Background of entire application...

I was wondering if anyone knew of an easy way to keep the background color of my application all the same? i have a app that looks great on one machine but then bad on another because the "gray" that the numerous systems define as their system color are different and it throws off images amoung other things. I tried to go thru and change the background of each and every component but that is super tedious. I just thought I would check if there was a way to juts set it in one spot?
Thanks, Ben

I have had the same problem, solved like this:
I have a GUITools class with the following method:
public static void setupUILnF()
        //Make sure we have nice window decorations.
        javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(new myTheme());
          //The constants are defined as public static final colors & fonts
     }here is the myTheme class:
public class DropmanTheme extends DefaultMetalTheme
    private final ColorUIResource primary1 = new ColorUIResource(0,0,0);
    private final ColorUIResource primary2 = new ColorUIResource(20,20,20);
    private final ColorUIResource primary3 = new ColorUIResource(GUITools.DARK_BLUE);
    private final ColorUIResource secondary1 = new ColorUIResource(100,100,100);
    private final ColorUIResource secondary2 = new ColorUIResource(GUITools.DARKENED);
    private final ColorUIResource secondary3 = new ColorUIResource(GUITools.BACKGROUND);
    private final FontUIResource controlTextFont = GUITools.DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT;
    private final FontUIResource userTextFont = GUITools.DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT;
    //public ColorUIResource getPrimary1() { return primary1; }
    //public ColorUIResource getPrimary2() { return primary2; }
    //public ColorUIResource getPrimary3() { return primary3; }
    //public ColorUIResource getSecondary1() { return secondary1; }
    public ColorUIResource getSecondary2() { return secondary2; }
    public ColorUIResource getSecondary3() { return secondary3; }
    //public FontUIResource getSystemTextFont() { return ; }
    public FontUIResource getControlTextFont() { return controlTextFont; }
    public FontUIResource getUserTextFont() { return userTextFont; }
    //public FontUIResource getWindowTitleFont() { return ; }
}I have some turned off coz I didnt pick the colors yet.
peace out

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    Hi pars,…
    In this link also i struck in
    In page 10  of that document
    The application is now ready to be translated. Everything is in place to run it in any language imaginable.To ca ll the application in another language, change the URL of your application to the following:
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                   <s:HorizontalLayout verticalAlign="middle" />
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             <mx:VRule height="12" strokeColor="#003366"/>
             <s:Label text="Customer Service 888-744-6483" fontSize="12" color="#003366" />
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    Hi Frank, thanks for your reply.
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    If this is not the correct forum to pursue this issue, where, or with whom, should I?
    Many thanks,

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    Then trash the files in the Folder PSAutoRecover/… on your Scratch Disk.
    If that doesn’t help try restoring Preferences after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved: t-issues.html

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    Hi BalusC, thanks for your response!
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    2. Another user logs in and visits a different page in the same application. This page contains a bug.
    3. The application serves the error page to this user as an unhandled exception was thrown when processing the request.
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    You mean take the cover off of the iPhone, to look inside?  I'd recommend against it.  Even with warranty expired, you might qualify for an out-of-warranty service, which for 3GS is $149.
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    ""Error : Background synchronization of application did not succeed, because of : java.rmi.RemoteException: Error occured while synchronizing application . Committing deploy to container - EJBContainer ID020230 Cannot load bean , because Exception occured in object instantiation: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/bcb/common/InternalException
      Synchronization of all applications completed! 
    We don´t know how to solve this error.
    Please can you give me any atditional information.
    Thank you very much in advanced.

    Maybe, mention the OSS note in case it solved the problem.

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    Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi, Novian,
    An option that come directly to mind is to check for the specific page to be locked down in onRequestStart of your Application.cfc.
    This approach is relatively easy to implement but may not be the best approach (don't know how it might affect performance or something else). Basically, use a conditional in your onRequestStart method to see if the page being requested by the user is the page that needs to be secured. Something along the lines of:
    <cffunction name="onRequestStart">
         <cfargument name="target_page" />
         <cfif target_page is 'super-secure-page.cfm'>
              <!--- security stuff --->
    There are, of course, other options but this was a quick and easy one that came right to mind.

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    I have read the rfcexec.sec file needs to be in the .\work directory on the application so I have this in place.
    This is what gets written to dev_w0 when the failure occurs :
    M  *****************************************************************************
    M  *
                                                                                    M  *  LOCATION    SAP-Gateway on host <APP_SERVER> / sapgw75
    M  *  ERROR       timeout during allocate
    M  *
                                                                                    M  *  TIME        Fri May 30 11:20:34 2008
    M  *  RELEASE     640
    M  *  COMPONENT   SAP-Gateway
    M  *  VERSION     2
    M  *  RC          242
    M  *  MODULE      gwr3cpic.c
    M  *  LINE        1795
    M  *  DETAIL      no connect of TP sapxpg from host <CENTRAL_INSTANCE.domain>
    M  *              after 22 sec
    M  *  COUNTER     483
    M  *
                                                                                    M  *****************************************************************************
                                                                                    A  RFC 1446  CONVID 48742194
    A  RFC> ABAP Programm: SAPLCRFC (Transaction: )
    A  RFC> User: <USERNAME> (Client: 300)
    A  RFC> Destination: %_TCPIP_%1 (handle: 2, , )
    A  RFC SERVER> RFC Server Session (handle: 1, 48741194, {C4A35AF0-2F4C-4E36-98C3-9999A6FE99D7})
    A  RFC SERVER> Caller host: iblonc4306_P75_75
    A  RFC SERVER> Caller transaction code:  (Caller Program: RSBTCXPG)
    A  RFC SERVER> Called function module: SXPG_STEP_COMMAND_START                                
    I'd really appreciate any suggestions on how to fix this issue??

    Hi Siddhesh,
    Thank you for your prompt response. I'm confident all of the prerequisites are set correctly.
    I have enabled the trace on SAPXPG but its only writing to the log dev_cp and dev_xpg when the command is executed successfully.
    For example, if I use SM49 to run the External command from one of the Application Servers dev_cp & dev_xpg  are updated and the command completes successfully. However if I run the job (that has the external command as a single step) from SM37 it fails and doesn't log anything to dev_cp or dev_xpg??
    Is this normally how the trace would work?
    Thanks again,

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    I have a feeling that when I set up my settings, I somewhere marked the "hard settings" or "default" background color to print in WHITE…which is somehow translating to gray when I print (this is just a guess.) I am thinking that a setting of mine  is off yet I have no idea where to change it.    If I open a new doc, specify that I want the background transparent, it will print without the gray box!  However, if I open an image and simply hit "print" - the entire page is gray - which is wasting tons of ink.  Creating the new doc and placing the image on that doc and then printing it is a fine temporary solution to the problem but it is not conducive to my business.  Anyone with any knowledge on this  situation would be a lifesaver.   Happy to provide any additional details needed!!!
    Please offer any insight you have - this has been driving me crazy for weeks!!
    Thanks in advance.

    The troubleshooting steps in the document here may help resolve the alignment pages printing on your Photosmart c4485 printer.  Do both cyan and black print properly on the alitnment page?

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