I'm trying to get Motion back up and running. Can somebody help me out? See my specs below.
Thank you very much!

Hello Patrick,
And thank you very much for chiming in. I was having some trouble with Compressor a few weeks back, so I was instructed to uninstall C along with Motion. I was given a step by step guide for re-installing C and I did. But now I'm Motionless.
Hope that answers it for you.
I'm usually cautious before I make these kinds of decisions. That's why I'm having a hard time deciding what to do. I'm definitely looking forward to getting my system back up and running full-force though.
Take care,

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    See for tips on your split albums.
    Look at some of your missing files and get info, cancelling any request to locate the file. It should show where iTunes thinks the file ought to be. Compare this to where the file actually is. You might find there is something consistent in the difference in which case it may be possible to move files back to where iTunes would like them to be.

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    Have you tried running DSKCHK to possibly repair any faulty sectors? I really don't know what cloning would do for you in this case. Anything that is corrupted would be "cloned over" as corrupted (except for bad sectors). 
    Good luck!

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    Uggh! What a PITA you're facing.
    If you know what you are doing, before you go too far down this path, you could try further debugging on your own with the Console log and/or something from one of the host of third-party, software/hardware integrity checking apps. However, it seems you've already gone that far or more with Apple Support.
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    In addition, you might be best to avoid the Apple Migration tool. This later means you have to do app-by-app resets of registration and preferences, hopefully while looking at the equivalent on your MBP.
    Perhaps since bad luck comes in three's, this will be the end of it for you.
    Good luck ... let us know what happens.

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    Mac OS 10.8.4
    2.53 GHz Intel Core i5
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    If there is only one account, your Wife's, than you can just drag the "Macintosh HD" onto a large enough external hard drive. (***I would highly suggest you check to make sure the same amount of GB are on both drives after you have moved it all over to the external hard drive. You can do this by:
              Click on the Apple in the left top corner.
              Click about this Mac
              Click more info
              Click storage
    hope this solution works!)
    To reinstall Mountain Lion from scratch, follow these instructions below:
    Choose Apple menu > Restart. Once your Mac restarts (and the gray screen appears), hold down the Command (⌘) and R keys.
    If you’re not connected to the Internet, choose a network from the Wi-Fi menu (in the top-right corner of the screen).
    Select Disk Utility, and then click Continue.
    Select your startup disk from the list on the left, and then click the Erase tab.
    From the Format pop-up menu, choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled), enter a name for your disk, and then click Erase.
    After the disk is erased, choose Disk Utility > Quit Disk Utility.
    Select Reinstall OS X, click Continue, and then follow the instructions.

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    Hi again,
    So I reinstalled 6.0.5 from the DVD, but it didn't created a sub folder for it and only Garageband 10 was able to launch.  I guess you can't install the older one if Garageband 10 exists, only the other way around.
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    Thanks everyone for the suggestions and help!

  • What is the best way to reinstall ?

    Hi, i need to reinstall Mac OSX 10.3.5 on my machine again. I would like to complety erase and reinstall it. Is there any guide to do that? I mean not the easy way but some way that will get away everythings and get a new version.
    I PS: I want to do that becouse I need to make sure any future problem is nothing related to some error on this version. my computer is worse than a Windowns and i have no ctrl, alt, del
    II PS: since i have this machine i got all the updates.
    Thanks, you are allways helpfull

    Here are some suggestions on installation:
    Panther: Archive and Install
    If you do not have your original install disks or a Full Retail Version you can get them at AppleRescue relatively inexpensively.
    If you have the Full Retail Version of Panther (computer specific disks for your computer) here is what you do.
    1. Warning: Although we will use Archive and Install there is always a risk something can go wrong. As a precaution back up your User Folder and any third party applications you can't afford to lose.
    2. Check to see if you have the latest Firmware Update
    . Note: You must be in OS 9.1 or later to update firmware
    3. Boot from the install disk holding down the C key.
    4. Once booted go to the Installer Menu and open Disk Utility.
    To do a clean install see Notes below
    5. Run Repair Disk. If there are problems, run it until no problems are reported. If it reports that it can't repair the problems you might need TechTool Pro or Disk Warrior.
    6. While still in Disk Utility run Repair Permissions.
    7. Quit Disk Utility and open the Installer.
    8. Choose the option to Archive and Install. This saves your data in a Previous Systems folder, which you can retrieve after installation.
    9. You might want to Customize and deselect Foreign Language Translations and Additional Printer Drivers to save Hard Drive space.
    10. Proceed with installation.
    11. After installation is complete computer will restart. Follow prompts and set up computer.
    12. Open Disk Utility (Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility) and Repair Permissions.
    13. Go online and download updates, or go to Software Update under the Apple Menu and update your OS.
    14. Transfer your User Folder from Previous Systems folder.
    NOTE (below):
    To do a clean install:
    Follow steps 1 through 4 above.
    a. In Disk Utility select your HD in left panel and Erase in main panel.
    b. Be sure Volume Format is Mac OS Extended and the checkbox Mac OS 9 Drivers Installed is checked.
    c. Select Options at bottom left in Erase panel. WARNING! This procedure will erase the contents of your entire HDD. Be sure you back up anything you cannot afford to lose!
    Select option to zero all data. Click OK. Click Erase.
    This process will take a while, so this is a good time to take a long walk or call your mother
    d. After HDD is erased resume at No. 7 above.
    Post back with any questions or comments.
    Good luck.

  • Best way to reinstall 10.6?

    A few hours ago I migrated all the files, settings, users, etc., from an old machine to a new one. I do not like the outcome. I want to try the Migration Assistant again.
    Here is what I think would work:
    On the new machine I erase the drive and reinstall Snow Leopard and the applications. This will "put me back" to the status of the way the new machine existed when purchased. Then try the Migration Assistant one more time.
    Will this work?

    V.K., the way you say that ("...if that's what you really want to do.") makes me think you see a better way; I want to hear it.
    I just assumed that using Migration Assistant would be the surest way to get everything — passwords, software registration/serial numbers, preferences, etc. That was why I chose Migration Assistant, but I'm open to anything.

  • DVD Data discs music backup- Best way to reinstall?

    I'm trying to recover from an external drive holding over 1TB of my music files go down. I have 95 percent of the files copied to another drive, which is the good news.
    I have several hundred other cd's to get back into the library. I didn't get to backing up many, so I'll have to re-rip, Grrrrr.... I have many cd's backed up on Data DVD (Apple Lossless files). My question is what is the easiest way to get these DVD Data cd's back into the library?
    I know I may have to re-do the artwork and I don't use ratings etc. I just need to know if I can drag and drop the Data DVD's into my new library folder (on another ext. drive). Will Itunes auto magically match them to the album etc.? Or do I have to import album by album and go through it line by line. Itunes is back up and running but without the missing five percent of my music.
    Maybe I should start another thread but I didn't use the newer method of the DVD restore/backup disc. I was aware of it but I didn't understand how to use it in my situation. I had over 1tb that I had copied to a backup drive. I would also make Data DVD's over the years, along the way as another backup. To make the backup/restore discs it doesn't seem to let you pick the files to put on it. You can only do the entire collection or items added or changed since last backup. My IMAC doesn't know what I did for my last backup. I dragged and dropped from one hard drive to another without using Time Machine etc.
    Any advice/help much appreciated.

    Do these files still exist in the iTunes library or did you have to re-create that too?
    If they do exist there then you can copy the files to the new location but will then have to re-link the files one by one from the library to the new location (so the ! disappears).
    If they are not in the library, or you don't mind losing some information such as playlist association, rathings, and playcount, you can copy them to the drive, then drag the files to the iTunes library and basically re-add them as new tracks. You may then have to use scripts such as available on [Dougscripts| op=y] to clear your library of duplicates which are hte old unlinked file references.

  • Best way to reinstall OS

    my computer is VERY sluggish. i get the spinning beach ball all the time, even when only mail and safari are open, and more than 30% of my HD is free. i think i will have to erase the disc and reinstall everything. will i have to reinstall all my applications? will i lose all my settings, preferences, passwords, bookmarks etc? what is the difference between cloning my hard drive with an application like super duper and the time machine backups?
    you advice is appreciated!

    thank you! now i am clear about the differences between backups and cloning.
    i am not sure that archive and install will solve my problems but i will try and let you know (my computer seems to be in serious trouble and the last time machine backups have failed).
    however, if i do need to erase the disc and install it newly from time machine - will i have to put in all the registration codes for the apps? (hope i find them...) and what about updates? apps that i downloaded from the internet (i didn't keep the installers)? will i lose all my mail settings, keychains, preferences etc...
    i have a ton of important info on my stickies. will it all be saved?
    and another question - do i first have to install the OS from the original disc? it was updated a bunch of times - will time machine install the updates?
    thank you so much!

  • What is the best way to reinstall my OS (10.9.1) and applications on a 2009 Model ID: 10,1 iMac?

    Hello All at Apple Support,
    I have a 2009 iMac and it's time to replace the hard drive before it fails. I've searched a lot of sites and found this hard drive: Toshiba (by Hitachi) 2.0TB DT01ACAxx series (3.5 inch SATA 6GB/7200rpm/64mb cache) at Other World Computing. My current hard drive is a Hitachi HDT721050SLA360 500GB. I was told to only use a Hitachi drive on this iMac model. I'm planning on using the iFixit user guide when replacing the drive. My question relates to after the drive is installed getting everthing back correctly. I have Time machine running on a external 1 TB hard drive. 
    Thank you,
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:          iMac
      Model Identifier:          iMac10,1
      Processor Name:          Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:          3.06 GHz
      Number of Processors:          1
      Total Number of Cores:          2
      L2 Cache:          3 MB
      Memory:          4 GB 

    First, locate your original OSX installer disc that came with your computer. You cannot use a retail Snow Leopard DVD.
    Second, after installing the new hard drive boot from the installer disc.
    Third, open Disk Utility from the installer disc's screen menu under Utilities.
    Fourth, partition and format your new drive.
    Fifth, install Snow Leopard.
    Sixth, open App Store and re-download Mavericks.
    Seventh, install Mavericks.

  • Best way to reinstall

    am getting new machine. will not use migration asst. do i have to install 1.0, upgrade to 2.0 and appy subsequent upgrades or can i just install 2.0 and provide the 1.0 key?

    I have just got a new MBP and I had Aperture V 1.5 originally on my imac, which was upgraded to V2 as an upgrade.
    Re-installing on my MBP was easy. Just load the original version, then install the upgrade and any subsequent updates, I wasn't even asked for the key. This I assume as you are allowed to install on a second machine you own, but you cannot run Aperture on two machines at the same time.
    It was all quite straight forward.

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    Happy Thanksgiving,

    The Best way is to round-trip from FCP. Or simply import the .motn file directly into FCP. If you require an alpha channel and for some reason don't want to bring the .motn file in, Animation with millions+ for the colors (+ is the alpha channel) will work, But if you just want straight DV, you should export a DV file.

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