Battlefield 2142 DVD not recognized for game play

So I ran out and bought the new Mac version of Battlefield 2142, install it and then launch the game and I get this error:
"Please ensure Battlefield 2142 installer disc is in the drive. Select ok and restart the application."
Well, the disc IS in the drive and still nothing. I have a lacie external dvd drive - same issue. Tried making a disk image & mounting that & then launching the game - no love there either...
I have an iMac 24" dual 2.33 Ghz, 3 gb RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT.
Any ideas?

Some entries in system profiler:
Version: FAV1
Absteckbares Laufwerk: Nein
Protokoll: ATAPI
Einheiten-Nummer: 0
Socket-Typ: Intern
Los Power Polling: Ja
Firmware-Version: FAV1
Verbindungstyp: ATAPI
Brennen möglich: Ja (Geliefert/Unterstützt von Apple)
Cache: 2048 KB
DVD lesen: Ja
Beschreibbare CD: -R, -RW
Beschreibbare DVD: -R, -RW, +R, +RW, +R DL
Schutz vor Pufferunterschreitung beim Brennen von CDs: Ja
Schutz vor Pufferunterschreitung beim Brennen von DVDs: Ja
Schreibstrategien: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, DVD-DAO
Medien: Nein
Version: 1.4
Zuletzt geändert: 29.09.06 06:19
Informationen: 1.4, Copyright © 1998-2005 Apple Computer Inc., All Rights Reserved
Ort: /System/Library/Extensions/IOCDStorageFamily.kext
kext-Version: 1.4
Lade-Adresse: 0x92a000
Gültig: Ja
Identifiziert: Ja
Abhängigkeiten: Erfüllt
Integrität: Korrekt
CDs & DVDs:
Version: 1.4
Unterstützt von: Apple
Sichtbar: Ja
Ort: /System/Library/PreferencePanes/DigiHubDiscs.prefPane

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    I upgraded to OS4 on Saturday July 10th with no problems. On Sunday (July 11) I used my iPod quite a bit. I was at a friend's house and the battery was getting low so he charged it through his computer. It charged completely and we continued using it the rest of the day. I plugged it in to my PC to charge it Sunday night and it was not recognized at all (for charging OR for syncing) through any of the USB hubs. I asked my friend the method he used to charge it that day and he confirmed it was via computer. Monday night I tried charging it through a friend's iMac. It charged halfway, though it still wasn't recognized. Tuesday morning I tried to charge it on the same computer and I got the "too much power drawn from the USB hub - HUB deactivated" message on ANY of the HUBs. It still doesn't work on my own home computer (though it HAD been working Friday night and Saturday morning pre-OS4 installation).
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    Assuming you haven't got the cords mixed up with another, older iPod, it sounds like you have a couple of problems:
    1. Your computer's USB ports have quit working. Reboot your computer and see if they reactivate.
    2. Your friend's iMac generated that message because you tried to charge the device from the low power keyboard USB port. iPods need to be charged off one of the main USB ports or a powered hub.
    3. iPods not being recognized by iTunes can be caused by 1) wrong cable; 2) non-functioning USB ports; 3) iTunes not being the correct version for the iPod OS; and finally 4) Apple Mobile Device Services driver is either stopped, missing, or disabled.
    To troubleshoot a problem with Apple Mobile Device Services, see the Apple support article:

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    Is this the only account you have on your system? Is it an admin account?
    You can try resetting the password using the Mac OS X install disc. The steps are outlined here:
    Scroll to the part titled: "Resetting the original administrator account password."
    Hope it helps.

  • Empty CD or DVD not recognized

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    After weeks of burning CDs or DVDs without any problems I suddenly get these errors and I cannot burn anymore:
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    b.) Same message when loading a DVD-R
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    Thanks for any support.

    Some entries in system profiler:
    Modell: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-85J
    Version: FAV1
    Absteckbares Laufwerk: Nein
    Protokoll: ATAPI
    Einheiten-Nummer: 0
    Socket-Typ: Intern
    Los Power Polling: Ja
    Firmware-Version: FAV1
    Verbindungstyp: ATAPI
    Brennen möglich: Ja (Geliefert/Unterstützt von Apple)
    Cache: 2048 KB
    DVD lesen: Ja
    Beschreibbare CD: -R, -RW
    Beschreibbare DVD: -R, -RW, +R, +RW, +R DL
    Schutz vor Pufferunterschreitung beim Brennen von CDs: Ja
    Schutz vor Pufferunterschreitung beim Brennen von DVDs: Ja
    Schreibstrategien: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, DVD-DAO
    Medien: Nein
    Version: 1.4
    Zuletzt geändert: 29.09.06 06:19
    Informationen: 1.4, Copyright © 1998-2005 Apple Computer Inc., All Rights Reserved
    Ort: /System/Library/Extensions/IOCDStorageFamily.kext
    kext-Version: 1.4
    Lade-Adresse: 0x92a000
    Gültig: Ja
    Identifiziert: Ja
    Abhängigkeiten: Erfüllt
    Integrität: Korrekt
    CDs & DVDs:
    Version: 1.4
    Unterstützt von: Apple
    Sichtbar: Ja
    Ort: /System/Library/PreferencePanes/DigiHubDiscs.prefPane

  • APE12, burned dvds not recognized, bd-r media does not recognized

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    BD-ROM: iHOS104
    Problem 1:
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    I am getting mad about it ... anybody can help me out?
    Burner, BD-ROM, ONKYO and PE are updated to the newest firmare/versions.
    Best regards top the community

    Thanks for the follow ups.
    Premiere Elements 12 DVD-VIDEO on DVD disc that will not play back on the ONKYO player....
    If you take the VIDEO_TS Folder from the DVD disc that will not playback as DVD-VIDEO on DVD in your player and look inside it, do you find a file named VTS_01_1.VOB or possibily VTS_02_1.VOB? If so, can you play that file back on one of your computer players? These are video files.
    Can you take the Premiere Elements 12 DVD-VIDEO on DVD disc and play it back on the computer with Windows Media Player or VLC player?
    Delete the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file.
    Local Disk C
    Premiere Elements
    and in the 12.0 Folder is the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file that you delete. It should be generated again after you open a new project. Work with Folder Option Show Hidden Files, Folders, and Drives active so that you can see the complete path cited. The try another burn to DVD, followed by play back on players of interest.
    Any progress up this point? If no....
    Premiere Elements 12 - Blu-ray disc not being recogized by Premiere Elements 12 burn dialog Status.
    This one we will save for the next step. Next step, I am suggesting a
    a. Deactivate the program from an opened project Help Menu/Sign Out
    b. Uninstall (Control Panel route)
    c. ccleaner run through (regular and registry cleaner parts)
    d. reinstall with antivirus and wirewalls turned Off
    We will be watching for your results.

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    How do I get the DVD out, and how do I get the G4 to recognize DVDs?
    Thanks for any help--Bob

    Try and open the tower drive cover, and look for a small hole about the size of a paper clip, in the front of the dvd drive. Insert a straightened paper clip in the hole, and you should be able to open the tray.
    You should then try your Tiger install disc. (While you're at it, boot from the install disk, and run Disk Utility to repair your hard drive).
    If the install disk is read, then the drive is probably okay.
    You may consider an "Archive and Install" reinstall of your OS X.
    Prior to that, you may consider a reinstall of the OS 10.4.8 combo update:
    Please post back with progress (or not).

  • Burn imovie to dvd-"not recognized"

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    When you insert the Blank DVD in the finder with nothing else open.
    Does the finder recognise the Mounted Blank DVD?
    IF it does try burning a small file onto the blank DVD through the Finder.
    If it fails what is the error that the Finder tells you?
    If this works then proceed
    Use a Free App like Burn
    Drag and drop your movie files then click Burn. Job Done. 
    you should be able to burn using iDVD.

  • DVD not working properly when played on DVD player

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    Has anyone had experience with these types of players or this situation?
    Quad G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   DVD Studio Pro

    Another thing to check is your bitRates and whether you encoded the audio to A.Pack/Dolby. I have often seen machines play once or twice then start having playback issues or not play. It can be related to the encode rates (and it may not behave across different machines the same way, in other words it will continue to play fine on some players and not another)

  • [CLOSED] CD/DVDs not recognized (hal-less KDE)

    Hello everyone,
    after the last system upgrade last week CDs and DVDs are not recognized when I insert them in the drive.
    I'm running hal-less KDE 4.6 with udisks installed.
    I removed hal after the upgrade, however the drive could not recognize the disks even when hal was running.
    I searched the forum but haven't found any discussion reporting the very same problem.
    Can anyone help me to debug this?
    Last edited by elnigno (2011-02-22 12:43:43)

    I had the same / similar problem. Just that given that I build my own kernel I thought this was what was causing it. That's why I rebuilded the kernel and enabled ISO and UDF modules in Filesystems. If you're using the standard kernel I have no idea what could be the problem.

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    Just bought a new imac but its Serial Number is not being recognized on the Snow Leopard Up to Date page. The serial number is recognized elsewhere, such as the warranty check page.
    Suggestions? Thanks

    That's a shame. But I suspect it's temporary. I think you get 90 days from the date of purchase to get the free upgrade. I assume that Apple will be better able to deal with this issue as we get closer to the release date.
    Meanwhile, we are not Apple employee's and can not speak for the company or guess what the problem is. Apple does have a direct Feedback site that they do read and respond to:
    For those that may have missed it or haven't tried yet, here's the sign-up page where you are supposed to be able to register online. You can also download the form and send it in the mail.

  • Win7 Ultimate Sole User Administrator Privileges Not Recognized for Automatic Windows Updates

    I am a sole account/user (home-based and non-network) with system administrator privileges, except this status is not recognized under Windows Update > Change Settings > Important Updates. The option of selecting automatic updating
    and an installation frequency/time is grayed out.  How do I fix?  

    Hi KiDeb.
    Did you have any changes prior this issue?
    Could you confirm that Important Updates were installed before?
    The possible solution could be this:
    Hold WindowsKey + R 
    Type: “regedit”
    Hit Enter
    Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU
    Find AUOptions. 
    Right Click Modify
    You can change the values data from 1 through 5:
    1. Download updates but let me choose whether to install them
    2. Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them
    3. Download updates but let me choose whether to install them
    4. Install updates automatically / Never Check For Updates
    5. Enable the option box to choose manually
    If this doesn't help, you can try this method, but make sure you backup the registry files as you are doing this step on your own and I am not responsible for the possible issue -
    Backup registry files in Windows 7
    Click “Start” button.
    Select “Run”.
    Type “regedit” without quotes in the Run window and hit Enter.
    Navigate to this location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU
    In the right-pane, delete these two values “AUOptions” and “NoAutoUpdate”.
    Then navigate to this location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WindowsUpdate
    In the right-pane, delete the value “DisableWindowsUpdateAccess”.
    Restart the computer and then try to change the Auto Update Settings.
    Please click on Propose As Answer or to mark this post as and helpful for other people. This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Blank DVD not recognized, blank CDs ok

    Every time I insert a blank DVD it gets spit out after about a minute. Blank CDs work fine and can be mounted in the Finder and burned. I've tried swapping out the Superdrive and get the same results. Anyone else have this problem?

    Thanks Ian. I had not considered the media itself being an issue since I've had successful burns with this pack of DVD-Rs before. But it turns out these DVD-Rs (TDK) won't burn on any of my Macs now. I tried them on a Mac Pro, MacBook Pro and iMac. These DVD-Rs all worked fine in past, but they fail now. I tried DVD+R DL discs and they worked fine, as did single layer DVD+R. I'm wondering if there is some issue with DVD-R media now? I think I'll stick with DVD+R media for now.

  • Dvd not recognized-error code 19-contact manufacturer.

    My dvd is not recognized. I tried going to device mgr. and uninstall and then use action to get it reinstalled but I got a failed notice and said to go to manufacturer. What do I do now. Of course it is not in waranteee.
    Also, on a lot of sites I try and go to all I get is squares and letters that don't make any sense.  I would just like my DVD to work. I have hardly used it. Since this is an all in one it isn't like I can just pull it out.

    Please use the following fix first:​blems/en-us
    then the following fix if required:​-error-codes.html
    Please mark my post as SOLVED if it has resolved your problem. It helps others with similar situations.

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    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    I would start with
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP

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