This is really horrible news. The way Apple has treated the Pro market is disheartening. I have built my business (plug ins, training, etc..) around Aperture and Apple is simply abandoning us. And don't feed us the line that all this will be handled in the new Photos app, because I guarantee Photos will be used to satisfy the majority of consumers, not the professional market.
This really is one BAD APPLE. You ruined my vacation with this announcement.

I've been using Media Pro 1 as my primary DAM (digital asset management) application and iPhoto for special projects, i.e. books, calendars, etc.
FWIW if anyone decides to migrate to another DAM application and is interested in migrating to MP1 I've created a tutorial on how to  do just that.  It involves writing the metadata to the original/master files in the iPhoto/Aperture library with MP1 prior to migrating the Event folders out to another location for use with MP1: iP03 - Converting an iPhoto Library to a Media Pro Catalog System
There's a forum, The DAM Forum - Index - The DAM Book, that has sub forums for the various DAM apps including Media Pro. You can find out more about the various top DAM apps there.

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    You think you are logging into icloud, but the error you get indicates that you are trying to create a new account.  Since each device has a limit to the number of ID it can create (you seem to have reached that limit), then IF you are trying to create a new account, you'll have to use a different device or computer to do that.  Otherwise you are not entering an ID to an existing icloud account.

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    Well, these are user-to-user forums. I'm not sure that posting complaints about Apple customer support here would be a) productive (what can we really do?) and b) acceptable under the terms of use, though I'm not sure. My inclination would be to write a letter directly to Apple. Even in this email age, "real" letters seem to command more attention.
    Best of luck.

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    I think Apple should be a bit more cautionary about iCloud and privacy.  My family shares the same iCloud account as we all enjoy the music we collectively purchase on iTunes; we paid Apple for this feature with some kind of grouped account.  We didn't know, however that this joins our devices so that iMessages, contacts, pictures and just about everything else is shared too.  The unprivate default seems to be to share everything between all devices vs. to allow access by exception or by choice (or by password?).  Sure, when my kids get all my texts I can go figure out why and fix it but that is in my mind the antithesis of privacy and could be quite embarrassing for any family.  I guess it is good for stalking the kids or parents though if they don't know about the partyline approach to privacy.  Maybe a tech solution would be to have the iPhone show somehow the extent of its audience to its user.

    No argument from me about the vagaries of using and sharing Apple IDs.  This can lead to unintended consequences, especially in a family situation.
    If you're sharing the same ID for FaceTime, you might want to go to Settings>FaceTime, tap the ID, sign out, then sign in with separate IDs there too.  Otherwise, you'll end up getting each other's FaceTime calls.
    Also, if you need to migrate everyone's devices to separate iCloud accounts to keep your synced data separated, you can do this by saving any photo stream photos you wish to keep to your camera roll (unless already there) by opening your my photo stream album, tapping Select, tapping the photos, tap the share icon (box with upward facing arrow), then tapping Save to Camera Roll.  If you are syncing notes with iCloud, you'll need to open each of your notes and email them to yourself so you can later copy and paste the text into new notes created in your new account.  Then go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account (which only deletes it from this device, not from iCloud), choose Keep on My iDevice and provide the password to turn off Find My iPhone.  Then sign back in with a different Apple ID to create your new account and choose Merge to upload your data.  Once everyone's devices are on separate accounts, you can go to and delete each other's data from your accounts.

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    Sorry, maybe I don't understand, but why do you feel compelled to subscribe to CC if you already have a permanent Lightroom 5 licence?
    For the SmugMug plugin, a simple Google search ("smugmug lightroom plugin") gives this link to download the plugin:
    Another way is to click the button "Find more services online..." in the the Publish Service section of Lightroom, and to search for SmugMug in the Adobe Add-ons portal; you will find a link to the latest plugin:

  • Come on Apple - this is not enough!

    Come on Apple - this account mess has to be streamlined! Really!
    My setup: 3 different Macs, 2 iPhones, one iTunes Library, my wife, me.
    We both use all 3 Macs and have our own accounts on each machine. We have both our own MobileMe account. (Wife has sub account of my main account).
    We want to have ONE iTunes library where all our music and iPhone apps are stored and synchronized. We want to access this library from all our macs for music and video.
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    Does this setup and these requirements sound familiar to someone?
    But Apple - what you did for us is a big mess:
    1. We have iTunes accounts, MobileMe accounts and user accounts on each of our Macs. When do we use which? How do they relate?
    2. We need to activate our computers. If I do this from my account on one of our Macs the same Mac under the account of my wife is not activated. So: I did not activate "the computer" I did activate "the computer for MY account".
    3. Why can't we use "home sharing" without having to connect this to an iTunes account? What is its relevance? But: We can buy simultaneously from another iTunes account.
    This leads to:
    My OS account (not "my computer"!) is connected to my MobileMe account, while I use a different iTunes-Account but home sharing is achieved with my MoblieMe account again.
    My wife's account on the same machine is connected to her MobileMe-Account while her iTunes is connected to my iTunes account. This is neccessary to be able to share apps for our iPhones.
    Do we have to activate our computers for each user separately? In our case this would mean: 3 Macs, 2 users = 3*2=6 active computers. But the maximum is 5. If we had a child with its own account would we need 3*3=9 activations?
    Apple rarely recognizes in its documentation that multiple users on one machine exist. There is no such thing as a description on i.e.
    - "How to use multiple iPhones on one Mac in different user accounts with the ability to share apps".
    - "How to setup home sharing for different users on the same machine"? Is it even necessary?
    - Apple, give us recomendations and example setups. Incl. where to use which user!
    Another thing:
    - With home sharing we have the abilitiy to MANUALLY add files to our library. Manually! Seriously: If my wife wants to hear music on the MacBook in the living room she wants to hear music and not copy files over Wifi.
    Probably this all works somehow - I didn't check it all out. But it is completely intransparent and not user friendly. Apple is supposed to be all about easiness and ergonomics. I can't see any of this here.
    To come to a conclusion:
    - Please recognize the you are offering a multi user operating system and provide documentation, use cases, and the usability the name Apple usually stands for!
    - Every company in the world tries to Single Sign On their employees to the corporate network. But you force us to think about OS users, MobileMe users, iTunes users and activated computers. And that without adequate documentation.
    - Please give us a family iTunes-Server: One library for all, auto-sync for mobile Macs.
    - Recognize the fact that the real users today are not single persons but in many cases families.
    And btw: Often you have this information: We have a family account! Why is there NO functionality attached on the main account of a familiy account?!
    I could write a rant like this for MobileMe as well - don't get me even started here. (Why can't we have a family calendar and address book? Why is Exchange support more powerful than MobileMe? Why is Google synchronizing more powerful than MobileMe).

    I could not agree with you more.
    My wife and I have 4 Macs (all intel running Snow Leopard), 1 Dell (XP with iTunes), 1 iPod Touch, 1 iPod shuffle, 1 iPod Mini, 2 iPod Nanos (for various environments) MobileMe, and 2 iTunes accounts.
    She buys songs for her, I buy songs for me. We manually sync the songs so that each Mac has all songs (which as you can imagine is a giant pain in the you know where).
    Apple, as Sanaponic said, you market a multi-user operating system.
    So stream-line this experience to make it easy for multi-user homes to enjoy the media we purchase from you!

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    why can I NOT have a separate search box instead of this stinking "new address/search box in safari 6 that aint progress to me  dang it. Just can't leave well enough alone fer cry eye>

    If you would like to send feedback to Apple >  Apple - Safari - Feedback

  • HT204210 Still nothing about File Vault that needs a bug fix for almost every user. This is becoming even more disappointing!

    Still nothing about File Vault that needs a bug fix for almost every user. This is becoming even more disappointing!

    Apple Enterprise Support is aware of this issue. They have specific instructions which attempt to remediate the issue, however, attempting on two different MBP laptops, so far has not succeeded.
    The problem to be specific is - hang at login. The Filevaulted user account gets its password entered, then the "progress bar" mid screen will be seen to halt, never resuming. NVRAM resets dont necessarily cure this issue, but turning off FV2 definitely does.
    We are seeing this with 10.10.2 fully Apple-SUS updated machines.
    Feedback has been sent to Apple over this as well.
    Im recommending:
    a. turn off FV2 until such time as a Apple provided update cures it
    b. consider the Sophos WDE solution if WDE is absolutely required (disclosure: I havent attempted this, not sure about its workability)

  • Home pc is under my husband's user id, I have an iPad and iPhone under my apple id.  I have more music on my iPad then on pc or iPhone.  If I set up synching over wifi for my devices... What do they sync to?  Will the songs on iPad be added to phone/pc?

    Home pc is under my husband's user id, I have an iPad and iPhone under my apple id.  I have more music on my iPad then on pc or iPhone.  If I set up itunes synching over wifi for my devices... What do they sync to?  Will the songs on iPad be added to phone/pc?  Or will the iPad and iPhone be synced (matched) to pc and reflect what is on that device?

    Home Sharing is designed to work on your local network not across the internet/cloud.
    Stuff is accessed under the Computers column where your local iTunes library on a local computer would appear.
    Home Sharing would share your iTunes content (i.e. stuff stored in itunes on the computer, not in the cloud) with AppleTV or an iPad etc on the SAME network.
    AppleTV2 will not be able to see itunes content on the work computer over the internet.  It's not designed to.  if the work computer was on the home network it would.
    iCloud is in it's infancy and is not a mature product - iTunes TV Show purchases appear on AppleTV, but currently music does not unless you are subscribed to iTunes Match. I find this rather odd to be honest, along with the inability to buy music on AppleTV2.  Movies purchased in iTunes are not authorised for iCloud viewing currently either.
    Maybe it has something to do with iTunes Match 'getting in the way' - i think they assume you'll use that whereas you really want to be able to access Purchased music from the cloud without subscribing to itunes Match which is overkill for some.

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    After hours and days on the phone to my service provider Orange UK (my iphone4 is three months old) they accepted there was a fault with the phone and put me directly through to Apple I was quite bewildered what was going on.
    Orange told me Apple will now send you a new phone!
    Now talking to Apple.
    They told me I would have to travel to my local shop 45 miles away or have the phone picked up for repair and would not supply a replacement phone. The phone would be away for possibly 10 days or more for repair when I explained this was was not good enough as I need a phone for work.
    They turned round and said that they could offer me a service, the phone would be picked up and replaced with a recon iPhone4 within the next three working days (no defined time or day could be given just in those 3 days) and a deposit of £480 payable immediately over the phone, this would be reimbursed several days later when they were happy that my phone was not smashed or water damage when they received it.
    I didn't have any choice, I have to go for this option.
    I did a card transaction over the phone and was told that it would be for £280 they actually took £499 as I checked with the bank a few hours later this is classed as illegal transaction fraud, theft or any illegal act.
    I'm writing this four hours after making this payment to Apple
    This is how Orange really deals with iPhones?
    Is this really how Apple customer care operates?
    Can anyone help me with this palaver?

    Hi Thanks I've spoken to the bigwigs! Good customer liaison the chap I spoke to in the end after getting patched back from the States.
    Apparently I was told the wrong cost as everyone sayed and because my credit card is actually a debit card the money is removed from my account and yes it will be reimbursed fully once they're satisfied with my return phone.
    Strangely enough UPS just turned up as I was writing this with the exchange phone.
    Apparently the Apple chap told me yesterday this will be the replacement phone I keep, my old one will be refurbished and put back into the system.
    Thank you for the great replies it was really reassuring and helped calm the situation.
    Have a great day Mark

  • HT1373 i have downloaded logic pro x from app store to my computer, can i transfer this to my bigger more powerful computer that doesnt use internet

    i have downloaded logic pro x from app store to my computer, can i transfer this to my bigger more powerful computer that doesnt use internet

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Of course. If your other Mac is compatible with Logic Pro X, simply copy Logic Pro X from Applications folder to the external disk. Then, connect your external disk to the other computer, and move Logic Pro X to Applications folder.
    See >

  • HT3946 How do I ask Apple to update Aperture to process Olympus EM-5 Raw Files

    How do I ask Apple to update Aperture to process Olympus EM-5 Raw Files

    Use this link:

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