Behavior of Timed Trigger

I had some experimentation with Timed Trigger UI Element. By definition It should trigger repeatedly with a constant delay. But say when view is loaded and I press some other button before the Timed Trigger element triggers, then the Timed Trigger elements starts from first.
Say I set a delay of 10 sec. I press a button on 5th sec, then the timed trigger element triggers the action on 15th sec.
It seems totally meaning less. Is it the behavior of the element or its just a bug which was corrected in later enhancement. If its the behavior of the element, what is the purpose of such designing.

Two workarounds:
Save the original start time on the server.  Then whenever there is a server side event, calculate the amount of time remaining based upon current time minus start time.  Then bind this new value to the TimedTrigger.  It will reset with the time remaining instead of the original time.
If you are on NetWeaver 7.02 or higher, you could use the Web Dynpro Notification Service.  This allows a server side process to "push" events to the client.  Start a timer loop (wait up to x seconds) in a new dialog work process (call function starting new task).  At the end of the time, it can trigger the WDA event.  This timer won't be disrupted by the server side events.

Similar Messages

  • Avoid rendering of (view,component Usage embedded on TAB) on Timed Trigger

       I have a WD application build based on header ( icons; normal label; input elements ) , a timed trigger and a tab strip which has 3 tabs. The 3 tabs have View container element for whcih i am attaching 3 views of the same component .  TAB A part which i am viewing holds a image. The Timed Trigger is needed to enable icon on the header. This is happening well after my delay time of 60 SECS. But this one is having impact of regenerating the image again ( due to the rendering ) which is not at all required.  I want to have the rendering only for the above header part only.   But as i heard from Thomas post that after the phase cycle is done. rendering loads all the views, component usages embedded for the VIEW.
    conditonally i am doing the action of CANCEL NAVIGATION in WDDOBEFORENAVIGATION  when Timed Trigger fires.Due to this one i could avoid the MODIFYVIEW calls of the respective views embedded; but i could not avoid the rendering of the IMAGE ( TAB A ).
    Is there any way to avoid the rendering on those tabs part ( 3 views embedded ). I could see that DELTA rendering is enabled for my sap version but it would be not much help.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Satish A.

    Hi Alex.
    I already tried this. But a bit different. One of my component should have different entry views. So I defined multiple interface inbound plugs in the window of the subcomponent. In the corresponding (inbound) handler methods of the window I fired corresponding outbound plugs which were connected to different views. The main component had different links which were connected to the corresponding interface inbound plugs of the embedded component.
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    Now when I rest the component before navigating everything works fine.
    But thanks for the hint.

  • Doubts in geting Delay in Timed Trigger

    Hi All,
    We are trying to implement Timed Trigger UI in our Application. As per blog by Valery /people/valery.silaev/blog/2006/11/27/final-countdown We were able to successfully show the timer in the Front end.
    <u>My Question</u> here is When this timer reaches last 60 secs i want to give a message to the user stating his time expiration.
    <u>My Work Around</u>
    I placed another Timed Trigger UI in my View which by default will not be visible at runtime. Placed a delay of 60 secs. So for every delay an Action will be called. In this action i m checking the delay of the previous Timed Trigger and when the delay reaches 60 secs an message is given to the user provided if no event has taken place in the View.
           I know that the timer running in the application is not accurate. For every event taking place in the View a minute delay surely occurs.
    Is there a way to achieve this????
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Baskaran,
    Thanks, I  use the code generator but now I'm having trouble in filling in the parameters. Especially in the message id which I'm not sure what to fill in, any advice?
    *get message manager
      DATA lo_api_controller     TYPE REF TO if_wd_controller.
      DATA lo_message_manager    TYPE REF TO if_wd_message_manager.
      lo_api_controller ?= wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
      CALL METHOD lo_api_controller->get_message_manager
        message_manager = lo_message_manager
    *report message
    CALL METHOD lo_message_manager->report_success
       message_text              = 'file is ready'
    *  params                    =
    *  msg_user_data             =
    *  is_permanent              = ABAP_FALSE
    *  scope_permanent_msg       = CO_MSG_SCOPE_CONTROLLER
    *  view                      =
    *  show_as_popup             =
    *  controller_permanent_msg  =
    *  msg_index                 =
    *  cancel_navigation         =
    *  enable_message_navigation =
      message_id                =

  • Timed Trigger timer resets when text is eneterd in TEXTEDIT

    I have a java WD applcation, where the requirement is to Auto Save the contents of a view with several Text Edits automatically after 10 minutes, so that the data gets saved while the user is writing (and it is saved if he forgets to save the content and logs out or power goes off).
    For the same, i have used a Timed Trigger Element which calles a method to save the contents in the textedits. But the problem is, it is not behaving as espected.
    The Timed Trigger element's timer resets even when text is entered in the textedit, though i was under an impresseion that the Timed Triggers timer resets only when there is a request from clent to sever.
    pls tell me how to rectify this issue.
    Edited by: rana brata de on Sep 9, 2010 5:27 AM

    Ensure that you do not have any events which are triggered by changes in the TextEdit control.

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    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER set_fine AFTER UPDATE OF amountowed ON fines
    :new.amountowed := (:new.amountowed) + sysdate + (((10/(24*60)));
    AFTER UPDATE OF fines ON amountowed
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    My tutor said my syntax is wrong and I need to fix it, any help?

    Is it syntax or structure that doesn't work?yes ;)
    Your syntax is wrong.
    You want to update a certain value every ten minutes? Then the structure is also wrong. In this case you'll want a job (DBMS_JOB) which fires every ten minutes.

  • Time Trigger in Web dynpro

    How to use time trigger in web-dynpro without refreshing the page?
         If it's not possible then is there any alternate way to run a timmer in an web-dynpro application?

    You can use "TIMED_TRIGGER" UI elemant provided by WebDynpro. You can Bind Delay property to the interval of autorefresh.
    Please use below link for more information.
    [Documentation for Timed Trigger UI Element|]

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    Hi Seb,
    the only solution is to use the TimedTriggerUI to get your browser doing a refresh. Even if you would have a thread running which polls yours backend, the server has no possibility to send this to your http client (browser).
    With the timed trigger your browser refreshes (connects) in intervals to the java app server. This events can be used to poll changes.
    Best regards,

  • How to use 2 Time trigger UI elements

    Hi Experts,
      My user doesn't want to see the time out error in the webdynpro application after leaving(idle mode) the browser for hours. And one more thing is he wants a popup for every 15mnts to show a message on the screen.
    So, I have used 2 Time Trigger UI elements to achieve this functionality,
          1st one(Time Trigger UI Element) is used to show the pop up message and It is working fine to show the message in a Pop Up .
          2nd one is used to handle the Time Out Error for hours and this is not working as expected, if user leaves the browser for hours .
    I hope you understand my requirement and issue.
    Could you please suggest me how to achieve this functionality.
    1000 Thanks in advance.

    If I set the 3 hours to 2nd Time Trigger UI element and tested after 2 hours and browser is still throwing the time out error message.
    After 2hrs is the time out error throwing by the Timed trigger or the standard session time out? I believe after 2 hrs the standard session time out is throwing! You need to give the delay time less than your session time out.
    You can get the session timeout using wdr_task=>server->session_timeout ( in mins ) And you can get the application server time out using
    data: name type pfeparname,
            value type pfepvalue.
      name = 'rdisp/plugin_auto_logout'.   " parameter
      call 'C_SAPGPARAM' id 'NAME'  field name
                                        id 'VALUE' field value.   " value contains time out 

  • How to use start and reference trigger on HI-Scope digitizer

    I would like to ask about the start and reference trigger with PCI-5124.
    I found an sample VI on the following link, however it doesn't work as I expected.
    The VI "" can detect both start and reference trigger in my system and they start data acquisition.
    It starts data acquisition when both start and reference triggers are input.
    However what I would like to do is:
     1. Sampling rate at 200MHz with record length 1500 with one channel.
     2. Receive the start trigger (i.e. 50Hz)
     3. Receive the reference trigger (i.e. 50kHz)
     4. For every reference trigger, I would like to acquire the data, i.e. acquiring 1500 data for each 100 reference trigger (not with the combination with the start trigger)
    Start trigger: _|^|_________________________________________
    Ref   trigger:______|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|____
                                       ^    ^    ^    ^   ^   ^   ^   ^    ^    ^   ^    ^    ^   ^  
                                     trigger timings that I would like to acquire
    With the sample VI "start_and...", I found that it acquires when both start and reference trigger comes and the data acquisition is only after the one reference trigger. 
    I hope my explanation is understandable and I can have a solution soon.

    Hi Tom 1225,
    Thanks for posting on Discussion Forum.  Based on your statement, I guess, what you want PCI-5124 to do is what general bench-top type oscilloscopes do.  To realize that functionality, at the end of each sampling of a record length, PCI-5124 has to rearm its trigger for its next sampling.  The amount of "rearm time" is listed in "trigger" section on 5124 manual, said that the rearm time is 10[us] when TDC is ON and 2[us] when TDC is OFF.  So, we have to keep in mind that, if one waveform of measured signal is shorter than 2[us] (TDC OFF), more than one waveform may fail to kick the trigger, because 5124 still rearming its trigger.     
    I made two samples and attached them on this post.  
    In "Sample SW Timing", trigger rearm occurs at software timing, when the time NI-Scope Start function is called.  In "Sample HW Timing", trigger rearm occurs at hardware timing.  As seen on the block diagram, for a hardware timing trigger rearm, the number in "number of records" of horizontal setting function should be equal to the times of the trigger-based measurements.  If you have any question on my sample VIs, feel free to ask.  If my post resolves your problem, please click on the green "解決策に決定" icon on my post.  
    Osamu Fujioka
    Applications Enginner 
    National Instruments Japan
    Sample SW Timing Trigger ‏28 KB
    Sample HW Timing Trigger ‏31 KB

  • Pass parameter to DB trigger

    Hi All
    I wanted to pass a parameter to DB trigger via forms 6i. Please explain me how to do it.
    Thanking You

    Lakmal, Forms does not 'talk' to DB triggers. It all depends on what you are trying to achieve.
    A database trigger does not accept parameters - other than the :OLD and :NEW values of the table/view to which it is attached.
    If you want to influence the behavior of a trigger you will need a some kind of DB function in your trigger.
    As an example, we use a function to determine if the trigger should fire.
    if pkg.fire_db_trigger(:new.column_x)
    do the DB trigger code
    end if;

  • Trigger-digital pattern

    I would like to use "digital pattern" to control a/d acquisition. i.e. a start pulse on one line and a stop pulse on another. I am using a USB 6251. This menu item is grayed out. Does that mean SE does not support it or my USB device? Any work arounds?

    Hi Chuck,
    The USB 6251 and our other M series devices do not have the ability to trigger off a "digital pattern".  Digital Pattern triggering is supported by some of our Digital I/O boards such as the PCI 6533 / 6534.  Is there a reason you require two lines to start and stop the analog input acquisition?  Can you just use one line with on and off states (high and low)?  Also, is there an actual digital pattern you must recognize before turning "on" and "off" the analog input?  I don't know of any way without some external hardware to accomplish a hardware timed digital pattern trigger.  With more information on exactly what type of pattern you are trying to recognize there might be a workaround.  You could accomplish software timed digital pattern triggering by just reading in the digital lines and turning on and off the analog input in software.  However, if you're looking to use a hardware timed trigger to just turn your analog input on and off.  I would recommend looking at using a counter to generate a continuous pulse train to be used as the sample clock of your analog input.  This way you could use the "on" and "off" lines to toggle the gate or use one line to turn the gate on or off.  This would turn the sample clock on and off and allow you to control when samples are taken.  You would just need to set the source of your sample clock to be the output of the counter.  I would take a look at the Gen Dig Pulse example (Help » Find Examples » Hardware Input and Output » DAQmx » Generating Digital Pulses) and see if it will allow you the control over the sample clock that you require. 
    Paul C.

  • Trigger Solenoid Valve (Digital Output)

    I was wondering wether it is possible to use a trigger to send a signal to a digital output. I currently have to send a signal to a solenoid valve when the slope of the data I am acquiring starts to become negative. I know LabVIEW can do triggered data acquisition but can it send a signal to a digital output based on a trigger (falling edge)? I already know what code the signal should send. However, i tried without success. I am relatively new to LabVIEW and would really appreciate any help.
    Attachments: ‏76 KB

    Hi M^2,
    If all your trying to do is a software timed trigger as shown in the vi that
    you provided, theres a few things that I would change.  First off, I would
    create the digital output channel and start it prior to the loop.  Second,
    I would initialize the value of the digital output to high (I was using an
    inverse logic LED output) prior to the loop.  Then after the trigger is
    found, write the digital output to the opposite (low).  In addition, I
    changed the DAQmx read to 1 channel with N samples (1D DBL).  This seemed
    more appropriate if you’re just using one analog input channel. 
    I've gone ahead and uploaded the code I modified.  This is setup to my
    parameters.  Basically, I triggered when my thermocouple voltage rising
    edge went over 0.29V.  You will need to change these settings back to what
    you need for your application.  Also, I wanted to note that once the
    digital output is changed low when the trigger is found it will remain low
    until changed high again.
    I hope this helps,
    Paul C.
    Message Edited by Paul C. on 08-16-2007 03:34 PM
    Moses_SBE_SSE_Triggered_Continuous_Acquisition (REVISED).vi ‏81 KB

  • Action handler for timeout session

    Hi experts,
         When any web dynpro application stays inactive for a long time its session gets ended. When you want to access it you will get a error like The following error text was processed in the system ECN : User session (HTTP/SMTP/..) closed after timeout .
    Any idea how to catch this event i.e. when it is getting timedout?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Monishankar C

    Hi Aditya ,
      I have created a ui element 'Timed Trigger' in my view and also created a action. Now i have put a debugger in that and executed  my application. After some time the user session is get closed when i have tried use the application but the debugger not popped up.
    So how can i come to know this action has been triggered.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Monishankar C

  • How do I insert multiple rows from a single form ...

    How do I insert multiple rows from a single form?
    This form is organised by a table. (just as in an excel format)
    I have 20 items on a form each row item has five field
    +++++++++++ FORM AREA+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    +Product| qty In | Qty Out | Balance | Date +
    +Item1 | textbox1 | textbox2 | textbox3 | date +
    + |value = $qty_in1|value= &qty_out1|value=$balance1|value=$date1 +
    +Item 2 | textbox1 | textbox2 | textbox4 | date +
    + |value = $qty_in2|value= $qty_out1|value=$balance2|value=$date2 +
    + Item3 | textbox1 | textbox2 | textbox3 | date +
    + contd | | | +
    + item20| | | | +
    + + + SUBMIT + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    Database Structure
    + Stock_tabe +
    + refid +
    + item +
    + Qty In +
    + Qty Out +
    + Balance +
    + Date +
    Let's say for example user have to the use the form to enter all 10 items or few like 5 on their stock form into 4 different textbox field each lines of your form, however these items go into a "Stock_table" under Single insert transaction query when submit button is pressed.
    Please anyone help me out, on how to get this concept started.

    I have a way to do this, but it would take some hand coding on your part. If you feel comfortable hand writing php code and doing manual database calls, specificaly database INSERT calls you should be fine.
    Create a custom form using the ADDT Custom Form Wizard that has all the rows and fields you need. This may take a bit if you are adding the ability for up to 20 rows, as per your diagram of the form area. The nice thing about using ADDT to create the form is that you can setup the form validation at the same time. Leave the last step in the Custom Form Wizard blank. You can add a custom database call here, but I would leave it blank.
    Next, under ADDT's Forms Server Behaviors, select Custom Trigger. At the Basic tab, you enter your custom php code that will be executed. Here you are going to want to put your code that will check if a value has been entered in the form and then do a database INSERT operation on the Stock_table with that row. The advanced tab lets you set the order of operations and the name of the Custom Trigger. By default, it is set to AFTER. This means that the Custom Trigger will get executed AFTER the form data is processed by the Custom Form Transaction.
    I usually just enter TEST into the "Basic" tab of the Custom Trigger. Then set my order of operations in the "Advanced" tab and close the Custom Trigger. Then I go to the code view for that page in Dreamweaver and find the Custom Trigger function and edit the code manually. It's much easier this way because the Custom Trigger wizard does not show you formatting on the code, and you don't have to keep opening the Wizard to edit and test your code.
    Your going to have to have the Custom Trigger fuction do a test on the submitted form data. If data is present, then INSERT into database. Here's a basic example of what you need to do:
    In your code view, the Custom Trigger will look something like this:
    function Trigger_Custom(&$tNG) {
    if($tNG->getColumnValue("Item_1")) {
    $item1 = $tNG->getColumnValue("Item_1");
    $textbox1_1 = $tNG->getColumnValue("Textbox_1");
    $textbox1_2 = $tNG->getColumnValue("Textbox_2");
    $textbox1_3 = $tNG->getColumnValue("Textbox_3");
    $date1 = $tNG->getColumnValue("Textbox_3");
    $queryAdd = "INSERT INTO Stock_table
    (item, Qty_In, Qty_Out, Balance, Date) VALUES($item1, $textbox1_1, $textbox1_2, $textbox1_3, $date1)"
    $result = mysql_query($queryAdd) or die(mysql_error());
    This code checks to see if the form input field named Item_1 is set. If so, then get the rest of the values for the first item and insert them into the database. You would need to do this for each row in your form. So the if you let the customer add 20 rows, you would need to check 20 times to see if the data is there or write the code so that it stops once it encounters an empty Item field. To exit a Custom Trigger, you can return NULL; and it will jump out of the function. You can also throw custom error message out of triggers, but this post is already way to long to get into that.
    $tNG->getColumnValue("Item_1") is used to retrieve the value that was set by the form input field named Item_1. This field is named by the Custom Form Wizard when you create your form. You can see what all the input filed names are by looking in the code view for something like:
    // Add columns
    $customTransaction->addColumn("Item_1", "STRING_TYPE", "POST", "Item_1");
    There will be one for each field you created with the Custom Form Wizard.
    Unfortunately, I don't have an easy way to do what you need. Maybe there is a way, but since none of the experts have responded, I thought I would point you in a direction. You should read all you can about Custom Triggers in the ADDT documentation/help pdf to give you more detailed information about how Custom Triggers work.
    Hope this helps.

  • Notification Service in Web Dynpro for Java?

    Hello Experts,
    I'm new on the topic "web dynpro for java" and have a question about a real-time-notification of web dynpro clients.
    In web dynpro for abap ther is apparently a new solution called "Notification Service" (since NW 7.0 Ehp2).
    But I found no hints how to solve the problem of a real-time notification in web dynpro for java.
    Requirements for short: The server can trigger a refresh in one or more web dynpro clients.
    Requirements a liitle more extended:
    1. A web dynpro is running in a browser and shows data it gets from a DataBase table1
    2. Now a function module1 is started by an event and changes the data in table1 on the server side, the web dynpro does not know about this event or the changes made by external components.
    3. These changed data should be visible immediately in the running web dynpro after the event occurd --> trigger a refresh of the web dynpro from the function module1?
    All I actually know is that: The web dynpro can update its context with the new data from table1 after a refresh of the gui (wddomodifiyview). Using a timed trigger I can get new data after x seconds (same way --> context update and gui refresh). Is there another way to refresh the web dynpro (that noticed requirements of #3) ?
    Anja Hormann

    I recommend that you create another Web Dynpro application with this Timer to execute an RFC. This application would be in a Web Dynpro iView hidden from your SAP EP and shoot an event that would be captured by another application.
    However I would take great care with this type of application.
    And to answer your question at the moment, to my knowledge, there is no solution for this kind of integration between the ABAP and JAVA.

Maybe you are looking for

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