AVCHD and Onlocation

I  have noticed some issues with onlocation cs5 and importing  avchd.   This  was  using  a canon HF21 camera.  
#1  you can import this  footage  directly into  premier pro and it functions just  fine but when you import into onlocation no video is seen - only audio.
#2 -  The  timestamp functionality and  automatch workflow does not  work with this footage either

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    DCIM contains only stills.jpg ...
    AVCHD is a highly complex file structure:
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    For editing with IEEE1394 (FireWire/i.LINK) DV equipment.
    Widescreen NTSC video (16:9 interlaced).
    48kHz (16 bit) audio.
    Drop-Frame Timecode numbering.
    Editing mode: DV NTSC
    Timebase: 29.97fps
    Video Settings
    Frame size: 720h 480v (1.2121)
    Frame rate: 29.97 frames/second
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: D1/DV NTSC Widescreen 16:9 (1.2121)
    Fields: Lower Field First
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    Sample rate: 48000 samples/second
    Default Sequence
    Total video tracks: 3
    Master track type: Stereo
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    Audio 1: Standard
    Audio 2: Standard
    Audio 3: Standard
    The final output of the two format (AVCHD and .AVI) should be Widescreen 16:9
    thanks again for help me.
    Message was edited by: Rolly\'91

  • AVCHD and DV

    If I use ClipWrap2 to rewrap AVCHD media to QuickTime, then use MPEG Streamclip to convert it to the Apple Intrrmediate Codec at 29.97fps with uncompressed 48k audio can I edit it with footage shot at the same event on minidv?
    If I can, will there be a significant difference? Can the client tell the difference?
    Please advise.
    Thank you in advance

    If you only have the MTS files from the AVCHD camcorder then yes you do need ClipWrap or MPEG Streamclip.  Sometimes outside videographers only give you the MTS files instead of the entire AVCHD folder from their camcorder.  If you only get MTS files then the only way for you to get the video into QuickTime/Apple Intermediate Codec form is to use Clipwrap or perhaps MPEG Streamclip - but you do not need to use both programs.
    If your videographer gives you the entire memory card from his/her AVCHD camcorder then as long as you have a memory card reader (SD card readers are built into some Macs) you can use FCE to import the video from the card same as if you were importing directly from an AVCHD camcorder.
    If you have an AVCHD camcorder you can connect it to your Mac via USB and use the Log & Transfer feature in FCE to import the video directly from the camcorder into FCE.  In this case, FCE will take care of transcoding the video into QuickTime/Apple Intermediate Codec.
    The problem with mixing AVCHD and DV footage is that they use different codecs, different resolutions and different aspect ratios.  AVCHD will be 16:9 but DV will be 4:3.  When you combine them in a sequence you will be faced with a number of decisions & tradeoffs as to which will be your primary video type.
    For example, you said you wanted to use the DV camcorder for wide shots.  But you will then have to enlarge (scale up) the DV video in order to cover the full 16:9 frame of the AVCHD video.  When you do this you will lose sharpness.  So, if you are using multiple cameras it is best that they all shoot the same kind of video (AVCHD) and use the same settings (frame size, frame rate, white balance, etc).

  • Working with AVCHD and MOV files

    I am just learning on FCP 7 and have very limited experience thus far. I have been using AVCHD files via L&T with no problem and also MOV files simply by importing them. However, when I am using both file types within the same sequence (L&T AVCHD and converting to ProRes and importing MOV), I need to immediately render one of the file types (the one I bring in last). This is also true for any change I make to that particular clip. This would be extremely time inefficient if I were to proceed with this process using several clips from both formats in order to put something together.
    I would appreciate any advice or suggestions in how I can best work with these two file types and by reducing the rendering time (without compromising quality). Is there a way to convert the MOV files to a ProRes? This doesn't seem to be an option with the L&T feature.

    Thank you for the reply, David!
    Sorry, it is an H.264 codec.
    So does this mean that there is really no workaround within FCP to work with the two different formats ....other than rendering each clip I drop into the timeline? I was hoping to avoid having to use another application, but if I really don't have a choice....then perhaps I will try compressor or MPEG streamclip as you suggested. Are there any loss of quality issues when using either of these two programs?
    Thank you

  • AVCHD and premiere problem!

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    Main problem is that I can't see the playback in realtime, it's laggy and Im getting pissed off.
    First of all, should I just covert these mts-files to some other format. I believe my computer can't handle those huge AVCHD files. The footage is for school movie so the quality should be good but it doesn't have to be the best.
    What sequence preset should I choose when I'm not even sure about the settings of the camera. I know its AVCHD and it was 25fps and 1920x1080 so do I choose AVCHD-> 1080i or 1080p or what? And how about then if I convert these mts to some other format, which setting do I use then?
    What format do you recommend? AVI??? Quicktime??? What should I do?
    Thanks for the help!

    Convert AVCHD to HDV
    or use Cineform Neo Scene http://www.cineform.com/neoscene/

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    It still shouldn't matter once you Interpret the PsF clips, however I have seen others reporting issues with PsF media, so...

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    Advanced High Definition (AVCHD) isn't supported by Apple.
    So the answer is "no". You can't really edit AVCHD anyway, and you need a firewire to import to iMovie.
    The cameras are awesome, I agree, but not suited for imovie.

  • AVCHD and iMovie 08

    Ok, I tried to do a search as to not clutter the discussion forums any more than they are.
    I am considering purchasing the new Canon HG10. It uses AVCHD. Now I know that there is a lot of dicussion on this. So .. here is my question.
    I understand the iMovie 08 imports it in and converts it to a Quicktime format of some sort. How does this effect it being "HD Quality"? Does it stay in the same size and quality? I know that AVCHD is a complicated compression but I just want to know if it impairs the quality a lot by this process.
    Also when burning these files do they burn in HD? IE: Do I still need to play them on a particular player or use specific media to burn them?
    I am sorry for the N00BIE questions but I am a Noobie when it comes to this stuff.
    Thanks for any information you can provide to me.

    Winston Churchill wrote:
    This couldn't be more wrong.
    AIC is lossless, indeed when converting your compressed AVCHD file, AIC decompresses it and stores each and every frame as a key frame (full quality) hence the large file sizes.
    That couldn't be more wrong! I thought I'd be original and change "this" to "that"! You probably shouldn't speak in absolutes, unless you are absolutely sure of what you are talking about and absolutely clear in what you mean. I'm not sure whether your understanding is at fault or your clarity in expressing yourself, so I will explain below.
    I'm pretty certain that you are mistaken about AIC being lossless. From what I have read, you are correct that AIC stores each frame as a key frame. However, you are incorrect in your assumption that a key frame is "full quality".
    There are two primary ways that video compression algorithms work - spatial compression and temporal compression. Spatial compression involves compressing the data in each frame. This is often done using a discrete cosine transform (DCT) algorithm and is lossy. Simpler video compression algorithms like DV only use spatial compression.
    Temporal compression schemes divide up frames into two types: key frames and predictive frames. There can be multiple types of predictive frames. The key frames are spatially compressed and occur throughout the video stream at regular or irregular intervals, depending on the format type. The frames in between key frames are drawn only by referencing the changes that have happened since the last key frame and the changes required before the next key frame. This greatly reduces the amount of data stored between key frames.
    MPEG-2, for example, utilizes spatial compression in the key frames (I-frames) and temporal compression in the form of P-frames and B-frames. AVCHD also uses both spatial and temporal compression schemes, although AVCHD (based on H.264) is much more advanced than MPEG-2 in the algorithm by which this compression is achieved. AIC on the other hand, only uses spatial compression and thus every frame is a key frame (a key frame, but still a compressed frame!).
    Where you may be correct (and where I may be incorrect) is in the conversion between AVCHD and AIC. The AIC codec is lossy, but the conversion between the two may be lossless IF AIC builds all of its frames directly from the AVCHD frames without decompressing and recompressing them.
    Here is where my knowledge begins to run dry. If you have a reference or link to an article that establishes that the conversion between AVCHD and AIC is a lossless conversion, then I happily concede that no quality will be lost in converting between AVCHD and AIC. However, if you cannot establish this, then I will continue to play it safe and assume that there is some quality loss in the conversion. Thanks for tuning in

  • AVCHD and Snow Leopard (I-Movie / Final Cut Express)

    AVCHD and Snow Leopard. I have been using Final Cut Express 4 and I-Movie 08 since they both came out. I have been using the same AVCHD camcorder (Cannon HG10) with both programs, and it has worked perfectly. Now I have installed 10.6 and 10.6.1 and now neither program will allow AVCHD transfer. Both recognize the camcorder but won't transfer.
    A little poking around on the internet and I discovered that Snow Leopard won't support AVCHD (http://www.shedworx.com/no-avchd-in-snow-leopard). Third party web site mind you.
    So far I agree it won’t work with AVCHD. Now since both programs were developed to use one of the most widely utilized formats in HD camcorders, again AVCHD, this accidental or intentional over site smells of Microsoft, not Apple.
    I like some of the features of Snow Leopard but for me the video aspect is one of the top requirements. Apple had been the leader in the multimedia revolution and this mis-step with AVCHD is it’s typical of Apple.
    I have just restored back to 10.5 and every thing is working again.
    Now that were around the block here is the question. If anyone can come up with a solution…that does not include the used of third party software to convert, please let me know.
    And to Apple, please fix this problem, I’m already hearing the complaints with QuickTime X, and seen the headlines, “Snow Leopard, is it Apples Vista?”.

    CAM2399 wrote:
    A little poking around on the internet and I discovered that Snow Leopard won't support AVCHD (http://www.shedworx.com/no-avchd-in-snow-leopard). Third party web site mind you.
    This is, to be polite, a misunderstanding. Shedworx are being careless with their terminology.
    1. SL itself does not support AVCHD, but neither did Leopard.
    2. AVCHD support is built in to the movie editing software (iMOvie, FCE, FCP), exactly as it was in 10.5
    3. I am happily editing AVCHD from my HG10 in iMovie 09 and in FCP, in exactly the same way I did under 10.5
    So you have a specific issue with your camera, you've taken that with some carelessness from Shedworx, and on that basis you've decided, incorrectly, that Apple does not/will not support AVCHD.
    There were many cases under Leo where people reported problems getting their camera to communicate with iMovie. Solutions include:
    1. Trashing iMovie preference files
    2. Repairing permissions
    3. Copying the AVCHD folder tree from the camera to disk, and importing to iMovie from there
    4. Using MPEG Streamclip to convert the camera footage before importing to iMovie
    5.Making sure the camera is running on mains power, not battery, and that it's in playback mode.

  • Project settings for mixing AVCHD and iPhone video

    It seems that getting the correct project settings is imporant to Premiere, but what if I would like to mix AVCHD video with iPhone 3GS video?  Which project settings would I select in this case?
    Thank you.

    This question aroused my curiosity and I tried mixing 1080i AVCHD and Nokia phone .3gp video on an 1080i AVCHD timeline in PE8 - the 3gp video played fine, the AVCHD video needed the timeline rendered to give a decent quality playback.  I realise that's different from iPhone video, but I'm simply suggesting that it's worth trying, and that project presets don't necessarily mean that only the preset file type will work.
    I have to say that this whole project settings thing is a mystery to me.  Why does a 1080i AVCHD preset make a better job of playing back 3gp video from the timeline than it does playing back 1080i AVCHD?  Weird. Why not just handle all that in the background (eg without asking the user for any settings at all, like one NLE here does, or simply setting the timeline to the first clip of the project (optionally) like another one here does?
    As for the comment earlier on about background rendering - here (after a day or so) it seems to be not a very useful thing.  Much grinding by the CPU for a very slow result.  To get the timeline to play smoothly it's much quicker to position the work area bar as required and hit "enter".  Also, one has to watch for the new analysis process, which once started seems to create an everlasting CPU intensive process even if you cancel it.  You have to keep a sharp eye on the process manager and see what's consuming CPU cycles (if you don't know already) and kill any apparently rouge Adobe-related processes by hand.  "Bmem" is your friend here, which is about the first thing I install on any PC of mine - badmofo.org/bmem is the site for this excellent freeware app.

  • New to avchd and hd formats since upgrading from Pre3 to Pre10 ???

    i have used Pre3 on XP with Mini-DV media for a long time now and am quite familiar with editing and exporting the edited videos to YouTube or to DVD. But now i have win7 64 bit, Pre 10 and a Sony XR160 HD camcorder and am now starting to shoot my videos on HD ( so far using the FX format of 1920x1080 / 16:9, 24 Mbps). editing on Pre10 is a little different and it is taking some to get used to but i did a small project fine but now i am confused about how best to output these HD videos. Should i save them as avchd and burn it to DVD or Blu-ray? or save them as some form of HD? can I burn avchd or HD onto DVD or Dual layer DVD??? or should i be getting a Blu-ray burner??? can you help bring me up to speed with all this new technology?

    As far as I know, you may not DIRECTLY go from HD to a DVD without down-rezzing the project (DVD resolution is FAR below HD)
    There is a way to put a LIMITED amount of HD on a DVD... you do, of course, need a BluRay player to play back HD
    BluRay image on a DVD http://forums.adobe.com/thread/871854

  • Prelude crashes whenever I try to scrub clips in ingest mode AVCHD and P2 clips

    Prelude crashes whenever I try to scrub clips in ingest mode using AVCHD and P2 clips.  Watch detailed video.  I even tried to use adobe media encoder to convert to P2 file format which is much easier on systems but it didnt work.  I have a good system i7 processor 3.2 quad core.  12 gig ram.  I also cant log the clips after I ingest. All adobe and windows updates have been done.  Please help.  Prelude is unusable.

    Not sure why Prelude isn't reporting that it needs to be updated but here are some links to update pages...
    Prelude 1.0.3 (Windows)http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=5498
    Premiere Pro 6.0.3 (Windows)http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=5484
    Adobe Media Encoder (Windows)http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=160&platform=Windows

  • Follow up from Real Pro thread - NTSC and PAL and AVCHD and FCE

    Interesting topic line but can I just check one thing out from PAL land.
    With an HD/AVCHD camera it is not recording in either PAL or NTSC as this is a analogue mode - so the issue issue of format is only relevant if i playback on a analogue TV. We have a digital tv so i record on AVCHD, deal in that format in FCE and burn to DVD (not sure in what format) play on DVD player through the digital TV.
    If that is all correct then why do the manufacturers, in my case Canon HF10, talk about an NTSC and PAL version and then price differently - comparing the spec sheets from the Canon site I can see no difference. Am I missing something?

    Hi Tom
    The thing i was trying to establish was whether really there was a difference (other than price ) in the so called versions of the Canon HF10. The specs are exactly the same. My assumption is that as the cam records in AVCHD unless you intend to play back thro a PAL or NTSC TV (bearing in mind most European PAL sets play NTSC as well) it makes no odds which camera.
    My plan- and this is what I need to check - is to record and import into FCE taking your advice not to record in the highest quality to save rendering on import. After editing can export through FCE to PAL or NTSC DVD version for playing on TV.
    Does that sound right
    PS I have found your book on FCE very helpful to date !!!!

  • What project preset do I use? AVCHD and DSLR footage being used in same sequence

    I am using a Canon DSLR T3i and Panasonic HC-X920. They can both shoot native 24p which is how I will be recording. When I set up my CS6, what project settings should I use? I want to mix the two sources on the same time line so I'm confused on how to do this because on the sequence settings I can only choose either AVCHD or DSLR. I want to do simultaneous multi-camera editing on the same timeline. So its not like I can set up two different sequences with different settings because I want to be able to cut back and forth within the same sequence while using both cameras.  (problem is... two different types of footage ).
    Thank you - Mark

    Thank you so much for your input. Yes, I should have been more specific when it comes to the frame rate; it is indeed 23.976 for the T3i as well as the Panasonic. I have mixed T3i footage recorded at 23.976fps and then tried to mix in a Canon hf-M41 (avchd) camcorder which records in 60i "supposedly". Although Premiere says it is 29.97 when I bring it into the editor. Anyways when I would mix these two formats it looked like crap. The preset was set up for the DSLR and the hf-M41 played like it was in slow motion even upon rendering and exporting. I would get the red line above my M-41 footage because it didn't match the preset settings. I would then render it thinking it would look right but...nope. I just bought the Panasonic HC-X920 today from BandH, it has a 30 day return policy so I will see how the T3i and Panasonic work together within Premiere. I purchased the Panasonic because the Canon M-41 footage looked so crappy when it was mixed with the T3i in the timeline(because of the different fps and interlacing). I used the Adobe Media Encoder but I got the same results of crappy slow motion jittery footage from the M-41 when I tried to convert it to a 23.976fps .MOV file. Since the Panasonic shoots native 23.976, the two "should" work better together. My only concern is the difference in codecs because the frame rate should be identical. I don't want to get that red render bar when I bring the Panasonic footage into the time that was set up for a DSLR  or vice versa. If I do I'm afraid of the obtaing the slow motion effect again. I must have the auto focus from a camcorder when I'm shooting on a jib or other tough moving shots like a steadicam.

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