Best deal for RAM ?

Hi Mac Gurus. It's time to replace my 466SE Clamshell so I'm looking to Buy new MacBook .
As Mac user from '99 I know how important is ram for Mac to work flawlessly. Any idea wich internet store has best deals on MacBook RAM.

I recommend OWC also, but for RAM they are a bit higher than others that are known to work.
I use Patriot from New Egg in both my first gen G5 iMac and my BlackBook and I have never had a RAM related error.
G.SKILL is another "known good" brand with many Mac users.

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    My first thought would be to get you and your daughter a shared EE plan.
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    phantom_tran wrote:
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    OK. It was just that the one you had seemed like a decent machine already.
    The prices seem so close that I would be inclined to go with the refurb i7 / 8GB RAM / 750GB storage model. But all the models have more CPU and disk space than you need for the tasks you listed, except maybe gaming where Macs are usually weak because of the graphics card. But I guess since you had an Intel 3000 graphics card the 4000 isn't a step back.
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    *Other World Computing:* _http://www.macsales.com_
    I have purchased RAM from them for four different Macs and it always been cheap and performed flawlessly. You can get 2x2GB for less than a hundred dollars -- I just did it last week.

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    Malcolm Rayfield wrote:
    OWC's Netlist brand uses the sheet-metal heatsink. Their standard memory uses a finned heatsink. They aren't listing any Netlist memory for the new Mac Pro now.
    right here:

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    Have less applications running at the same time.
    Reboot more frequently.
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    Ditto, ditto, ditto on all of the previous posts. I've done four long form documentaries.
    First I listen to all the the sound bytes and digitize only the ones that I think I will need. I will take in much more than I use, but I like to transcribe bytes from the non-linear timeline. It's easier for me.
    I had so many interviews in the last doc that I gave each interviewee a bin. You must decide how you want to organize the sound bytes. Do you want a bin for each interviewee or do you want to do it by subject. That will depend on you documentary and subject matter.
    I then have b-roll bins. Sometime I base them on location and sometimes I base them on subject matter. This last time I based them on location because I would have a good idea of what was in each bin by remembering where and when it was shot.
    Perhaps, you weren't at the shoot and do not have this advantage. It's crucial that you organize you b-roll bins in a way that makes sense to you.
    I then have music bins and bins for my voice over.
    Many folks recommend that you work in small sequences and nest. This is a good idea for long form stuff. That way you don't get lost in the timeline.
    I also make a "used" bin. Once I've used a shot I pull it out of the bin and put it "away" That keeps me from repeatedly looking at footage that I've already used.
    The previous posts are right. If you've digitized 45 hours of footage you've put in too much. It's time to start deleting some media. Remember that when you hit the edit suite, you should be one the downhill slide. You should have a script and a clear idea of where you're going.
    I don't have enough fingers to count the number of times that I've had producers walk into my edit suite with a bunch of raw tape and tell me that that "want to make something cool." They generally have no idea where they're going and end up wondering why the process is so hard.
    Refine your story and base your clip selections on that story.
    Good luck
    Dual 2 GHz Power Mac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    I hope all the 50000 spare parts are maintained as stock items.
    1. Based on the usage of those spare parts, try to define safety stock & define MRP as "Reorder Point Planning". By this, you can avoid petty cash purchase.
    2. By keeping the spare parts (atleast critical components) in stock, Planned Maintenance as well as unplanned maintenance will not get delayed.
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    There is no requirement that DAO's have a direct mapping to Database Tables. One of the advantages of the DAO pattern is that the business layer isn't directly aware of the persistence layer. If the joined data is used in the business code as if it were an unnormalized table, then you might want to provide a DAO for the joined data. If the joined data provides a subsiduray object within some particular object, you might add the access method to the DAO for the outer object.
    In a user permissioning system where:
    1 user has many userRoles
    1 role has many userRoles
    1 role has many rolePermissions
    1 permission has many rolePermissions
    ie. there is a many to many relationship between users and roles, and between roles and permissions.
    The administrator needs to be able to add and delete permissions for roles and roles for users, so the crud for the rolePermissions table is probably most useful in the RoleDAO, and the crud for the userRoles table in the UserDAO. DOA's also can call each other.
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    The Everything Packs only include UK calls, text & data. So if you have no credit you won't be able to use it abroad. Once you top up you will be able to call & text from abroad, but no data for which you will need a Euro add-on.

  • MOVED: Best choice for new RAM on nForce SLI Platinum

    This topic has been moved to Overclockers & Modding Corner.
    Best choice for new RAM on nForce SLI Platinum

    Quote from: dmostert on 06-April-05, 17:39:39
    So it would then seem that going for the tighter PC3200 RAM is better that going for the more relaxed PC4000 RAM    
    It would also seem that the Corsair is a slightly better buy than the Kingston    In general, which overclocks better Corsair or Kingston?
    Kingstone have a reputation for producing faster compatible memory to replace that found in HP, compaq's etc. Corsair do have a reputation for producing memory for overlockers. Note that dosn't mean memory which overlclocks, it means memory which overlockers can use to push the FSB harder and overlock the CPU.
    This is really not a problem for AMD64 users. P4 systems have a poor memory peroformance, and hate running asych. You can push an AMD64 by running the memory asynch without noticing from my expericnace testing my system.
    My current system is running at 305 FSB, 1/180 devisor for 275mhz. Everest benchmarks my latency at 43ns, read speed 7300mb/s, write speed 2800mb/s. 

  • Question: Best practices for dealing with multiple AM configurations

    Hello all,
    I have a project using ADF Business Components and ADF Faces. I would like to set up multiple configurations for the Application Modules to support the following scenarios:
    1). Local testing and debugging - using a connection defined in JDeveloper and AM Pooling turned off.
    2). Testing and debugging on an application server - using a JDBC Data Source and AM Pooling turned off
    3). Production deployment - using a JDBC Data Source and AM Pooling turned on.
    It is no problem to create multiple AM configurations to reflect this scenario. In order for the web part of the application to use the correct configurations, the DataBindings.cpx file must specify the correct ones. I was thinking to have 3 different DataBindings.cpx files and to change the CpxFileName context-param in the web.xml file as needed.
    My questions:
    1). Does this make sense as an approach? It should be better than having to change a single AM configuration every time I deploy or test. Is there any easy way to keep multiple DataBIndings.cpx files in synch, given that we may add new pages from time-to-time? Alternatively, can we do some type of "include" processing to include just the dataControlUsages section into a common DataBindings.cpx file?
    2). How would you manage the build-and-deploy process? For the most part, in JDev we would be using configuration #1. The only time to switch to configuration #2 or #3 would be to build an EAR file for deployment. Is this something that it would make sense to accomplish with ANT? I'm not an ANT expert at all. The ANT script would have "build-test-ear" and "build-prod_ear" targets which would swap in a correct web.xml file, recompile everything, build the EAR, then put the development web.xml file back. I'm relatively sure this is possible... comments?
    3). Is there some other recommended approach?
    I appreciate any insights from experience, or even just ideas or thoughts that I can test out.
    Best regards,

    Hi K,
    Sorry for the long long delay in responding I've been traveling - and thanks for the e-mail tickler too...
    To answer your question in short, I do think that ANT is the right way to go; there is an extra ANT task called XMLTask that I was able to download and play with, and it seems it would make this manipulation of the cpx file (or the xcfg file, for that matter) pretty straightforward. I don't have any code to post; it's just in the conceptual stage for me right now. I didn't see anything magical in JDev 11 TP3 that solved this problem for me either.
    Having said all of that, it's more complicated than it might appear. In addition to the DataBindings.cpx file (stores, among other things, which AM configuration to use for each data control), it's certainly possible to programmatically access an AM (specifying the configuration either directly in the code or via a properties file/etc). I'm not sure what the most common use case for AM configurations is, but in my case, I have a Test configuration and a Prod configuration. The Test config, among other things, disables AM pooling. When I am developing/testing, I always use the Test config; in Production, I always use the Prod config. Perhaps the best way for me to do this would be to have an "Active" config and use ANT tasks to copy either Test or Prod to "Active." However, our Subversion repository is going to have a few complaints about this.

  • Best practices for dealing with Exceptions on storage members

    We recently encountered an issue where one of our DistributedCaches was terminating itself and restarting due to an RuntimeException being thrown from our code (see below). As usual, the issue was in our own code and we have updated it to not throw a RuntimeException under any circumstances.
    I would like to know if there are any best practices for Exception handling, other than catching Exceptions and logging them. Should we always trap Exceptions and ensure that they do not bubble back up to code that is running from the Coherence jar? Is there a way to configure Coherence so that our DistributedCaches do not terminate even when custom Filters and such throw RuntimeExceptions?
    thanks, Aidan
    Exception below:
    2010-02-09 12:40:39.222/88477.977 Oracle Coherence GE 3.4.2/411 <Error> (thread=DistributedCache:StyleCache, member=48): An exception (java.lang.RuntimeException) occurred reading Message AggregateFilterRequest Type=31 for Service=DistributedCache{Name=StyleCache, State=(SERVICE_STARTED), LocalStorage=enabled, PartitionCount=1021, BackupCount=1, AssignedPartitions=201, BackupPartitions=204}
    2010-02-09 12:40:39.222/88477.977 Oracle Coherence GE 3.4.2/411 <Error> (thread=DistributedCache:StyleCache, member=48): Terminating DistributedCache due to unhandled exception: java.lang.RuntimeException

    Bob - Here is the full stacktrace:
    2010-02-09 13:04:22.653/90182.274 Oracle Coherence GE 3.4.2/411 <Error> (thread=DistributedCache:StyleCache, member=47): An exception (java.lang.RuntimeException) occurred reading Message AggregateFilterRequest Type=31 for Service=DistributedCache{Name=StyleCache, State=(SERVICE_STARTED), LocalStorage=enabled, PartitionCount=1021, BackupCount=1, AssignedPartitions=205, BackupPartitions=204}
    2010-02-09 13:04:22.653/90182.274 Oracle Coherence GE 3.4.2/411 <Error> (thread=DistributedCache:StyleCache, member=47): Terminating DistributedCache due to unhandled exception: java.lang.RuntimeException
    2010-02-09 13:04:22.653/90182.274 Oracle Coherence GE 3.4.2/411 <Error> (thread=DistributedCache:StyleCache, member=47):
    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.edmunds.vehicle.Style$PublicationState
         at com.edmunds.common.coherence.EdmundsEqualsFilter.readExternal(
         at com.tangosol.util.filter.ArrayFilter.readExternal(
         at com.tangosol.util.filter.ArrayFilter.readExternal(
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.Service.readObject(Service.CDB:4)
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.DistributedCache$
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.Grid.onNotify(Grid.CDB:117)
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.DistributedCache.onNotify(DistributedCache.CDB:3)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.edmunds.vehicle.Style$PublicationState
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(
         at com.edmunds.common.coherence.EdmundsEqualsFilter.readExternal(
         ... 25 more
    2010-02-09 13:04:23.122/90182.743 Oracle Coherence GE 3.4.2/411 <Info> (thread=Main Thread, member=47): Restarting Service: StyleCacheOur code was doing something simple like
    catch(Exception e){
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    }Would using the ensureRuntimeException call do anything for us here?
    Edited by: aidanol on Feb 12, 2010 11:41 AM

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