vendor Master purchasing view tick automatic PO check box.
    3) Maintain Source list for Vendor & Material.
    4) Maintain Purchase Info Record.
    5) Create a Purchase Requisition.
    6) Use T.Code: ME59N & execute for PR for vendor, you will be able to create automatic PO.
    Ensure that Purchase Info Record should be there.
    If you have more than one vendor then fixe only one vendor in source list.
    Did you set source determination during PR creation
    Biju K

  • Error during automatic po creation ME59N

    Dear All,
    Following errors has been shown after automatic po creation by ME59N:-
    Message text Message Class Message Number
    PO could not be created
    PO header data still faulty MEPO 2
    Enter Validity End ME 83
    Enter Latest GR Date ME 83
    Can delivery date be met? ME 40
    Requisition could not be converted
    Please suggest how to solve above .
    with regards,
    Pradeep Bhardwaj

    From the messages it seems that system is expecting a Validity end date at PO header & Latest GR date at item level.
    Do you have these two fields as required in the PO??
    If these are required fields then you need to have process to populate them automatically (Programatically) to resolve the error.

  • SRM Classic - Automatic PO creation in R/3 only for PReqs based on catalogs

    Dear Experts,
    in SRM 7.0 Classic Scenario, i am facing the following question w.r.t. automatic PO creation on the R/3 side:
    Is it possible to have automatic PO creation in R/3 only for those purchase requisition items, that are based on shopping cart items from a third party punch out catalog?
    The idea is, that the requisitioner on the SRM EBP side shops in a catalog. Once the the SC is approved and the purchase requisition is created in the R/3 system, automatically a PO should be created based on that PReq. This would save the time for the buyer, who do not need to pay attention to this document, because the purchase from the catalog guarantees the buyer, that the already pre-agreed conditions are getting applied.
    But PReqs that are based on Free Text shopping cart EBP items must not be taken into account for the automatic PO creation.
    Is there a way to distinguish between the catalo-based and the non-catalog based PReq positions?
    Thank you.

    Hello Ashutosh,
    thank you very much for that idea!
    I would have the following question w.r.t. to such configuration:
    If i configure that the PO creation for complete SC should happen for a certain purchasing group, would it be somehow possible to arrange that when a Catalog item is put into the shopping cart, that only that certain purchasing group gets defaultet? (the idea behind this is, to leave the free text shopping carts to already known purchasing groups and to keep the purchase requisition as the backend object for this configuration. And additionally to create new purchasing groups, that should be linked to the catalog purchases and to POs as the backend objects).
    Thanks again for the help!

  • Error  during automatic PO creation by PR (ME59N)

    Dear All,
    Following errors has been shown after automatic po creation by ME59N:-
    Message text     Message Class  Message Number
    PO could not be created                   
    PO header data still faulty        MEPO               2
    Enter Validity End        ME              83
    Enter Latest GR Date        ME              83
    Can delivery date be met?        ME              40
    Requisition could not be converted     
    Please suggest how to solve above .
    with regards,
    Pradeep Bhardwaj

      to check the errors issued I suggest to try to create the PO converting the PR from transaction ME21N.
    I guess that some fields, mandatory for the PO creation, were not filled in the Purchase Request and could not be determined in any different way. If you can't maintain them on the PR you should set them as optional, if possible, in the customizing for Screen lay-out of transaction ME59N, under "Materials Management --> Purchasing --> Purchase Order --> Define Screen Layout at Document Level".
    Hope to be useful.
    Best regards,

  • Automatic PO creation

    I would like to know if we can process a PR with acct assignment K and item category D having limits by using ME59?If yes what are the pre-requisite conditions that will allow this?

    Automatic PO creation
    automatic po

  • Automatic PO creation from SC

    Hi Experts,
    I am using SRM 7.0 with extended classic scenario and I have issue in the automatic po creation. For some Shopping Carts the PO is not automatically created. The SC is having Source of Supply Assigned and all the approves have completely approved the SC.  The latest status is  I1111          Item in Transfer Process.
    I checked in RZ20, ST22 and could not find any error or dumps.
    For the SC item under BBP_PDBEI the BE_OBJECT_TYPE is BUS2201 and BE_OBJECT_ID 1, once I trigger the PO creation manually the PO object id is reflected here.
    For such SC I am running the report BBP_ALERT_SB_NOTTRANSFERED manually which puts the SC in I1112 Error in Transmission Status and later I can trigger the SC creation from the alert monitor.
    For POs created in this manner the PO is created in Held Status without any line items, is this normal?
    I have two questions which I want to understand, how is the automatic po creation from SC setup, is there any customizing involved for the po creation from SC to happen automatically?
    What else should I check to find the reason why the the SC was stuck in I1111 status and PO was not created?

    You need to configure the Purchasing group and this will take care of automatic transfer of Doc to sourcing cockpit. Make sure you also maintain the customization for sourcing always carried out for Prod categories.

  • Automatic Po creation With MB01 i am getting Error

    Hi ,
    While doing goods receipt for  Automatic Po creation i am getting error
    MM activated Automatic Po
    VM activated Automatic Po
    101 Mov Type is also activated
    Item 00010 of purchasing document 9999999999 does not exist
    Message no. ME706
    Purchase order 00010 with item 9999999999 was not found.
    Enter a different purchase order.
    i given  the Vendor and quantity  after entering error is coming
    Please help

    Pls ceck the points mentioned below.
    Define one of the purchase organizations as Standard Purchase Organization
    Assign your plant to Standard Purchase Organization
    Maintain purchasing information record with price
    Maintain the indicator for movement types 101 & 161
    Define Default Values (MB01) for Document Type
    Now you can enter a goods receipt without entering the purchase order number, a purchase order will be created automatically when you post the goods receipt. All such goods receipt will be valuated at the price maintained in the purchasing information record.
    First you can try this with T. Code MB01 if it is working then try with T. Code MIGO, if you face any error or functionality is not working check with your basis consultant some authorization or some patches may be missing. Ask him to apply all relevant patches.

  • Automatic PO creation (ME59)

    1) source list and purchase info records both are mandatory for automatic PO creation ? with missing data in either of one, can I proceed ME59
    2) if i have mentioned one material for two or more vendors in ME01 and ME11, which vendor will be assigned to PO

    Just to add make sure your material master IS TICKED for automatic PO creation and vendor record is also ticked.
    You should have a valid info record that consist of valid conditions.

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