B590: Einbau und Inbetriebnahme mSata SSD als Cache

Hallo liebe Forengemeinde!In den nächsten Tagen erhalte ich das B590 i3-3110m mit 4GB Ram und Windows 8.1. In Kurzform: Möchte mSATA als SSD Cache (30 GB) installieren im B590. Funktioniert das überhaupt unter Windows 8.1 (Update1)? Muss ich etwas im Bios umstellen oder macht das eine Software evtl. alleine? Was muss ich sonst noch beachten? Ist das von einem Laien zu bewerkstelligen (erlischen der Garantie)? Ich habe im Internet gelesen, dass der Laptop über einen mSATA Steckplatz für eine SSD verfügt. Ich würde gerne die Möglichkeit umsetzen, direkt zu Beginn (also bevor ich irgendwelche persönlichen Daten auf den Laptop bringe), sowohl den Arbeitsspeicher zu erweitern, als auch eine mSATA SSD einzubauen und diese als zusätzlichen Cache zu nutzen. So weit so gut. Ich finde widersprüchliche Angaben, ob SSD Caching nun unter Windows 8.1 funktioniert oder nicht, weiß das jemand aus der Community? Die Windows Version ist werksseitig installiert, auch hier scheint es widersprüchliche Informationen bzgl. SSD Cache und Partitionen auf der HDD zu geben. Was muss ich Software-seitig tun, damit das auch funktioniert? Hier habe ich etwas von Bios umstellen, Intel Rapid Start, Treiber installieren gelesen... Was ist da dran? Scheinbar gibt es einige Modelle des B590, die schon werksseitig mit Lenovo HDD Performance Booster ausgestattet sind, also kann es doch nicht so umständlich sein, das ans Laufen zu bringen, oder? Laut Hardware Maintenance Manual muss "nur" die Wartungsklappe geöffnet werden für den Einbau der SSD, erlischt dann die Garantie? Vielen Dank im VorausDennis

Dank dieses schönen Threads (vielen Dank an die Schreiber!) habe ich mich jetzt auch getraut, mir eine SSD einzubauen. :-) Mit meinem folgenden Bericht kann ich diese Entscheidung dem einen oder anderen vielleicht auch erleichtern. Meine Hardware: Lenovo B590 mit 8 GB RAM, Intel Core i5-3230M CPU, 1 TB Harddisk und Windows 8.1 x64. Eigentlich rannte das Gerät für mein Empfinden bisher schon mehr als schnell genug und ich bin mit meinem Notebook auch mehr als nur zufrieden, aber da die SSDs ja so schön billig geworden sind, dachte ich mir, kann ich es ja einfach mal probieren. Also habe ich mir eine Kingston SSD mit 120 GB gekauft. Typ: SMS200S3/120G. Sie kostet ca. 60 Euro und verbraucht im Betrieb etwas mehr, als die deutlich teureren SSDs (ca. 1,2 Watt gegenüber ca. 0,4 Watt bei sehr stromsparenden SSDs). Im Standby verbraucht sie aber auch nur 0,4 Watt. Und meist befindet sie sich ja im Standby. Außerdem spielt dies nur bei Akku-Betrieb eine Rolle, was bei mir selten der Fall ist. Ich habe die SSD nach der Anleitung von McMurphy1983 eingebaut (nochmal danke dafür!). Nach der Installation der Expresscache Software und zwei Neustarts tat sich aber erstmal gar nichts. Der Start war sogar etwas langsamer als zuvor. Bisher brauchte Windows 8.1 etwa 50 Sekunden, um betriebsbereit zu sein. Das ist etwas langsamer als üblich, weil bei mir der Schnellstart (Systemsteuerung\Energieoptionen\Systemeinstellungen) deaktiviert ist, da ich das System als Dual-Boot eingerichtet habe (ich habe auch noch eine Windows 7 Partition). Bei Dual-Boot muss der Schnellstart deaktiviert sein, da es sonst zu Datenverlusten kommen kann. Der Rechner startet also immer vollständig von Null auf, was etwas länger dauert. Nach dem zweiten Systemstart nach der Installation von expresscache sah die Statistik also noch so aus: ExpressCache Command Version
Copyright® 2010-2013 Condusiv Technologies.
Date Time: 6/14/2015 2:35:0:337 (AP_VU2_W8 #4)
EC Cache Info
Mounted                   : Yes
Partition Size            : 32.00 GB
Reserved Size             : 3.00 MB
Volume Size               : 32.00 GB
Total Used Size           : 78.25 MB
Total Free Space          : 31.92 GB
Used Data Size            : 1.25 MB
Used Data Size on Disk    : 69.00 MB
Tiered Cache Stats
Memory in use             : 0 Bytes
Blocks in use             : 0
Read Percent              : 0.00%
Cache Stats
Cache Volume Drive Number : 0
Total Read Count          : 57110
Total Read Size           : 1.52 GB
Total Cache Read Count    : 36
Total Cache Read Size     : 174.50 KB
Total Write Count         : 2842
Total Write Size          : 74.86 MB
Total Cache Write Count   : 4
Total Cache Write Size    : 36.00 KB
Cache Read Percent        : 0.01%
Cache Write Percent       : 0.05%  Ich war erstmal TOTAL enttäuscht, dass nur um die 0,01% aus dem Cache gelesen wurden und habe mich schon geärgert, dass es nicht richtig funktioniert. ABER DANN: Beim dritten Systemstart ist mir fast der Keks aus dem Mund gefallen. Plötzlich ging alles ratzfatz und die Statistik sah so aus:  ExpressCache Command Version
Copyright® 2010-2013 Condusiv Technologies.
Date Time: 6/14/2015 2:55:5:163 (AP_VU2_W8 #5)
EC Cache Info
Mounted                   : Yes
Partition Size            : 32.00 GB
Reserved Size             : 3.00 MB
Volume Size               : 32.00 GB
Total Used Size           : 5.11 GB
Total Free Space          : 26.89 GB
Used Data Size            : 5.04 GB
Used Data Size on Disk    : 5.10 GB
Tiered Cache Stats
Memory in use             : 1024.00 MB
Blocks in use             : 0
Read Percent              : 0.00%
Cache Stats
Cache Volume Drive Number : 0
Total Read Count          : 85801
Total Read Size           : 2.34 GB
Total Cache Read Count    : 71788
Total Cache Read Size     : 2.00 GB
Total Write Count         : 3310
Total Write Size          : 230.13 MB
Total Cache Write Count   : 2330
Total Cache Write Size    : 39.60 MB
Cache Read Percent        : 85.38%
Cache Write Percent       : 17.21% Mit über 85% Read-Cache kann ich mehr als gut leben! Die Systemleistung ist insgesamt auch VIEL besser geworden und das System läuft wirklich raketenmäßig.  Der System-(Kalt-)start dauert nun bis zur Betriebsbereitschaft etwa 12 Sekunden. Also nur etwa 25% der bisherigen Zeitdauer. Das ist ein wirklich sensationell gutes Ergebnis, mit dem ich gar nicht gerechnet hätte! Wie man sehen kann, werden für den Cache nur 30 GB der SSD benutzt. Eine 120 GB SSD hätte es also gar nicht sein müssen. Eine 60 GB bekommt man schon für rund 40 Euro und eine 30er für 30 Euro. Bei diesen Preisen und der dadurch erreichten Beschleunigung des Systems ist es schon fast dumm, sich keine SSD zuzulegen. Bei einem Dualboot-System sollten es natürlich 60 GB sein, wenn man die SSD mit beiden Betriebssystemen als Cache benutzen will. Und bei einer 120er kann man die übrig bleibenden 60 GB dann auch noch als zusätzliche, ultraschnelle Festplattenpartition für allgemeine Aufgaben nutzen. Da die SSD auch S.M.A.R.T unterstützt, wird man rechtzeitig gewarnt, wenn sie langsam dem Ende ihrer Lebenszeit entgegen geht. Der TBW-Wert beträgt bei der 120er SSD 337 TB. So viel kann man also insgesamt drauf schreiben, bis sie kaputt ist. Wenn man SEHR großzügig davon ausgeht, dass pro Tag 100 GB auf die SSD geschrieben werden, reicht die Lebensdauer also für über 9 Jahre. Ich denke, damit kann man gut leben. Ich benutze zudem das Freeware-Utility CrystalDiskInfo, für meine Begriffe das nützlichste Utility für die Festplatte. Es zeigt im Infobereich rechts unten die Temperatur aller Festplatten an und kann bei Übertemperatur oder Festplattenfehlern (S.M.A.R.T.-Problem) warnen. Bei der SSD zeigt es zudem die bisher gelesene und geschriebene Datenmenge an und kann auch zeitig vor dem nahenden Ende der SSD warnen. Der Status-Screen sieht bei mir z.B. so aus:  Wenn man hin und wieder mal auf diese Seite schaut, kann man anhand der statistischen Daten den nahenden "Festplattentod" meist schon rechtzeitig vorher erkennen und die Platte tauschen. Wie man sieht, werden bei SSDs zusätzlich besondere Daten erhoben, die Aufschluss über die bisherige "Abnutzung" der SSD geben. Viele Grüße, Volker

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    I'm posting this thread as a new subject to my unresolved subject here.
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    yes you should remove the rapidboot related softwares.
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

  • T430s mSATA SSD cache and new SSD?

    I just ordered a new T430s with a 500GB drive and the 16GB mSATA SSD cache.  A friend has now talked me in to replacing the 500GB drive with a Samsung 840 Pro 512GB SSD, though nothing has been purchased just yet.
    My question is:  obviously its dumb to have a 16GB SSD cache sitting in front of another SSD, yes?  So, what are my options?  Can I repurpose the mSATA SSD for something else?  Should I just pull it out?
    (And, yes, I should have thought of this before I placed my order.  Hindsight, right?)
    Thanks for your ideas/help/instructions!
    Best regards,

    Hello and welcome,
    You'll get a bunch of different opionions on this
    If you're going with a big SSD, you might as well just remove the mSATA device.
    I've taken a different approach with my T420.  Left the HDD in and installed a 256GB mSATA SSD.  The SSD holds the OS and the stuff that I want to be fast.  The HDD has less-frequently accessed data - and a backup of the SSD.
    The HDD is set to spin down when inactive.  Saves power and noise.  Mostly the machine just runs off the SSD.
    My $.02,
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  • How to add mSata SSD as HDD cache (for Windows 8)?

    I have T430 with HDD and Windows 8, 64.  I have installed a new 32 GB mSata SSD, but I cannot figure out a way to set it up as a cache.  
    I am aware of the solution where ExpressCache needs to be installed  but I have Windows 8 and the below link does not apply:
    I have also tried installing Interl Rapid Storage software.  It does show my SSD but there is no option to "Accelerate".  Googling points out that in BIOS I need to change SATA mode to RAID, but I only have Compatible and AHCI options there.  Installing latest BIOS and lates Intel Rapid Storage drivers did not help.  
    Any other options I might be missing?  Looks like it is either Lenovo publishes ExpressCache for Win 8 or adds IRS / RAID support in BIOS.
    Go to Solution.

    Ok, I have figured it out.  Turns out that ExpressCache link for Windows 7 works for Windows 8 as well.  After installing it I had to remove the volume from the SSD using disk manager and then run from the admin command prompt (can get there using Win+X key combo):
    eccmd -partition
    This command automatically found my SSD (again trick here is to make sure it is wiped clean first - not formatted and not partitioned).
    Now I can see the status and effectiveness of caching via:
    eccmd -info
    Impressive - about 60% of read operations right now are from SSD.  System is way more responsive and boots faster.  You can see even that HDD lamp lights up less frequently.  I definitely recommend adding an msata SSD if you have a HDD T430!
    PS. ExpressCache.exe which I assume is GUI does not start though, I had to use the command line.

  • 16GB mSATA SSD Cache

         I recently purchased a new HP Envy 700-300z desktop computer. All is well except for the following. With the purchase, I had the 16GB mSATA SSD Cache disk installed to speed up the computer. I could not locate any info in the instructions and was looking for third party software that was attached to this drive, like scandisk or conduit the owner of the software. Was there a software installed and if so where is it located or any other info that you may have.

    The machine uses the following technology:
    and software:
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    All this information is great, but not telling us what USB devices you're trying to use pretty much means we're shooting in the dark as to what the problem can be.
    They are right, drivers for Windows 8 are included with Windows 8 USB3.0. So there are no drivers needed.

  • How to setup mSATA SSD cache drive

    I've installed a mSATA SSD drive from Samsung in my X230i, but I cannot find out how to set it up as a cache drive.
    I've tried installing Intel RST. It found the drive and after formatting the drive, it said al was good, but it didn't work...
    Then I tried installing ExpressCache but that just said that their were no SSDs to be used...
    What top do?
    Best regards
    Go to Solution.

    so you followed this instruction?
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

  • X230: Questions regarding included 32GB msata SSD

    Spoiler (Highlight to read)
    Hi... I've got a couple of questions regarding the X230 offered in Singapore, which comes with a msata ssd:
    "Up to 5x Boost 32GB Micro Solid State Drive Outperforms 5400rpm Drive "
    I AM assuming this is a msata ssd?
    1) Given the limited size of this msata SSD (32GB), can I assume that only the operating system (Win 7) is installed here by default?
    What about the folders under "My Documents", "My Pictures" and etc. Are they also installed into the SSD by default? I tend to leave all my work documents in that file, and it fills up pretty fast.
    2) I assume that the recovery partition is still located in the 320GB SATA HDD(7200rpm)?
    3) When I do a recovery from the Lenovo rescue/recovery programme (from the recovery partition), will Win 7 install correctly into the SSD, and not the HDD.
    4) If I do a factory recovery using the recovery DVDs (which I will create as soon as I receive the x230), will everything be installed correctly? Windows 7 to SSD and recovery partition to HDD?
    Thank you for your time!

    the expressways software would make the 32 gigs mSATA a drive cache for the main HDD. Nothing is really installed on the mEATS, only files that are frequently used or predicted to be used frequently will be replicated on the mSATA.
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

  • Adding a msata ssd to l430 as boot drive

    Is it possible to clone my standard 320 GB HD to a msata ssd and put it in the pci slot on my Lenovo L430 and use that as the boot drive and use the 320 gb HD for storage?

    As Hemanth points out, the stock mSATA SSD as shipped (if your L has one) is too small to use as a boot drive.  The stock SSD is intended as a fast cache for the HDD.
    However, it should be possible to install a larger capacity mSATA drive and clone to that - or fresh install via recovery media or MS media.  This is commonly done with Thinkpads - mine included.
    The mSATA slot is dual-purpose:   WWAN or SSD.  If you have a WWAN card installed the slot won't be available for an SSD.
    Note that cloning will probably "kill" the local recovery partition.  It will still be there but not usable for local recovery - so it is essentially wasted space.
    Hardware Maintenance Manual
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  • Lenovo X220 Setting SSD as Cache

    Hello Champs,
    I know a bit of software & hardware but have been first time to the Caching thing so Need some Help.
    I had this X220 with Window 7 but i changed it to Windows 8.1 recently.
    In recent HP laptops i've seen they setup mSATA for caching for better speed from factory.
    Can i setup something like that for better performance.
    I know I can install windows separately on mSATA but that is only 32 GB not enough so i want the Cache type settings?
    P.S. I have 32GB mSATA installed in system as Unallocated as i didnt need it.
     I have read something here ANOTHER POST but couldnt get it work for myself

    Try this one http://support.lenovo.com/en_US/detail.page?DocID=DS035460,
    but x220 is absent in the compatibility list.
    x220 | i5-2520m | Intel ssd 320 series | Gobi 2000 3G GPS | WiFi
    x220 | i5-2520m | hdd 320 | Intel msata ssd 310 series | 3G GPS | WiFi
    Do it well, worse becomes itself
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  • T430s upgrading from HDD with 16G mSATA SSD to primary SSD - what to do with mSATA SSD

    Hi all,
    I am going to install a Samsung 840 pro 256G SSD to replace my HDD that came with my T430s.  It also came with a 16G mSATA SSD "cache" drive.  Once I install the primary 256G SSD, I think the mSATA SSD will be useless and only going to cause trouble. 
    My question is, can I just remove it at the same time as I swap the HDD and SSD or will that cause problems? Are there proper steps to follow in this situation? Will any info be lost if I just take it out?.....I figure not since it is just a "cache" drive which is not supposed to really store any  files.
    btw - my overall impression is that this mSATA "cache" thing has been basically useless and a waste of money.
    Go to Solution.

    My 16GB SanDisk U100 is giving a SMART error as noted by a variety of tools (Crystal Disk, SanDisk SSD Toolkit, Lenovo's boot diagnostics), and is failing and useless. I was thinking of replacing, but I have a couple of questions:
    Will ExpressCache work just as effectively if I get a 32GB mSATA and partition out 16GB for caching and the rest of data?
    Are bus transfer speeds any different if on mSATA vs. internal HD port? Meaning is internal HD on a faster bus configuration than mSATA?
    I also wonder by OP thought ExpressCache was useless. I also like the idea of getting a large mSATA such as lead_org mentions, but I wonder if it is more cost effective to just get a single 1TB internal HD with hybrid SSD technology...

  • Adding a SSD Disk Cache to my laptop

    I posted earlier on this topic and got an answer from Huffer.... Perhaps I misunderstood but the installation of the msata ssd is turning out to be more complex and more involved that i read into Huffer's response.  
    When I install the SSD and boot the system, I am not given an opportunity to choose which drive to boot from.  Instead the system tried to boot, fails, appears to take a dump, then tries again.   If I use the escape key and to go the OS Boot manager, it still does not offer an opportunity to choose the drive and fails, but this time says it is trying to do an automatic rebuld.  (or something along those lines).  At this point I interrupt it and force it to power down.  
    I have tried researching the question elsewhere and it appears that the AHCI mode that the system is operating in may be the source of the problem.  My Intel RST does not have the 'accelerate' option that I believe is necessary, and instead offers 'performance'.  Here's a link to one of the better posts I've found on the subject:  http://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/articles/How-it-W​orks-Intel-SSD-Caching-148/
    Early in the post you'll see for pictures of what the Intel RST should look like when adding your SSD.  The first picture shows it having five buttons with one of them being 'accelerate'  and notes the following below that image:
    "Launch the Intel RST software and click on the "Accelerate" button. If the button is not present, you either are not in RAID mode or one of the other requirements have not been met"
    I have found a setting in what passes for bios on a windows 8 system and it does offer the option of enabling raid.  My conclusion is that this is what I need to do to add the msata ssd to my system as a disk cache.  
    So... my question...
    Is my conclusion correct?  Or perhaps the answer is that my system does not meet some other requirement for using the msata ssd drive as a disk cache.  
    My system is an HP Envy Touchsmart  15-j003cl Notebook PC.   I have found reference in the device manager that it has the "Intel 8 Series / C220 Series Family Platform Controller Hub" and as I read a decription of the Hub there is hope that it does support what I want to do.  (http://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/​documents/datasheets/8-series-chipset-pch-datashee​...
    Any guidence would be appreciated.
    Thank you.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Yes, if i remove the msata ssd the system boots without problems.   .... well... sometimes it needs to finish up whatever it was doing first, but then it boots with the msata ssd removed.
    There is no optical drive with this system, but it has a sd card slot.  I used that and a 32 gig sd card to create the recovery media.  I do have a USB attached cd/dvd drive - and all the USB connectors are USB 3.0.  
    I'll enable Intel Rapid Start and give it a try.  I was wondering about that.  It already resume's pretty fast from hibernate and sleep but more is always better.
    How do I use the startup repair tool?  I would have to have the msata ssd inserted to use it, and the system will not boot to windows then.  My system also uses UEFI rather than good-ole BIOS since its newly minted with w8.  I suspect that is complicating matters.

  • X230: 16GB mSATA Solid State Cache Drive not found

    X230, Win8, 16GB mSATA SSCD installed (0B47309).
    However, during software installation of "lenovoexpresscache.exe" 1.0.94, installation aborts because it cannot detect the Cache Drive.
    Is it a driver problem or should I return the CacheDrive? (The CacheDrive is obviously not detected by the system but I'm not sure.)

    The software is only intended to be used on the mSATA SSDs that Lenovo sells.
    It is not intended to be used on your own mSATA SSD that you buy elsewhere.  If this is what you are trying to do, nobody can help you with that.

  • S430 mSATA SSD and Dual Boot

    Yesterday my Lenovo Thinkpad S430 arrived, I have some questions concerning dual booting Linux and Win 8 from the mSATA. I have a Crucial m4 128Gb with the current firmware 07MH which I want to want to install instead of the 16Gb mSATA SSD which is currently used for caching.
    For that I want to do a clean Win 8 install (I got the ISO and a valid serial) and presumably an current Ubuntu. Unfortunately I have no experience with UEFI and Secure Boot and that stuff. Is there anything I need to do, are there any problems with what I want to do?
    The current UEFI BIOS on my S430 is the GAET71WW (2.07), should I upgrade it to the current 2.54?
    Is there anything else I should know?
    Regards and thank you,

    If I'm reading Hemanth Kumar's post correctly, 16GB is the largest mSATA drive provided by and supported by Lenovo for use as a cache.
    I'd expect that you can use most any capacity mSATA drive in that slot for a primary OS drive.  It is frequently done with Lenovo laptops to install a large mSATA SSD - as I did in my T420, 256GB - and keep the HDD as a data drive.
    That said, I don't have specific experience with your machine.  It would be great if someone with specific experience would join the conversation.  Otherwise, I can only say it's probably OK.
    The large print: please read the Community Participation Rules before posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject line. Do not include personal information: serial number, telephone number, email address, etc.  The fine print: I do not work for, nor do I speak for Lenovo. Unsolicited private messages will be ignored. ... GeezBlog
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