Basic GUI Help

I'm working on a big GUI, using NetBeans since it simplified the initial container design... but now I need to link all the components to actions and events... which I'm not very experienced with.
I made a dummy GUI that does similar, but far fewer functions like my real project. Can someone help me design the actions/events for this little dummy gui, and explain how they work, so I can use that as a guide...?
The dummy project has two java files. A Scan class ( will be used to parse a 'patient' text file, and create a String with info from that file (Scan.patient), as well as store the original pathname (Scan.path).
You can create a Scan object by giving the constructor a File or String (file path) argument. You can then call the patient or path vars. The dummy 3 line patient file:
Now the hard part, the GUI from NetBeans... the syntax is a little bloated since it's machine generated, but shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
The GUI is meant to parse whatever text file opened (for the purposes of this dummy gui, only dummy.txt will ever be browsed to, since the program can handle only 3 lines) into C:\output.txt (which you can create and leave blank beforehand).
What I need:
(1) The Open button (JButton openButton) needs to call a file chooser, where a user can browse to our dummy text file. should then make a Scan object using this file.
(2) Once opened, the file path should appear in the JLabel pathLabel (you can use another gui component instead of a JLabel if you want, I just didn't know what would be the appropriate one for this sort of operation)
(3) You can select Yes/No or input some text into the combo box (JComboBox statusCombo) as well as input stuff into a text field, let's say a date (JTextField dateField). This information will also be written into output.txt
(4) Once you hit the Write button, Scan.patient, and the contents of statusCombo and dateField should be written into output.txt (it doesn't matter what line contains what, for simplicity maybe make statusCombo first, then dateField, then Scan.patient which is 2 lines)... I just need to see how to make a button do such an operation using another Object (Scan) as well as user input...
So far, I have looked through the API and File Chooser examples, and I've added the following to my code:
- instance variable to the File file; for the file that file chooser will get.
- also added openButton.addActionListener(this); to the initComponents() method.
- and another method:
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    if(e.getSource() == openButton){
      JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
      int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(dummyGui.this);
      if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
        file = chooser.getSelectedFile();
}But when I run the GUI, and hit Open, the button gets pressed in and then the window freezes while no file browser shows ... =/

Don't use an IDE to generate your code, you don't learn anything.
Read the [url]Swing tutorial. It gives sample programs on using the various Swing components.

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    My computer does not do this, even when that user is logged in on my computer.
    Any ideas?

    Your requirements are not 100% clear. In  your message you say you are looking for SNC between SAP GUI and SAP ABAP, but the help page you posted a link for is not related to this, but explains how to use SNC for CPIC.
    If you are looking to use SNC for authenticating users of SAP GUI to SAP ABAP, then you have a number of options. If your SAP ABAP server is on Windows then SAP have a library which can be obtained for no cost to give you basic SSO using Active Directory authentication (aka Kerberos). If your SAP application server is on Unix or Linux, then you can look on SAP EcoHub for third party SAP certified products which provide this functionality. SAP have also just launched a new product which has some functionality for SAP GUI SSO, but this is not free.
    Please let me know if you have any more questions or need clarification.

  • Help with a very basic GUI

    Hi guys, i have a project to do and Ive chosen hangman. Ive already made the main program , but i need help with the GUI. I havent been taught about GUI in school, so all i know is what i could understand from a book and what ive read on the internet..
    First , heres the code of my basic Hangman class:
    import java.util.Random;
    public class Hangman
        public void maingame()throws IOException
            InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(;
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
            Random rand = new Random();
            char current[]=(movies[rand.nextInt(movies.length)]).toCharArray();  //Convert a random string from movies array into a char array
            char actual[]=new char[current.length]; //Store current state of guessed movie
            for (int i=0;i<actual.length;i++)
                if (isVowel(Character.toUpperCase(current))==true)
    else if (isSpecialChar(Character.toUpperCase(current[i]))==true)
    else if (current[i]==' ')
    String hangman = "HANGMAN";
    int turnsleft=7;
    StringBuffer guessed=new StringBuffer();
    while (turnsleft!=0)
    System.out.println("\nEnter your guess");
    String inp = br.readLine();
    if (inp.length()>1)
    System.out.println("You may only enter one character");
    char guess = inp.charAt(0); //Convert the entered string to char
    if ( (hasBeenGuessed(guess,guessed)) == true )
    System.out.println("You have already guessed that\nYou have "+turnsleft+" turns left");
    else if (guess >= '0' && guess <= '9')
    System.out.println("You cannot guess digits.All digits in a movie will will be filled in automatically");
    if (isVowel(guess)!=true)
    if (isCorrect(guess,turnsleft,current,actual)==true)
    if (hasWon(actual,current)==true)
    System.out.println("\nCongratulations!You won!");
    System.out.println("\nCorrect Guess!\nYou have "+turnsleft+" turns left\n");
    System.out.println("Wrong Guess!\nYou have "+turnsleft+" turns left\n");
    else if (isVowel(guess)==true)
    System.out.println("You cannot guess vowels\nYou have "+turnsleft+" turns left\n");
    System.out.println("You have already guessed that\nYou have "+turnsleft+" turns left\n");
    if (turnsleft==0)
    System.out.println("\nYou lose!\nThe movie was: ");
    private boolean isCorrect(char guess,int turnsleft,char current[],char actual[])
    int flag=0;
    for (int i=0;i<current.length;i++)
    if ( Character.toUpperCase(current[i])==Character.toUpperCase(guess) && actual[i]!=guess ) //Check if guess is correct, and make sure it has not already been entered
    else if (Character.toUpperCase(current[i])!=Character.toUpperCase(guess) && i==current.length-1 && flag==0)
    return false;
    if (flag!=0)
    return true;
    return false;
    private boolean hasWon(char actual[],char current[])
    char actualspc[]=new char[actual.length];
    for (int i=0;i<actual.length;i++)
    if (actual[i]=='/')
    actualspc[i]=' ';
    for (int i=0;i<actual.length;i++)
    if ((Character.toUpperCase(current[i]))==(Character.toUpperCase(actualspc[i])) && i==actual.length-1)
    return true;
    else if ((Character.toUpperCase(current[i]))==(Character.toUpperCase(actualspc[i])) && i!=actual.length-1)
    return false;
    return false;
    private void print(char arr[])
    for (int i=0;i<arr.length;i++)
    System.out.print(Character.toUpperCase(arr[i])+" ");
    private boolean isVowel(char a)
    if (a=='a' || a=='A' || a=='e' || a=='E' || a=='i' || a=='I' || a=='o' || a=='O' || a=='u' || a=='U')
    return true;
    return false;
    private boolean isSpecialChar(char a)
    //if (a>='a' && a<='z')
    //return false;
    //else if (a>='A' && a<='z')
    //return false;
    //else if (a==' ')
    //return false;
    //else if (a>='0' && a<='9')
    //return true;
    if (isLetter(a)==true)
    return false;
    else if (isWhiteSpace(a)==true)
    return false;
    else if (isDigit(a)==true)
    return true;
    return true;
    private boolean hasBeenGuessed(char a,StringBuffer guessed)
    for (int i=0;i<guessed.length();i++)
    if ( Character.toUpperCase(guessed.charAt(i)) == Character.toUpperCase(a))
    return true;
    return false;
    My first 2 questions are here:
    a - Why does isLetter not work, it says cannot resolve symbol - method isLetter(char)... Im guessing even isDigit and isWhiteSpace wont work, so why? If i cant use them ill have to use the commented code, its kind of unprofessional..
    b- Isnt there any way i can compare chars ignoring cases besides converting both to one case, like im doing now?
    Heres the new HangmanGUI class i made, it doesnt necessarily have to be a different class in the final outcome, but i would prefer it if it can.. Ive made what i can figure out.. Ive commented about what i need to do.
    Keep in mind i cant use Applets, only Frame/JFrame
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class HangmanGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener
        Button newGame = new Button("New Game");
        Button entGuess = new Button("Submit Guess");
        Button giveUp = new Button("Give Up");
        TextField input = new TextField("",1);
        Label hangman = new Label("HANGMAN");
        JPanel play = new JPanel();
        JPanel hang = new Jpanel();
        GridLayout playLayout = new GridLayout(2,4);
        public HangmanGUI()
        public void ActionPerformed(ActionEvent act)
            Object src = act.getSource();
            if (src==newGame)
            main(); //Calling main to restart program - will that work?
            //if (src==entGuess)
            //Need to submit the guess, while input is not empty to Hangman class
            //if (src==giveUp)
            //Need to go into the losing part of Hangman class
    }As you can see i need help with:
    a - How to complete the other ifs
    b - How to really use the data of my Hangman class in this class and combine the GUI and backend to make a nice GUI Hangman app
    c - btw, right now if i try to compile HangmanGUI it highlights the implements ActionListener line and says cannot resolve symbol - class ActionListener..
    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks for the explanation pete...
    Anyways, i started implementing my code within abillconsl's code, and im trying to assign a label to a char array using .toString(); but instead of whats in the char array i get [C@<numbers and digits> ..
    Whats wrong?
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class HangEmHighGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    private Button newGame,
    private TextField input;
    private Label hangman,
    private JPanel play,
    private GridLayout playLayout;
    private FlowLayout labelLayout;
    private Container container; // To avoid extra meth calls
    Random rand = new Random();
    char current[]=(movies[rand.nextInt(movies.length)]).toCharArray(); //Convert a random string from movies array into a char array
    char actual[]=new char[current.length]; //Store current state of guessed movie
    public HangEmHighGUI()
    container = this.getContentPane();
    play = new JPanel();
    hang = new JPanel();
    playLayout = new GridLayout(1, 3, 5, 5); // rows, cols, space, space
    labelLayout = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER);
    newGame = new Button("New Game");
    entGuess = new Button("Submit Guess");
    giveUp = new Button("Give Up");
    input = new TextField("",1);
    hangman = new Label("HANGMAN");
    movie = new Label(actual.toString());
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent act)
    Object src = act.getSource();
    if (src==newGame)
    main(new String[] {""}); //Calling main to restart program, this does not work without parameters, is there some other way to restart?
    if (src==entGuess)
    if (input.getText()=="")
    //if (src==giveUp)
    //Need to go into the losing part of Hangman class
    public static void main(String args[])
    javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    new HangEmHighGUI();
    private void setUp()
    for (int i=0;i<actual.length;i++)
    if (isVowel(Character.toUpperCase(current)))
    else if (isSpecialChar(Character.toUpperCase(current[i])))
    else if (Character.isWhitespace(current[i]))
    private boolean isVowel(char a)
    if (Character.toUpperCase(a)=='A' || Character.toUpperCase(a)=='E' || Character.toUpperCase(a)=='I' || Character.toUpperCase(a)=='O' || Character.toUpperCase(a)=='U')
    return true;
    return false;
    private boolean isSpecialChar(char a)
    if (Character.isLetter(a))
    return false;
    else if (Character.isDigit(a))
    return true;
    else if (Character.isWhitespace(a))
    return false;
    return true;
    private boolean isCorrect(char guess,int turnsleft,char current[],char actual[])
    int flag=0;
    for (int i=0;i<current.length;i++)
    if ( Character.toUpperCase(current[i])==Character.toUpperCase(guess) && actual[i]!=guess ) //Check if guess is correct, and make sure it has not already been entered
    else if (Character.toUpperCase(current[i])!=Character.toUpperCase(guess) && i==current.length-1 && flag==0)
    return false;
    if (flag!=0)
    return true;
    return false;
    private boolean hasWon(char actual[],char current[])
    char actualspc[]=new char[actual.length];
    for (int i=0;i<actual.length;i++)
    if (actual[i]=='/')
    actualspc[i]=' ';
    for (int i=0;i<actual.length;i++)
    if ((Character.toUpperCase(current[i]))==(Character.toUpperCase(actualspc[i])) && i==actual.length-1)
    return true;
    else if ((Character.toUpperCase(current[i]))==(Character.toUpperCase(actualspc[i])) && i!=actual.length-1)
    return false;
    return false;
    private void print(char arr[])
    for (int i=0;i<arr.length;i++)
    System.out.print(Character.toUpperCase(arr[i])+" ");
    private boolean hasBeenGuessed(char a,StringBuffer guessed)
    for (int i=0;i<guessed.length();i++)
    if ( Character.toUpperCase(guessed.charAt(i)) == Character.toUpperCase(a))
    return true;
    return false;
    Note that the majority of the code has been taken from my old hangman class, i havent adapted it to the GUI yet, so ignore all of that stuff.

  • Unix Ate My OSX GUI Help Please

    Hi All,
    I have the darndest problem . I have a G4 AGP Powermac running OSX10.4.11. Processors are dual giga designs 1.8 ghz. One day I shut my Mac down as usual. The next day I start up and I get a gray apple screen with the rosette. The screen changes to blue,After a minute or so I get a black screen and welcome to darwin! There is a login and password which appear. I can login and it accepts my password, I receive my name with a dollar sign after it. I do not want to be there. I want to be in the non unix world of the uninformed typical GUI user. How do I get out of the shell and into my nice safe GUI interface of Tiger? I know of no issues that put me there. I have done some research into Unix and have used the most basic of commands. Help, info, exit, list. I admit I am totally lost.
    So, any help would be greatly appreciated as all of my important stuff, pics music movies,etc. is on this computer. I have another internal hard drive in the G4 which is my backup, but am unable to access it at this time. It has no operating system on it.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    I doubt this is just as simple as that. Ordinarily the OS wouldn't boot to single user mode unless a) you held down a specific combination of keys at boot, or b) there's some problem affecting the normal boot problem.
    I suspect the latter.
    You should look carefully at the messages on screen. There should be something there that gives you a hint as to what's wrong (most likely a problem with the boot volume). It should also give hints on how to fix the problem using fsck.

  • Both side chatting with simple GUI ,,helps pls?

    guys I'm Java application programmer i don't have well knowledge in network programing ,,my question ,,,from where should i start to design a simple GUI client*s* server chat program ,i mean some thing like simple yahoo messenger the program should include also adding contact and make that contact appears ON if he login or OFF if he sign out like red color for ON-line contact and and white color for off-line contact ...........
    another thing that chat system should include shared folder all the contact can enter it and upload file or download file ...
    please guys i run to you to help me i have 2 weeks only to do that thing please don't let me down i need your help ....TIPS,code,any thing full code :) ,,any thing will be really appreciated .
    guys for more information the program includes only the chat of course its both sides chat between the clients and these is no conference room
    or audio or video nothing ,,just text only nothing else except the folder shearing service and the colors of the contacts for login or not .
    guys once more help me give me codes or any thing useful i count on you guys.
    thx a lot in advance
    Edited by: RSPCPRO on Oct 3, 2008 6:25 PM

    RSPCPRO wrote:
    Dude , u r right ,,,but still its simple GUI issueI'm not sure why you are getting this impression. It's not a simple "GUI issue." Yes, you can simply create the GUI for this, but will it be functional? No. Furthermore, if it was so simple, why are you posting asking for help?
    For an instant message chat program, in addition to GUI programming, you need to know how client / server systems work and you need to implement one. A server should be running on one system and the client(s) will connect to it. The server usually maintains the buddy list and passes the messages to/from different clients. This presents several problems that you will need to solve:
    1. How will you develop a protocol between the client / server for communication?
    2. How will you authenticate users?
    3. How will you maintain the buddy list on the server (data structure, database, file)?
    4. How will you pass messages from one client to another (simple string message, serialized data object, etc.)?
    5. etc.
    Now, I'm not saying this is "impossible" so please don't take it that way. I'm simply trying to help you realize that there are a lot of factors to consider when developing this type of application.
    RSPCPRO wrote:
    and for the "FTP?" ,,,its folder shearing as i said earlier every one of your friends can access it not FTP .....Talking about "folder sharing" is a whole other issue. What I meant by saying "FTP?" is, how do you plan on implementing "folder sharing" remotely? One option is FTP. How would you do it?
    RSPCPRO wrote:
    and one thing please don't assume any thing u don't knowIf you ask a very broad question and ask for code, I can only assume one thing.
    RSPCPRO wrote:
    be cooler with others and u will get what u want.I agree. You should take your own advice. I'm not the one looking for help, you are.
    RSPCPRO wrote:
    thx dude for ur advice and for the link have a good day.You're welcome, and good luck.

  • Basic script help for a newbie?!?!

    Need help with a basic script, I need to display 5 input fields in a single dynamic field. And i need them to have a certain order of display, ie: input 1 is displayed on line 1, 2 on the next line, etc. any help would be appreciated
    I have been trying various scripts but i either make the second input field replace the first one, or i cant get the vars to populate the field with a button.. Im kinda lost.

    Show what you have tried so far that give you the results where you either replace fields or can't get vars to populate them with a button.

  • Some basic questions: Help defining Real World Classes

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    What I'm confused about is what classes and objects to create (and why). My first thought is to create a LateTruck class, a DriverManager class and a Customer class and have the LateTruck class call up the DriverManager to send an email then have the JSP page reinstantiate the LateTruck and instantiate the Customer class to send the email to the client.
    If I do it this way, is there a proper way to send the email? Do I send the email as a method in LateTruck which gets the email address from DriverManager such as
    or do I use LateTruck to write the email message which I then pass to DriverManager such as
    Should I even break up the applet into three classes and objects? Since each LateTruck only needs one DriverManager and one Client, is the proper way to do this to create only one class called LateTruck which has DriverManager, DriverManagerEmail, ClientName and ClientEmail all as properties of LateTruck?
    Thanks for any help in understanding the basics here.

    Is that the story of Static Write and the Seven Classes and the evil stepmother Wilma Gates who kept asking "Mirror Site, Mirror Site on the web, who's got the buggiest InterDev?

  • Doubts in XI me with some practical examples

    hi friends,
              I am new to SAP XI have some basic doubts. Answer my questions with some practical examples.
      1. what is meant by "Business System" and what is difference between client,customer,Business partner,3rd party
      2.If a small company already using some systems like Oracle or peopleSoft,if it wants to use SAP products then what steps it has to follow.
    3. SAP system means a SERVER?
    4.SAPWebAs means a server software?
    5.R/3 system comes under SAP system?
    6.XI is also one of the SAP it relates to other modules.
    7.In one organization which is using SAP modules,each module will be load in separate servers?
    8.PO(purchase order) means just looks like one HTML file..customer will fill the form and give this,Combination of many files like this is one SAP module.Is it right assumption..?if so,then what is speciality SAP?
       I have an theoretical knowledge about IR and ID and SLD.what are general business transactions happens in any business ?(like who will send cotation,PO)  give some practical example for what actually happens in business?..who will do what?and what XI will do?

    Hi Murali,
    <u><b> 1.Business System</b></u>
      Business systems are logical systems that function as senders or receivers  within the SAP Exchange Infrastructure(XI).
    Before starting with any XI interface,the Business systems involved has to be configured in SLD(The SLD acts as the central information provider for all installed system components in your system landscape.)
    business system and technical system in XI
    <u><b>2.Third Party</b></u>
    eg.For the SAP system a  Bank would be a third-party which would be involved in interfaces involving exchange of data(Bill Payment by customer).
    <u><b>3.XI(Exchange Infrastructure)</b></u>
      It enables you to connect systems from different vendors (non-SAP and SAP) in different versions and implemented in different programming languages (Java, ABAP, and so on) to each other.
    Eg.If an interface involves Purchase Order sent from SAP system to the vendor(Non-SAP system)then,the vendor might expect a file.But the Data is in the IDOC(intermediate document) form with the SAP system.Here XI does the work of mapping the IDOC fields and the File fields and sends it to the vendor in the form of a file.
    In short,always the scene is Sender-XI-Receiver.
    The Sender and the Receiver depends upon the Business you are dealing with.
    <u><b>4.Business Partner</b></u>
    A person, organization, group of persons, or group of organizations in which a company has a business interest.
    This can also be a person, organization or group within this company.
    Mrs. Lisa Miller
    Maier Electricals Inc.
    Purchasing department of Maier Electricals Inc.
    <u><b>6.SAP System</b></u>
    <u><b>7.SAP WebAS</b></u>
    As you are a beginner, I understand you musn’t be aware of where to search what.
    For all details search out in
    And sdn(key in keyword in Search tab).
    You will get list of forums,blogs,documentation answering all your queries.

  • Basic FCP Help for beginner

    Thanks in advance for looking at my post.
    I have a uni project whereby i have to make a music video for a song previously recorded.
    I have videoed various shots of my band playing along to the recorded song.
    They all start at different times (i.e start of video clip does not match with audio clip) yet i know that over the whole song they are in time with each other as i had the drummer play along to the recording using headphones.
    So what im trying to do is load up all of the clips into FCP alongside the audio, adjust the start position for the various video clips so that they synchronise with the audio, and then lock them into place.
    I would then like to cut them up into clips and move the parts that i want to use down onto the main video timeline so that they are in time with the audio.
    I am mainly encountering problems with having to render these 3 minute video clips just to see if they line up with the audio which is a very time consuming process. Is there any way to use the markers and tell them to lock together, that is put a marker on the audio timeline, put markers on each video clip at the same point and line them up/snap them into place.
    Any help would be much appreciated, as i mentioned in the subject i am a complete apple/FCP beginner having only done basic videos where i didnt need to have such synchronicity between audio and video.
    Also on a side note when i load up the video clips into the timeline, they creat new lines V2,V3 and so on. Am i right in assuming that V1 is the final rendered timeline, or does FCP show all of the V# if they have footage on them?
    Tl:dr help
    Message was edited by: y0ukn0ws1t

    Thanks for the response, i have looked at a few video tutorials, but i cant find one that deals with multiple video takes over a common audio take.
    Are v2,3 etc slates to load up video before aligning/cutting and placing onto V1 (the main video sequence)??
    With regards to this video
    Am i right in assuming once i have lined up all the video clips to sync with the audio i can set in and out markers on the video clips to tell FCP to use the sections that i want of each take?
    Message was edited by: y0ukn0ws1t

  • Basic Newbie Help

    I am sorry but I have found the docs to be a little on the sparse side. I am a developer and it seems that the docs were written by a developer that knows the system. Having NEVER implemented a proxy server before I am having a dificult time making heads or tails of implementing filtering and templates. I know their concepts and I know regex very well. I dug around looking at the obj.conf file to see if I could see how what I was doing on the admin server translated to configuration.
    When I go to the Filters page for the default proxy server what the heck do I choose / do? When I select a resource from the drop down list what are those exactly? The ones like "https://.*" look to me like a regulare expression that would go with an allow/deny or some other rule set. But its something I get to choose.
    Then there is the Credit/Edit Filters section that creates filters. That seems pretty straightforward but I do not know how they relate (if they do) to the resource that is selected in the Resource Selection combo box.
    I assume that when you create a filter you then select it from the ALLOW or DENY list and then apply it.
    No matter what I do it doesn't work right and I get all denied or all allowed. Then ther eis a template. Besides being a list of URL's how does it releate to everything else on this page?
    I know this is a free product but some more effort on the docs in this VERY IMPORTANT area would be nice.
    If these topics have been covered in posts, blogs, or other please direct me to them so that I can read and learn ... if not could someone that knows this aspect of Sun Proxy Server take 5 or 10 minutes and explain how these things interrelate so that I at least know how the user interface is supposed to be used.

    Rahul, thanks for the reply.
    In order for me to be able to manually modify the obj.conf file I need to know a few basics rules first. I would actually prefer to create the url files by hand as you suggest but unless I know where things go then it will be a lot of trial and error. I will look at the examples folder for help as well. But I have a few simple questions to get me started. These questions are based on the "Filters" tab for the proxy instance.
    1) At the moment I am not doing NSAPI filters (well I don't know if I am I don't know what they are yet) I am only creating regex filters though the UI at the moment. Are those NSAPI filters?
    2) Under Resource selection, there is a drop down list of existing resources and one called the entire server. I assume that the filters you create and operate upon are somehow linked with this resource, is that correct?. For now I am just trying the "entire server" resource but if I were to also create a filter for say the https:// resource which resource would rule the day. Example, if I say that is allowed for the entire server but under the http:// resource I saw it is not allowed which resource rule takes precedense?
    3) The Create and Edit filters area is self explanatory however I do not see how (through the UI) to delete a filter or disassociate it from the resource "entire server"
    4) Under Operate Filters there are two drop downs for Allow and Deny. I assume again that this will set a url list to either be allowed or denied for the resource selected like "the entire server"
    According to the admin UI I have a whitelist url file set for allow and NONE set for deny. The whitelist url contains the following (grabbed from the WhiteList.url file)
    I have also tried .*://www\\.google\\.com/.*
    Unless my regex is wrong I should be able to get out right? I get the following browser message:
    This URL is not allowed to be proxied.
    What I find odd is that even though I have selected the WhiteList for allow and NONE for deny the obj.conf file still has entries for two other url file filters I created the other day (dougs and dougs-deny) Whay are they still there ?
    Here is my obj.conf.
    # You can edit this file, but comments and formatting changes
    # might be lost when the admin server makes changes.
    Init fn="flex-init" access="$accesslog" format.access="%Ses->client.ip% - %Req->vars.auth-user% [%SYSDATE%] \"%Req->reqpb.clf-request%\" %Req->srvhdrs.clf-status% %Req->srvhdrs.content-length%"
    Init fn="init-proxy" timeout="300" timeout-2="15"
    Init WhiteList="/opt/sun/webproxyserver/proxy-defaultproxy/conf_bk/WhiteList.url" fn="init-url-filter" dougs="/opt/sun/webproxyserver/proxy-defaultproxy/conf_bk/dougs.url" dougs-deny="/opt/sun/webproxyserver/proxy-defaultproxy/conf_bk/dougs-deny.url"
    <Object name="default">
    AuthTrans fn="match-browser" browser=".*MSIE.*" ssl-unclean-shutdown="true"
    NameTrans fn="assign-name" name="testit" from=".*://.*|connect://.*:443/.*"
    PathCheck fn="url-check"
    PathCheck fn="url-filter" allow="WhiteList"
    Service fn="deny-service"
    AddLog fn="flex-log" name="access"
    <Object name="file">
    PathCheck fn="unix-uri-clean"
    PathCheck fn="find-index" index-names="index.html"
    ObjectType fn="type-by-extension"
    ObjectType fn="force-type" type="text/plain"
    Service fn="send-file"
    <Object ppath="ftp://.*">
    ObjectType fn="cache-enable" query-maxlen="10" log-report="off"
    ObjectType fn="cache-setting" lm-factor="0.10" max-uncheck="7200"
    ObjectType fn="block-ip"
    ObjectType fn="block-proxy-auth"
    ObjectType fn="block-issuer-dn"
    ObjectType fn="block-user-dn"
    Service fn="deny-service"
    <Object ppath="http://.*">
    PathCheck fn="url-filter" allow="WhiteList"
    ObjectType fn="cache-enable" query-maxlen="10" log-report="off"
    ObjectType fn="cache-setting" lm-factor="0.10" max-uncheck="7200"
    ObjectType fn="block-ip"
    ObjectType fn="forward-cache-info" hdr="Cache-info"
    Service fn="deny-service"
    Filter fn="filter-ct" regexp="(application/octet-stream|application/astound|application/fastman|application/java-archive|application/java-serialized-object|application/java-vm|application/mac-binhex40|application/x-stuffit|application/mbedlet|application/msword|application/oda|application/postscript|application/studiom|application/timbuktu|application/|application/|application/|application/x-javascript|application/x-javascript;charset=UTF-8|application/x-java-jnlp-file|application/x-aim|application/x-asap|application/x-csh|application/x-earthtime|application/x-envoy|application/x-gtar|application/x-cpio|application/x-hdf|application/x-javascript-config|application/x-maker|application/x-mif|application/x-mocha|application/x-msaccess|application/x-msmetafile|application/x-msmoney|application/x-mspublisher|application/x-msschedule|application/x-msterminal|application/x-mswrite|application/x-NET-Install|application/x-netcdf|application/x-salsa|application/x-sh|application/x-shar|application/x-sprite|application/x-tar|application/x-tcl|application/x-perl|application/x-timbuktu|application/x-tkined|application/x-troff-man|application/x-troff-me|application/x-troff-ms|application/x-troff|application/x-wais-source|application/zip|application/pre-encrypted|application/x-pkcs7-crl|application/x-fortezza-ckl|drawing/x-dwf|x-world/x-svr|x-world/x-vrml|x-world/x-vrt|x-conference/x-cooltalk|x-gzip|x-compress|x-uuencode|application/vnd.sun.xml.writer|application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template|application/vnd.sun.xml.calc|application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template|application/vnd.sun.xml.draw|application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template|application/vnd.sun.xml.impress|application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template|application/|application/vnd.sun.xml.math|application/vnd.stardivision.writer|application/vnd.stardivision.writer-global|application/vnd.stardivision.calc|application/vnd.stardivision.draw|application/vnd.stardivision.impress|application/vnd.stardivision.impress-packed|application/vnd.stardivision.math|application/vnd.stardivision.chart)"
    Filter fn="filter-html" start="SCRIPT" end="SCRIPT"
    Filter fn="filter-html" start="APPLET" end="APPLET"
    Filter fn="filter-html" start="EMBED" end="EMBED"
    Filter fn="filter-html" start="OBJECT"
    <Object ppath="https://.*">
    PathCheck fn="url-filter"
    ObjectType fn="block-ip"
    ObjectType fn="forward-cache-info" hdr="Cache-info"
    Service fn="deny-service"
    <Object ppath="gopher://.*">
    ObjectType fn="cache-enable" query-maxlen="10" log-report="off"
    ObjectType fn="cache-setting" lm-factor="0.10" max-uncheck="7200"
    Service fn="deny-service"
    <Object ppath="connect://.*:443">
    PathCheck fn="url-filter"
    Service fn="deny-service"
    Route fn="unset-proxy-server"
    Route fn="unset-socks-server"
    <Object name="testit">
    PathCheck fn="url-filter"
    Service fn="proxy-retrieve"
    Again thanks for any help you can offer. I will look at the examples next.

  • Gui Help ( toolbar )

    Ive came across problems while doing a tutorial work piece.
    i've to design a toobar ( yup a JToolBar ) with 5 buttons inside it, that will do certain functions for a JSlider.( set them at certain values )
    Its simple enough to go and write 5 buttons into my code, but thats not wot ive to do.
    The idea is that you will
    develop one button that is customisable at design time to have one of 5 different
    appearances. Developing 5 separate buttons is NOT an acceptable solution.
    Is this even possible? ( pls note the 5 different appearances are Symbals )
    Problem: Placing 5 buttons inside a JToolBar, and positing it under my created JSlider
    // bob smith
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class Testing extends JFrame
      int min = 40;
      int max = 180;
      int value = min;
      JSlider slider = new JSlider(min,max,value);
      MyUI ui = new MyUI(slider);
      int tw,sw,startGap;
      public Testing(){
        slider.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
          public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me)
        tw = ui.getTrackWidth();
        sw = slider.getWidth();
        startGap = (sw-tw)/2;
      public static void main(String args[]){new Testing();}
    class MyUI extends javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI
      public MyUI(JSlider js)
      public int getTrackWidth()
        return (int)((Rectangle)trackRect).getWidth();
    }Any help or guidance AT all, would be amazing :)

    Check the  below links :
    create cl_gui_toolbar object
    Picture on selection screen
    Program to execute WWW
    Reward Points if it is helpful

  • Basic networking help

    I know this is a basic question but can anyone point me to a guide or tutorial that will help me setup a network between two macs.
    I have a AirPort Extreme able iBook G4 and Powerbook G4(my roommate and I) and we are wanting to be able to do three things. It is also wise to note that we are using a Netgear WGR614 v.4 wireless router. We have it set up now that we can both connect to the internet wirelessly and wired without any problems.
    I will start here by saying we BOTH have our firewalls off under the 'sharing' folder in Sys Prefs
    We want now to be able to transfer files amongst ourselves, browse each others iTunes music, maybe even connect to one anothers printer. In the past we managed to exchange a file through our Public folder's "Drop Box". This took us awhile to sort out what to do and got it to work by chance, then next time tried to do it again and it wouldn't work. Also as it is now I can open my finder and click "Networks" and see and alias to her computer, but I cannot connect it says the ip is incorrect or does not exist. Finally if we both have iTunes open, we can see each others computer listed but cannot connect to one another, odd thing is when either of us is at school on that network we can both see other people's computers and listen to their music, so our settings must be set up right.
    So is there a walkthrough, tutorial or guide that may resolve my problems? I have tried a few searches on the net as well as the mac site and nothing has been helpful yet.
    re-cap. want to share files across local network. itunes browsing, and printer sharing.
    Thanks in advance

    The File Sharing information can be found in KB 106461, Mac OS X: About File Sharing.
    KB 93365, Finding and Listening to Shared iTunes Music Libraries
    For Printer Sharing, on the Mac connected to the printer via USB open the Sharing preference pane and enable Printer Sharing.

  • LStudio 9-New User-Basic questionsPls help!

    Just learning to use Logic Studio (LS) after working on Nuendo/Cubase.I have some basic questions & would have more as I Keep exploring & would appreciate your help & patience in answering these questions.
    To start with I would like to know how to raise the volume level of the wave form of a track.I just imported a few wave files into a new project but the visible wave levels on some tracks are very small.In Nuendo there used to be a 'handle' & we click on the track & just raise the level by moving the mouse upward.Is this possible in LS or is there any other way to raise the wave level on the track apart from raising the track volume through the mixer?
    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    I'm going to be keeping this thread open for those who are patient enough to answer my basic questions as I explore Logic Studio!As I read the manual your valuable input would be of much help.My knowledge of working in Nuendo seems to make things a lot more complex while working on Logic Studio.
    In Nuendo/Cubase I only knew non-destructable editing.I would like to know if there is such an undo function in Logic Studio.I think I came across an Undo function that could be done only 4 times! Not sure about that!
    Also while editing on a track is there any other way to edit directly other than going into the sample editor?
    Can I normalize a track directly without going into the sample editor?

  • How-to Basics or Help that doesn't...

    I've been away from Flash for almost 10 years and now that I'm returning I remember doing certain things but I can't remember HOW to do them.
    Back then I could open the Help file, search and quickly find an answer. NOW - I open the help file, search and get nothing but irrelevant answers when ALL I WANT is very basic instructions. I've tried the on-line tutorials and, while they help, they aren't comprehensive and often skip over very basic but crucial details. I've tried searching the forums and I get even more irrelevant notes. It seems that no one is asking basic questions or the threads that deals with the basics just don't show up in my search results.
    know that once I get started, it will all seem to be very simple but it's so hard to get started. There has got to be a better way.
    While I'm here, I may as well what ask for what I'm looking for - how to you apply a label to a frame?

    Thank you - like I said, it's so obvious but I just didn't notice the label section under properties. This has taught me one more thing about CS4 - you have to look further than the menus when looking for answers.
    Thanks again.

  • *Basic* Java help needed...

    I feel like a complete novice for posting this kinda stuff, but i figured somebody would take 5 minutes and help me out. My final in my programming class depends on 2 programs, one of which is giving me some actual trouble.
    What I have to do is create a java applet that allows a user to input their weight, select a planet, and then have their weight converted to what their weight would be on the selected planet. However, if the ouput is higher than 60 pounds, I need a picture of the michelin man to appear and the theme from star wars to play. If it is below 60, A multicolored asterisk should be displayed with applause.
    I will post what code I have already made. Please note: ITS VERY VERY BASIC. I may have overcomplicated some things, and there is always more than one way to do something (in my experience). Also, I kinda just converted a temperature conversion applet, so there may be some extra stuff I don't need.
    Please help.
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class tempsapp2 extends Applet implements ActionListener
    Label prompt1;
    TextField input1;
    Label prompt2;
    TextField input2;
    int number1, number2;
    int mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, neptune, uranus, pluto, result;
    public void init()
    prompt1 = new Label ("Enter your weight:");
    add (prompt1);
    input1 = new TextField (10);
    add (input1);
    prompt2 = new Label ("Enter the Number of the Planet you would like to have your weight converted to:");
    add (prompt2);
    input2 = new TextField (10);
    add (input2);
    add (input2);
    public void paint (Graphics g)
    number1 = Integer.parseInt(input1.getText());
    number2 = Integer.parseInt(input2.getText());
    mercury = (number1*3780)/1000;
    venus = (number1*9070)/1000;
    earth = (number1*10)/1000;
    mars = (number1*3770)/1000;
    saturn = (number1*9160)/1000;
    uranus = (number1*8890)/1000;
    neptune = (number1*1125)/1000;
    jupiter =  (number1*2364)/1000;
    pluto = (number1*670)/1000;
    g.drawString("Your weight on Mercury would be "+mercury+" lbs",100,150);
    else if(number2==2)
    g.drawString("Your weight on Venus would be "+venus+" lbs",100,150);
    else if(number2==3)
    g.drawString("Your weight on Earth would be "+earth+" lbs",100,150);
    else if(number2==4)
    g.drawString("Your weight on Mars would be "+mars+" lbs",100,150);
    else if(number2==5)
    g.drawString("Your weight on Jupiter would be "+jupiter+" lbs",100,150);
    else if(number2==6)
    g.drawString("Your weight on Saturn would be "+saturn+" lbs",100,150);
    else if(number2==7)
    g.drawString("Your weight on Uranus would be "+uranus+" lbs",100,150);
    else if(number2==8)
    g.drawString("Your weight on Neptune would be "+neptune+" lbs",100,150);
    else if(number2==9)
    g.drawString("Your weight on Pluto would be "+pluto+" lbs",100,150);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
      number1 = Integer.parseInt(input1.getText());
      number2 = Integer.parseInt(input2.getText());

    I am guessing that you are wondering where to go from here. If so may prove helpful.
    Also I would recommend using arrays of planet names and weight multipliers. It could make your code a lot less cumbersome.

Maybe you are looking for