Automation Open ?! What's this ? / Methods & Properties not there !

I'm wondering what's the use of the "automation open" ?
I'm currently using ActiveX, in order to display a chart coming from the
MSGRAPH 8.0 ActiveX. It seems to work properly, without using these
automation open. I siply put a container and use the reference given by this
container to use the properties & methods of this object.
Some examples found on the site do use this automation open, other do not !?
Other problem : Using the MSGraph Activex, I encounter problems with the
properties & methods : some are there, some are not, following the help file
given with this activex. I mean that the properties & methods usable in
labview are not the same of the which should be available
following the doc
of the activex. I'm currently using lv 5.0.
Last question : are there any NI guys there ? Simply asking.
Matthieu Gaillet [email protected]
Technicien R&D
Rue des Belles-Pierres 5
1421 Ophain

Oups... about the Properties & methods there or not there, I made a mistake.
All is good, sorry.
PS/ But the other question is still not clear to me !
Matthieu Gaillet a écrit dans le message :
[email protected]..
> Hello,
> I'm wondering what's the use of the "automation open" ?
> I'm currently using ActiveX, in order to display a chart coming from the
> MSGRAPH 8.0 ActiveX. It seems to work properly, without using these
> automation open. I siply put a container and use the reference given by
> container to use the properties & methods of this object.
> Some examples found on the site do use this automation open, other do not
> Other problem : Using the MSGraph Activex, I encounter problems with the
> pr
operties & methods : some are there, some are not, following the help
> given with this activex. I mean that the properties & methods usable in
> labview are not the same of the which should be available following the
> of the activex. I'm currently using lv 5.0.
> Last question : are there any NI guys there ? Simply asking.
> Matthieu Gaillet [email protected]
> Technicien R&D
> C.C.R.M
> Rue des Belles-Pierres 5
> 1421 Ophain

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    there is automatically-generated documentationthat's
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         WHERE =
         AND d.version = u.version
         AND d.design_date = u.rev_date)
         WHERE a.package = u.package
         AND =
         AND a.version = u.version
         AND a.timestamp = u.rev_date
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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iPod fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - If still not successful that indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.

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    Hello NVictor,
    You are prompted for your security questions upon the first attempt to make a purchase from the iTunes or App Store on a new device. This is for your security. However, if you do not remember the answers to your security questions please refer to the following article:
    Apple ID: All about Apple ID security questions
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    Try answering them at least once to see if you can get them right, even if you are not sure you remember the answers to your security questions.
    If you are confident you can't remember them, try one of the following:
    If you have three security questions and a rescue email address
         - sign in to My Apple ID and select the Password and Security tab to send an email to your rescue email address to reset your security questions and answers.
    If you have one security question and you know your Apple ID password
         - sign in to My Apple ID and select the Password and Security tab to reset your security question.
    If you have one security question, but don't remember your Apple ID password
         - contact Apple Support for assistance. Learn more about creating a temporary support PIN to help Apple confirm your identity when you contact Apple Support.
    If you do not receive the security question reset email, or need further assistance, please see the following:
    Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
    Matt M.

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    Hi Nikunj Shah,
    First, I suggest you download
    Microsoft Safety Scanner or
    Malicious Software Removal Tool to run a full scan.
    The error messages here seems to be caused by the corrupted registries, which related with the folder association.
    You may take a try to merge the following registry settings to reset the folder association, before that, remember to backup your registry settings first:
    How to back up and restore the registry in Windows
    Copy and paste the following commands into Notepad, and save it to a .reg file:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers\Library Location]
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers\Offline Files]
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers\Offline Files]
    Once done, right-click the REG file and choose Merge. Alternately, you can open the Registry Editor and then using the
    Import option from the File menu, to merge the REG file contents.
    Let me know if you need any further help.
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

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    I went to OWC's  website and purchased a new battery for this laptop.  It's in there now  and seems to be working fine.  The keyboard seems to be okay also and my  laptop is working perfectly normal.
    My question is what  caused it?  Was it some type of defect or just an old battery?  I  actually have 3 images that were taken of this battery.  The concern I  have mostly is will it happen again? I don't want to damage my laptop.   Is it possible fan related?  I think I can hear the fan running but it  doesn't seem to be very loud so I thought maybe one fan (if there's more  than one) went out or maybe it's not running as fast as it should.   Would this be a fan issue or something else that needs to be fixed?  I  have thought of making a Genius Bar appointment to have Apple check it  out but of course if it's nothing wrong with it I'd rather avoid the  appointment since it's a long drive to my nearest Genius Bar.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    The battery was old and it failed completely.  That is not that unusual.  Next time that you detect that occurring, replace the battery immediately.  If your MBP is working properly, there should be no problem and a trip to the genius bar is not warranted for that particular issue.
    A battery in a 2008 MBP should be good for up to 300 cycles, sometime more, usually less.
    Message was edited by: OGELTHORPE

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