Backing up to CD

Will the iBook back up a multiple cd file onto cd itself or do I need a third party app to do this? I want to back up my iPhoto library onto cd, it's already on an external drive so I want something permanent(mostly). Will the native software do this, or do I need a backup program?

Apple's Backup application that is included with a .Mac subscription will back up your library over multiple discs. So will the disc spanning feature in Toast 7. A third option is Retrospect or Retrospect Express which span backups across multiple discs.
One advantage of Toast 7's disc spanning is the files are visible in the Finder from any of the discs, so they aren't hidden in a backup archive that can only be accessed by the backup application. MacMall has an excellent deal on Toast 7 right now.

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    I sorry for your experience, but there is no way to recovery the data encryped by BitLocker untill now.
    BitLocker is designed to make the encrypted drive unrecoverable without the required authentication. When in recovery mode, the user needs the recovery password or recovery key to unlock the encrypted drive. Therefore, we highly recommend
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    Please refer to the link below for the statement:
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Sync is only oneway, from PC to your device. Unless you have the music on your PC, iTunes is going to wipe out what you have on your device if you are syncing to a new library.
    You can only transfer Purchased music over to Itunes on your PC.
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer
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    8/29/2014 7:15am
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    Saved Cache: 1 0: Evenet Id level 326.
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    Under System below:
    1) Name resolution for the name timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded.Event level  1014
    2) Intel(R) 82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection
     Network link is disconnected.
    3) The system has returned from a low power state.
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    Wake Time: ‎2014‎-‎08‎-‎29T13:13:47.945773100Z
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    Now I need help with all these error since Windows 8 with maybe 15 applications is failing after no setup errors? What would cause these we need to find out? Since I can not use your product with so many developer errors? and to put out a products that doesn
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    {removed}.  I need a tech to help me get my web server up?

    So now you don't release the security breaches in windows 8. You mean to tell me that you can use Powershell - Using WMI to breach security in VB apps on the web by getting my file structures?
    What is this all about?
     1 Set VPN NIC Settings
        2 Get Network Data from servers
    Set VPN NIC Settings
    $error.clear | out-null
    $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
    if ( $Args.Count -ne 1 ) { "
    Not enough arguments
    Usage :
        script.ps1 server
    "; exit }
    $server = $Args[0].ToLower()
    "We are working with $server"
    $netAdapt = get-wmiobject -class Win32_NetworkAdapter -computer $server
    if (!($netAdapt)) {  
        "Failed to connect to the target server!"
    foreach ($card in $netAdapt) {
        IF (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($card.NetConnectionID))) {
            if ($card.NetConnectionID.CompareTo("VPN Virtual NIC") -eq 0) {
                $myID = $card.DeviceID
    $NAC = [wmi]"\\$server\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.index='$myid'"
    "Setting DNS Toggles"
    $dnsToggle = $NAC.SetDynamicDNSRegistration(0,0)
    if ($dnsToggle) {
        } else {
    $strShowNicKeyName = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\$guid\connection"
    $reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $server)
    $regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey("$strShowNicKeyName",$true)
    $showIcon = $regKey.GetValue("ShowIcon")
    if (!($showIcon -eq 1)) {
        "The icon is hidden.. Setting it now"
        $setIcon = $regKey.SetValue('ShowIcon',1,'DWORD')
       } else {
        "The icon is visible already."
    "Script Ends"
    Get Network Data from servers
    $myfile = get-content servers.txt
    echo "Server    IPs    Subnet    GW" | out-file "Results.txt" -Append
    foreach ($server in $myfile) {
        Write-Host "Looking at $server"
        $colitems = Get-WmiObject win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -computer "$server" -Filter 'IPEnabled = "True"' | select ipaddress,ipsubnet,index,defaultipgateway
        foreach($objItem in $colItems) {
        Write-Host ""
        $myip = $objItem.IPAddress -join " "
        $mySubnet = $objItem.IPSubnet  
        $myGW = $objItem.DefaultIPGateway
        $temp = $objItem.index
        $myid = Get-WmiObject win32_NetworkAdapter -computer "$server" -Filter "index = $temp" | select  netconnectionid
        $myid = $myid -replace "@{netconnectionid=",""
        $myid = $myid -Replace "}",""
        echo "$server    $myip    $mySubnet    $myGW    $myid"
        echo "$server    $myip    $mySubnet    $myGW    $myid"  | out-file "Results.txt" -Append
    Is this possible on any machine with power shell and if so how is access done?
    William Dunlap

  • Most of my equipment has toasted, and I need the data back.

    I must have been a very, very bad person in a past life. This week has been more technologically harrowing than I'd thought possible.
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    If an external case is feasible, can someone give me specs for what to get? I'm hoping it's affordable, though I'd also look for one to borrow.
    If it isn't feasible, would someone please shoot me now?

    Hi A,
    Just one thought to add: I would get a FireWire enclosure so if you ever want to clone an entire HD on a Mac, you would then have a secure backup which was also able to boot said Mac.

  • Back up using time machine and external hard drive

    I am having a difficult time deciding the best way to back up important documents. 
    I have:
    1TB internal hard drive
    3 TB external hard drive and
    1TB external hard drive
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    Should I put ALL (or nearly all) of the files on the 3 TB external hard drive, and have time machine back that up and not worry about the rest? I'm a little weary about putting all of the files on one device even if it is backed up by TM. 
    If I do this, do I need to back up the 3 TB external drive in addition to using TM?

    OS X 10.6.8

  • Data Back Up Plan

    My internal hard drive, 320 GB, 'fully loaded', on my 2 year old imac crashed 10 days ago.
    Since I had the extended warranty, the 'local' Apple store replaced the internal drive within hours
    at no charge and even loaded Snow Leopard and iLife. With a well updated TimeMachine on an external hard drive I was back working at my imac the next day. When I realized after the crash that my precious 250 GB of pictures in Adobe Lightroom and iPhoto, along with a few videos were saved on just one older Maxtor external hard drive, it made me think about a more solid back up procedure.
    The idea now is to move all big volume files to one or more external hard drives.
    In the meantime I have transfered the iPhoto and Lightroom files to an external hard drive (WD MyBook II, 2x1 TB in RAID 1), which gives me the first layer of back up:
    In a second step I am planning on making a clone (with SuperDuper or CarbonCopy) of the internal hard drive (mainly operating systems and applications) and the external hard drive (all big data files) on one additional external hard drive, i.e. OWC Mercury Elite AL Pro Raid 0, 2 TB
    I am looking for advise here:
    Do SuperDuper or CarbonCopy (I only know the names from the discussion forums) allow me to make a clone from 2 separate hard drives
    Would it be good practice to create a large clone of ultimately 2 TB with ALL files or wouldn't it be better to make 2 clones , one of the internal and one of the external drive.
    TimeMachine had helped me to get back to work quickly after the crash. I expect to fill the WD 1TB drive rather quickly. Where should I plan on using Time Machine in my new back up plan?
    Would appreciate comments and advise.

    reckling wrote:
    Do SuperDuper or CarbonCopy (I only know the names from the discussion forums) allow me to make a clone from 2 separate hard drives
    No. A clone is of your boot volume only. But those apps can make separate backups of multiple drives, either to multiple drives or to separate partitions on the same drive.
    Would it be good practice to create a large clone of ultimately 2 TB with ALL files or wouldn't it be better to make 2 clones , one of the internal and one of the external drive.
    2 is not only better, but your only option with CCC or SD.
    TimeMachine had helped me to get back to work quickly after the crash. I expect to fill the WD 1TB drive rather quickly. Where should I plan on using Time Machine in my new back up plan?
    There is no "right" answer, just a number of possibilities. Some thoughts:
    You could use TIme Machine to back up both your internal HD and the WD set to the OWC, if it's at least twice the size of the data on both. It looks like it can be configured as a +Concatenated RAID set+ (both drives into a single 2 TB volume), so that should work well.
    Or use TM to back up your OSX drive, and CCC or SD to back-up the media drive.
    The CCC or SD backups usually aren't practical to run more than once a day, so consider them your "secondary" backups.
    Also strongly consider getting something off-site (safe deposit box, workplace, relative's house, etc.), so you're also protected against fire, flood, theft, direct lightning strike on your power lines. Portable external HDs are great for that. Some things may even be appropriate to take to DVDs.
    The problem with that is, there aren't many portables over about 640 GB (LaCie has a 1 TB for either $300 or $400:
    CCC is donationware, so you can use it free for a while. If you decide to keep it, send them some $$ so they can keep it up to date. SD has a free version, but to do updates (rather than a full replacement) or automatic scheduling, you need the paid version (about $30). Either is available via Google,, or

  • Should I Give it Up and Go Back To Tiger?

    That's the decision I'm wrestling with right now. My issues are not legion. Mostly they revolve around three things: Stability, Usability and Speed.
    I get odd freezes and random program crashes that have now twice resulted in having to push the power button to reboot. The mouse moves, but nothing works, no menus, can't even bring up the Force Quit window to quit an offending app.
    In one day Mail crashed over-and-over until I could no longer use the computer and shut down and pulled out my PowerBook to send an email! After rebooting and fsck'ing and repairing Permissions the problem seemed to go away, but I have way too many crashes of even Apple programs that ought to be playing nicer with Leopard.
    I also get a LOT more bouncing beachballs with Leopard in almost every app than with Tiger. Although my main Mac is not Intel or even G5, I should still be well within the system requirements for Leopard with a dual 1.25GHz G4 with 1.75 GB of RAM. My system drive has over 100GB open (I have four internal drives equaling 1.3TB) and I keep all of my software updated.
    I do have one 2nd party PCI USB 2.0 card that doesn't require drivers and it works, but I haven't tested Leopard without that card, but I do have USB 2.0 devices that I need to run, so that alone would require a step backward if I couldn't run the USB 2.0 card because of some odd compatibility issue.
    Two things just irritate the heck out of me and one is a minor irritant that I probably just need to learn more about
    One is the lack of hierarchical menus in the dock. Unlike a lot of people I like Stacks, but I'd like to have the option to go seamlessly from a Stack to a hierarchical menu.
    The other is the inability to put a custom icon on a dock drive or folder. I have to create a dummy folder, put a blank space at the front of the name and use it as the icon for the item, but even then, all those icons behind it clutter up the look of the folder/drive and thus, the dock as a whole. There should be an option for having a SINGLE clean icon without going through odd gymnastic to get one!
    I have a very small issue with the behavior of Spotlight. In Tiger, a Spotlight search's results were displayed in a more quick and orderly way, at least that how it seems to me. In Leopard when you click "show all" although it categorizes them as I have it set up in Spotlight's preferences, there isn't a clear delineation between classifications and there is no "info" button to quickly see the path and general info for the file. To see info you have to right click and choose "Show Info" unless I am missing something.
    However, the addition of Boolean logic categories by option-clicking the plus sign or clicking to add categories to the search rules negates a lot of my gripe about Spotlight. I'd like to see it be as responsive as Tiger, but it's hard to argue with the ability to drill-down to exactly what you're looking for.
    But, Spotlight is also MUCH slower than Tiger's Spotlight which leads me to:
    As mentioned, I have one of the fastest G4s and a dual processor to boot and I'm nearly maxed on RAM, so you'd think Leopard would run faster, but there is a general lag in usability across the board. Not a killer lag, but noticeable and the aforementioned beachballs pop up enough to add even MORE of an irritating lag to the process. I find myself hitting "Force Quit" a LOT more often and seeing "'program x has stopped responding" in the Force Quit menu.
    I like Leopard. There are some nice features that truly do improve the overall utility of the OS, so I think it's a good release, but there are just too many issues for me now, maybe because of my G4 PowerMac, it seems to have fewer issues (except for the speed thing) on my FW 800 Powerbook, but for now I want fast and logical and Tiger is all that.
    I will return to Leopard if I step back because it's just too good an update to ignore and it is after all, the future of Macs, but right now Leopard is killing my productivity. On more than one occasion I've lost data before saving when a crash happened and that was a VERY rare occurrence with Tiger.
    Message was edited by: joeldm

    Thanks for the responses!
    I always do a clean install, backing up, formatting the drive, etc. I find it reduces the number of issues overall.
    I was going to do a dual-boot setup with Tiger originally, but I've had such good luck with OS X updates that I wasn't concerned. But since I've had these problems, I hadn't revisited that option so, since I eventually will return to Leopard that may be a good solution.
    However, I just read elsewhere after writing this as one of you mentioned, that the 10.5.2 update is slated to be a big release with a lot of fixes, so that may be worth the wait before doing anything precipitous.
    There is one very odd thing, though . . . I have an iPhone and while I could sync without a problem initially, recently I've had some issues syncing until now I can't sync at all. I took the iPhone in and they swapped it out for a new phone, but I came home and had the same issues, so before returning to the Apple store I tried it on my PowerBook (running Leopard) and sure enough, it synced with no issues!
    So I'm wondering if there isn't some problem that may be hardware-related that is causing me to have more issues on the PowerMac side than on the PowerBook side? I think I need to strip the PowerMac down to its original components, basically unplug everything but the keyboard and mouse, remove that USB card and see what happens.
    It ran fine under Tiger so I'm not happy about having to do this, but hey, it's the price of progress and at least it's not that "other" OS!
    BTW, I think it's funny how some tech writers are trying, straining to compare the issues that some of us are having with Leopard with the Vista release which was an unmitigated disaster!
    I'm content to work through it until I find the same stability I had under Tiger with this new cat . . . let's hope the new update does the trick. Anyone heard a release date for 10.5.2?
    Thanks for the suggestions!

  • SoundTrak Crashed!! How I got my data back.

    If you get the beachball during a record, by what could be the screen saver kicking in or the disk drive going to sleep (all of which should be disabled to start with), then you might get a file which shows size and a good time of creation, but it won't play or show a waveform. In fact even Audacity won't touch it.  Here's how to recover the data. Hopefully you know your settings you were using, aka 48khz, 44.1 etc.  For the sake of this post, I used 24bit 44.1khz AIFF sample rescue information.  Bear with me.
    First locate your bad file in the soundtrak pro recordings folder. Duplicate it. Note its size. Take the copy and get it to the desktop. Do not muck with the original.
    Download the 0xED (thats the name) hex editing app.  You can also have a dupe file of a working file from an earlier session. Your going to want to copy it as well and put it on your desktop. You'll need the header info from it.
    Open your known good file wih 0xED. Highlight and copy from the beginning of that file address 0000000 thru 0000FF7 with a contrl C on the keyboard.
    Open your bad file copy. They can both be opened at the same time.  Highlight those same addresses and contrl V that data into your bad file.  Pay close attention thats all you changed. Nothing should have shifted anywhere else. If you screwed up, cntrl Z out of that and try it again until it looks like a clean paste. Yes the data is going to be different in your paste operation as thats why your file is hosed to begin with. Hopefully you just now patched your file.  SAVE the potential repaired file using the save icon in 0xED. Open our repaired file
    with Audacity, or SoundTrak Pro. You should have a workable file now.  If not, go back and try again as perhaps you messed something up or didnt save the repair properly.  Its crucial you use data from a good file of the same settings to fix the bad one. If your not sure of the settings you used, try a couple possibilities. Most people use the same settings with only a few variations so your choices should be few hopefully. NOTE: To test your file, close out all instances of the bad file in Sountrak Pro or your new file won't chck out if it is indeed fixed. DO a fresh load of your new file into a freshly started Sountrak Pro or Audacity.
    What else have I used? I used SoundHack a few times. Its a bit strange and clunky. The results are hard to nail down. I ended up with a file that played like MickeyMouse but I was able to use Audacity to cut the speed down by 50% and save the audio.
    The problems I encountered to get me to this point were as described in the beginning of this write up. I had the beachball. One time Sountrak just quit without warning. Again, the data was there but just wasnt closed out properly.
    I hope this saves someone from a disaster. It saved me. I never gave up.
    P.S.  Here's the data for an AIFF 44.1k 24 bit good file if it can be of use. You'd want to place it right over your bad file in 0xED. No guarantees. Make sure your muckng with a copy and NOT your original file...... (yes thats 4C twice, thats not a misprint)
    464F524D0A90582741494646434F4D4D000000120001000000000018400EAC44000000000000464C 4C5200000FC20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 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0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0
    Message was edited by: johnnyU  by all means drop me a line if this helps anyone. I'd love to know.

    if you did not do a back up of your phone and memory card there is no way to get back the information. you can't roll back anything the memory or firmware once done is done for good. sorry i know this is not good news
    You know what I love about you the most, the fact that you are not me ! In love with technology and all that it can offer. Join me in discovery....

  • Help Needed: Returning Back to Windows 8 after downgrading to Windows 7

    Hi guys, im just new here.
    I have a MSI GE40 gaming laptop which I bought 2 months back.
    Within those 2 months of usage, I always encounter my laptop to be very slow in shutting down. It always take, maybe up to 10 minutes to fully shut down. The screen goes black but the power button stays on orange color, & as I said, it takes a long time  for the power button to be completely unlit. But for start up, its blazing fast.
    Thinking that windows 8 itself is the culprit of super slow shutting down, I searched the net on how to downgrade to windows 7.
    Of course I did make a back up first on a 16gb usb flash drive using the pre-installed recovery software from MSI which was completed successfully.
    Then I made some tweaks on the bios (ie select legacy & disable secure boot) & boot using windows 7 installation DVD, deleted all partitions (since the notebook comes with GPT partition) to be able to install windows 7. I installed all the drivers which I downloaded from MSI website specific to my notebook.
    But the problem is not solved, it is still very slow in shutting down, & now even boot up becomes very slow too.
    So I downloaded & execute the firmware & bios for windows 7 from msi website (again, specific to my model). But still the same, the notebook is still very slow both in shutting down & start up.
    So I decided to go back again to windows 8, I tried to boot from the flash drive (I adjusted from the bios & make the flash drive to be the first priority) but it did not boot from it. I tried F11 on start up & selected to boot from usb flash drive but again, to no avail.
    So the last one I did was downloaded windows 8, make a bootable flash drive out of it, boot from it and luckily, I succeed - I have now again a windows 8 msi ge40 laptop.
    But I wanted my laptop to be reinstated to factory setting, i.e, all preinstalled softwares are there, the bios is default for windows 8. So I tried to update the bios to the one for windows 8 again (since I downgraded the bios to the one for windows 7 when I downgraded the OS to windows 7). But I could not update the bios, the laptop is not booting from usb flash drive containing the bios.
    I tried also to recover using F3 on start up but the system does not recognize the flash drive (with system back up). I tried also on PC settings but to no avail.
    Now guys, I need your help.
    How can I return back my laptop to default factory settings?
    Thank you.
    (sorry for my not so good English)

    I think it's not only about the OS version, you need to return this back to your shop to repair with the slow shot down issue, because the OS should be shot down in 30 seconds, far from your GE40 times.

  • A few days ago i bought the macbook pro in a Providence. In late Summer i will come back to my Country - Ukraine. I would like to know about a tax for my laptop. Can i return tax? Through the TAX FREE or return in airport? What should i do?

    A few days ago i bought the macbook pro in a Providence. In late Summer i will come back to my Country - Ukraine. I would like to know about a tax for my
    laptop. Can i return tax? Through the TAX FREE or return in airport? What should i do?

    You need to talk with the tax authorities in the countries to which you traveled and that of your home country. We are all end-users liek you and not Apple agents.

  • Trouble backing up and restoring voice memos

    I tried to save my voice memos from my iphone 5s to my (pc) computer.  I successfully did this one month ago, I created a backup of my iphone and then synced the iphone with the computer.  Now a month later I am trying to do this again with the new voice memos.  I plugged my iphone in and made a backup and then tried to sync the phone.  When I tried to sync, itunes told me that my iphone is synced to another itunes library.  (not true, I last synced it to this same library on this same computer!)  Since I had just made a backup, I figured it should be safe to sync (which means erasing the phone, because itunes claims that my phone is synced to another computer), and then restore from the backup I just made.  I did this, and everything was restored except the voice memos.  There are only voice memos from the last month, and nothing previous to that.  (also strange, there are two of each voice memo!)  When I use 3rd party software to see what is contained in the backup, it says there are 300 voice memos.  However, when I restore from this same backup, there is only a small portion of that.  Why is this happening?  How do I get my voice memos back?  I could buy the third party software to extract all the voice memos, but these files don't contain the names I gave them, only a numeric code containing the date and time they were made.  This isn't very useful.  I want the voice memos back on my phone, with their names intact.
    Also, for whatever reason, when I last tried to sync my phone a month ago, apparently it didn't actually put the voice memos into my itunes folder on my computer, so even though I thought that voice memos from before a month ago should be safely saved on my computer in itunes, they actually aren't.  This means I have lost ALL my voice memos except for the last month.  please help!!!  I am just trying to make a second copy of my voice memos on my computer to keep them safely backed up, but every time I do this it ends up deleting the original copy!  There must be some way to do this, and to retrieve the voice memos I know are contained in the backup.

    anyone?  help please?

  • How do I use edge commons composition loader to load multiple compositions with a next and back button?

    I am working on an interactive book and have set up each page as a separate composition in edge.
    I am using  the edge commons JS library to load multiple compositions into a main composition.
    You can see how this works here: Edge Commons - Extension Library for Edge Animate and Edge Reflow |
    The way the edge commons tutorial is set up requires a button for each composition i want to load. I am interested in loading multiple compositions with a "next" and "back" button, and a "swipe left, "swipe right" gesture on the content symbol that each composition is loaded into. I also need the swipe features on the content symbol not to interfere with the interactive elements on the loaded composition.
    Please suggest a solution that will work without adding additional scripts beyond edge commons and jquery.

    Sort of. I'm using this code inside an action for a button symbol. But it doesn't work perfectly. Trying to debug it.
    Let me know if you have any luck.
    //Check to see if pageCounter already exists
    if (typeof EC.pageCounter === 'undefined') {
      // it doesn't exist so initialize it to first page
        EC.pageCounter = 2;
    //check if the page is only 1 digit -- patch for single digit
    if (EC.pageCounter < 9) {
       // it is, so we need to pad a 0 on the front.
      EC.pageCounterString = "0" + EC.pageCounter;
      //e.g.  01 ...09,11,12,13....115,222352,,....
    else {
      EC.pageCounterString = EC.pageCounter;
    EC.loadComposition(EC.pageCounterString + "/publish/web/" + EC.pageCounterString + ".html", sym.$("container"));
    EC.pageCounter = EC.pageCounter + 1;
    //TODO for back  -1

  • Inconsistency between Bex and Back end

    Hello, I have a query about bex issue. I have few fields in my DSO/Cube which has data showing correctly in the back end but in Bex it shows partial of those values. like if i have something like this:
    It shows correct in DSO table but in Bex it only shows the zeros. do you know why and how to get this to show the whole field value?
    By the way this is a characteristic and not keyfigure.

    Hi Vekant,
    If you have not did any speecific thing at query level then value should be shown correctly.
    Please try this once and check.
    Create new test query on your data target drag and droup your charecteristic.please execute your test query and see if you are able to see the correct value.
    try this.
    Ganesh Bothe

  • My phone wont let me download anything even free stuff or keep saying something wrong with my billing info so i fix it but still cant download.I signed out sign back in still nothing please help i'm getting angry

    My phone wont let me download anything even free stuff or keep saying something wrong with my billing info so i fix it but still cant download.I signed out sign back in still nothing please help i'm getting angry

    If it says your billing info is wrong that means that your credit card issuer is refusing to approve your account. You will have to solve the problem with your bank or credit card company.

  • Back up iphone to different laptop?

    my iphone wont let me download apps.... everytime i go into setting and itunes my phone freezes. so im down to my last resort, restoring my phone.
    problem is, i backed up my phone a while ago to my computer that is now broken. is there anyway i can back up everything (photos, videos, music, contacts, etc etc.)

    Also, when I try to make a copy in iCloud from my old iPhone... It doesn´t allow me... I noticed I´ve never had a back up before :/
    Amd when I try to make a securty copy from that iPhone, it just keeps thinking and thinking...

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