Beginning of clip cut off

Encore CS3.
My DVD is a series of 7 music videos. I have a "Play all" button that is linked to a playlist of the 7 videos, as well as a button for each individual video.
Both video files and encore preview play normally, but after burning DVD, the first second of each video is cut off. So you miss the opening note of each song. (happens either when watching the individual videos or the playlist) It is not real noticeable, but I would definitely like to solve the issue. I would prefer not to go back and re-render the video files with a second added on teh front, as it would be very time consuming and also difficult to fine-tune how much time to add and still have it play smoothly and appropriately.
Any idea why this happens or how to fix it?

Is each video a separate timeline?
If so, then there may well be another answer to the problem - and you're not going to like it.
Certain players are notorious for chopping off the first 18 frames of any timeline when accessing it directly, or from a chapter point.
Denon immediately come to mind - I defy anyone to play a chapter selection from a Denon player & *not* lose the first 18 frames.
Additionally, certain Dolby Digital decoders also chop off up to 2 seconds of audio. This is why Dolby Labs recommend that you always add 2 seconds of Videoblack & silence to every new timeline.
Can you please give some more details on your project, it's setup, and exactly where both video & Audio start playback from with reference to the head of the file? If you are kicking into a new timeline immediately, this is bad & needs toi be re-encoded with the addition of Videoblack. If it is in a single timeline with chapter playlists as opposed to standard playlists, then you needto look to the player for the answer.
Equally, Jeff may have got the answer.
We need to know your project details to be certain

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  • Audio clips cutting off at the beginning, after replacing audio.

    I have received an fla for a complex game, and have been directly replacing the audio clips in it with new ones with the same file name. The game randomly chooses themes, displaying text and a corresponding audio clip.  After replacing the old files with the new ones, out of 20 audio clips, about 6 of them get cut off at the beginning. There is no discernible difference in the length of the clips, or empty space at the beginning between the original audio files and the new ones.
    Is it possible that there is something happening in the actionscript that could be causing the problem? The fla calls a file calls, this is the code in the file, case the answer is in there somewhere:
    import utils.Randomise;
    public static var THEME_1:String = "sports";
    public static var THEME_2:String = "music";
    public static var THEME_3:String = "pets";
    public static var THEME_4:String = "flying";
    public static var THEME_5:String = "new teeth";
    public static var THEME_6:String = "hats";
    public static var THEME_7:String = "bikes";
    public static var THEME_8:String = "swimming";
    public static var THEME_9:String = "zoos";
    public static var THEME_10:String = "shoes";
    public static var THEME_11:String = "bedtime stories";
    public static var THEME_12:String = "moving house";
    public static var THEME_13:String = "cleaning your teeth";
    public static var THEME_14:String = "films";
    public static var THEME_15:String = "painting and drawing";
    public static var THEME_16:String = "food";
    public static var THEME_17:String = "drinks";
    public static var THEME_18:String = "the seaside";
    public static var THEME_19:String = "trees";
    public static var THEME_20:String = "boats";
    public static var CURRENT_THEME:String;
    public static var TOPICS_SPORT:Array = ["football","cricket","tennis","balls","bowling"];
    public static var TOPICS_MUSIC:Array = ["guitar","recorder","notes"];
    public static var TOPICS_PETS:Array = ["fish","hamster","dog","rabbit","mouse"];
    public static var TOPICS_FLYING:Array = ["plane_green","plane_yellow","plane_small"];
    public static var TOPICS_NEW_TEETH:Array = ["teeth"];
    public static var TOPICS_HATS:Array = ["hat1","hat2","hat3"];
    public static var TOPICS_BIKES:Array = ["bike1","bike2","bike3"];
    public static var TOPICS_SWIMMING:Array = ["goggles","flippers","rubber_ring"];
    public static var TOPICS_ZOO:Array = ["octopus","monkey","snake","dolphin"];
    public static var TOPICS_SHOES:Array = ["shoes1","shoes2","shoes3"];
    public static var TOPICS_BOOKS:Array = ["book1","book2","book3"];
    public static var TOPICS_MOVING:Array = ["box1","box2","box3"];
    public static var TOPICS_CLEANING_TEETH:Array = ["toothpaste"];
    public static var TOPICS_FILM:Array = ["projector","camera"];
    public static var TOPICS_DRAWING:Array = ["pencil"];
    public static var TOPICS_FOOD:Array = ["cake"];
    public static var TOPICS_DRINK:Array = ["tea_pot","cups"];
    public static var TOPICS_SEASIDE:Array = ["sandcastle","bucket","spade","crabs"];
    public static var TOPICS_TREES:Array = ["tree1","tree2","tree3"];
    public static var TOPICS_BOATS:Array = ["boat1","boat2","boat3"];
    public static function fGetTopicsByTheme(p_nLength:Number):Array{
    var l_aTopics:Array = new Array();
    var l_aChosen:Array = new Array();
    case THEME_1: l_aTopics = TOPICS_SPORT.slice(); break;
    case THEME_2: l_aTopics = TOPICS_MUSIC.slice(); break;
    case THEME_3: l_aTopics = TOPICS_PETS.slice(); break;
    case THEME_4: l_aTopics = TOPICS_FLYING.slice(); break;
    case THEME_5: l_aTopics = TOPICS_NEW_TEETH.slice(); break;
    case THEME_6: l_aTopics = TOPICS_HATS.slice(); break;
    case THEME_7: l_aTopics = TOPICS_BIKES.slice(); break;
    case THEME_8: l_aTopics = TOPICS_SWIMMING.slice(); break;
    case THEME_9: l_aTopics = TOPICS_ZOO.slice(); break;
    case THEME_10: l_aTopics = TOPICS_SHOES.slice(); break;
    case THEME_11: l_aTopics = TOPICS_BOOKS.slice(); break;
    case THEME_12: l_aTopics = TOPICS_MOVING.slice(); break;
    case THEME_13: l_aTopics = TOPICS_CLEANING_TEETH.slice(); break;
    case THEME_14: l_aTopics = TOPICS_FILM.slice(); break;
    case THEME_15: l_aTopics = TOPICS_DRAWING.slice(); break;
    case THEME_16: l_aTopics = TOPICS_FOOD.slice(); break;
    case THEME_17: l_aTopics = TOPICS_DRINK.slice(); break;
    case THEME_18: l_aTopics = TOPICS_SEASIDE.slice(); break;
    case THEME_19: l_aTopics = TOPICS_TREES.slice(); break;
    case THEME_20: l_aTopics = TOPICS_BOATS.slice(); break;
    if(l_aTopics.length < p_nLength){
    //make it long enough!
    var l_nDif:Number = p_nLength - l_aTopics.length;
    for(var i:Number = 0; i< l_nDif; i++){
    //add the list itself, in case its length is 1!
    l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(l_aTopics);
    //now trim it
    l_aChosen = l_aTopics.slice(0,p_nLength);
    return l_aChosen;
    * get a random selection of topics of a fixed length, not including those from the chosen theme
    public static function fGetRandomTopics(p_nItems:Number):Array{
    var l_aTopics:Array = new Array();
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_1) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_SPORT);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_2) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_MUSIC);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_3) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_PETS);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_4) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_FLYING);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_5) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_NEW_TEETH);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_6) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_HATS);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_7) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_BIKES);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_8) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_SWIMMING);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_9) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_ZOO);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_10) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_SHOES);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_11) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_BOOKS);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_12) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_MOVING);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_13) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_CLEANING_TEETH);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_14) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_FILM);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_15) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_DRAWING);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_16) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_FOOD);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_17) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_DRINK);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_18) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_SEASIDE);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_19) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_TREES);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_20) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_BOATS);
    l_aTopics = Randomise.fRandomise(l_aTopics);
    return l_aTopics.slice(0,p_nItems);
    public static function fGetThemeByTopic(p_sTopic:String):String{
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_SPORT)) return THEME_1;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_MUSIC)) return THEME_2;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_PETS)) return THEME_3;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_FLYING)) return THEME_4;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_NEW_TEETH)) return THEME_5;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_HATS)) return THEME_6;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_BIKES)) return THEME_7;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_SWIMMING)) return THEME_8;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_ZOO)) return THEME_9;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_SHOES)) return THEME_10;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_BOOKS)) return THEME_11;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_MOVING)) return THEME_12;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_CLEANING_TEETH)) return THEME_13;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_FILM)) return THEME_14;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_DRAWING)) return THEME_15;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_FOOD)) return THEME_16;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_DRINK)) return THEME_17;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_SEASIDE)) return THEME_18;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_TREES)) return THEME_19;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_BOATS)) return THEME_20;
    return "";
    private static function fIsInList(p_s:String,p_aList:Array):Boolean{
    var l_n:Number = p_aList.length;
    var l_b:Boolean = false;
    for(var i:Number = 0; i < l_n;i++){
    if(p_aList[i] == p_s){
    //trace("!!! ** match >> " + p_aList[i] + " matches " + p_s);
    l_b = true;
    return l_b;
    public static function fRandomTheme():String{
    var l_aThemes:Array = [THEME_1,
    //THEME_10, << removed the shoes topic as we didn't have the audio for it!
    var l_s:String = String(Randomise.fPickRandom(l_aThemes));
    CURRENT_THEME = l_s;
    return l_s;
    public static function fGetHeader(p_n:Number):String{
    var l_sHeader:String = "Can you find " + p_n + " people who ";
    l_sHeader += fGetActivity();
    l_sHeader += "?";
    return l_sHeader;
    public static function fGetEndTxt(p_n:Number):String{
    var l_sTxt:String = "That's brilli-Ant! You found " + p_n + " people who ";
    l_sTxt += fGetActivity();
    l_sTxt += "!";
    return l_sTxt;
    public static function fGetActivity():String{
    var l_sHeader:String ="";
    case THEME_1: l_sHeader += "played sports today"; break;
    case THEME_2: l_sHeader += "are learning a musical instrument"; break;
    case THEME_3: l_sHeader += "have a new pet"; break;
    case THEME_4: l_sHeader += "have been flying"; break;
    case THEME_5: l_sHeader += "have lost a tooth"; break;
    case THEME_6: l_sHeader += "are wearing a hat"; break;
    case THEME_7: l_sHeader += "can ride a bike"; break;
    case THEME_8: l_sHeader += "went swimming"; break;
    case THEME_9: l_sHeader += "went to the zoo"; break;
    case THEME_10: l_sHeader += "have new shoes"; break;
    case THEME_11: l_sHeader += "read a book"; break;
    case THEME_12: l_sHeader += "are moving house"; break;
    case THEME_13: l_sHeader += "cleaned their own teeth"; break;
    case THEME_14: l_sHeader += "watched a film"; break;
    case THEME_15: l_sHeader += "drew a picture"; break;
    case THEME_16: l_sHeader += "baked a cake"; break;
    case THEME_17: l_sHeader += "made a cup of tea"; break;
    case THEME_18: l_sHeader += "went to the beach"; break;
    case THEME_19: l_sHeader += "climbed a tree"; break;
    case THEME_20: l_sHeader += "have been in a boat"; break;
    return l_sHeader;
    public static function fGetSuggestion():String{
    var l_sTxt:String = ""
    case  THEME_1: l_sTxt = "How many sports can you think of that you play with a ball? How many of them have you played?"; break;
    case  THEME_2: l_sTxt = "Do you know any songs? Why not sing it right now?"; break;
    case  THEME_3: l_sTxt = "How about taking the dog for a walk? You don’t have a dog? Take someone else’s dog for a walk!"; break;
    case  THEME_4: l_sTxt = "Not everyone can go flying, but everyone can fly a kite! Why don’t you make your own kite and see if it flies?"; break;
    case  THEME_5: l_sTxt = "Have you got a wobbly tooth? Don’t forget to put it under your pillow when it falls out!"; break;
    case  THEME_6: l_sTxt = "Does your Mum have a hat? What does it look like on you?"; break;
    case  THEME_7: l_sTxt = "Can your Dad ride a bike? Why don’t you ask him?"; break;
    case  THEME_8: l_sTxt = "Can your Mum swim? Why don’t you ask her?"; break;
    case  THEME_9: l_sTxt = "How many animals can you think of that begin with the letter M? Ask someone else and see who thinks of the most!"; break;
    //case  THEME_10: l_sTxt = "shoes..."; break;
    case  THEME_11: l_sTxt = "What’s your favourite bedtime story? Can you read it to yourself?"; break;
    case  THEME_12: l_sTxt = "Have you ever moved house? Why not ask a grown-up about a time when they moved house?"; break;
    case  THEME_13: l_sTxt = "Have you cleaned your teeth today? I hope so! How many toothbrushes are there in your bathroom?"; break;
    case  THEME_14: l_sTxt = "What was the last film you saw? Do you have a favourite? Ask a grown-up to tell you about their favourite film!"; break;
    case  THEME_15: l_sTxt = "You can draw your news too! Draw a picture of what you did today!"; break;
    case  THEME_16: l_sTxt = "Have you ever baked a cake? Cooking can be fun - and if you make something delicious, that’s definitely news!"; break;
    case  THEME_17: l_sTxt = "Fruits make great drinks. How many different fruits can you think of that you can drink?"; break;
    case  THEME_18: l_sTxt = "You can do lots of different things at the beach. How many different things can you think of?"; break;
    case  THEME_19: l_sTxt = "Can you see any trees outside the nearest window? How many can you see?"; break;
    case  THEME_20: l_sTxt = "Why don’t you make your own boat and see if it floats in the bath?"; break;
    return l_sTxt;
    Any help would be extremely appreciated.
    Thank you,

    If you have not upgraded to version 7 you should do that.
    If you have upgraded to Version 7, be sure to do the updates to 7.0.5
    Go to the Help menu and select 'About Adobe Presenter' to see what version, if it is 7.0, to 7.0.2 you need to update it
    drop down the help menu again and you will see an 'update' option.
    you need to install in order - 7.0.1, then 7.0.2 then 7.0.5 - you cannot install all at once
    another thing you might want to do is open the file you are working on in 7.0.5 snd save it out with a new filename in a new location to combat that pesky problem of the 'media.ppcx' file disappearing....

  • Beginning of audio cut off when using digital optical out

    Hi all,
    This is my first post here since switching to Mac earlier this year.
    I'm having problems with the first second or so of audio being cut off when commencing playback using the Mac's digital optical out.  This happens with any source of audio in a variety of different applications (e.g. video, iTunes, even system sounds for notifications and the like).   I have used a mini Toslink to Toslink optical cable to connect from the Mac's audio out jack to the receiver of my digital speakers (Logitech Z906).  Once playback has commenced, audio plays fine; it's just the very first second or so which is usually clipped.
    The problem does NOT happen when using the built-in speakers.  I've also noticed that if I unplug the cable from the receiver end (leaving it connected at the Mac end) I can see the red LED light shining the optical signal down the cable, but this goes out exactly 30 seconds after audio stops playing.  If I start another audio playback within 30 seconds, there is no loss of audio at the beginning, but if I wait longer than 30 seconds (i.e. after the LED has gone out) I encounter the problems with the initial audio being clipped.   I therefore suspect that this is an OS issue which is shutting down the digital optical out when audio is not actually playing (presumably to save power or something).  I wouldn't have a problem with this if it actually worked properly when audio playback recommences, but it seems that there is a slight delay whilst the optical out service 'wakes up' again and this is leading to the clipped audio.
    I've done some searching of the internet (and these support communities) for this problem and there seems to be little information about it.  It does seem to affect a few other people though and some have resorted to third party applications or scripts which play silent audio at regular intervals to keep the optical output running permanently (e.g. SoundStay ( - no longer maintained and the download link is dead).  However, these amount to a kludge at best which treat the symptoms rather than the underlying cause, which I would rather resolve.
    I tried to log a support case with Apple in order to have them call me, only to have the system tell me that my support has already expired, despite having purchased the Mac only 4 months ago.  It seems that my Apple One-Year Limited Warranty is actually only 90 days when it comes to telephone support.  So here I am! 
    Does anyone else have this problem with optical out, and how can I resolve this?  Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Hello kcore66,
    Would it be possible for you to upload one of the files in
    question so that I can take a look. In Captivate 1.01 there is an
    intermittent problem where sometimes the audio is either cut off or
    just doesn't play when you publish / preview. To get around this
    simply moving the audio object back and forth along the timeline
    and then positioning it back in it's original position works 9
    times out of 10.

  • Clips cut off top?

    When I drag my clips into the project area, it cut off some of the sides, particularly the top of people's heads.
    Is there a way to make it so it won't do this?

    Are the people horizontal in your clips? Only joking. Anyway, did you set the project properties correctly for your footage e.g. widescreen? File >project properties>aspect ratio.
    If you think you did, go to preferences and under the browser tab do you have a tick next to "clips in events browser use project crop setting" ? Untick and try that.
    Are you using stabilization?

  • Beginning of audio cut off

    I am having issues with several tutorials I am developing.
    Not every slide, but many have a narration. There is plenty of room
    at the front of the audio (silence) and I have even tried moving
    the audio down the timeline a second or so, yet when I publish it
    and preview it, some frames the first few seconds of the audio is
    cut off. Sometimes if I hit the "previous" frame button, it plays
    fine the second time around, but not always. Some of these .cp's
    are 100 frames or so, could that be the problem. Thanks in advance.
    PS. Ive been doing this for years for a living, usually use
    Flash, was working for General Dynamics, I normally would stay away
    from such large movies, nothing but trouble. But this is how the
    client wants them.

    Hello kcore66,
    Would it be possible for you to upload one of the files in
    question so that I can take a look. In Captivate 1.01 there is an
    intermittent problem where sometimes the audio is either cut off or
    just doesn't play when you publish / preview. To get around this
    simply moving the audio object back and forth along the timeline
    and then positioning it back in it's original position works 9
    times out of 10.

  • Why are my movie clips cut off when imported?

    I am importing movie clips from my flip camera and only half the clip is being imported. HELP!!!

    Are the episodes being shortened when you publish to a local folder and launch them in the browser as well as when published to the server? See this page under "Troubleshooting"...
    If the local files are OK it would suggest the problem is on the server. Otherwise you need to troubleshoot iWeb.
    If the problem is files that are too large, you can reduce the sampling rate and/or convert to mono if the content is mostly speech rather than music.

  • I want to sync tasks in Outlook with my iPhone. I have tried Toodledo (not good) and Todo. Todo works, but it cuts off most of the text. I only get the beginning of my (long) lists. Any ideas how I can solve this problem?

    I want to sync tasks in Outlook with my iPhone. I have tried Toodledo (not good) and Todo. Todo works, but it cuts off most of the text. I only get the beginning of my (long) lists. Any ideas how I can solve this problem? I starting to regret that I switched to iPhone...

    Usually if you have some kind of hardware failure there is some beeping during POST or most motherboards now have LED indicators to produce and error message based on the type of failure
    So if its bad memory, not place properly, mismatched, processor not inserted properly, mismatched voltage or voltage connector not present etc it beeps or generates the error id.
    Power supplies can be tested for failure. There are some walk throughs for testing just them with a switch, paperclip or a jumper (I'd suggest not doing this if you are not familiar with the dangers of electricity).
    Memory can be tested with memory diagnostics programs like Memtest+
    Processors can overheat if the proper precautions have not been taken usually you will get a POST beep or error code for that.
    If the motherboard has no response then do the basics first:
    Check power connectors and power supply. Once you determine that is not the case move on to other items like graphics cards in all the way or memory.

  • If i bounce my project the bounced file is not the same as the original. it has about ten seconds at the beginning free and the end is 10 sec cut off. what is the bug?

    if i bounce my project the bounced file is not the same as the original.
    it has about ten seconds at the beginning free and the end is 10 sec cut off.
    what is the bug?
    i start the bouncing with the transport lokator as 1 1 1   1
    and ends where it sould be over.
    but the first 10 seconds are silent then it starts with the beginning of the song and the last 10 seconds are cut off.

    this is a screeshot of my problem.
    the first pic as it should be
    second  with my problem
    this happens after some bounces and not regular.
    i dont wont to have this.
    i have two pics i would like sending to you.

  • Why does the top and bottom of my clips get cut off?

    Hi, I'm new to iMovie and I've encountered an annoying problem. I imported all my movie files from my flash drive without any issues. I dragged a clip from the section with all the clips to the play reel. I previewed the clip, both normal screen and full screen, and both times the top and bottom of the clip was cut off. I tried it again with different clips but the same thing kept happening? Can anyone tell me why this happens because my head keeps getting cut off and I don't like it one bit.

    First, you can go into File/Project Preferences and adjust the aspect ratio of your project to either widescreen (16:9) or standard (4:3), to match your footage.
    You can combine footage that is widescreen and standard in the same project. In this case, you have to tell imovie how to handle the clips that do not fit the overall project aspect ratio. To do this, you can select a clip in your project and use the Rotate, Crop, Ken Burns Tool. If you select FIT, it will preserve the whole frame by inserting black bars (letterboxing). If you select CROP it will cut off the top and bottom. You can select the default for this in Project Properties.

  • Beginning of iTunes Home Sharing tracks cut off

    I recently set up a new Apple TV 3, which is connected via Wi-Fi to my home network and to my TV & receiver via HDMI. I have turned on Home Sharing in iTunes on my iMac (connected to the same network via Ethernet), and am using the Computer function on the ATV to listen to music from my iMac. However, I noticed that the very beginning of songs played this way are cut off. It's only for a split second, but still annoying, and rewinding back to the beginning of the track doesn't seem to fix the problem. Thanks for any help you can offer.

    Hello Alex,
    Congratulations on your new Apple TV.  It sounds like you are experiencing a playback issue when streaming music from your computer.  I found an article with steps that I think would help with this issue.
    I recommend reviewing the full article below, but I think steps 4-7 are specifically useful for what you described:
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • Beginning of startup chime is cut off

    I just purchased an Intel iMac 20" and when I press the power button, the very beginning of the startup chime is cut off.
    I haven't installed Boot Camp or any firmware updates yet - this is a virgin computer.
    Any ideas?

    Oddly enough, it was when I installed that firmware update that the chime went away. Funny how something that we all took for grantedd becomes a thread when it goes away. LOL

  • Urgent: left and right cut off when dragging entire clip to project

    When I right click the clips in the event library and click "Select entire clip" and drag that to the project window, the left and right sides of the video are cut off.  If I select only a single clip and drag that up or a portion of a clip, it looks ok.  I need to get this thing done in an hour or so and I am baffled because there are people in this video that are being cut off!  Help!

    Actually, the more I look at it, the entire frame is cropped, even though I have "Initial Video Placement" set to fit in frame, not crop.  The quality really gets lousy too when dragging them in.  I am baffled why dragging a single clip fits the entire video, but dragging the entire clip series gets cropped...??

  • Fade in from black cuts off beginning frames

    Hi list...
    I have a timeline set as first play where the footage fades in from black. The first few frames are getting cut off, and I suspect it's because Encore sets the first chapter marker automatically to what it thinks is the first fully bright frame. Is this what's happening, and if so, how can I prevent that, and therefore make the disk play from the black beginning?
    - Michael M.

    Encore always sets the first chapter in a timeline at time zero...only the poster frame for the first chapter can ever not be at time zero.
    Why you are seeing what you are seeing, I'm not sure. Have you checked it on multiple DVD players? How does it look in a software DVD player?

  • Sound cut off at beginning of track

    When clicking on "Play Movie" button in menu, the transition takes place, then the DVD cuts to the movie. However, the first second or two of the sound is not heard. This seems to simulate properly, but when the disc is burned and played in a real DVD player, the cutoff of the sound takes place.
    Is there any way to tell DVD Studio Pro to wait for a defined time after executing the transition, before beginning the play of the audio and video tracks?

    You sure it's not the audio playback system you're using? I our studio the big system has some sort of buffer. No matter what I do the first couple of seconds of audio are cut off. That's the only place it happens, out of thousands of DVDs played.
    You can sneak a piece of black video with silence and place it in front of your primary video right in the track. Pretty foolproof.

  • When I drag a video clip into the upper region, it zooms in, cutting off part of the head of the subject

    I have a movie clip imported from my DVD video camera.  After importing, I drag it to the Project library.  However, it then zooms in and cuts off the head of the main subject, besides making things blurry from zooming in.  I would say it almost doubles the zoom.  I have gone to all the options... took of the cropping effect, etc.  Nothing works.   Any ideas?  I saw something else about it on here, but no answers.

    This can happen if you have image stabilization turned on as it zooms into the clip to compensate for the camera shake. It can turn it off or control the zoom factor in the Clip Adjustments function. If you reduce the zoom factor too much you'll see black around the image.

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