Bad 5th Gen or Harddrive or whole ipod?

Well i have a 5th Gen Classic(5.5 Gen with the 30GB Drive, Model number MK3008GAL) that has had problems since the day i got it. when it comes to only a certian set of songs, the HDD begins to continusly click and the song never starts playing, but the ipod still responds for about 30 seconds. Then it locks up and clicks forever till the batt is drained or i reset it. The drive Smart data Shows it has 671 Reallocated Sectors, 74 pending Sectors, and only 141 PWR on Hours. less than 10,000 Start and Stops. In a Disk reader, shows alot of Found.XXX folders and refuses to format. This is much shorter than my last 5th gen.(lasted 6 years before it go destoryed in a lab accident). Question is, It should be fine i if just replace the HDD correct(i have spares of this Same HDD).

Yes. It appears that the hard drive is pretty much shot and in need of replacement.

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    Unless you have the AppleCare+  extended warranty,
    Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for $99 for 16 GB 5G and $19 for the other 5Gs. They do not fix yours.
      Apple - iPod Repair price                             
    With AppleCae+, the exchange cost is $29.
    Taking the iPod apart means that Apple will not longer exchange i.

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable       
    - Try on another computer                            
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                              
    Then if necessary:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    - I would start with
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    However, after your remove the Apple software components also remove the iCloud Control Panel via Windows Programs and Features app in the Window Control Panel. Then reinstall all the Apple software components
    - Then do the other actions of:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    paying special attention to item #5
    - New cable and different USB port
    - Run this and see if the results help with determine the cause
    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
    Also see:
    iPod not recognised by windows iTunes
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates
    - Try on another computer to help determine if computer or iPod problem

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    I would have a look at your iPod's User Guide for assistance on the different syncing preferences you can set up with your iPod and the different content that can be synced to it.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Are you importing the CD through iTunes? Are you letting iTunes name the tracks? Are the duplicates showing up in iTunes too, or just on the iPod. You have to get them into your iTunes library the way you want them or they won't transfer on the iPod the right way.
    Which symbol is showing up next to the song in iTunes?
    You can add songs to the iPod manually by dragging them or by letting iTunes automatically add them, depending on the preferences you have set.
    Managing Your Songs Manually

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    The title says "iPod nano 5th gen" but your message says "iPod classic". There is a forum for the iPod classic, if that is what you have.

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    The 5th gen iPod "video" had different versions of its logic board, so the second one you transplanted the hard drive into may have a different logic board version.  Therefore, the hard drive itself is compatible, but maybe not the iPod's software (or other aspect of its data) on that hard drive.  That may be why the iPod is asking you to do a Restore (which will erase the iPod, reinstall its software, and set it to default settings).
    If you did not do a Restore, the your song files are probably still there.  Instead of trying to preserve it on an iPod, which is risky because an iPod can become lost, broken, or in need of a Restore, you should offload your songs onto your computer's drive, and add everything to your iTunes library. 
    You cannot use iTunes to transfer song files from iPod to computer, except for songs purchased from the iTunes Store.  However, there are third-party methods and utilities that can transfer from iPod to computer.  If you do an Internet search on something like "ipod transfer," you should get some links.  (The CNET article seems to be popular.)
    Once the song files are on your computer's drive, add them to your iTunes library.  After confirming everything is there, do the Restore on the iPod and sync it to that library.  Going forward, keep a copy of ALL of your songs in your iTunes library.  (Don't trust an iPod with your only copy of songs.)

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    Accidential damage is not covered under warranty. Apple will still replace your iPod (with a refurbished one) but you will have to pay for it.

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    I have the same problem and I have been really trying hard to find a solution.  No success. 
    My main problem is this:  For example:  Top Gun soundtrack - I look at Kenny Loggins under artists and I see his albums and songs, plus the 2 songs from top gun.  Then when I look at Miami Sound Machine (also on top gun cd) under artist, I see correct albums from Miami sound machine, but under the top gun soundtrack, it shows the 2 kenny loggins songs instead.  then if I look at another artist from top gun cd, it continues to show the kenny loggins songs.  It doesn't matter which songs i look at, but the first one i start with will always show up on the others.  Funny thing is, if I click on the song, the correct song plays, it just says it is the kenny loggins song!!!  ha ha.   Been dealing with this for over a year now.  Pretty aggravating.   Happens whether I have compilations checked or unchecked on settings.   I have over 50 compilation albums and some are checked, some aren't...they all behave this way. 
    On Mac, itunes (v 12) it all shows up correctly and works fine.  I have become an expert on ID tags and am very thorough with my tagging.  HAND TAGGING, not some program that does it for you...they are never correct.  I match all my tag info with the info in the iTunes store for each album so it is sure to match.  Has taken a long, long, long time. 
    Love iTunes match, but this one issue is a real pain.  Anyone with any ideas, I'd love to hear them!  Thanks!

  • ITunes claims my 5th gen ipod has old software, but won't let me update

    I have two ipods... one an old 3rd gen scroll wheel ipod that just seemed to go kaput... it wasn't showing up in the iTunes source list or on my desktop. So I followed some directions on the apple site to try to restore it:
    "Step 1
    Delete the file using Terminal
    Open Terminal (/Applications/Utilities).
    Type: sudo rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/iPodDriver.kext
    Press Return.
    Enter the administrator account password when prompted.
    Quit Terminal.
    Restart the computer (From the Apple menu, choose Restart).
    Step 2
    Reinstall iTunes
    Download the latest version of iTunes from the iTunes download page.
    Install iTunes.
    Restart the computer after the installation has completed.
    Connect iPod.
    Step 3
    Delete the iPod.plist file
    Remove the following file in the your home directory and launch the iPod updater again
    Anyway none of this worked for my old ipod (I think it's dead) but here's my new problem. Since I did this I plugged in my new ipod, 5th gen black 60g, and I got an error message that said:
    "Some of the items in the itunes library were not copied to the iPod "Honey" because your iPod software is too old. Go to the summary tab in iPod preferences and click Update to get the latest iPod software update."
    When I went to the Summary page the whole "Version" section is grayed out and it says "Your iPod is up to date."
    What is going on and how can I fix it?
    iPod 5th gen 60g/powerbook g4 1.33ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    I am having the same problem. I'm wanting to update to iOS 7, the 'Update Now' button is available, but it says I can't download due to no Internet connection. I DO have an Internet connection, but either way it won't let me update. Help!

  • My iPod touch (5th gen) doesn't list some albums in the artist's section. But still lists the individual songs in the music list. How can I better organize this?

    I recently bought an iPod touch 5th generation, I had a few CD albums here that I wanted to put into my new iPod, just like my old one. But with my old one I put them all in and it organized them all as the same artist (which they are), so under artists I just had to click on their name, then pick the album. In the 5th gen one, it puts the songs in my iPod, but I can't find the actual album under "Artists". I put 2 albums by this artist, but it only shows one, and the other is nowhere to be found, but it's still in my iPod, just as individual songs in the songs section. I don't think this'll be the only time I'm running into this problem on the 5th gen, I had trouble organizing some other songs. How can I better organize these albums, show them all under the same artist? I tried to re-write the artist name to be exactly the same, but that doesn't do anything.

    I would either say that the iOS is correpted due to a software glitch or y have have a hardware problem like bad memory locations that are corrupting the iOS.
    - Restore from backup via iTunes. This will install a fresh copy of the iOS. See:                                                
    iOS: How to back up                                                                                     
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.   This will elimate corruptin in the backup causing the problem.          
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • Ipod 5th gen, video 30bg, will sync/restore, won't play

    I am running Windows 7, with all updates (as of 3/14/2014) have itunes showing no available updates. When I plug into the USB port, the ipod gets recognized, Itunes starts. I can see the files on the ipod. I have reset the ipod and restored. Same problem. When I drill down to the actual file I want to listen to, it doesn't play. On the screen the icon changes from pause to the arrow for play, the index line never advances. You can hit the select button, use the scroll wheel to advance through the file, and hit play again, but no noise. There isn't noise if in the dock (which other ipods and iphones work with in the house) there is no noise if the headphones are plugged in. i was thinking harddrive, so I replaced it. couldn't get the new one to function. When the new harddrive was in the unhappy face would come up. I could force into disk mode, in hopes of restoring it, but in disk mode, neither windows and hence itunes would recognize it as an ipod. I put the old hard drive back in thinking maybe I damaged the cable, but it came right up, but with the same problem, it won't play the sounds... I replaced the Zif cable just in case, still the same...
    i've sure seen lots of Ipod 5th gen video for sale on Ebay, compared to the 4th that I had, which I broke the scroll wheel cable on, but never had such problems with it. Any thoughts out there from someone who might know what it's doing? It seems weird that it loads the music files, and deletes the music files but won't play them. The only other thing I can think of perhaps is the battery too low to spin the hard drive up to play? It does seem to be a very small (physically) battery compared to the 4th gen... but it is thicker...
    When I got it it was doing the low power thing, so I did all the steps to re-charge, and restore, but it won't play the files... Thanks for any thoughts!

    It sound like you did some good troubleshooting.  Thanks for providing the details.  I don't think a problem like this is related to the battery. 
    With a 5th gen iPod (early version) that has a 30GB hard drive, it may have problems using a larger capacity hard drive.  That may explain the different problem you had when you replaced the hard drive, if you changed the capacity.
    Try the following test.  Do another Restore from the iPod's Summary screen in iTunes.  At the end of the Restore process, choose NOT to sync anything automatically. 
    Go to the iTunes Store and download a free song.  You can find the current free songs by clicking Free on iTunes under QUICK LINKS, on the iTunes Store Home screen.
    Manually load that ONE song on the iPod.  Disconnect iPod and try to play that one song.  Does this same problem occur?

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