Bad sound recording‏ ‏quality..!!

Hi, mine is asha 303
iam asking if there is any way to make sound recording be good with my mobile, i think it just support (.amr) and i tried to change it but that only one, the sound recording is poor sound quality in (sound recording) but its good in (videos recording) idn know why althought its the same mic‏ ‏used..!!
So is there any solution for this, or thats is known problem in my asha phone??

Moron wrote:
Does Nokia stopped producing all new asha series phones and (S40), and all new phones will be symbians or others??
New roadmap to transition to Microsoft Mobile indicates that Nokia Asha and X series will be left out in favour of Windows Phone platform. Nokia has abandoned in manufacturing Symbian phones in mid-2013 with the Nokia 808 being the last one to be shipped out.
What is different between (S60) and symbian???
The S60 or series 60 is a platform on Symbian OS.

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    Jack, I'm in a similar boat here in Seattle. I just finished recording and mixing a few songs for demo'ing purposes and was pretty happy with what I achieved, but let's just say there was a lot of learning involved with the process.
    In my limited experience, when you're working in a small untreated boxy room, you're fighting a different big problem at each stage of the recording process. When you're recording, you have to deal with comb filtering and flutter echoes (if you're recording mic'd acoustic instruments), and when mixing room modes and bass-response issues. There are various ways of addressing flutter echo, which boil down to creatively using dispersion and absorption techniques and playing around with mic placement. If you close-mic everything, you can get rid of some but not all flutter problems, but then you have to wrestle with having an exaggerated low end on all of your tracks, and you lose a lot of the open, airy quality of the instruments you're recording.
    My "studio" has a couple of large bookcases along one wall, so I typically recorded the guitar in M-S stereo facing the bookcases (to get some dispersion) and set up a couple of homebrewed O-C 703 panels a few feet to each side to kill off the echoes. I also set a panel up on the wall behind me to further dampen things. It seemed to work pretty well. Mixing was a whole 'nother matter. No matter how much I A/B'd I did a bunch of mixes that wound up sounding truly awful when trialled on other systems. I went through a lot of CD-R's before finally winding up with something that wasn't actively cringeworthy (at least in terms of audio quality).
    Since your setup is based on an MBP and a portable FW interface, one thing you might try is recording acoustic instruments in a larger room elsewhere in your apartment, or maybe at a friend's. Or maybe rent / borrow a church for a day.
    Hope this helps,

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    Please help me...

    RockrKnight wrote:
    I'm using gnome 3 as well and I had that problem too, what I did was this:
    1. I installed gnome-alsamixer and activated the microphone from there (because is muted), also you can configure multiples variables there.
    2. Then I installed Audacity and with that you can record everything.
    If you can't find another solution try to apply this.
    Sorry if I make a mistake with english (is not my first language).
    Hi thanks for that, that works for recording off the mike, but what I want is to record from any source playing on the speakers/headphone.
    I found this script on the net that works very well:
    if [ -z "$WAV" ]; then
        echo "Usage: $0 OUTPUT.WAV" >&2
        exit 1
    rm -f "$WAV"
    # Get sink monitor:
    MONITOR=$(pactl list | egrep -A2 '^(\*\*\* )?Source #' | \
        grep 'Name: .*\.monitor$' | awk '{print $NF}' | tail -n1)
    echo "set-source-mute ${MONITOR} false" | pacmd >/dev/null
    # Record it raw, and convert to a wav
    echo "Recording to $WAV ..."
    echo "Close this window to stop"
    parec -d "$MONITOR" | sox -t raw -r 44100 -sLb 16 -c 2 - "$WAV"
    #parec –format=s16le –device=”$MONITOR” | oggenc –raw –quiet –quality=4 -o $WAV -
    It records whatever is playing to a .wav file which I can then convert to whatever format I want with Audacity/Sound Converter etc ..

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    What you suggest isn't really a SOLUTION to bad iDVD photo quality, because you aren't creating a DVD that can be played back with a DVD player.
    You are simply suggesting an alternate approach for distributing slideshows which requires the receiver have a computer. iPhoto/iMovie give you several options on prepairing slideshows/movie for various methods of distribution (CD, email, etc).
    Some DVD players will also play jpg files from a CD or DVD and that avoids the mpg-2 compression quality loss, but a TV set image is still a TV set image.
    which gives you over 90 pictures for a 10 MB slideshow
    A lot of email programs aren't happy with a file that size, and of course, since you have created a QuickTime movie, your PC friends will also need to install QuickTime. The Flip4Mac Studio application will let you convert your QuickTime movie to a WMV movie for those with PCs.
    I'm glad you found an approach that you are happy with.
    If you open the file in Quicktime and got to Window > Show Movie Info, you will see that it lists each JPEG within the package, along with a transition component. It doesn't compress the images into a video file, but rather references the original images within the .Mov package
    BTW, there are several different CODECs that can be used in the .MOV file container - Photo JPEG is just one.
    QuickTime Pro offers more saving options than the standard version, so I recommend you invest in QuickTime Pro. You will be able to create your slideshow directly in QuickTime Pro.
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    The problem is your mic. I have the same problem so I mailed mine in to Apple. They sent it back to me stating that it has water damage, and that is not covered by the warranty. There's nothing I can do now except use an external mic which I have. It's a minor inconvenience though, I mean how many camcorders require an external mic? NONE! This is BS man!!! Anyway, if you want a cheap one that's high quality (20 hertz to 20K hertz), I got mine from (it says it is for the iPod touch, but it works anyway).
    This is the one that I have: chmic-handsfree-lapel-microphone--adapter/

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    IMO, the decision to upgrade your existing stereo system should not be determined by this unless the only time you use your stereo system is to play iTunes music wirelessly.
    When playing music wirelessly, is your ibook a good distance from the AE Base Station and/or do you have a strong signal from the Base Station?
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    In the Control Panel's Sounds and Audio Devices Properties, I have verified that the Default device for Audio and Voice (playback and recording) all are set to "SoundMAX HD Audio."  The SoundMAX software that ships with this laptop (also called "control panel") is very scaled back.  There doesn't appear to be anything interesting there to adjust.
    Thanks in advance.
    * I updated the driver because I was troubleshooting my original problem.  My plug and play Logitech laptop speaker suddenly stopped working.  Alas, that problems remains and I have created a new one.

    Here versions of the Audio Features for Windows XP driver that I was able to find: - - - -
    Hopefully, one of these will work for you.
    Aryeh Goretsky
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  • Sound Recorder

    my sound recorder is not working, with or without my headset, What's wrong with my computer?

    Hello @EspoirCongo,
    I understand that you are curious as to where your audio recording are being saved in Windows 8.1. I am providing you with a Windows Support document: Sound Recorder app for Windows: FAQ, which will answer this as well as other common questions concerning the Sound Recorder app in Windows 8.1.
    I hope I have answered your question to your satisfaction. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums. Have a great day!
    Please click the "Thumbs Up" on the bottom right of this post to say thank you if you appreciate the support I provide!
    Also be sure to mark my post as “Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others who face the same challenge find the same solution.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Find out a bit more about me by checking out my profile!
    "Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong." ~ Donald Porter

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    I have 5 voice recording on my iPhone, but the fifth was not detected on iTunes.So i can't sync

    According to my analysis, for Digital Signatures: Adobe has changed the behavior around digital signatures and SharePoint-hosted PDF files. Now, when digitally signing a SharePoint-hosted PDF file, it will be saved directly to SharePoint if that PDF file
    is already checked out. If not, the user will be prompted to check it out. When digitally signing a SharePoint-hosted PDF file in Acrobat X, Version 10.0, the user would be prompted to save that file locally and would then need to upload it separately to SharePoint
    as a new version.
    I suggest that you use Acrobat X, then check the result. For more information about Acrobat X, please refer to
    In addition, you can also consider the following third-party tool:
    Rock Wang

  • Problem with content: 7 - Bad sound Data

    When I do the following...
    Voice = new Sound();
    Voice.loadSound("test.mp3", true)
    I get the error...
    Problem with content: 7 - Bad sound Data
    Problem with content: 7 - The sound data format is not
    I am using the test.mp3 files that comes with Flash8.

    OK. This combo works!
    version flash Player 8
    action script 2.0
    Audio Stream: MP3, 128 kbps, Stereo best
    Audio event: MP3, 128 kbps, Stereo best
    Override sound settings (unchecked)
    But this combo does not!!
    version flash lite 2.0
    action script 2.0
    Audio Stream: MP3, 128 kbps, Stereo best
    Audio event: MP3, 128 kbps, Stereo best
    Override sound settings (unchecked)
    Still get the error on all Nokias except Nokia 90 which gets
    no error but just does not play the file

  • Bad sound in my x-fi audio after windows upd

    I have accidentally downloaded this @ windows update on tuesday?
    Creative - Sound - Creative X-Fi Audio Processor (WDM)Creative Sound sofware update released in June, 2007?
    After that all my sound options were gone and i have a terrible bad sound.
    Is there anyone who can help me to solve is this problem?
    I am running win xp

    If you need to remove entries from the registry it's not as bad as some people make it to be. You do have to be very careful because it can disable your system. First go to the Device Manager and uninstall your sound card. Go to Start Menu and click on RUN, enter "regedit" and hit OK. Click on the + tabs by My Computer then HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
    Make?a backup copy?by going to the FILE tab at the top and select the Export option. Name the file HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and save?it to your desktop. You can use this file to restore your registry to?it's original state?if needed.
    Now click SYSTEM and then CurrentControlSet then click on and highlight Services. Go back to the top?and under the Edit tab select Find. Enter "Creative" in the box and then click on the Find Next tab. This will find any reference to the word Creative. Any time you find a reference delete the folder that the reference exists in. Go back up to the Edit tab after each time you delete a folder and click the Find Next tab and it will search for the next reference. Do this until you find all references in the Services folder. This should remove all the drivers for your Creative sound card but will also remove any drivers for ALL Creative products on your computer. If you only have the sound card this won't be a problem. Close the Registry Editor and restart you computer. You should be able to reinstall your card with the original CD or the driver of your choice. If you don't use the CD you'll have to tell Windows where to find the drivers. Restart your system a couple of times to make sure all your services load and it runs as it should. When your satisfied that all is Ok you can delete the file you saved to your desktop. ?Just be very careful what you delete and you will be OK. If this doesn't work you may have to format the hard dri've and start from scratch. Good luck.

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