Bagpipe recording problem--GB 10.0.2

In the older version of GB, I had no problems recording my pipes.  It was pretty much, "hit record and play".  Since I had to reformat my laptop and reinstall GB with the latest version, I can't get a decent recording.  The waveform shows up as an almost solid white line filling the entire space.  Playback sounds very echo-y, for lack of a better word.  I'm using the same mic as before (the laptop's internal mic), I've been recording in the same spaces and at the same distance with the same pipes, etc.  The only change has been to the version of GB.
I've tried playing with the mic volume and with compression, but it's as if the mic is being totally overwhelmed.  I don't believe the mic is at fault since other recordings (voice) and Skype are all fine.  Any suggestions as to other setting changes would be greatly appreciated.
MacBook Pro
OSX 10.9.4

GarageBand 10.0.2: 
Can't hear anything on playback through external speakers (but I do hear it thru headphones).  Settings in GB prefs. are correct.  What am I missing?  Thanks.

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         // Incremenets records count
         // Temporary example for this workshop only
         try { rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore("StudentStore"+records+"", true);
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              // Put the whole write stream to a byte
              ReadDataByte = os.toByteArray();
              // finally add the fetchDataType to to a record store
              rs.addRecord(ReadDataByte, 0, ReadDataByte.length);
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         // go through each records using enumerator
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              rs.getRecord(re.nextRecordId(), ReadInputData, 0);
              Alert alr = new Alert("Currently Reading", buffer.toString(), null, AlertType.WARNING);
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    public void startRecordStore() {
        try {
            rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore("StudentStore"+records+"", true);
        }Are you sure this is what you want to do?
    I don't know where you're calling startRecordStore(), but you're creating a new record store for each "records".
    Shouldn't you be just opening the record store "StudentStore", and them adding records to that store?

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    Unfortunately, you have posted to the Premiere forum. This was the precursor to PrPro. The MOD's will probably move this out to the PrPro forum, so more folk will see it and can respond.
    Now, did you use a USB mic? Many have had issues with those.
    Also, going back about a year, there was a similar thread, and the description was about the same - "chipmunk." I do not recall the flow of that thread, or the resolution, but will try to find it. I just hope that it was not before the forum changeover, as it is likely gone forever.
    Good luck,
    [Edit] OK, I think that this is the THREAD.
    Message was edited by: Bill Hunt - Added Edit and link

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    It is possible that your FireBox is not the audio card set up in Logic, and that you are accidentally recording the built-in mic.
    If Garageband is seeing your FireBox corrctly, then it is the setup in Logic, and nothing else, that you should be looking at.
    Check your audio hardware and drivers.

  • Re: Recording Problems - Programmes Recoding but B...

    Posts: 1
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    Re: Recording Problems - Programmes Recoding but Blank Screen
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    on 24-02-2011 21h35
    Need help please I'm new to this forum... I have been having a few problems with my recordings like others I try to play back programme I have recorded and get nothing and also trying to delete a programme I'm getting a message to say I can't delete as the programme may be running on another box!!! I only have 1 box!!! I have tried all the rebooting fixes but no joy... I have an old white style hh... Is this or the box tired and in need of replacing??? I've also checked the settings and I'm online and have space on my disk!!! Help

    We have had the same problem, which is really frustrating!!
    The box appears to be recording but when the programme is played back, it stops during the programme and goes to the resume play on the menu or sometimes the channel isn't there, its just a black screen, I'm thinking of going to Sky if it carries on, getting really fed up now!!!
    davearliss wrote:
    Posts: 1
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    Re: Recording Problems - Programmes Recoding but Blank Screen
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    on 24-02-2011 21h35
    Need help please I'm new to this forum... I have been having a few problems with my recordings like others I try to play back programme I have recorded and get nothing and also trying to delete a programme I'm getting a message to say I can't delete as the programme may be running on another box!!! I only have 1 box!!! I have tried all the rebooting fixes but no joy... I have an old white style hh... Is this or the box tired and in need of replacing??? I've also checked the settings and I'm online and have space on my disk!!! Help

  • Duplicate records problem

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    I'm having a a little difficulty resolving a problem with a repeating field causing duplication of data in a report I'm working on, and was hoping someone on here can suggest something to help!
    My report is designed to detail library issues during a particular period, categorised by the language of the item issued. My problem is that on the sql database that out library management system uses, it is possible for an item to have more than one language listed against it (some books will be in more than one language). When I list the loan records excluding the language data field, I get a list of distinct loan records. Bringing the language data into the report causes the loan record to repeat for each language associated with it, so if a book is both in English and French, it will cause the loan record to appear like this:
      123456                             ENG
      123456                             FRE
    So, although the loan only occurred once I have two instances of it in my report.
    I am only interested in the language that appears first and I can exclude duplicated records from the report page. I can also count only the distinct records to get an accurate overall total. My problem is that when I group the loan records by language code (I really need to do this as there are millions of loan records held in the database) the distinct count stops being a solution, as when placed at this group level it only excludes duplicates in the respective group level it's placed in. So my report would display something like this:
    ENG     1
    FRE      1
    A distinct count of the whole report would give the correct total of 1, but a cumulative total of the figures calculated at the language code group level would total 2, and be incorrect. I've encountered similar results when using Running Totals evaluating on a formula that excludes repeated loan record no.s from the count, but again when I group on the language code this goes out of the window.
    I need to find a way of grouping the loan records by language with a total count of loan records alongside each grouping that accurately reflects how many loans of that language took place.
    Is this possible using a calculation formula when there are repeating fields, or do I need to find a way of merging the repeating language fields into one field so that the report would appear like:
      123456                      ENG, FRE
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as aside from this repeating language data there are quite a few other repeating database fields on the system that it would be nice to report on!

    if you create a group by loan
    then create a group by language
    place the values in the group(loan id in the loan header)
    you should only see the loan id 1x.
    place the language in the language group you should only see that one time
    a group header returns the 1st value of a unique id....
    then in order to calculate avoiding the duplicates
    use manual running totals
    create a set for each summary you want- make sure each set has a different variable name
    The reset formula is placed in a group header report header to reset the summary to zero for each unique record it groups by.
    Numbervar  X := 0;
    The calculation is placed adjacent to the field or formula that is being calculated.
    (if there are duplicate values; create a group on the field that is being calculated on. If there are not duplicate records, the detail section is used.
    Numbervar  X := x + ; ( or formula)
    The display is the sum of what is being calculated. This is placed in a group, page or report footer. (generally placed in the group footer of the group header where the reset is placed.)
    Numbervar  X;


    Dear Gurus,
    I am facing problem I have maintained formula for paricular MIC,e.g Zn-for this MIC i have to calculate the percantage as 100 minus balance of the remaining MICs eg i  have maintained in this form--1
    Please note i have maintain the folowing parameters in control indicators for the MICs from 10 to 90 in the Inspection plan
    1) Sampling procedure
    2) Required chara
    3) single results
    4) Fixed scope
    5)Record measured values
    7) documentation
    and only for the MIC which formula is maintain i have maintained CAL CHAR.
    when i creat a purchase and do migo an inpsection lot is gnerated.
    when go to t.code QA32 to record results in RECORD RESULTS CHARACTERISTICS OVERVIEW
    Edited by: RAMKUMAR WARIYAR on Feb 24, 2009 4:41 PM

    Dear Ram
    1) As the sample size was 1 system was taking this as Summarised recording & that is the reason why the system is showing 3 tabs instead 4
    2) Please do the following setting in Config : SPRO>QM> Basic Setting> maintain setting for plant level>Plant> Result recording  > untick Summ. Recording n=1.
    If you had ticked this means that the results recording will always be summarized if n = 1 (for example when inspecting one unit or 1 ml).
    please do check now whether the formula is working for a new lot and you have 4 tabs in RR
    Was a good question to solve

  • TV@nywhere Master Recording Problems

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    I tried PowerVCR and I get an error message when attempting to record in MPEG2:
    S0009 : Unable to render preview video stream.
    I have all the latest drivers and software versions. I even tried a clean install of Windows several times and a different sound card, but no luck. I'm getting nowhere with tech support. Very frustrating.
    ASUS A7N8X Deluxe MB
    Onboard nForce2 sound (also tried Soundblaster Audigy)
    AMD 2800+ Barton CPU
    512MB DDR RAM
    GeForce 5600 Video Card
    250 Gig Hard drive
    Windows XP

    Using PowerVCR II 3.0, and there is no Use Smart Tee option available.
    Here's all the options:
    Video -> Overlay Options -> Overlay/Non-Overlay  (Non-overlay causes a crash)
    Check boxes for MMX, SSE, 3DNow and Enhanced 3DNow.  All are checked.
    Recording / Advanced -> Advanced Options
    Video Smoothing (during recording) - unchecked
    Intelligent Noise Removal (during recording)  checked
    Enable Time-Shifting when recording  - unchecked
    Have tried changing most of these settings but always get error message, unless I use MPEG1 which is not acceptable quality.
    I did a search in Help for "Smart" and for "Tee" and there are no matches.

  • Recording Problem!

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    i'm having problem recording from tv. whenever i start recording, my screen turns to black & white. the device settings switches from PAL B to SECAM. i'm using anthena connection from a cenralized cable connection. I'm here right now in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh. we are using here PAL signal. can anyone tell me what to do and what is causing this problem. regarding recording from VCR no prolems. thanks!

    The problem is probably caused by a bad or outdated frequency table ...
    Try changing your country code to one with Pal-B (Germany).

  • Dvd recording problems!!!!!!

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    Thanks guys

    dvd -rw
    #1 RW disks are problematic. Try using "Save as Disk Image" in iDVD, and play that image with the Apple DVD Player. If the image works, then burn it with Disk Utility.
    Also check to make sure the sound track(s) is(are) "checked" in iMovie (far right in the timeline).
    my drop zone clips are always missing
    iDVD only makes "links" to movies/clips when they are used, it does not import them (unless you archive the project). Are the clips/movies from other external drives? Where were they when you added them in the first place?
    John B.

  • DVR620KU Recording Problem VHS-DVD

    Having a problem copying from a VHS tape to DVD. Followed the instructions in the Owners manual and and checked the input settings but when the recording process is completed there is nothing on the DVD. Any suggestions ??
    Go to Solution.

    I'm not sure what you mean when you say there is nothing on the DVD. Do you mean, something is recorded, but it's all black? Or do you mean that no recording appeared to take place at all?
    Here are some steps to follow to confirm proper behavior:
    1. Have a VHS tape to play back and a recordable DVD (such as DVD-R).
    2. Press INPUT SELECT on the remote multiple times until you see L2 appear on the TV screen. Be sure you have nothing connected to L2 (which are the connectors in the front of the unit). You should see a blue screen.
    3. Press VCR on the remote.
    4. Insert the VHS tape. You should see the counter set to 0:00:00.
    5. Press DVD on the remote.
    6. Insert the DVD into the DVD tray and wait until it is fully loaded and the progress bar goes away on the TV screen.
    7. Press DUBBING on the remote. You should see the VHS tape start to play back, and the DVD start recording. Let it record onto DVD for around 3 minutes. Then press STOP. Let it finish processing until the progress bar goes away. Then press TOP MENU and navigate to the last thumbnail, then press ENTER. You should start seeing the dubbed video play back.
    Report back with your findings.

  • Stereo Audio Record problem (While recording video as well)

    I just just bought Sony Xperia C3 dual yesterday. I'm having problem with audio recording. I installed the Sony audio recorder from Google play store but while recording in stereo mode with it the gain suddenly drops after 1/2 second(s). Same problem while recording a video with stock camera app as well, video quality is fine but the audio with it is,just worst. Tried third party app like regorge pro but faced the same problem. Tried disabling the AGC with it, but no good. Recording in mono mode just works fine and I get clear record.
    Any solution?

    @uliwooly  This one i recorded today morning. The audio starts good & clear at the begining but just after one second it drops & then you can hear the bus engine sounds like waterfall. Here is the youtube link Here's another video uploaded by a review site with the same problem & more from youtube  then i used a third party audio recorder with mic switch option as usual with the rear mic the gain suddenly drops after second & you can hear some weird sounds like a "movie bomb" sound at 00:04, "rattle snake" sound at 00:05 & 00:12 & with the front mic starts at 00:17 you can hear the difference. It's mono but so clear & sharp.  Finally, as i dont have the mic swith option while recording video, all videos i record will have the same problem. This is definitely not  the typical "sony" thing to carry on.

  • Deleted records problem w/ 2LIS_02_ITM

    i had always thought that the queued delta method would record changes in sequence of their entry in the system. i discovered that it might not be the case, as in the problem i have below:
    i have a PO ODS wherein i don't like to retain entries that have been deleted. my approach was to manage the correction via the recordmode/rocancel fields. however, i just found out that it doesn't hold true for all PO document types - in my scenario, i have a sequence of entries like so:
    1- create po
    2- flag po item as delivery completed
    3- delete po
    but, when i load it into BW it comes in as:
    1- create po
    3- delete po
    2- flag as delivery completed
    what happens now is that my ODS retains the last entry, since it comes in after the deletion. how do i work around this scenario?
    btw, i don't have the deletion indicator in my extractor anymore - took it out as i wanted to rely on the queued delta management for the end result i wanted to achieve.
    hoping for some quick responses! =)

    hi! many thanks for the quick reply...
    i didn't tamper with the way the extractor is giving me the records in any way - they are stored there as they are given to me. so for the most part it's standard, except for the fact that i already took fields out of the standard extractor (retained only what i thought i'd need). i also checked the note you mentioned, and unfortunately, we're way beyond that patch level already...
    of course the end-all i'm thinking of to solve my problem is to just include the deletion flag, and after everything is loaded and activated, postprocess the ODS to remove all entries that have a non-empty deletion flag.
    hoping for more answers from everyone around, before i give up and just serve my head in a platter for my superiors to mangle (what with the requests and all)... :-O

  • Recording problem for f-04 transation

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    PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMF05A' '0122'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BKPF-BLDAT'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BKPF-BLART'
                                     it_bsis-blart .
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BKPF-BUKRS'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BKPF-BUDAT'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BKPF-MONAT'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BKPF-WAERS'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'FS006-DOCID'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMF05A' '0710'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RF05A-AGBUK'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RF05A-AGKON'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RF05A-AGKOA'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RF05A-XNOPS'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RF05A-XPOS1(01)'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RF05A-XPOS1(03)'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMF05A' '0731'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RF05A-SEL01(01)'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPDF05X' '3100'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field      USING  'BDC_SUBSCR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RF05A-ABPOS'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMF05A' '0700'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RF05A-NEWBS'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RF05A-NEWKO'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMF05A' '0300'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BSEG-WRBTR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BSEG-VALUT'
      PERFORM bdc_field USING  'BDC_SUBSCR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'DKACB-FMORE'
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLKACB' '0002'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field      USING  'BDC_SUBSCR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
    ANy one help me to go to second record with out user interaction.

    HI Veeru,
    Problem may be in file structure and which method u r using for uplaod the data?

Maybe you are looking for

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