Back-up ethernet/mounting issues

I am trying to do my first backup using the Time Machine. I have about 70 GB that needs to be backed up. I tried wirelessly over a four day period and after many hours would come to find a message that the backup had failed and was starting over. At that point I read the discussions and tried to use an ethernet cable. I've gone into Airport Utility and selected connect wirelessly. Now when I go to backup I get a message - Time Machine Error - The backup disk image could not be mounted. Any suggestions for what to try next?

Glad to hear that this got sorted; regarding the battery life, this can be a bit off for the first week or so after repair but tends to settle.
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    For both the Mac and a Windows PC, format it as 'MS-DOS'.
    Both platforms can read/write to it. A Windows PC is not capable of reading/writing to a Mac formatted (HFS, HFS+) disk without additional software.
    MacFixit has been covering some apparent USB issues which may or may not help you.
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    I think it's the disk. The fact that there are instructions regarding mounting issues specific to macs would tell me that they have had in the past problem complaints. Try it in your dvd player on your TV. Get another copy from the store and also get a copy of something else not Disney to see if that plays.

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    Below is a simplified example of the code I use to talk to the product. (there is only one loop...two loops are shown. One showing the True Cases, one showing the False cases.
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    Am I not closing the connection properly? Do I have to kill the connection ID in Windows somehow?
    Any ideas would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,
    Using Labview 8.2
    Windows XP
    Ethernet Issue.JPG ‏274 KB

    The code shown is a simple representation of what I'm doing.  I guess it wasn't clear.  The switch is connected to a shift register to compare the previous & current loops itterations and only opens one connection "on change" of the "Connected?" input.  (that is confirmed with Wireshark).  Also, the product tells me that I have made only one TCP/IP connection on each IP address.
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    (2) Any ideas how to fix it?
    (3) How much will it cost? It may be time to replace my 6-year old desk top computer.
    Thanks, Andy

    I've swapped out several cables still with no luck, and the current cable definitely has 8 pins and worked with my laptop, so I'm confident it's not the cable. Also, the Time Capsule seems to be OK, because it too worked with my laptop using the same port. The only variable that doesn't seem to be cooperating is my desktop computer.
    Also, I have tried to manually assign an IP consistent with the network & appropriate subnet mask. It seems to take the IP address manually, but still I can't get internet access, and can't ping the Time Capsule in network utility either.
    Finally, when I connect the desktop directly to my wall outlet, taking the router out of the equation entirely, network diagnostics shows ethernet failure...
    Does that sound like a bad ethernet card?
    What does it take to replace an ethernet card in an iMac G5?
    Cheers, Thanks, Andy

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    I have scoured the site to try and find a way to downgrade my iPod to what it was before 7.0.2 but cannot find anything.
    iTunes 7.0.2 has rendered my iPod totally useless. It was bad enough having a battery that was toasted and was glad to finally get that taken care of but now that I have a battery that works I have software that cannot mount via firewire and will not turn my iPod off and drains the battery. Plus with no way to go back to a previous version Apple has rendered my iPod useless.
    Help!... please.

    Hi Kenekeu
    I just wanted to chime in and bump this thread. Although I've posted here several times about this exact problem, with no solution found yet, and no response from Apple. I tried rebooting into windows (via bootcamp) and reformatting my ipod from there. However when I downloaded the older version of the ipod updater, i was told that it was expired and a newer version was available (sigh). So I now have a windows formatted ipod that still won't connect via firewire.
    I am still able to mount and transfer songs via USB in mac OSX. Luckily I had one of those dual usb/firewire cables, which plugs into the plug charger via firewire, and into the computer via USB at the same time, so my ipod doesn't lose charge.
    Hopefully there'll be a fix soon, because this is really frustrating. I've had this ipod for a couple years, and was always proud that it lasted this long... and now this.

  • Help! pc to new iMac - HDD not 'seen' on pc... ethernet cable issue too!

    Hi all
    I just got my new iMac a few days ago and I've tried the ethernet cable and my mac can see the folders on the pc but wont open them! (the original item cannot be found)
    my ethernet cable isn't linked to the mac now but I can still see my computer in finder... both have the wireless going.. how do I 'choose' the ethernet cable.. maybe that's why it's not working?
    I've now got a western digital Studio edition 500mb external harddrive - I've plugged that into the mac and all is well... I was hoping I could then plug it into the pc and drag all the files over (65gigs) and then I can transfer them to the mac.
    I've used the usb cable on the pc (doesn't have firewire) and the pc does nothing!
    I can't see it and I've tried clicking on the removable disc drives but it says there's nothing connected.
    I know that the HDD is formatted for macs but if I format it for pcs then will I have the issue of transferring the files to the mac after?
    I'm totally confused and this is driving me nuts!
    the only other option I have left is to burn billions of dvds with my images and music. sob I really don't want to do that!
    I would like to be able to sync my ipod and iphone to the mac and not qet my music wiped! and to get my old crappy pc off my desk.
    someone heeeeeeellllllpppp please... will be very happy to get this sorted! my poor little old brain is fried!

    Thank you!
    I literally just got the same info from a friend (he was away for most of the weekend) and I'm now in the process of copying the pc stuff onto the hard drive (after formatting)
    transferred one pic and tried transferring it the mac and it worked... YAY!
    so now back to transferring everything from the pc to the HDD now... gonna take a while but at least now I'm on the way off getting rid of the pc
    Thanks for your help and response.
    (very relieved!)

  • Unable to prevent Time Machine backing up volume mounted from sparsebundle

    I have a password-protected sparsebundle that contains my financial files, private data, etc, which I mount as a volume at startup. It's about 8GB. If I'm going to be away from my computer for a bit, I'll unmount the volume as an extra security measure.
    I don't need or want Time Machine to back up the files INSIDE the volume, just the sparsebundle itself. If I needed to access a backup of a file inside the volume, I'd rather just pull up an earlier version of the sparsebundle, mount it, and find the file in there.
    However, I've recently discovered that I can't exclude the mounted volume from Time Machine backups in the usual way - the volume name is greyed out when I go through the System Preferences/Time Machine pane, and won't let me select it to be excluded from backup.
    So what's happening is that TM is backing up the contents of the volume, which is showing up as folders on the TM backup drive. Inside these folders is the complete listing (and actual data) of all the files in my secured volume!
    Even if I UNmount the volume from my system, it's still possible to access the data via Time (and via Finder, on the TM backup disk).
    So, essentially, even though I've password protected the sparsebundle CONTAINING the data, all a person needs to get the data is to have access to my user account on my Mac, and they can get the data via the above methods.
    Is there any way to allow TM to back up the sparsebundle itself, but not the listing of the contents (and data) of the mounted image?
    It seems odd that I can exclude the volume contents from being indexed by Spotlight, but can't exclude them from being specifically backed up by Time Machine.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance!

    I have exactly the same issue. I cannot exclude the content of mounted disk images from my backup using the GUI (strangely on my other computer the content is not backuped).
    I have manually edited with a text editor the preference file (Library/Preferences/ today (I am using 10.6.3) and added in the SkipPaths section the mounting point of the disk image (typically /Volumes/NameofDisk ). So far so good. The corresponding folder appears in the backup but is empty.
    Use at your own risk

  • USB Disk Mount Issues

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    I solved it by making an Automator application. Using actions for Files & Folders I added the following:
    1. Get Specified Servers (You click add and choose the Airdisk in the left side of Finder)
    2. Connect to Servers (connects to the server that you chose in previous command)
    Thats it. Save the Automator work flow as an application. Put the app in your Applications Folder and add the app to your Login items in System Preferences > Accounts. Then your Airdisk will always be mounted after login without a Finder window pops up.

  • Macbook Pro cannot connect to Internet via Ethernet / Cosmetic Issues

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    Was the MBP working when you had the router?
    Also, did you power cycle the modem when you switched machines?  Most cable modems remember the ethernet MAC address of the computer that was last connected to it, and will not permit another machine to connect until the unit is fully power cycled (turned off and back on).  This is to enforce network provider policies of one computer at a time per account.  (Most ISPs want extra money for extra machines.)  The reason you can use multiple machines with a router is because the router performs some special functions to make multiple machines appear as a single machine to the outside world.
    *disclaimer* I am not now, nor have I ever been, an employee of Best Buy, Geek Squad, nor of any of their affiliate, parent, or subsidiary companies.

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