Bapi for item proposal

I need a BAPI for creation of item proposal and fetch data at the time of sales order creation through bapi. Please help me out to solve.
Hemant ghiya

G. Lakshmipathi

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  • Settings for Item Proposal and Product Proposal

    Hi Gurus,
    How to do the configuration settings for Item Proposal and Product Proposal.
    I also want to know what is the difference between Item Proposal and product Proposal.
    Give me your Solution.

    Item proposal is the list of regularly/frequently ordered items of a particular customer. this will be useful when u are entering the sales order. it will be used to speed up the order entry process.
    For that Goto VA51, enter item proposal type as MS and sales area details.
    enter the customer name and the list of products and save. Assign the item proposal No in the customer master sales area data, sales tab.
    create the sales order  and enter the customer no and press the propose items button in the sales order.
    the system will propose one box and it will display all the materials. then u can continue further.
    Product proposal:
    To configure product proposal, Go to IMG,SD, Basic functions, Dynamic product proposal, Maintain all the settings
    **A product proposal is a list of products for a specific customer that is automatically proposed during sales document processing. You can decide for yourself which materials should be displayed as product proposals in the sales document. You can also determine the sequence in which the materials appear in the product proposal.
         During sales document processing, the system displays a product proposal in the item overview according to the customer and the business transaction. It displays the material number, material description, and historical order quantites in the sales unit last used. To use a material again, you just have to copy it. The system does not run the standard checks (pricing, availability, incompletion, material determination, free goods determination and so on) until you have entered the order quantities.
    The product proposal is both an entry help and an aid to sales support and promotions. It is particularly useful in Telesales, where the employee automatically receives a display of all the materials that are of interest to a particular customer. This helps them to provide appropriate advice to the customer quickly and easily. The sales document history enables you to analyse the purchasing behaviour of a customer and recognize early on if it changes, for instance, when the customer suddenly stops ordering a product.
    The product proposal differs to cross-selling in that it is dependent on the customer and sales area, and is displayed in the sales document as soon as you have entered a customer. Cross-selling, on the other hand, is triggered by a material. In other words, the system proposes cross-selling materials according to the material or a characteristic of the material you have entered.
    You can determine the product proposal from different data sources:
    Order history
    Listed materials
    Excluded materials
    Item proposal
    Customer-material info records
    Customer-specific data sources
    You can combine materials from these data sources to create a product proposal. The system then accesses the data sources either online or in the background.
    To define a product proposal for sales document processing, you must carry out the following activities in Customizing:
    Define customer procedure for product proposal
    Define document procedure for product proposal
    Assign document procedure for product proposal to order types
    Maintain table of origin for product proposal
    Define product proposal procedure and determine access sequences
    Maintain procedure determination (in background) for product proposal
    Maintain procedure determination (online) for product proposal
    The product proposal procedure determines how the system displays the product proposal in the sales document. For instance, if the system has accessed the order history, it determines how many columns should be displayed in the sales document, in which period intervals thehistoric order quantities should be displayed (for instance, day, week, or month), and most importantly, the sequence in which the system should access the data sources (for example, order history, listing, exclusion).
    The product proposal procedure depends on the:
    Customer determination procedure
    The customer procedure determines which product proposal procedure the system automatically uses when you create a sales document for a particular customer.
    It is specified in the customer master record per sales area.
    Document determination procedure
    The document procedure determines which product proposal procedure the system automatically uses for a certain document type. The document procedure is stored as a key in the header for the sales document type.
    If you use online processing, the product proposal procedure is determined according to the customer and document determination procedures.
    If you use background processing, the product proposal procedure is determined according to the sales area in the customer master and the customer determination procedure. It does not use the document determination procedure because the document type is not recognized in background processing.
    Item proposal is the list of products the customer used to buy frequently.
    Product proposal is also the list of products but it will explode in the sales order, once u enter the sold to party field. But this will be based on the following criterias.
    Order history
    Listed materials
    Excluded materials
    Item proposal
    Customer-material info records
    Customer-specific data sources
    Hope this clarifies.
    Reward points if useful

  • BAPI for Packing proposal in Sale order

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    Is there any BAPI to do packing proposal in sale order ? BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE does not have any tables for packing

    I have already used the same BAPIs for packing and i am able to update packing in delivery using WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE.
    But in case of sale orders, i can use BAPI_HU_CREATE and pack
    But what BAPI i should use to update the sale order ??? BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE does not have any tables to pass packing proposal data !!

  • Bapi for item details

    Hi all,
       Can any body tell name of the standard bapi so that if i pass the item number then I can get the item rate & item available quantity. Please help me with an example. (What are the mandatory fields i need to pass to bapi ). Your help is reward able.

       I guess you are enquiring regarding Sales Order Item.
    If so, you can use BAPI_SALESORDER_SIMULATE to gather the pricing details and confirmation of quantity.
       Parameters to be passed would be:
    1. Header - Doc Type, Sales Org, Dist. Channel, Division
    2. Items - Material Number
    3. Partners - Atleast Sold-To Party
    4. Schedule Line - Requested Delivery Date, Quantity
      Hope the above info helps you.
    Kind Regards

  • How to configure item proposal

    Hello Gurus, i'm trying to configure item proposal...but can't see the effect on VA01..i've created VA51 record for item proposal and then assigned in XD02 at sales in sales there any thing else i've to still that when i put the partnet function-SP number in should give the message or record of the existing item proposal? Please correct me if i'm wrong. Thanx

    Item propsal is a list of materials which you can call up during the order entry.
    You create the item proposal by trazaction VA51.
    Where as Dunamic Product Prossal( which you are refering as Product proposal )is dynamic order entry tool.
    Dynamic Product proposal can be determined by different data sources as below.
    Order history.
    Listed materials .
    Excluded materials .
    Item proposal .
    Customer/material info records .
    Customer-specific data sources.
    In the dynamic product proposal You can combine/exclude materials from different data sources mentioned above.
    Say for example, you could combine the total of all materials in the last n-sales plus all materials in certain item proposals, but excluding those specified in the exclusion.
    Dynamic Product Proposal is called /determined as soon as you enter the sold party in the order.
    You can reach IMG customising steps by
    IMG >SD>Basic functions>Dynamic Product Proposal .

  • Item proposal

    Dear Gurus
    can any one tell me the configuration of Dynamic item proposal
    Thanks in advance
    Sneha Reddy

    hi sneha,
    In sap SD we have 2 different item proposals. One is the normal one whch is the item proposal which is done through VA51. In this normally we maintain for a particular customer a list of products with the required numbers. This you can use as a reference in the sales order for fast order creation. This you can do in IMG-sales & distribution-basic functions-item proposal. Item proposal can also be referred to as product proposal.
    The second one is the dynamic product proposal which is somewhat different thing from normal item/product proposal. This is also in IMG-Sales & distribution-basic functions-dynamic product proposal. Follow all the steps mentioned in that. To explain what is dynamic item/product proposal - it is a tool in SAP SD which is used to get the customer's buying behaviour. The effect will be like this: when you enter the customer the system will display the list of items which the customer has purchased before. So if the customer has stopped buying a specific product then it can be used by the management to discuss it with that customer. The config for this you will get it in the IMG. In this you can mention that the previous sales of that customer should be taken for reference. But go through all the fiels in the Config.
    For normal Item proposal follow these steps:
    1. VA51- select the documnet type as MS, enter the customer number(sold to party number), then enter the required material and the required quantities. Then save it. The system will give you an internal number.
    2. Go to XD02, select the required sold to party for whom you have maintained the item proposal, go to sales area data, sales. Now in sales you have a field for item proposal here you enter the number of that item proposal and then save it.
    3. VA01 create the sales order. When you have entered the sold to party, the PO number , the PO date. Now on the menu bar select edit and in that PROPOSE ITEMS. Now after this the system will ask you with quantity or without quantity means if you select without quantity then the items will be displayed in the item data but you will have to enter the quantiy for each item.
    I Hope I have answered your query. Please reward valuable points if solution found useful.
    Allabaqsh G. Patil

  • Product /item proposal

    Hello friends !!
    I have assigned a product /item proposal to a customer .
    I have mark the material deleted ( through MM06)
    Now I create a sales order with ref to this product /item proposal .
    I donu2019t get the  information message : - Material AXMAT-SKK is marked for deletion
    I can get this only when I enter this material directly to the item line .
    can you help me ?

    Instead of deleting the material at the client level in MM06, go to MM02 Sales Org1 Tab in Dist chain specific status enter the relevant option & enter the validity date & save the material.
    Once this is done even for item proposal you cannot raise an order.
    Hope this will help you.
    Thanks & Regards

  • Bapi for posting IR line item at a time

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    This is an old bug that keeps popping up:

  • BAPI FOR Deleting a Schedule Line Item from EKES and EKET tables

    Dear All,
    I would like to for deleting one of the line item from EKES (Po Confirmation ) and the respective line item from the EKET(PO Schedule Line Item Table).
    Assume that am allowing the user to select the lineitem from zprogram screen and collecting the PO and Its LIne Item details in an internal table.
    Can i Use
    <b>BAPI_PO_Change</b> , if so , can anybody tell me the steps to follow to use this bapi for deleting the PO lineItems, since i m going to try BAPI for First time.
    pls help me out
    Message was edited by: Raja K.P

    Hi raja ,
    loop at iekko1.
        w_index = sy-tabix.
        item-po_item   = itemx-po_item   = iekko1-ebelp.
        item-quantity  = iekko1-mng01.
        itemx-quantity = iekko1-mng01.
        if iekko1-wamng = iekko1-wemng.
        itemx-no_more_gr = item-no_more_gr = 'X'.
        itemx-no_more_gr = item-no_more_gr = ''.
        append item.
        append itemx.
          clear return[].
          call function 'BAPI_PO_CHANGE'
                    purchaseorder = iekko1-ebeln
                    return        = return
                    poitem        = item
                    poitemx       = itemx.
          if return[] is initial.
          commit work and wait.
          call function 'DEQUEUE_ALL'.
    search for deletion fields which u have to mark 'X'.
    before calling  this BAPi u have to lock the PO by using ENQUEUE.
    Change purchase order
    Function module BAPI_PO_CHANGE enables you to change purchase orders. The Change method uses the technology behind the online transaction ME22N.
    Alternatively, the IDoc type PORDCH1 is available. The data from this IDoc populates the interface parameters of the function module BAPI_PO_CHANGE.
    Functionality in Detail
    When you create (activity 02) an Enjoy purchase order, the following authorization objects are checked:
    M_BEST_BSA (document type in PO)
    M_BEST_EKG (purchasing group in PO)
    M_BEST_EKO (purchasing organization in PO)
    M_BEST_WRK (plant in PO)
    Controlling adoption of field values via X bar
    For most tables, you can use your own parameters in the associated X bar (e.g. PoItemX) to determine whether fields are to be set initial, values inserted via the interface, or default values adopted from Customizing or master records, etc. (for example, it is not mandatory to adopt the material group from an underlying requisition - you can change it with the BAPI).
    Purchase order number
    The PurchaseOrder field uniquely identifies a purchase order. This field must be populated in order to carry out the Change method.
    Header data
    The header data of the Enjoy purchase order is transferred in table PoHeader.
    Item data
    The item data of the Enjoy purchase order is stored in the tables PoItem (general item data). Changes regarding quantity and delivery date are to be made in the table PoSchedule.
    Use the table PoAccount to change the account assignment information.
    Services and limits
    Changes to existing items cannot be carried out with the Change method. It is only possible to create new items.
    Conditions are transferred in the table PoCond; header conditions in the table PoCondHeader. A new price determination process can be initiated via the parameter CALCTYPE in the table PoItem.
    Vendor and delivery address
    The vendor address in the table PoAddrVendor and the delivery address in the table PoAddrDelivery can only be replaced by another address number that already exists in the system (table ADRC). Changes to address details can only be made using the method BAPI_ADDRESSORG_CHANGE.
    Partner roles
    You can change all partners except the partner role "vendor" via the table PoPartner.
    Export/import data
    Export/import data can be specified per item in the table PoExpImpItem. Foreign trade data can only be transferred as default data for new items. Changes to the export/import data of existing items are not possible.
    Header and item texts can be transferred in the tables PoTextHeader and PoTextItem. Texts for services are imported in the table PoServicesText. Texts can only be replaced completely.
    Version Management
    You can make use of the Version Management facility via the table AllVersions.
    If the PO was changed successfully, the header and item tables are populated with the information from the PO.
    Return messages
    Messages are returned in the parameter Return. This also contains information as to whether interface data has been wrongly or probably wrongly (heuristical interface check) populated. If a PO has been successfully created, the PO number is also placed in the return table with the appropriate message.
    With this function module, it is not possible to:
    Create subcontracting components (you can only use existing ones)
    Create configurations (you can only use existing ones)
    Change message records (table NAST) and additional message data (this data can only be determined via the message determination facility (Customizing))
    Attach documents to the purchase order
    Change foreign trade data
    Change service data
    Change or reexplode BOMs
    A firewall prevents the manipulation of data that is not changeable in Purchasing according to the business logic of the purchase order (e.g. PO number, vendor, etc.).
    PO items with an invoicing plan cannot be created or changed using the BAPIs
    In this connection, please refer to current information in Note 197958.
    To change addresses with numbers from Business Address Services (cantral address management), please use the function module BAPI_ADDRESSORG_CHANGE.
    To change variant configurations, please use the function module BAPI_UI_CHANGE. More information is available in the BAPI Explorer under the Logistics General node.
    In the case of changes that are to be made via the BAPI_PO_CHANGE, a firewall first checks whether the relevant fields are changeable. This approach follows that of the online transaction. Here it is not possible to change the vendor or the document type, for example.
    Example of changes made to a purchase order with:
    1. Change in header data
    2. Change in item
    3. Change in delivery schedule
    4. Change in account assignment
    5. Change in conditions
    6. Change in partners
    Parameter: PURCHASEORDER 4500049596
    Parameter: POHEADER
    PMNTTRMS = 0002
    PUR_GROUP = 002
    Parameter: POHEADERX
    Parameter: POITEM
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    CONF_CTRL = 0001
    Parameter: POITEMX
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    PO_ITEMX = X
    CONF_CTRL =  X
    Parameter: POSCHEDULE
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    SCHED_LINE = 0001
    QUANTITY = 10.000
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    SCHED_LINE = 0003
    Parameter: POSCHEDULEX
    PO_ITEM =  00001
    SCHED_LINE =  0001
    PO_ITEMX =  X
    PO_ITEM =  00001
    SCHED_LINE =  0003
    PO_ITEMX =  X
    Parameter: POACCOUNT
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    SERIAL_NO = 01
    GL_ACCOUNT = 0000400020
    Parameter: POACCOUNTX
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    SERIAL_NO = 01
    PO_ITEMX = X
    Parameter: POCOND
    ITM_NUMBER = 000001
    COND_TYPE = RA02
    COND_VALUE = 2.110000000
    CURRENCY = %
    Parameter: POCONDX
    ITM_NUMBER = 000001
    COND_ST_NO = 001
    Parameter: POPARTNER
    LANGU =  EN
    BUSPARTNO = 0000001000
    Help in the Case of Problems
    1. Note 197958 lists answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). (Note 499626 contains answers to FAQs relating to External Services Management.)
    2. If you have detected an error in the function of a BAPI, kindly create a reproducible example in the test data directory in the Function Builder (transaction code SE37). Note 375886 tells you how to do this.
    3. If the problem persists, please create a Customer Problem Message for the componente MM-PUR-PO-BAPI, and document the reproducible example where necessary.
    Customer Enhancements
    The following user exits (function modules) are available for the BAPI BAPI_PO_CREATE1:
    EXIT_SAPL2012_001 (at start of BAPI)
    EXIT_SAPL2012_003 (at end of BAPI)
    The following user exits (function modules) are available for the BAPI BAPI BAPI_PO_CHANGE:
    EXIT_SAPL2012_002 (at start of BAPI)
    EXIT_SAPL2012_004 (at end of BAPI)
    These exits belong to the enhancement SAPL2012 (see also transaction codes SMOD and CMOD).
    There is also the option of populating customer-specific fields for header, item, or account assignment data via the parameter EXTENSIONIN.
    Further Information
    1. Note 197958 contains up-to-date information on the purchase order BAPIs.
    2. If you test the BAPIs BAPI_PO_CREATE1 or BAPI_PO_CHANGE in the Function Builder (transaction code SE37), no database updates will be carried out. If you need this function, please take a look at Note 420646.
    3. The BAPI BAPI_PO_GETDETAIL serves to read the details of a purchase order. The BAPI cannot read all details (e.g. conditions). However, you can use the BAPI BAPI_PO_CHANGE for this purpose if only the document number is populated and the initiator has change authorizations for purchase orders.
    5. For more information on purchase orders, refer to the SAP library (under MM Purchasing -> Purchase Orders) or the Help for the Enjoy Purchase Order, or choose the path Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Overview -> BAPI Explorer from the SAP menu.
    Function Group
    Message was edited by: Prabhu Peram

  • How to implement bapi for transaction code f-02 for multiple line items

    Hi All,
    I am having one requirement to of implementing bapi for tcode f-02.
    I have identified the name of the badi e.i.  BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST.
    but i dont have any idea how implement it.
    i have multiple line items for one header.
    Please help me in this.

    In recording once u save, the recording comings out the transaction.
    If u want the pop-up to display before save. Then in recording also
    after entering all data and before Save press enter or do check.Try
    this way after that save the transaction.

  • Service entry sheet creation thru bapi for multiple line items

    HI All,
    WE are using BAPI_ENTRYSHEET_CREATE bapi for the creation of service entry sheet against service PO.
    We are able to create the service entry sheet successfully with single sevice line item using this bapi,but when we are going for multiple service line items in item services tab in aPO, we are able to create the service entry sheet with only one service line item although there are 4 service line items in the item service tab in the po.
    We know that this bapi cannot support more than one po line item as it has provision for only one line item at the header leavel in the bapi
    will be rewarded for the best solution.

    Do you know the note 420334?. There you have very useful information.
    Best Regards,
    Arminda Jack

  • BAPI for Automate direct debit proposal creation for selected customers.

    Hello ABAP Gurus,
    Requirement is - Changing the process for Automate direct debit proposal creation for selected customers from a custom BDC program to a BAPI.
    Explanation -
    Currently as per the process, we are using a BDC call transaction program for F110 - Automate direct debit proposal creation for selected customers. The main pupose of this BDC program is to automate F110 Bank Run for A/R (Selected Customers Only). It creates payment proposal which is the first step in order to create payment runs.This program will run in background.
    We wanted to change the process from a BDC call transaction process to a BAPI call . In this process I am trying to chase for a valid BAPI in order to sync to my requirement.
    It would be appreciate for your << removed >> response.
    Thank you.
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Nov 11, 2009 3:33 PM

    Hello gurus,
    Is there any implicit or explicit enhancement point for F110 process or is there any alternative for payment proposal creations?
    is there any BAPI for F110 functionality?
    can you please let me know.
    Thank you

  • Characteristics for Item of a Order in BAPI

    My requirement is to create a return sales order using a BAPI from a inbound file for AFS Material.
    I am using BAPI BAPI_CUSTOMERRETURN_CREATE which has interface almost same as any other Sales Order creation BAPI.
    When a AFS material data is entered in the sales order creation Transaction (VA01) we have option for Matrix Entry.
    In my current system,
    certain materials are configured to have characteristics XS, S, M.
    Some MAterials have charectricits XS, SM, MD, LG, XL.
    eg :
    WE craete a BAPI with 2 items one with the first material and second with the second material.
    We enter first material XS = 1, and M = 1 and thus total quantity in the first item = 2.
    We enter Second material XS = 1, SM = 1, LG = 1, XL = 1 and thus total quantity in the first item = 4.
    Coming back to my requirement I need to pass the above characteristics values into teh BAPI when I create a sales order so that the sales order thus created has items with the characteristics as mentioend above.

    My requirement is to create a return sales order using a BAPI from a inbound file for AFS Material.
    I am using BAPI BAPI_CUSTOMERRETURN_CREATE which has interface almost same as any other Sales Order creation BAPI.
    When a AFS material data is entered in the sales order creation Transaction (VA01) we have option for Matrix Entry.
    In my current system,
    certain materials are configured to have characteristics XS, S, M.
    Some MAterials have charectricits XS, SM, MD, LG, XL.
    eg :
    WE craete a BAPI with 2 items one with the first material and second with the second material.
    We enter first material XS = 1, and M = 1 and thus total quantity in the first item = 2.
    We enter Second material XS = 1, SM = 1, LG = 1, XL = 1 and thus total quantity in the first item = 4.
    Coming back to my requirement I need to pass the above characteristics values into teh BAPI when I create a sales order so that the sales order thus created has items with the characteristics as mentioend above.

  • BAPI for reset cleared items ie for transaction FBRA

    Hi all,
    Is ther any BAPI for trasaction FBRA ?
    but are not released .
    Kindly do the needful.

    Hi ,
    You should use FM CALL_FBRA AND CALL_FB08 function modules one by one.
    CALL_FBRA is for clearing items
    CALL_FB08 is for Reversing items

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