Bad encripted dictionary

I just went to bownload a manual for my Garmin Gps only to have the coment come back saying Bad encripted dictionary from Adobe Reader Wat is this and can it be fixed. thanks for any help

If the file came from a website, can you provide the link? It may have been corrupted when you downloaded it (so try again), or it may use encryption targeting a later version of Adobe Reader than the one you have installed (in questions such as this, telling us what software you're using is a good idea).

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    I'm using OS X Leopard (10.5)
    I created a Premiere Pro 2.0.1 project, added a couple of markers with comments, and exported to Clip Notes. I did not set any password protection. Emailed it as an attachment to a client who is using Windows, to see if they could open it. They could not, they received the following error message:
    "There was an error opening this document. Bad encrypt dictionary."
    Any ideas what this is? Is there a basic incompatibility between Mac-generated Clip Notes files and Windows platform? (I know that Mac can only export the video file in a Clip Notes .pdf as QuickTime, but that does not seem to be the problem here, the client does have QT on their Windows PC.)
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    Same thing happened to me.  Update your adobe reader to the latest version.  Open the file with that reader instead of with your copy of adobe acrobat.  Unfortuanltey, you lose all the features of the adobe software, but at least you can read the file.
    Hope you are able to read the doucments from the utility.
    Note:  If you are saving pdf's save then in a version that will allow those who have at least acrobat 6.0.  Many orgnaizations and people are a couple of versions behind due to realative costs of upgrading.  This simple task will save you those emails about "bad encrypt dictionary" and allow many to read your pdf's with no problems.  At least that's been my experience.

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    I had a similar issue.  Here's what I did:
    (1) Save the PDF so it can be "read" by at least adobe 6.  Go to File>reduce file size> click on adobe 6.
    (2) Post this new file to the web.
    (3) You can also provide a link to the most uppdated reader and give your customers an option to download the most updated reader, even if they have adobe acrobat.  
    What's happening is that they likely have an older version of adobe acrobat and that version will not "read" the catalog you created in either the newest or newer version of adobe.
    At least this has been my expereince.
    Hope it helps.

  • There was an error opening this document. Bad encrypt dictionary???

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    What version of Reader do you have?

  • Getting error:  Bad Encrypt Dictionary have tried available solutions

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    I am using Acrobat 9 Pro on Windows XP, SP3.
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    Many of my customers are using Adobt Reader 6 - I realize that they need to upgrade, but I don't have much control over this beyond suggesting they do and providing a link.
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    Any thoughts?
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    Thank you kindly....

    Hi Cynthia,
    Here's what you need to do:
    Launch MS Word
    Select the Acrobat tab on the toolbar
    Click on the Preferences toolbar button
    Select the Settings tab on the Acrobat PDF Maker dialog (mouse over PDFMaker.jpg below for a screen shot)
    Click on the Advanced button in the PDFMaker Settings group box
    Select Acrobat 6.0 (PDF1.5) from the Compatibility drop-down list (mouse over PDFMaker_Adv.jpg below for a screen shot)
    Click the OK button on the Adobe PDF Settings dialog to save your changes
    Click the OK button on the Acrobat PDF Maker dialog
    That should fix the problem. Let me know if you need more help,

  • Bad Encrypt Dictionary

    This error message comes up whenever someone attempts to open a form I created. I removed any encryption I know of. Please help.

    I have never seen that error ...can you send the form to [email protected]


    HIII ,
    public void add(String empno,String empname){
              try {
                   } catch (Exception e) {

    The message in simple English just means that "You are doing something really bad" !!! It is absolutely not the communication problem, but understanding problem.
    Though you may be executing the same function using SE37 or in the webshop application through JCo, the runtime context is different and without knowing what exactly your Z rfc is doing, it is very difficult to help. To start with, the userid - that is who is running the RFC is different in both situations. In SE37, it is the logon user and in the web, depending upon whether the connection is stateless or stateful, it could be the anonymous ICSS user or the logged in user. Here again, if you have used UME, it is the user id and if you have used ALIAS user, then it is the alias user id. This is just an example. Your runtime context can be different due to many other reasons too.
    So, to make this simpler - what is that you are trying to do?
    BTW, try not to create multiple threads for the same issue..

  • Why doesn't the dictionary spell colour correctly?

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    Sp...  Sorry couldn't resist, Canadian humour.
    I set my iMac to British and it's correcting as it's supposed to, but you're right, when I set the iPhone to British, it's trying to revert to color, etc.
    I'm going to play around some more with this and file a bug. You can file to:

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    I've got to agree with Allan. It sounds like the hard drive is corrupt at least. It's possible it might be physically failing. Without backups, it's possible your data is already gone. You need a professional to help you.
    If you do not have an Apple Store near you or simply don't have the time to spare, there are some things you can try, but you must understand that it's possible these things could make the chances of recovering your data worse than they already are. Perform the instructions to follow at your own risk!
    First, you can try repairing your hard drive with Disk Utility. If that works, see if you can start up the machine. If you can, the very first thing you need to do is back up any data you don't want to lose. You may still need to take other steps, as your system may be damaged as well, but getting the data is the important part.
    If Disk Utility cannot repair the problems, you can try DiskWarrior. It can repair problems that Disk Utility cannot. However, it also increases the risk of destroying your data if it fails. If it works and you can start up the machine, do the same as I advised for following success with Disk Utility.
    If repairs (with either) were successful, but the machine still won't start up, you can try reinstalling the system. Hold down command-R at startup and then just install right on top of the existing system. If all goes well, you'll be able to start up afterwards and can get your data backed up. If all goes badly, it'll further decrease the chances of getting your data back.
    If neither can repair the damage, you're in bad shape. You will need a professional to help you, unless you are willing to lose all your data.

  • ME21N badi ME_GUI_PO_CUST - not working in PO creation

    Hi All,
    I am working on badi ME_GUI_PO_CUST to create a custom tab on PO header. I have implemented the BADI with custom fields in the custom screen. However, in ME21N, this new tab is not appearing. At the same time, it is appearing in ME23N. If i take a PO in display mode, the tab appears and then switch to chaneg mode, the tab disappears.
    Any solution for this pleas.??

    Hi Arun,
    You can use MM06E005 exit for adding the tab for item level in ME21n transaction. In general, you go to smod and you give this exit there and then press on documentation then you will find all the information regarding function module exits.
    Give this exit in SMOD and then press Attributes--> click on Components, then you will find all the function module exits and subscreen areas where you can add your custom field on the subscreens.
    I am giving you the subscreen :
    SAPMM06E 0111 CUSTSCR1 SAPLXM06 0111 Subscreen: PO item
    Function module exit:
    EXIT_SAPMM06E_018 Import Data from Customer Subscreen for purchasing document
    Then you start adding the custom field in Custom include of EKPO table and then you go to SE51 and then you import I mean ( Get from dictionary ) that particular Z field and then activate it. These all the thing you need to create a project and implement in CMOD transaction.
    Then you write the respective code in Functionmodule exit to populate the data to the database.
    Swamy Kunche
    Edited by: Swamy Kunche on Dec 7, 2009 10:58 AM

  • Bad Performance in a query into table BKPF

    Hi forum i have a really problem in the second query under the table
    BKPF.. some body cans help me, please
      SELECT tmsegmblnr tmkpfbudat tmsegbelnr tmsegbukrs tmseg~matnr
             tmsegebelp tmsegdmbtr tmsegwaers tmsegwerks tmseg~lgort
             tmsegmenge tmsegkostl
      FROM mseg AS tmseg JOIN mkpf AS tmkpf ON tmsegmblnr = tmkpfmblnr
        tmseg~bukrs IN se_bukrs AND
        tmkpf~budat IN se_budat AND
        tmseg~mjahr = d_gjahr AND
        ( tmsegbwart IN se_bwart AND tmsegbwart IN (201,261) ).
      IF sy-dbcnt > 0.
        LOOP AT it_docs.
          CONCATENATE it_docs-mblnr d_gjahr INTO it_docs-d_awkey.
          MODIFY it_docs.
        SELECT belnr awkey
        FROM bkpf
        FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_docs
          bukrs = it_docs-bukrs AND
          awkey = it_docs-d_awkey AND
          gjahr = d_gjahr AND
          bstat = space .

    Hi Josue,
    The bad performance is because you're not specifying the primary keys of the table BKPF in your WHERE condition; BKPF usually is a big table.
    What you really need is to create a new index on database for table BKPF via the ABAP Dictionary on fields BUKRS, AWKEY, GJAHR & BSTAT. You'll find the performace of the program will significantly increase after the new index is activated. But I would talk to the Basis first to confirm they have no issues if you create a new index for BKPF on the database system.
    Hope this helps.

  • Indexes in data dictionary

    Hi all,
                can anyone tell me what is the process of creating a secondary index.?
                can we create a secondary index if a field is assigned with primary key?
                 can we create secondary index for a mara table field?
                when we click on INDEXES in data dictionary ---> database table by selecting a field then we get unique index and non-unquie index, what does that mean?

    What is Secondary Index:
    first i will tell u little about primary index.
    The primary index contains the key fields of the table and a pointer to the non-key fields of the table. The primary index is created automatically when the table is created in the database.
    You can create further indexes on a table in the ABAP Dictionary. These are called secondary indexes.
    This is necessary if the table is frequently accessed in a way that does not take advantage of the sorting of the primary index for the access. Different indexes on the same table are distinguished with a three-place index identifier.
    Generally it is used when field which u want is not a primary field .
    1. faster access to data when field is not a primary key field.
    1. Slower down database table inset, update delete commands.
    You go for secondary index when you have any SELECT statement which has a WHERE clause which is not effectively using the existing index(s). But this decision of additional index has to be made in sync with the Basis and Functional team. Every additional index will be a burden on the database and the system resources.
    The secondary index is a type of index in database table. Indexes are used to improve the performances of data retrieval from the table. This happens by passing the values to these indices during SELECT query in the WHERE clause.
    There are different types of indices. Primary key is default present for all the tables in database. Only ONE Primary key can exist in a database table. It results in unique records in the database table.
    The other type of index is secondary index. Multiple fields can be grouped to make a secondary index of table. If all the field values is passed during SELECT query, the performance increases drastically.
    Not many fields should be included in secondary index. Large number of fields reduces the performance of INSERT query of database.
    Indexes are used to speed up data selection from the database. System chosse and use the index based on the fields given in WHERE and HAVING clause.
    The primary index is always created automatically in the R/3 System. It consists of the primary key fields of the database table. This means that for each combination of fields in the index, there is a maximum of one line in the table.
    If you are searching on non-key fields, you can create your own secondary index, which can restrict the number of table entries searched to form the result set.
    Improper use of Secondary index can slow down the performance. Discuss with Basis team before creating a secondary index.
    Check the threds -
    secondary index
    Secondary Index
    Primary index: the primary index contains key fiels of a table and a pointer to non-key fields of the table. The primary index is created automatically when a table is created in database and moreover you can further define reference to the primary index which are known as Secondary index.
    How many indexes can be created for a table? -> 9
    When you are selecting the data on non primary key,obviously system will give output with bad performance ,if you create secondary index then it gives better performance
    GOTO SE11 -> give ur table name -> click on display button -> click on index button ->click on create button -> give id ( z98 like ) -> give field names MANDT ,then ur field names
    save and activate

  • In built dictionary not available after resetting iphone 4

    The in-built dictionary on my iPhone 4 running iOS 6.1.3 has disappeared unexpectedly. It was running perfectly fine but it disappeared i think after i reset my phone. i cannot fint the "define" option in Safari or in Notes. It does appear in iBooks but the dictionary page says "no definitions found".
    how can I download the dictionary? please help me as i read books an my iPhone a lot and really need the dictionary!
    Thanks in advance,

    Siri is not available on the iPhone for because Apple didn't make it so.  None of us users here know the reason; speculation is prohibited by the Terms of Use of this forum.
    Regardless of the reason, it is NOT available except for the iPhone 4S.  If you want Siri badly enough, get a 4S.  Complaining doesn't change anything, and none of us here really want to listen to it anyway.

  • How do I get a better dictionary to come up when I look up words?

    On my iPhone 4 when I look up a word it only shows a bare minimum definition.  Is there a way to get it to look up a more thorough defintion?  Is there some app that will link the look up to a better dictioary?

    I read books that I borrow from the library.  The library told me to get an app called OverDrive that I read the books on.  As I was fiddling with it just now I see it's better than I thought - it links directly to Wikipeadia with one click so that's not bad.
    I use the notes app that came with the phone a lot and just for the heck of it I looked up a word on a note I'd written.  The dictionary that comes up from that app is totally different than the dictionary that comes up from the OverDrive app.
    I gues different apps access different dictionaries.

  • The BADI AND FM involved in mentioning the number of digits for Price

      Please mention me the name of BADI & Functional module(or if report program) involved in validating the number of digits entered for the field price while creating Shopping cart.
    i am eagerly waiting for the answer.

    Hi. I would imagine it is the done via the data dictionary and is checked as a matter of course in every transaction like normal.
    Why do you want to know this? If you need to change number of decimals there are options available.
    Have a look at this thread:
    Re: decimal places for Price

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