Backslash(\) problem in JSTL

I am trying to set a backslash (\) as the value of a variable but I failed.
when I use the following, I got an error message: JavaCompile: String literal is not properly closed by a double-quote.
<c:set var="var1" value="\\"/>However, when I add one more character after the backslash, it can run correctly. For example like this:
<c:set var="var1" value="\\a"/>Do anyone have any idea about this? How can I set the backslash as the value of a variable? Thanks for all your reply first.

Some suggestions:
Try putting the attribute with single quotes, instead of double quotes.
Take a look at the generated .java file for the servlet code.
Try nesting the value between tags:
<c:set var="var1">\</c:set>worst comes to worst you could probably use a scriptlet
<% pageContext.setAttribute("var1", "\\");  %>Good luck,

Similar Messages

  • Simple setup problems with JSTL and Tomcat

    Hi all, I'm having some problems getting JSTL to work the 1st time. JSTL setup seems to be a common problem for relative newbies, but having read previous threads, I still haven't been able to solve my problem so hopefully someone can help:
    the jstl.jar and standard.jar are in my WEB-INF/lib directory, so I don't think it's a classpath problem.
    My jsp page has the following at the top:
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>Later, I reference a bean var with :
    <c:out value="My var is : ${}"/>In my web.xml I have:
      </taglib>And I've placed the actual tld (c.tld) in the WEB-INF directory.
    On startup I get the error when compiling the JSP:
    No such tag out in the tag library imported with prefix c
    Can anyone help here?
    Thanks in advance,

    I think this note from the JSTL mailing list by Shawn Bayern, one of the lead developers of Jakarta JSTL and the author of "JSTL In Action", will clarify it:[email protected]/msg04587.html
    Don't put that <taglib> in your web.xml. All the books tell you to do it, but Shawn Bayern has the right answer. The URI should be the one that's in the TLD JAR .tld files.
    I use JSTL and Tomcat 4.1.24 without the <taglib>, and it works fine. - MOD

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    to c:\
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    // convert
                     String convert = inputTextbox.getText();
                     convert.replaceAll("c:\"", "c:\\");

  • Japanese backslash problem

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    I am storing Japanese characters in MySQL database, the database encoding is Shitf_JIS. All characters are working fine except �\�� this character. I made a Google search and found out that this character has a backslash in trailer byte. While storing in the db this backslash is stripped off. So it displays a strange character instead of the original one. Has anybody faced this problem? If any please suggest me a solution. Its very very urgent. The configuration is,tomcat 3.3.1, MySQL 3.2.3, Apcahe on Linux machine.
    Thanx in advance.

    In many Japanese environments the characters
    (char)0x005c ('\')
    (char)0x00a5 ('�')
    have the same functioning.

  • Problem using JSTL XML tags.

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    <%@ taglib prefix="x" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
    <!-- parse an XML document -->
    <x:parse var="simple">
    <c>C </c>
    <e> E </e>
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    gives error as :
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot inherit from final class
    Pls. help!

    Works with no problems for me. (same exact code posted into a JSP)
    Running on Tomcat 5, Java1.4
    What server are you running, and version of java?
    Is there anything else on the page? Are you extending a class somehow?
    Do you have any extra libraries in the web-inf/lib directory that might be conflicting?

  • Jdev 10.1.2 problem define jstl tagLib

    i have a problem in my jsp when i compile it with JDev 10.1.2, when trying to use JSTL tag:
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
    I always get the following message:
    Error(3,49): Attribute 'xmlns' used but not declared.
    Error(4,58): Attribute 'xmlns:xsi' used but not declared.
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    but i saw this tutorial
    and i check my preferences about my projet, i had the libraries standart.jar and jstl.jar to my project (Project Properties->Profile->developement->Libraries), and they are located in my <project>/public_html/WEB-INF/lib/
    And for the declaration of the taglib,
    Tools->Manage Libraries-> JSP TagLibraries the prefix "c" is defined, and it is the same uri what i'm using in my jsp.
    I make another with jdev 10.1.3, and i put my project, i compile and it work very fine.
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi this is my Web.xml
    I do not have a DTD with the web.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <web-app xmlns=""
    <description>DB Connection</description>
         <description>separate with commas</description>
              <description>Path prefix, that maps to web ressources</description>
    <realm-name>Example Form-Based Authentication Area</realm-name>
    <taglib-uri> </taglib-uri>
    <taglib-location> /WEB-INF/jGallery.tld </taglib-location>
    I'm not using the JSTL 1.1, in the "management libraries"
    i define a JSTL librarie and the version is 1.0.

  • Problem using JSTL

    i am stupid in jstl . I want use JSTL . i am using tomcat 5.0 & jdk 1.3
    i kept jstl.jar and standard.jar in /WEB-INF/lib and using core tags in jsp but when i run jsp it show me error like .i have not written anything in web.xml
    what should i do? plzz tell me
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to read TLD "META-INF/c.tld" from JAR file "file:/E:/Tomcat 5.0/webapps/JSTL/WEB-INF/lib/standard.jar": java.lang.IllegalStateException: zip file closed
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.jspError(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.dispatch(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.jspError(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagLibraryInfoImpl.<init>(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseTaglibDirective(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseDirective(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parseElements(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParserController.doParse(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParserController.parse(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateJava(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
         at org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext.compile(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.0.30 logs.

    Maybe jdk 1.4 or higher versions would solve your problem. Googled around and read that this may be a bug in lower versions when reading unsigned jars.

  • JSP Compilation Problems With JSTL tags

    My JSP worked well when I used JSP expressions, scriptlets, .... I tried to use JSTL instead and encountered some compilation problems. I am unable to see my mistakes and need help:
    Problme #1:
    int offset = 0;
       <c:set var="offset" value="${requestScope.offset}" />
    catch ( Exception e )
        // do nothing
    }The above code has two compilation errors:
    Generated servlet error:
    [javac] Compiling 1 source file
    illegal start of expression
    <c:set var="offset" value="${requestScope.offset}" />
    Generated servlet error:
    ';' expected
    <c:set var="offset" value="${requestScope.offset}" />
    Problem #2:
    <c:set var="threadBean" value="${requestScope.ThreadBean}" />
    int threadID_int = ParamUtil.getParameterInt( request, "thread" );
    <c:if test="${threadBean.threadID} != threadID_int">
        throw new AssertionException( "The two threadID are not the same." );
    </c:if>Generated servlet error:
    illegal start of expression
    <c:if test="${threadBean.threadID != threadID_int}">

    I have deleted the Java code around the JSTL tags. Now, what is wrong with this <c:if test=" ... "> tag? It seems that I have problems to get JSTL tags right.
    It seems that I have problems to get JSTL tags right....
    <c:if test="${attachBean.attachMimeType.startsWith('image/')}">
         <html:img page="getattachment?attach=<c:out value='${attachBean.attachID}' />" alt="<c:out value='${attachBean.attachFilename}' />" title="<c:out value='${attachBean.attachFilename}' />" border="0" />
    </c:if>error message:
    74: tag = 'if' / attribute = 'test': An error occurred while parsing custom action attribute "test" with value "${attachBean.attachMimeType.startsWith('image/')}": Encountered "(", expected one of ["}", ".", ">", "gt", "<", "lt", "==", "eq", "<=", "le", ">=", "ge", "!=", "ne", "[", "+", "-", "*", "/", "div", "%", "mod", "and", "&&", "or", "||"]

  • Lenovo 0769 b5g keyboard "\" backslash problem

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     As I wrote earlier you should tjeck if it's a software issue or hardware.
    I would download ubuntu linux,
    Download an reboot with the burned disc in the drive.
    this should boot up linux,
    then check if the backslash works.
    good luck

  • Backslash problem in property file

    I have to read and update a value of a key in the property file.The value that the key holds is a url.or that i have used load and store method of property class.
    But the problem is each time it writes back to property file a backslash is placed before (:) and the url becomes useless.
    scp.dir=[email protected]:/opt/oracle/productbecomes
    scp.dir=[email protected]\:/opt/oracle/productso i want to know is there any way to solve this problem.Do i want to read and write property file in any other way to avoid this problem

    If you use the Properties class for writing, then it will write in a format that the Properties class understands.
    So there's no problem if you read & write using the Properties class.
    If you write using the Properties class and read using any other way, then you'll have to handle the escaping (as it's required by the Properties format specification).
    How do you read the file and why is that backslash a problem?

  • Problem with JSTL 1.0.6 in WLS 8.1.4 - Please Help

    I am trying to use JSTL 1.0.6 in WLS 8.1.4. Here are the steps I followed:
              Step 1:
              Copied the following jar files to WEB-INF/lib directory:<br>
              - jaxen-full.jar<br>
              - jdbc2_0-stdext.jar<br>
              - jstl.jar<br>
              - saxpath.jar<br>
              - standard.jar<br>
              - xalan.jar<br>
              - xercesImpl.jar<br>
              - xml-apis.jar<br>
              Step 2:
              Imported JSTL into my one-and-only JSP page as follows:<br>
              <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
              <%@ taglib prefix="c"<br>uri="" %>
              <%@ taglib prefix="c_rt" uri="" %>
              <%@ taglib prefix="x" uri=""%>
              <%@ taglib prefix="x_rt" uri="" %>
              <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
              <%@ taglib prefix="fmt_rt" uri="" %>
              <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="" %>
              <%@ taglib prefix="sql_rt" uri="" %>
              <br><%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
              <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
              (I am also using struts, hence the last two page directives)
              Step 3:
              Finally I tried to build an EAR (which used to build OK before I added JSTL) using a slightly modified version of the build.xml that comes with the Medrec tutorial. wlcompile went OK, but <b>wlappc</b> failed with the following message:
              java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/jsp/el/VariableResolver
              What am I doing wrong? I followed the instructions given in the JSTL 1.0.6 package. Is wlappc not the right tool for translating/compiling the JSP?
              Please help!

    I can't be sure about exactly what's happening here, but I can point out several things.
              The class "javax.servlet.jsp.el.VariableResolver" is associated with JSTL 1.1.x, and JSP 2.0. It's not part of JSTL 1.0.x. Make sure you really have version 1.0.6, and don't have 1.1 somewhere.
              If you're just trying to use the JSTL, you shouldn't need several of those jars that you're presently including. You only need jstl.jar and standard.jar.
              Why are you using the "rt" versions of these taglibs? Those don't even use the expression language. I would remove "_rt" from all of those references.
              Note that if you're using Struts and the JSTL, you probably want to use Struts-EL, which is a version of the Struts jar that uses the EL to evaluate attribute values. Check the struts-user archive for some information about this. You'll find the struts-el distribution in the "contrib" directory of the Struts distribution.

  • Problem using jstl and displaytags

    Hi all,
    I am using display tags taglib for generation of table. One of the columns has to be shown with the hyperlink attached to it. In order to acheive this i am using jstl taglib together with displaytags
    <display:table name="reportList" id="row" requestURI="" style="width: 100%;">
    <display:column  title="Period"  sortable="true" style="text-align:  center;" >
    <a href="/jsps/<c:out value="${row.eid}" />&reportId=<c:out value="${row.ReportID}" />&reportPeriod=<c:out value="${row.targetDate}"/> " target="_blank"><font size="1"><c:out value="${row.targetDate}"/></font></a>
    </display:column>I am using jstl1.1.2.jar for jstl.
    When i run this on Weblogic10 and windows OS i am able to view the results. On performing the view source on the IE window, i get the following:
    <td style="text-align:  center;">
                   <a href="/jsps/ " target="_blank"><font size="1">Nov-2008</font></a>
    </td>but when the same code is run on the Weblogic deployed on the Linux machine, i am not getting the links and the name:
    the view-source of the application deployed on the linux machine shows:
    td style="text-align:  center;">
                   <a href="/jsps/" target="_blank"><font size="1"></font></a>
    </td>Any Ideas why this is occuring?
    Any help would be appreciated

    You should be using the one or the other, not both. Since your actual code shows that you don't need the jstl/core_rt taglib (you're using the JSP EL ${ } in JSTL tags rather than scriptlets <%= %> ), just remove that taglib declaration and continue using the jstl/core taglib.
    You should also rather place both the JSTL and standard JAR in the classpath of the application server. In case of Tomcat, put it in its /lib directory. Then remove all unnecessary JSTL and Standard JAR and TLD files from your whole webapplication project and also remove any related entries from the web.xml of your webapplication project. To use JSTL you only need to put the JAR files in the classpath of the application server and define the taglib in your JSP. Nothing less and nothing more. If you're using JSTL 1.2 rather than JSTL 1.1, then you need to remove the standard.jar file too since it is already merged in the jstl-1.2.jar file.
    Oh, the web.xml should also be declared that way that the application server uses at least servlet 2.4.

  • Problem using JSTL tag libraries with OC4J 9.0.3

    I'm using the JSTL tag libraries with OC4J 9.0.3. I'm using JDeveloper10.1.2. I put the fmt.tld and c.tld in the WEB-INF directory and I'm adding the jstl.jar and standard.jar library to the EAR file. Both tlds have:
    And OC4J 9.0.3 is compatible with tlib version 1.0 and jsp version 1.2. When I run the web app I get:
    OracleJSP: oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseException: Line # 1, <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/fmt.tld" prefix="fmt"%>
    Error: oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParseException ( /dataSource.jsp ):
    line #:1 column #:48 : FIXED type Attribute value not equal to the default value ''.
    line #:2 column #:18 : Attribute 'xmlns:xsi' used but not declared.
    line #:3 column #:19 : Attribute 'xmlns:acme' used but not declared.
    line #:4 column #:27 : Attribute 'xsi:schemaLocation' used but not declared.
    line #:7 column #:16 : Attribute 'version' used but not declared.
    line #:14 column #:15 : Invalid element 'tag-class' in content of 'tag', expected elements '[tagclass]'.
    line #:14 column #:15 : Element 'tag-class' used but not declared.
    line #:15 column #:18 : Invalid element 'body-content' in content of 'tag', expected elements '[tagclass]'.
    line #:15 column #:18 : Element 'body-content' used but not declared.
    line #:16 column #:15 : Invalid element 'attribute' in content of 'tag', expected elements '[tagclass]'.
    line #:18 column #:12 : Invalid element 'type' in content of 'attribute', expected elements '[required, rtexprvalue]'.
    line #:18 column #:12 : Element 'type' used but not declared.
    line #:22 column #:15 : Invalid element 'attribute' in content of 'tag', expected elements '[tagclass]'.
    line #:24 column #:12 : Invalid element 'type' in content of 'attribute', expected elements '[required, rtexprvalue]'.
    line #:24 column #:12 : Element 'type' used but not declared.
    line #:28 column #:15 : Invalid element 'attribute' in content of 'tag', expected elements '[tagclass]'.
    line #:30 column #:12 : Invalid element 'type' in content of 'attribute', expected elements '[required, rtexprvalue]'.
    line #:30 column #:12 : Element 'type' used but not declared.
    line #:34 column #:15 : Invalid element 'attribute' in content of 'tag', expected elements '[tagclass]'.
    line #:36 column #:12 : Invalid element 'type' in content of 'attribute', expected elements '[required, rtexprvalue]'.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks for the reply.
    I tried it and I get the same error:
    OracleJSP: oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseException: Line # 1, <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt"%>
    Error: oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParseException ( /dataSource.jsp ):
    line #:1 column #:48 : FIXED type Attribute value not equal to the default value ''.
    line #:2 column #:18 : Attribute 'xmlns:xsi' used but not declared.
    line #:3 column #:19 : Attribute 'xmlns:acme' used but not declared.
    line #:4 column #:27 : Attribute 'xsi:schemaLocation' used but not declared.
    line #:7 column #:16 : Attribute 'version' used but not declared.
    line #:14 column #:15 : Invalid element 'tag-class' in content of 'tag', expected elements '[tagclass]'.
    line #:14 column #:15 : Element 'tag-class' used but not declared.
    line #:15 column #:18 : Invalid element 'body-content' in content of 'tag', expected elements '[tagclass]'.
    line #:15 column #:18 : Element 'body-content' used but not declared.
    line #:16 column #:15 : Invalid element 'attribute' in content of 'tag', expected elements '[tagclass]'.
    line #:18 column #:12 : Invalid element 'type' in content of 'attribute', expected elements '[required, rtexprvalue]'.
    line #:18 column #:12 : Element 'type' used but not declared.
    line #:22 column #:15 : Invalid element 'attribute' in content of 'tag', expected elements '[tagclass]'.
    line #:24 column #:12 : Invalid element 'type' in content of 'attribute', expected elements '[required, rtexprvalue]'.
    line #:24 column #:12 : Element 'type' used but not declared.
    line #:28 column #:15 : Invalid element 'attribute' in content of 'tag', expected elements '[tagclass]'.
    line #:30 column #:12 : Invalid element 'type' in content of 'attribute', expected elements '[required, rtexprvalue]'.
    line #:30 column #:12 : Element 'type' used but not declared.
    line #:34 column #:15 : Invalid element 'attribute' in content of 'tag', expected elements '[tagclass]'.
    line #:36 column #:12 : Invalid element 'type' in content of 'attribute', expected elements '[required, rtexprvalue]'.

  • Problem running JSTL in Tomcat 4.0

    This is the error that I get when I try to access my JSP page:
    java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl
         at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.jasper.parser.ParserUtils.parseXMLDocument(
    I'm using the xml and core libraries and I should let you know that yesterday it was working just fine. Today, without changing a thing it just started giving me this error. Please help!
    P.S. I've been working with JBuilder 6.0 and Tomcat 4.0. But I've also tried using Tomcat on its own and it gives me the same error message. Thanks in advance for any help you could give me.

    Glad i could help you out.
    I've always preferred working directly with tomcat with an ant script that way you're sure of what you are doing.
    This is recurrent problem : you've got jars that need to be in your project classpath to compile your application but that must not be deployed : ie : it must not be copied in your WEB-INF/lib directory of your webapp in tomcat. (servlet.jar's another one, or even junit.jar if you unit test)
    Actually you can define this in JBuilder : go to your webapp's properties window (right click on webapp -> properties) and go into dependencies tab (i suppose that its called that way, mine's in french ;-). You will find the list of libraries that you have defined for your application. Just define xerces as to be excluded from your webapp for deployment.

  • Problem Using JSTL in JSPProviderChannel

    hi every one ..
    has any one used JSTL with JSPProviderChannel..
    plz tell me where to put all jar files and tld files and what changes are to be made in web.xml file ..

    I have done all the above ie.,
    Copied the jar files (jstl.jar, standard.jar) to <portal-install-dir>/SUNWps/web-apps/portal/<instance>/WEB-INF/lib
    also copied the same jar files to desktop/default/classes directory.
    copied the *.tld's to desktop/default/tld directory
    and in my jsp file changed the
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="/tld/fmt.tld" prefix="fmt"%>
    it gives me error :
    JSPProvider.processJSPFile(): jsp=content.jsp,
    com.sun.portal.providers.ProviderException: JSPProvider.processJSPFile(): jsp=content.jsp, com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.jasper3.jasper.compiler.CompileException: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SimpleUserInfo/content.jsp(6,0) Unable to open taglibrary /tld/fmt.tld : Unable to open the tag library descriptor:     at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(
         at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(
         at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.getContent(
    com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.jasper3.jasper.compiler.CompileException: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SimpleUserInfo/content.jsp(6,0) Unable to open taglibrary /tld/fmt.tld : Unable to open the tag library descriptor:     at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.jasper3.jasper.compiler.JspParseEventListener.handleDirective(
    If I refer it in my jsp as
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt"%>
    I get the following exception
    JSPProvider.processJSPFile(): jsp=content.jsp,
    com.sun.portal.providers.ProviderException: JSPProvider.processJSPFile(): jsp=content.jsp, com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.jasper3.jasper.compiler.CompileException: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SimpleUserInfo/content.jsp(6,0) Unable to open taglibrary : Could not locate TLD     at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(
         at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(
         at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.getContent(
    com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.jasper3.jasper.compiler.CompileException: /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SimpleUserInfo/content.jsp(6,0) Unable to open taglibrary : Could not locate TLD     at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.jasper3.jasper.compiler.JspParseEventListener.handleDirective(
    Please help on using JSTL with Portal 6.1

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    Made a mistake when entering date of birth how can I change it thanks.

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    I have a Sunfire V210 with 2 hard drives using Raid 1 to mirror the drives. After a power outage the primary hard drive has become corrupted - I have booted from cdrom -s and tried to do an fsck on the root corrupted partition but it has a bad superb