Bad Volume Control Design

A dial is used on most of the Toshiba Sat notebooks now for external sound volume.
However in order to get it to work you have to turn and turn and TURN  just to get a little volume change.
This was bad design guys...

You may install a "BIOS update" using the following link (Ensure the power adapter is plugged in while doing this) :
If this does not work. Then please perform a System Recovery by tapping the F11 key continously while the unit is powering on. This is done just to get a 'Software & Firmware Malfunction' situation out of the way (Ensure to backup data before performing the Reovery)
If the BIOS update or the System Recovery does not resolve the issue, then I would advise you to contact HP via Chat/Phone for a Repair Service to be initiated for this unit.
(Select your proper country at the bottom of the support site)
I hope you find this info helpful. If so, please hit the kudos button below if you would like to thank me.
I am a HP employee

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    The driver update in question can be found here, it's #2 :

    RansAckeR wrote:
    I get no bass signal at all in windows apps and?games. But it works when playing a 5. DVD or a 5. wma. Windows speaker setup is set to 5. and Creative Audio Console is also set to 5.. Any ideas what is causing this? Already tried removing and reinstalling drivers.
    I had this exact same problem. I spent all day trying to figure it out. The answer is this: Stereo MP3 files will only play through the front two speakers.
    The solution: Turn on CMSS to play MP3 sound through the surround speakers. Turn on Bass Redirect to get the subwoofer cranking. Search the knowledge base for instructions on Bass Redirect for your soundcard. For mine it is in the THX console.
    After doing this, all MP3s, windows apps, games will pump sound through the subwoofer.
    I'd appreciate if anyone could provide an alternate method.
    The above info came from this knowledgebase article ->,/?St=93,E=000000000085020532,K=9037,Sxi=3,Kb=ww_eng lish_add,VARSET=ws:,Case=obj(273)
    Then select [Speakers and Headphones] -> [Sound From Front Speakers Only]

  • How do I set shortcuts on my new onn wireless keyboard for volume control?

    Replacement Keyboard
    Volume control issue with a non- Apple Keyboard 
    [Sunday - July 29, 2012 - 2:18pm]
    Question:     I just purchased a new keyboard in place of the orginal for my iMac which gave out this morning. The brand name of the keyboard is
    ONN & it's a wireless board. I've encountered an issue that is a deal breaker - if there is no possible way to correct it. The volume control buttons used to
    increase/decrease/mute the volume do not work on this product. I bough this keyboard because it was one of the two that was Mac compatable at my
    local store. I realize you get what you pay for but hope there is a soulution!   
    **Sidenote: I was curious, anyone had any other issues with these keyboards?
    Some additional information:
    When I woke up this morning, sat down in my computer chair, turned on my iMac and pulled up Textedit. I placed my hands on my faithful keyboard and within moments I realized that it had met it's end. I was quite upset that my original, sleek white iMac keyboard was now a thng of the past but realized that I'd need a replacement very soon in order to get my paperwork done.
    Unfortunately, I did not have time to ride forty-five minutes to my local Apple store and I didn't neccesarily want to hand over the cash for one of the pricey keyboards at the time because I am going on a vacation within the next few weeks and each dime counts. So, I decided to visit a store that obviously would have the cheapeast deals in the meantime. So, I headed to to Wal-Mart to make a quick purchase
    As I walked the aisles it soon became evident that today's market still is not on point when it comes to having Apple compatable hardware, softwore or anything for that matter. As I quickly skimmed the keyboards I ran across several that caught my eye, but of course, they were all made specifically for Windows. So, finally I approcahed two keyboards that were Mac compatible. The first was way too large and came with a mouse, which I did not need. The second caught my eye and I knew that this would be my purchase.:::
    The verdict: an onn wireless keyboard that was both affordable and also gave off a sleek and modern apperance. (Retailed: $24.00)
    So, I got home and began using the board. For the first how I was actuallly very satisfied. I like the buttons and the feel of the board. Then, I encountered a problem that made my interested for the new keyboard vanish.
    The Issue:  On the boards layout, the (F2) key has a symbol that notates the decrease volume control button, (F3) of course would be the increase volume button & lastly the (F4) button represents the [mute] button.
    However, these buttons don't work. Sadly, I am not aware of how I could possibly change this issue or if it would even be possible. I sincerely hope that it's possible - because I like the convience of the volume control keys - they were actually my favorite part of the keyboard. Manually changing the volume by going through system preferences does not sound fun to me once so ever. I guess you could call me spoiled but I don't think I can even keep this board if it doesn't have the ability to change volume/mute via the keyboard.
    This is a shame because the keyboard it'self isn't bad at all and I actually somewhat like it. So, if you have any information or an answer to this question - I'd truly appreciate hearing your responses! Also, do keep in mind I am a rookie when it comes to computers as a whole so try to simplicate things for me if that is nessecary.
    Closing negative note on this keyboard: As I typed this I started encountering a very annoying problem. As I am typing in a line, forming a sentence the keyboard would randomly start typing in pargraphs above and below as well. I'm not sure if this is something that I caused by pressing too hard with my hands or if this is a deffect. Either way, I will saving my receipt and the boxing for this product until I hear further news.
    I hope to hear from you soon and I appreciate your help very much.
    Have a great day,
    David Travis Center

    Safari browser and menu shortcuts:
    Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts:
    and more useful information on keyboard shortcuts here:

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    I'm pretty disappointed with apples lack of support for earlier versions. Not only that, but I can find absolutely no feedback forms for anything other than itunes and the website.

    I seem to recall that this issue only exists when there is nothing plugged into the headphone jack -- if you plug something in then you should have volume control. I guess the problem would be if you use an FM transmitter, is that the case?

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    (Sorry for my bad English)
    Last edited by masnormen (2012-06-05 04:44:14)

    Thanks, the problem is solved now. Volume Applet shown after update.

  • My iphone 4S doesn't show the volume controls when playing videos and the speakers don't sound. But if I plug in the earphones then I can hear fine and the volume controls appear on screen. Please someone help.

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    - Try cleaning out/blowing out the headphone jack. Try inserting/removing the plug a dozen times or so.
    Try the following to rule out a software problem
    - Reset the iPod. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store. Seems you have a bad headphone jack or other hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    If not under warranty Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for this price. They do not fix yours.
    Apple - iPod Repair price                  
    A third-party place like the following will replace the jack for less. Google for more.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens
    Replace the jack yourself
    iPod Touch Repair – iFixit

  • Digital audio ouput - why no volume control??

    This is a problem that has been around for a while (ie. pre-Leopard).
    Why is there *no global volume control* when using digital audio output? This includes the inability to mute the output as well as adjust the volume with either the keyboard or the apple remote.
    It is *particularly annoying* with Leopard's Front Row as music is not being played via iTunes anymore so I can't use the iTunes volume control...
    Please fix this Apple, it can't be that hard. There is no logical reason for disabling volume control for digital outpu!
    Paul Martin

    nitramluap wrote:
    It IS possible, actually and its omission makes no sense.
    Yes, it is possible but it isn't desirable. Here's why:
    For any linear digital audio encoding process, the bit depth determines the resolution of the volume levels the format can reproduce. For example, for 16 bit audio there are 65536 possible volume levels between dead silent & the absolute maximum possible level (digital clipping). For 24 bit audio there are about 16.7 million levels.
    So let's say that you want to turn down the volume at the digital output. The only way to do this is by throwing away all of those levels louder than the desired volume by scaling the output to what is effectively a lower bit depth. One half as loud means the most significant bit ("MSB") will never be a one; half that loud & the next MSB won't be used, & so on.
    At first, this doesn't seem so bad but the problem is the human ear doesn't interpret "one half as loud" as you might think: hearing is logarithmic (which is why we usually use the logarithmic unit "dB" to measure it), so a sound that is 1/2 the intensity of maximum is only slightly quieter to the ear. Depending on the maximum level the digital input device can produce, it could easily be necessary to scale the digital output to one ten thousandth or less of the maximum output just to achieve a comfortable level, & to scale it much smaller still for background music levels.
    So, for an effective volume control with a usable range from "very quiet" to "full tilt" you would really be going from "miserably inadequate resolution" to "high quality resolution."
    If you want to hear just how miserable sounding the quiet settings would be, & you have any sound editing software that can change digital volume levels of samples, try this:
    Select a short sample & reduce it by 40 dB. Save it & then renormalize that saved sample to full scale. Listen to the result & compare it to the original. Not too pleasant, is it?

  • Tecra P5 - Volume control doesnt work properly

    Since upgrade to Windows 7 64 bit I can't turn the volume all the way down by using the volume control at the front of the notebook. Worked fine under Vista 32 bit.
    The volume control still works but no matter how far I wind it to the left there is still sound coming from the speakers.
    Any help appreciated.

    As far as I know volume control in the past was mechanical but now it works on different way and it is controlled by specific tool/utility.
    To be honest Tecra P5 is not known to me but obviously it is Australian notebook model and according to Australian support page this notebook model is not supported for Windows 7.
    That doesnt mean you cannot use it but this means there is not software package designed for Windows 7 that can be installed so I think there is no much you can do about it.
    I know it is annoying but for volume control you can use Windows option placed in task bar.

  • My ipod touch thinks headsets are plugged in as indicated when pressing volume control.  We did a reset but that did not work.  What is next?

    My ipod touch thinks headsets are plugged in as indicated when pressing volume control.  We did a reset but that did not work.  What is next?

    - Try cleaning out/blowing out the headphone jack. Try inserting/removing the plug a dozen times or so. There is a little switch in the headphone jack that disconnects the speaker when the headphone jack is inserted.
    Try the following to rule out a software problem
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store. Seems you have a bad headphone jack.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    If not under warranty Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for this price. They do not fix yours.
    Apple - iPod Repair price                  
    A third-party place like the following will replace the jack for less. Google for more.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens
    Replace the jack yourself
    iPod Touch Repair – iFixit

  • Keyboard Volume Controls working erratically

    I'm experiencing a strange issue with the mac keyboard volume controls. I have the system set to output both sound and sound effects to some external speakers via the line-out (set in System Prefs). Whenever I reboot my MacPro, the volume control keys stop working with the line-out and revert to controlling the built-in speaker. However, iTunes etc still output via the line-out.
    If I try and reset the values in the System preferences, OS X switches the outputs around, but stubbornly leaves the volume keys controlling the internal speaker. If I switch to another User ID, then eveything works fine.
    The volume keys had been working fine with the line out and external speakers until this morning...nothing new installed! So i'm puzzled as to why the sudden change! The only thing that was done differently before the shudown was to run the daily/weekly/monthly jobs, but they shouldn't have messed anything up.
    I've tried the following 'fixes' which I've found in the forums, but without any permanent success:
    1) Check Software Update - all up to date.
    2) Reset PRAM - no effect at all.
    3) Reset SMC - no effect at all.
    4) Hold down power button until power light flashes - no effect at all.
    5) Verify permissions - no effect at all.
    6) Deleting the ~/Library/preferences/ file then logging out/rebooting. This resolves the issue until I reboot the Mac..then back to square one again. When I check the non-working bezelservices.plist against the one for the working User ID, there is no difference.
    Anyone got any ideas on how to resolve this irritating bug - it's almost as bad as having a windows PC back again ?
    MacPro 3Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    I've been using SoundSource for a while now because I was having similar problems:
    I often switch between internal speaker, line out and imic depending on the time of day and what I'm listening to/watching.
    SoundSource doesn't completely fix the problem but it does make it easier for switching outputs. I've found that if the kb controls get stuck on one output, I just switch the output in SoundSource to something else and then back to the preferred one and everything works again. Only takes a few seconds...

  • 5s Volume control issues

    Anyone having volume control issues?  My wife's 5s (less than a month old) is having issues with the up volume.  If she mutes it using the down volume, it won't go back up.  I can get it to work if I hold the volume a long time and it eventually comes back.  Or last time i had to remove her case, hold the volume and release several times before it finally kicked in.  Any thoughts or ideas?  Thanks.

    Please test in other computer to see if the issue persists, it may be caused by the bad output channel.
    But for better solution, I recommend you go to MSDN forum for further help.
    Thanks for your understanding!
    Ada Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Musicapp, speaker and volume control won't work since updated to iOS 7.1

    Since I updated my iPhone 4 to iOS 7.1 my iPhone works faster than iOS 7. But some apps like musicapp, youtube have no volume control and the speakers won't work. When somebody call me the iPhone rings normally. I tried turn off bluetooth because I thought the iPhone will conect to my car. I pressed the lock and homebutton for reseting, I deletetet my whole iPhone and installed iOS7.1 again - nothing changed. Only when i plug in my earphones everything will work as normal.

    Hi AmishCake!
    Thanks for your tipp! i cleaned the headphone port and usb-port and reinserted the plug several times!
    i think this isn't the problem!
    here i prepared a picture how the screen looks like when i plug in my headphones!
    it seems to be a problem of the update to 7.1 because some guys posted the same problem on other sites.
    sorry for my bad english and thank you for trying to solve my problem!

  • Table control designed by wizard greys out after pressing enter

    Dear Gurus
    I have implmeted a badi to show some data on vl02n in a extra tab inside a table control designed using table control wizard. I have caught sy-ucomm event to display corrsponding data on the table control  to what I am already sending from pbo of the screen everything is working fine beside just one thing. Initially all the rows of table control stays in editable mode but When I enter some record and hit enter the corresponding record is properly shown along with the record from pbo and enterd on the table control but beside the current row all the rows below it turn grey and I cannot enter any further data. Please help me out.
    Edited by: Anurag Jain on Sep 17, 2009 12:28 PM
    Edited by: Anurag Jain on Sep 17, 2009 12:29 PM
    Edited by: Anurag Jain on Sep 17, 2009 12:29 PM
    Edited by: Anurag Jain on Sep 17, 2009 12:29 PM

    Solved. The problem was with the sequence in which code was written for all table control in PBO module. PBO code sequence for table controls should be as per the sequence on screen.

Maybe you are looking for